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Everything posted by ariever

  1. 1. yup 2. yup 3. yup, when theres no cmo i remind MDs that they shouldnt be doing surgery 4. viro is boring and lonely, you get stuck in a sublevel behind 4 locked doors, and if theres a tesloose you cant even be down there 5. yeah, if theres no chemists that makes medical a little harder because instead of cloning paitents and giving them the brain healing juice, you gotta do brain surgery on them and noone wants to be stuck in surgery after already being dead :c 6. i rarely see nurses and medical residents, and when i do theyre are usually graytide/idiot doctors that act like cmos (an md that tried to cut someones arm off because it had an infected wound, mrs heckling staff and paitents) overall i think its fine where it is except for viro, and maybe give nurses something more to do, like surgical assistants. thats fun c:
  2. hs a good boi and a warheeero +1
  3. ill fix it when I regain my willpower I'm sleepy and sadder than a turkey on thanksgiving
  4. Sorry 1) Modded for Citadel, it was hell, but it also was a learning experience. Not hell because of the staff, but because of the player base. Got de-modded after I ahealed myself after getting muderboned. 2) It seems like something more to do than sit behind a desk and watch sensors all day. From what I know with the influx of players because of mewnap, more hands handling tickets is a good thing c: 3) I like the HRP in it, it has more rules that prevent people from being dicks to each other for too long. It's a cozy size, not too big and not too small for me.
  5. Server Moderator Application Basic Information Byond Account: ariever Character Name(s): Lea Yun Fang, Will Green, Misaan Terenum, Vivian Wright AI Name(s): ariever, ariever the _. Preferred means of contact: Discord Age: 18 Timezone: EST When are you on Aurora?: varies, whenever I can | expect it to be about afternoon/ night or whenever I'm not doing classes Experience How long have you played SS13?: a year now c: How long have you played on Aurora: a year How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: a bunch Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?: yup Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: On citadel for 3 days for get-mobbing an ash drake on a player who asked for it Personality Why do you play SS13?: its fun Why do you play on Aurora?: its fun What do moderators do?: they handle tickets, answer questions and solve disputes What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?: handle tickets, answer questions, and solve disputes along with making sure people follow the hrp guidelines Why do you want to be a moderator?: I'm following in my dad's footsteps What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?: deeply depressed, dead inside, and ready to join the work force How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?: I am an emotionless husk Anything Else You Want to Add: I make a good gumbo was a mentor for Eris(?) station (alien isolation 13) before it went down I was an admin + spriter for Drymouth before it closed down because the headmin wanted me I also did a really cool Halloween event that people liked
  6. play me a song dad +1
  7. As a person that is hasn't played Aurora enough to see you, I can't see myself or my characters liking you. You sound like that woman from the Amy's Baking Company episode of Kitchen Nightmares, and you should serously read the rules and the newly added rules about how medical is run before you end up runing your reputation further with the players and staff.
  8. This'll be good, whether you're a tator trying to resist getting found out, or you're an innocent trying not to get tortured by the revolutionaries. Since the airlock opens from sensing your ID, and not from your hand, it makes sense. And another thing, you usually have to stand over someone to cuff them, (Or flip them over onto their back) to cuff them. it took me like three tries to send this I'm sorry
  9. Reporting Personnel: Misaan Terenum Rank of Reporting Personnel: Cargo Technician Game ID: (Game ID of the round on which the incident took place. If you don't remember the exact one, then the round after or the round before works as well. Found in the chat log once you log in, under the status tab above station time, and the lobby tab) Personnel Involved: - Lokya Ariel, Quartermaster : Assaulted (blacklynx3) - Lou Stone, Detective : Offender Time of Incident: Real time: Location of Incident: Cargo Office Nature of Incident: []Workplace Hazard []Accident/Injury []Destruction of Property [x]Neglect of Duty [x]Harassment [x]Assault [x]Misconduct []Other _____ Overview of the Incident:Two incidents happened that day, the first involved me, and the second I was a witness to. The first, I was sitting at the front desk, and Lou comes over. He asked me if I 'upgraded the autolathe'. He made it clear that he was referring to opening the autolathe and using an autotool. I told him that I didn't and he asked 'Why not'. Well, I knew that hacking the autolathe to get contraband was illegal, so I told him as much. Then he starts asking questions one after another, without giving me time to answer, and I asked him why he was asking me all the questions. He stopped and said 'It's okay, thank you for your time', like nothing was wrong. It was code green, and the shift had started about half an hour ago. The QM had gone to the bar to relax, because there was all of maybe six people on board, no one ordered anything. I said over comms what happened, and the QM came back, and stayed. The