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Everything posted by Scheveningen

  1. Misinformed comment about Lavender Town notwithstanding, as that's a hoax and a complete misunderstanding of the deal was about that; Yeah, you don't want people uploading the Loud Nigra Rainbow Ride Magic Missile BEES Remastered .ogg for everyone to hear. It doesn't befit a roleplay server, it's too silly/griefy. There are also concerns about copyright usage and uploading songs with such. If the jukebox is to be added any songs whatsoever, they need to be royalty-free kinds of Jazzy, and only the people with access to the box or something can edit whatever ogg the jukebox is playing. For example, anything by Kevin MacLeod counts, as he's composed over 2000 tracks of royalty-free music.
  2. Much better. Marked improvement to the original concept.
  3. rip I only just now realized how horrid this is to say out of context. It's darkly funny.
  4. Well, I do look forward to alcohol-poisoning related deaths. That'll be really fun.
  5. The less RNG that is in the game, the better.
  6. Security relies on many things to detain someone, not just flashes. The power of flashing has been significantly redistributed to suit another purpose, to set up for easier CQC or to disorient someone from being able to really do a well-executed resistance effort, without immediately deciding the conflict due to a stun mechanic being involved.
  7. I don't understand what you're accomplishing with this post.
  8. extend it to another week and yes do the other thing with a special detachment thats a great idea
  9. Hacked drones are incredibly powerful. They're small, ergo they have a very tiny hitbox, making it very difficult to hit them in melee. They utilize the vent system and their ability to hide under tables to evade combat. They have a full set of engineering tools and the capability to immediately recharge their resources. They're small, quick, and very difficult to corner. They are very destructive in the right or wrong hands when they get emagged.
  10. Two out of the three of the questions are pointless and the one question that does require an answer needs only a single sentence justification.
  11. When it gets out that NT had its own employees part of the Syndicate criminal organization, the only thing they could do is clean house and get new contractors in that are equally notorious for doing an excellent job of keeping a location secure.
  12. BYOND key: Scheveningen Character names of all involved: Wayward Vegabond of the Iron Hearth which Contains Many Voices of Dissent and Argument Raised from Concerns of Modern Living, Xiu-La Zhang, many others included in the album Documentation of the event, Link to post/Screenshot in game. If multiple screenshots please compose an album: https://imgur.com/a/raHJPdb Have you read the application rules?: i am not bound by these malleable social constructs you call 'rules.' i have read them, regardless. Have you made sure this incident didn't result in administrative action? i am utterly certain nobody cared enough to report this and even if it was reported, it probably wasnt an actual offense Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Why does this moment deserve a spot in the Hall Of Fame?: dead hour always produces the most vividly strange content appropriate to ss13. it is funny. you had to be there. Are you certain we are all laughing together are not shaming someone?: i laugh at you, garn. i laugh at you. Final thoughts/anything you want to add?: especially since garn banned discussion of traps in general. i will never forgive that.
  13. Maybe? I'm half on half on this. While I feel for borgs that want to be useful, secborgs tend to be the most volatile thing to touch in regards to how their energy reserves can make or break things.
  14. 'Head Security Chief' sounds a little redundant. He's chief of security chiefs on a station with no other security chiefs aside from themselves?
  15. More or less that's true, but part of the fun of SS13 is diving headfirst in to learn. You don't become among the most mechanically robust through reading guides. Practice makes perfect.
  16. Application denied. You may reapply on the next 30th of February in 2019.
  17. You proved my point as I said you would. Any time you take any heat you default to "I was just shitposting", "You're taking me too seriously", etc. This is your way of avoiding taking any responsibility. You have nothing else to say because there's no excuse to justify your behavior. You deliberately bait people and act surprised when they get baited.
  18. Why don't you just do what I suggested awhile back and just conceal names through unique radio identifiers instead of globally removing the radio.
