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Everything posted by Baka

  1. It happens. Take care.
  2. ^ That's what I was trying to say but words no come out correct right.
  3. Baka


    I was thinking something like http://www.curse.com/bukkit-plugins/minecraft/factions Factions has always been an interesting feature. Protects stuff and forms alliances and enemies. Thoughts?
  4. Baka


    i would love to play a good multiplayer survivor, actually.
  5. it gets better remember THIS SHIT:
  6. Baka

    New Medbay

    Chemistry makes me mad and sad. Too small for my liking. I like surgery. Not sure about the placement of the CMO's office, maybe if you could move it with the break area?
  7. click this to enhance the experience! (starts download) WELCOME TO MY WEBSITE IT'S UNDER CONSTRUCTION GOD BLESS YALL all yall this page was hosted by
  8. I find the notion of having a fever to the point where it's 80 DEGREES CELSIUS rather ridiculous though.
  9. You had stated to us in admin helps that you felt justified taking out a character, to the point of husking them, despite breaking a rather big rule of self-antagging, griefing, and what I feel was metagrudge because of the implication you gave in the PMs. In turn, they were never cloned and had to wait an entire half an hour to play again, on a round type with absolutely no antags. Why did you feel justified to wordlessly shoot them to kill them, despite knowing this would had resulted in consequences?
  10. Who was the changeling in question?
  11. Patch up injury with both advance ointment and gauze, and administrate spaceacillin with anti-toxin and watch patient's fever with your scanner. If it stops going down just shoot a bit more spaceacillin at a time. Bay designed infections to make people come to medbay for damage that should be treated if someone takes a considerate amount of damage, rather than limping it off.
  12. Baka


    Because, why not. I like minecraft, do you?
  13. I'd always imagine dionea to be like cocoon men of sorts, made out of hardened dionea nymphs that were once squishy like caterpillars.
  14. The red pack of cigarettes. (i know my suggestions lately have been nothing but smokes, but...)
  15. unathi power rangers.jpg code delta.gif wet-skrell.jpg
  16. ((OOC: Sooooo excited to see this back!))
  17. Baka


    I do a lot of medical experiments with mice. ...A lot.
  18. I had said to you in your last appeal: Yesterday, you threw a choral hydrate bomb into a crowd of people as a non-antag over pettiness, stole from an officer who was having connection problems, and here's another report that once again that you were doing the exact same thing with killing a player as a non-antag. You were self-antagging yet again. You were given leniency yesterday with a simple perma-jobban from chemistry, but to me, you essentially broke your promise that if I were to unban you, that you would follow the most simplest of rules. Why should we unban you if you're going to continue to do this? Why do you continue to make these promises if you cannot follow through with them?
  19. I think things should be changed around a bit. Saying someone is beautiful is subjective. People have different standardized versions of beauty. Robotic purple haired women donning beehives to you may be beautiful, but 10 foot salami stomping amazoness may be someone else's purview of what beauty is. Also the liberal usage of "redacted" is eyebrow rising. You are working on a high security research station. Your background will be picked at. You will be assessed..
  20. I am going to wait for Tytos to reply.
  21. I was just wondering it, 'tis all. It depends how big of city we're talking about too.
  22. This question's been bothering me, does Mendell City have districts, and if so, what are they and what type of district is it?
  23. Baka

    psa: security

    ((Just learned what happen. brb, formulating response))
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