second incident I was a witness to, since I had a lump on my head from an earlier thing. I took traumadol for it, but my head was still throbbing. I was resting in the office while the QM was at the desk. Lou comes over, and drops this gross, spit-covered corn cob on the desk, asking for a hatchet. She asks him why he needs it, and he says so he can get 'a detective pipe'. She denied him one, and then Lou ordered a hydroponics crate for one. She was upset at him, and the shields were up and blocking the shuttle anyway so it wasn't like we could get anything in if we tried. She stamps it as denied, and sends it back to him. He pushes it back to her, and she stamps it until the paper was red with 'x's. He orders a few more times before threatening to use his revolver if he doesn't get his hatchet. I call security and he runs away again. He returns about fifteen minutes later and does the same thing, ordering a hydroponics crate. The QM denies it again, and this time he throws a bottle of alcohol at her. I call for security again, and he runs away again. They never found him, and it turns out he went to cryo to escape punishment. Did you report it to a Head of Department or IAA? If so, who?: I called out over comms, not sure if the HoS did anything about him. Actions taken:I called out over comms for help, and Leo, the other, more sane, Detective helped out. I'm not sure who else tried to find him, since they either never found him, or he went SSD and they put him in cryo. Additional notes: I got into the kitchen to make food for me and the other people, since the Chef went to cryo. Lou saw me, and I assume he called for security. Sason came in and tazed me three times, then hit me in the head with the Taser gun. Lou said that he wanted me arrested for trespassing and for 'suspicious activity with the autolathe.' I was taken to custody, Leo interrogated/questioned me, and the HoS let me go as soon as I got out of interrogation. I never even used the autolathe other than to make some tools, and a knife for the pizza we ordered from cargo. I know how to hack one, but never did.
  10. With the way Ethan's acting, he wouldn't've even be hired. I feel like this is the same for all of your other characters, seeing as all they do is abuse their job perks to goof off. If you want to goof off, join as an assistant or something, not waste a slot where someone else could join. The game models real life, as in they'd have to go through the application process, job training, and orientation. Malakay and Savage, even though this complaint isn't for him, both wouldn't've passed. You either have to roleplay seriously or move to a low-rp server or something.
  11. Well, nothing I can really say other than my experience with your previous characters, which is poor. I don't believe that your rp skills are a 7.6, mostly because your characters seem to do things just for the hell of it, like they have no subconscious and are just ID-controlled neanderthals. The app is riddled with grammatical, punctual, and spelling errors, not helping that 7.6 you gave yourself. You don't really seem to be serious about this either, so how can I trust you to have a serious roleplay without just abusing the racial perks? -1, get your act together.
  12. Right, so embracing someone from behind is a viable option for someone that's bored? And almost endangering the lives of all the crew to help someone that already had their situation under control? This isn't a 'me being angry at you' issue, I wouldn't've posted the complaint if it was. The character wouldn't've been hired by NT because from what I've seen, he's had no real skills or qualities that'd make him worth hiring. Hell, I can't even get a job that I *am* qualified for.
  13. BYOND Key: Ariever Game ID: It's been through several rounds, One was a round last sunday and the other happened yesterday I think? Player Byond Key: AcidMind Staff involved: none Reason for complaint: Incompetence constantly, from an ICly stand-point, it doesn't make sense that NT would've hired him, since all he does is abuse the perks the jobs have and endanger coworkers. First Incident: Misaan and Ethan in cargo. They both start clearing out the warehouse, where Ethan finds a clusterbang. Upon seeing it he says, "Oh clusterbang for me, hehehe". Misaan openly expresses her distaste and distrust for Ethan, even pdaing the detective because she thought he actually took the clusterbang, with intentions on using it. Turns out that wasn't the case and he was bluffing or whatever you can call that. Ethan acts up again, and Misaan calls him out for it. Any sane person at this point would try to stay away from the 'agitated by their presence' woman and leave them the fuck alone. Not Ethan, of course because then he seems to be romantically interested in Misaan for whatever reason, even though she tried passively to get security called on him. He then, starts referring to her formally even though he hasn't before and she asks him to stop. Later, out of the blue, he grabs her from behind, hugging her. She replies with 3 failed disarm attempts. She reports this over comms and Uwasv Guwan comes in like the protective lizzer he is. He brings a carp to eat, which Ethan butchers in the cargo office for no real reason, strewing gibs everywhere. Sid(Uwasv) gets mad and grabs him. Ethan tries to get into the hoverpod he had earlier in the shift but Sid throws him, causing a little bit of a bug where he wasn't near the thing but could still use it's radio. That was fixed and the grappeling continues. Misaan, fed up with his hijinks, starts taking a pair of