  19. I'm gonna add a thing because I've had plenty of negative interactions with Burger. Not flat out defending Coalf here because god knows why his own temperament gets the better of him, but I hardly care, seeing as how it'd be dealt with if it happens again anyway. But Burger isn't an innocent victim here and he knows that he's still just as responsible for people reacting to him the way they do. It's absurdly difficult to unmask intentions from a reddit post, which is generally why it is a good idea to not post something with a hint of contentiousness about a server you play on, while on reddit. Not saying you can't, but I'm still gonna be judgmental and say it's flat-out stupid to backtrack and make excuses like "It was just shitposting, it wasn't serious" while not realizing that the only thing the subreddit thrives on is drama, half-truth, and sparse context. When your posts reek of legitimate agenda-posting that's expected of typical redditors, and people call the stink out, you probably need to recognize the problem that's being addressed. Whether you intend to or not, you're contributing drama to the subreddit, you're giving non-server regulars a poor impression of this server, and you're also giving server regulars a poor impression of what your supposed intentions are when you post these things on reddit. Not saying you should be punished over reddit shitposting, but your coziness around being controversial and inflammatory will most likely get you in trouble. It's frankly inconsiderate to the people you debate with when you recuse yourself with comments like "Stop taking it seriously, it wasn't meant for you to take it seriously" when it is such obviously set bait that you hope for people to bite. You then use this reaction when you suddenly get all serious to comment about how you were initially right in your supposed 'shitposting'. What did you expect? People to play nice around reactionary BS? Jesus. This is a poor form of seeking attention and you need to take responsibility for yourself on this, Burger. This is hardly an adult thing to do. What do you want, Burger? To be taken seriously or not? Can easily do one or the other but not both.
  20. They exist. They are thusly called, "Security Cadet, Engineering Apprentice, Lab Assistant, Medical Resident." The medical resident was previously known as the nursing intern. The name change was to suit a different dynamic. Well, they're dumb for assuming the knowledge of a medical resident. Or the character is. Whichever. This is an in-character nuance more than anything else, though. Anyway, the other jobs are entry-level positions and hardly need a bit of accreditation aside from what's cited on the wiki for the civilian jobs. You're supposed to spend the first round or so in that job to get a handle of the basic mechanics of the SS13 systems that get incredibly more complex (surprisingly) as soon as you get into the more sophisticated and in-depth roles that the wiki recommends you stay away from at first. Another thing about the 'new player friendly' thing. SS13 has traditionally always been 'new player unfriendly' but not necessarily due in part to the community; it's largely due to how high the learning curve is for an otherwise dated and not fully intuitive engine. It's easy to say SS13 is easy when you've played as long as I have (between 3-4 years), but there's pretty much a 50-50 split where people struggle immensely to get a hand of SS13 mechanics or they manage it through time and persistence. The variable that never changes is time. The question, "how can we make the game more newbie friendly" has been asked many times. The answer remains the same; "Why do you think it hasn't already been tried?" Inevitably, though, the steep learning curve is a way to hook certain types of players into the game to get them interested in the first place. There's no hand-holding to SS13. Your character can die instantly from a single mistake that couldn't have been prevented outside of your avatar not being there in the first place to get killed.
  21. How are antagonists supposed to benefit from this? They literally use the same methods of communication as the crew to stay ahead of the curve. The more you dilute information the harder it is to play the game. You have zero idea what to expect, and rounds tend to end in disaster when the usual forms of communication aren't viable in usage. When I say "disaster" I don't mean "a round that destabilized in a reasonable way that ended up being fun for almost everyone", I mean "disaster" as in "everything went so horridly long that few could argue they had any meaningful engagement in the round whatsoever."
  22. I'll take it in stride when you say you don't want to see my HOS seen out in the hallways, ever. Certain heads of staff are required to lead by example. Others are delegation-only roles in terms of expectations. The CMO, HOS, and CE are all 'lead by example' fellows. The expectations of the RD are not exactly clear-cut. The HOP and the captain are widely considered as delegation roles. It's mostly taken under the consideration of, "Why would I hire someone that sits around ordering people what to do only as a head of staff when this other person is willing to risk life and limb to protect the company interests/personnel, and should act like the example everyone should strive to be", as I don't really consider grizzled-cripple-HOS as a concept that's practical. I don't have an issue with heads of staff going above and beyond when it's in regards to their field but there is such a thing as "too much" but we shouldn't outright ban near-the-line behavior altogether. Given the overwhelming presence of antagonists and the underwhelming appearance of extended, the expectation should be that heads of staff should be more active in the round as soon as an antagonist shows their hand and causes trouble. Because it's what they're trained to do. Under normal circumstances, however, heads of staff should be heavily discouraged from seizing the bar to act as a stand-in for a low-pay employee. That's just downright ridiculous.
  23. Better idea: Put working auto-turrets on the area above the AI core, make the area above the AI core unsimulated if you're lazy. Make those powergamers work for their chance to drop a tactical mech on the AI core.
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