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Everything posted by Baka

  1. as long as it has no armour, i don't see a problem tbh
  2. Senri Ishikawa Zhang Jie Leo Del Prado Damian Del Prado Liu Wei Samantha Mason Maxwell Mason Gregory Mason Jeff Morris Allison MacRyan Sabrina Duey Challenging The Rock Frederick Cecil
  3. Reading your appeal and the responses you given to Skull, I have to side with this on not lifting the ban. You have little to no reason to be rude. Your general tone from what I had seen is one of compete goading. You shown insolence for telling Skull to "fuck off" after a they tried to approach you with a simple greeting. There was no need for you being offensive. Edit: Even then, telling someone to "chill" because they pmed you to ask you what was going on is rude. It's the staff's job to make sure that issues like these are sorted out. You just happened to get on the offense, and landed yourself into this situation.
  4. Essentially, it will be for an indefinite duration of time until we are confident that you will not cause any sort of trouble.
  5. The agreement is set in place, and ban is reduced to 7 days followed by a probationary period. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please do not hesitate to ask myself or a member of staff.
  6. After talking with Doomberg and Tenenza on the issue, I had decided that perhaps we can arrange an agreement, on these conditions: I reduce your ban to 7 days, and put you on a probationary period. During this probation, if you make any more contraventions, consider your final chance over with and another permaban placed on you. Please heed this, because we have been lenient on you so many times. Do you agree with these conditions?
  7. Whoa, I didn't see this coming. It's a silly topic, nothing more, nothing less. It's like the mice app.
  8. I had said five notes. You only had one warning issued to you, but the fact that you had so much notes accumulated in one day made me taken aback. And the fact that you just beelined into the patient room after making lexorin in the round that I banned you. Indeed, it is the antagonist job to make things interesting, but it's not interesting nor roleplay to wordlessly knock out and kill anyone with chemicals, SSD or not. Poly Acid in a spray bottle is usually a sign of grief since you can conceal it, spray it covertly, and melt object and people with it. I did not know your intentions with it at the time, but I assumed it was dubious since that was the first thing you made in chemistry upon joining that round. Do I think you should be unbanned? Perhaps in the future, but as of now at this time I am a bit skeptical of lifting this because I am really not convinced you will follow the rules since you were quick to go back to actions that got you banned in the first place, and that this cycle will continue. It does not mean I am not willing to give you a chance, but from what I have heard about you through notes and other staff, you've seem to have been given plenty of leeway to shape up, and it leaves a bad impression when you constantly break a promise to behave. I wish for the input of other staff members of their insight on this matter.
  9. If you think you're going to snake your way into Doomberg's arms....
  10. Yesno Dood, we do not need the sarcasm here. If we're going to have a parley, please cease with the unnecessary boorish retorts. It will not be tolerated.
  11. I was the moderator that banned you. Your banning reason was: Came back to the server today just a day or two later after a three day ban, and fed an SSD person Lexorin, without any roleplay, and claims they didn't know they were SSD. So, this is the scenario that happened which lead me to be skeptical to your claim. You wordlessly walked in to the recovery room, and went up to a regular bed in the room where a character was laying, asleep. You then dragged them out of the recovery room after feeding them about a good 39 units of lexorin from a flask, to the bottom of surgery. That is when I had intervened and started to questioned you, and you started to panic, going “I didn’t know they were SSD” and that you thought they were sleeping and that you were going to kill them while they were sleeping, to then consume them as a changeling. The thing is this would also have broken the rules because this is considered ganking, an act of killing someone with little to no roleplay, something that you need to do on a heavy roleplaying server. I asked you if you read our rules, and you did say that you did, and that you were sorry that you did this. At this time, I take a look at your notes, and saw that you were banned on the 11th of March for three days, after accumulating five notes in one day for repeatedly breaking the rules. The last note before this ban mentioned to “Show no further leniency.” towards you, that you had been shown the page of our rules, was talked to about the rules, and given plenty of warnings to read it. So, I was at an impasse. A player who had been warned plenty of times about the rules coming back from a three-day ban poisoning an SSD person and claiming they did not know what they were SSD. Who I saw today as a CMO putting polytrinic acid in a spray bottle during extended. Who has a note stating to not show them any more clemency. So, I asked msay, who were in agreement (Conspire, Doomberg, Jennalele) to ban until appeal. And so I did, and here is this appeal. I would like to ask you, if you did read our rules, and if even if they were NOT SSD, why you would wordlessly go into the recovery room and kill somebody with lexorin when you knew that was not allowed? How is this role-play to you? Why do you think that on your notes it was written “not to give this person any more breaks?” Will you continue this cycle of rule breaking if you were unbanned? I welcome your reply, and I implore any staff member who has questions, comments, or concern to please raise them in this topic.
  12. Baka