wirecutters to the thing and Sid follows suit. Ethan yells about him being attacked and everyone just replies with 'You deserve it', and breaks Sid's hand with the hoverpod. Ethan is detained eventually and the hover confiscated. Incident Two: A little shorter, I promise Misaan, the engineer apprentice, was the only engineer on the station during a ninja round and failing power. two trips to the doctor later, she gets a solar set up just in time for round end. Being an EA, you don't have access to airlocks and she tossed her crowbar to prevent herself from drifting away in space. Powers out, so she walks around the station, waving at the ninja as she floats around. She manages to get to departures a second before the shuttle arrives and starts dismantling a window and putting up an inflatable door to prevent departures from getting vented. But LO AND BEHOLD, Ethan in a hoverpod comes by and bashes her, knocking her out breifly and breaking the door she built, almost venting departures if she hadn't rebuilt the grille and window behind her. She comes to and redoes what got messed up, as Ethan bashes his hoverpod through the docking airlocks to force it on the shuttle. Not sure if it's his gimmick to be incompetent, but NT wouldn't've hired him if all he does is end up getting himself in trouble or endangering the lives of his coworkers. Did you attempt to adminhelp the issue at the time? If so, what was the known action taken by administration/moderation? no, I didn't think it was an ooc grief issue, just a 'this guy has no common sense' issue. Approximate Date/Time: I believe the first one happened Sunday night while the other happened yesterday morning.
  14. BYOND Key: ariever Character Names: Misaan Relem, Vivian Wright Species you are applying to play: sssnek What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): pearl Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: hissssss Snek's name: noodle Snek's role: hydro snek What does your snek man do: he do a hiss, make a smol his, good danger noodle
  15. thought i responded to this alrady dont feel like retyping everything i wrote +1
  16. Abo is the KING of no fun allowed, and his captain/hos is the same way. Reeee i'm a salt where the fuck is the +- symbol -5 because I'm a salty bitch JK I give him a +1 I'm not a hoe
  17. Seb's a nice RPer, and I like this character mostly because I want to see Sumerek happy and in love. The kitties need love too, +1.
  18. Oh, I've since abandoned this one. I made a diona app (i think, i don't remember if i published it or not)
  19. This sounds so cool! Its basically like Bissel's CIA or something so it makes sense. I like it also because it can give characters a sense of 'Oooo you better not mess up infront of me'. Superballs is a really good RPer and Ash is one of my favorite characters. I'll give this a +1! c:
  20. This guy's pretty good, very mature. Explained how to play Xenobio in an easy-to-follow way and was helpful and friendly. He's got my vote c:
  21. Thanks for the feedback! I'll make sure to make it better soon.
  22. BYOND Key: ariever Character Names: Misaan Relem (Hydroponicist/chef) , Lea Yun Fang (Janitor) Species you are applying to play: Unathi What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Forest/Emerald Green Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: Playing as an Unathi suits me because, I like reptiles. If there's an option to be a reptile race in a game, (for example: Skyrim) I'd take it. I'm more focused on the visual aspect than any racial bonuses they have, if there are any, so I won't try to abuse whatever new power I gain by being an Unathi. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Role-playing as an Unathi would be a new experience for me, just like Space Station 13 is in general. I just started playing on Tuesday, but I've already picked up the basics of Hydroponics, and haven't really tried anything else because I'm afraid of screwing things up if I try to do so. Character Name: Kizrona Ri'zark Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Kizrona was born on Moghes, during the Travahk segment of the year. Her parents have always joked that her easygoing and friendly disposition towards people was a result of the season she was born in. Part of the already dwindling population on Moghes, her parents taught her skills that would let her land a job somewhere off the dying planet, and she went to pursue a career in environmental science. She was raised to respect everyone, and lend a hand if needed, and always looks on the bright side of life. Her alien appearance might put her off to most, so she tries to make up for it in friendliness, showing that not all new faces are hostile ones. She does, however, know when a situation doesn't require a smile, and to let the professionals do their job. What do you like about this character? She's an overall good person, not an overly talented yahoo who tries to do everything without proper training, because that'd be dumb and I think it's against the rules and considered powergaming anyway. She'll stay in her happy corner and come when called, but won't push a doctor out the way when they're already helping someone. How would you rate your role-playing ability? Is there a known rating system? I'll just say that on a scale from one to ten, one being very bad to 10 being very good, I'd rate myself as a 9. I've been roleplaying for a healthy portion of my life, playing DnD and what not so I know what I'm doing for the most part. It doesn't stop me from making typos, though. Notes:
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