    Stamp Images

    This is implemented on a few servers already, but I was thinking since paperwork is done in this game: How about instead of having "This paper has been stamped with the ____'s rubber stamp.", it is replace by a small sprite, with "From the Desk of the ______"? It's purely for aesthetics, but I think it would look better than just the plain text. Thoughts?
  13. As mouse loremaster, you're no Squeaky. You didn't even fill out what colour mouse you're going to be. Fuck, you didn't even know mice chitters when they're happy. How the fuck are you expected to roleplay as a trash eating rodent if you don't even know that you can use to communicate in Mousenese? However... Your app was cute. We need more mice. I will see that Skull or Scopes can put you on the whitelist ASAP. Approved.
  14. Baka

    Drinking Buddies

    That's a good question. I assume Samantha at the end of the day sometimes go out with her friends and colleagues for drinks, but she mostly goes home after work and smoke a bowl, probably. (I think marijuana is legal after hundreds of years???) I never really thought about this, mainly because the only roleplaying I do of her after work is very little. I will actually think about this.
  15. Samantha Mason Mice friends are nice friends. #tgif Samantha Mason is now in a relationship.
  16. I have an Ian voice.
  17. Baka

    Ask a mod/admin!

    It's okay to be cheeky. A little joke here and there isn't bad. But don't do it excessively, be disruptive doing it, or outright tell them to do things that is against our rules, or else /you're/ the one getting the bwoinks.
  18. Alkysine in cryo actually does not cause overdosages, and here's why. The past few rounds where you had problems with the cryo is that the cryo itself was too warm to heal people. As long as the cryo is under 95k, it should be fine to use. Optimally, you want the cryo to be at ~73k. Alkysine takes a lot of overdose on, and I mean a /lot/. The overdose is 30 units. You would practically have to funnel this into their mouths in order for someone to overdose on alkysine. Most mix that I seen that happens in cryo is a 20 unit Cryoxadone, 20 unit Clonexadone, and 10 units of alkysine. The way cryo works is that you get a bit of the medicine, you're not getting 20+20+10 every tick or something to the effect. Alkysine is not the problem here. Watch how many people dive in and out of the cryo tubes, and turn them off immediately as soon as a patient's treatment is done in order for cryo to cool down again for the next usage.
  19. ~@bigpharmason~ @Jessewehavetocook This is what happened to the lab while you're away.
  20. I was Mason in surgery. I saw the CMO get gunned down by Sparky. I stayed where I was because I didn't want to get riddled with bullets. Deadeye came and dragged me to surgery and told me to operate. I did what any little good hostage would do and followed orders, because after we were done we were going to be taken to the ship or something for good ol' hostage storage and I want to be in one piece. Then, a transfer tank bomb went off in the surgery waiting area by Sparky with both nuke ops and complying hostages were. It gibbed Deadeye, and killed my patient and myself. Sparky was told to lay off the erratic bombing and shooting, that his actions caused the needless death of even his teammates with no roleplay.
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