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Everything posted by Vanagandr

  1. It would also do horrifying things when combined with electrics. Exactly what goes into a water-purification plant I don't know, but I'm sure antags would enjoy putting people into the loop.
  2. The proposal wouldn't just affect lasers. Burn the shit out of someone with a welding tool? Organ damage. Heavy electric shock? Organ damage. Engulfed in flames? Organ damage. So, in a similar fashion to brute damage breaking bones, sufficiently serious burns would char and damage a person's internal organs. Such a burn should also be basically incapacitating, but AFAIK burns already have significant pain effects.
  3. Thought you were talking about the Security suits, nevermind.
  4. Like this? They'd probably need a different visor colour.
  5. I was trying to kill the security officer, though. The engineer was collateral damage and would probably have been evicted with a few broken bones. I believe it's generally understood that security officers leading the charge against an antag face certain occupational hazards.
  6. Re: the more recent incident. I was the engiborg. Log here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/f4nisi2uqq0lsau/log%202016-08-12%20%284%2020%20am%29.htm?dl=0 What happened was, I got rumbled in Cargo while trying to move three crates alone - the QM saw me. He started asking questions over the radio, while I rushed the crates down to the mining dock airlock. The intention there was to force the airlock and run out into space, but the mining shuttle arrived. The miner just sat there shouting over the radio about a borg with singularity and supermatter crates, while I smashed a window into space and headed out. I watched him for a few moments, then force-launched the shuttle. I also force-opened the outer airlock, to give him something to think about if he decided to rush back and interfere. Later I saw him dead in the shuttle - presumably he didn't have internals and couldn't get the shuttle to leave. At a guess, it was something vaguely related to the escape shuttle failing to launch if all the airlocks aren't sealed and bolted. I was actually surprised, not only that he wasn't wearing a hardsuit, but that it killed him - even without internals, ten or so seconds of vacuum exposure shouldn't be fatal. At any rate, I took my crates down towards the Aft Port Solar, where I (abortively) started trying to set up the PA; an engineer cat named Samara came by in a hardsuit and tried to run off with a crate. I managed to get it away from her, as she floated into space, and I broke some windows into the Construction Area, because it had occurred to me that you can't hold the station hostage with a singulo if the PA is unpowered, and you can't set up an APC in space. I'm pretty sure I shockbolted the internal door - the whole point was to keep people from getting underfoot. Parts were inside, and construction was proceeding, when Samara came back. She shouted over the radio for a bit, then came in through the hole in the window and grabbed, I think, the supermatter crate and tried to sax with it. Needless to say, this Could Not Be, so I blocked her against the PA and crate, broke her feet, and dragged her outside where she couldn't get in the way. Construction continued. I accidentally opened the wrong crate, which contained the crystal, and managed to block myself in against the PA, the crystal, and some tables. I was working on getting out of that predicament when a team of engineers and a security officer finished hacking the door and pried it open. I managed to get free and moved to try and put the PA between me and the intruders. Recall, if you will, that the room is A: vented, B: contains a supermatter crystal, C: has had its door hacked and forced and D: is adjacent to a pressurised corridor. I was only directly trying to drag the crystal over the sec officer, but ZAS space-wind conspired to vapourise me and one of the engineers as well. The crystal, fed by a borg, two humans, and a spray of assorted loose objects, promptly exploded. Several more people ended up crippled in the explosion - two engineers in particular lost limbs, but Samara managed to get away with no (further) injury, to collapse of paincrit near the mining shuttle. Several doctors and bystanders ended up dead as well - the blast was quite destructive. The breach that forced people into the crystal was not part of a deliberate murderboner conspiracy, though I admit that in the heat of the moment I wasn't above exploiting the stunning effects of it to take the security officer and his flash out of the fight. Personally, with regards to the bulk of the events in that round, I'm inclined to say that c'est la guerre; a supervillain was constructing his doomsday device, the heroes flew in to halt his dastardly schemes, one thing led to another, and that's why we don't talk about the Metropolis Crater. It was suboptimal, but sometimes that's just how things are. I do, however, think two things in particular were concerning: the first, being the way people immediately jumped on a lack of signatures as proof that the messages from "Centcomm" were false. I recall reading a 'roleplay guide' saying that when something happens that isn't blatantly OOCly unacceptable, you're supposed to go "Yes, and...", not "No, that's bullshit." The second being the revelation that apparently, where F.R.I.E.N.D. is concerned, feeding a supermatter crystal to Lord Singulo isn't just a Damocles' sword to be used to force compliance, but a goal in and of itself to be attempted wherever opportunity presents itself. It doesn't seem quite Cricket, somehow.
  7. They got what they deserved, that round - the borgs had orders to set up a singulo and supermatter shard to (presumably) give teeth to the AI's eventual demands. The engiborg got caught, a party of engineers and security officers burst into the (vented) room it was using, ZAS did its thing, and before you know it the better part of a dozen people are dead or dismembered. Then the other supermatter began to delaminate. Sic Semper Metagamers.
  8. The shortage of crewmembers at roundstart was something I had a suggestion about a while ago; what you've got here is a different approach, but might be simpler to implement. The "mail heads when something is ordered" doesn't sound like a very good feature, though. The whole point of Cargo is that the potential criminals and the supervisors are the same people; it's intended, like most features in this game, to lend itself to abuse. Hell, separation of duties is literally Financial Accounting 101 - having the man writing the purchase orders be the same guy who handles receipt of shipments was the very example the textbook used to illustrate the dangers.
  9. True engineers fight with plasteel spears and butterfly knives.
  10. You'd need a way to trace the decker, so you don't end up with Phoebe Essel 2.0: Cyberpunk Edition screwing up all your plans from the safety of some locker. Distract them with attacks on something important, run a trace in the background, send the op team in to BREACH AND CLEAR, and suddenly you have two hackers.
  11. The colour-coded one would be better for quick identification, but I'd like the two-level thing as well; possibly "Brown - Yellow - RED" for Engineering, "Blue - Purple - RED" for Sec, "Green - White - RED" for Medical?
  12. It's important to note that (the nearest IRL match to the C20's round) .50 AE (12.7×33mm cartridge, 19g pill @ 470 m/s, 2.2 KJ of energy) is not even remotely comparable to .50 BMG (12.7×99mm cartridge, 42g pill @ 923 m/s, 18 KJ) which is what people have been conditioned to expect a ".50" round to be. .50 AE is, admittedly, as a fairly hot pistol round, one of the ones that might be expected to have a certain degree of scenery-piercing effect, along with the .357. Not sure how coding would work, or if this isn't already included in NewCode. I do know the NewCode NewCops battle rifle and anti-materiel rifle have these sorts of collateral damage causing effects, though with the battle rifle it's not so much "gun down filthy sec from behind a wall" as it is "oh fuck that burst just vented the room".
  13. Perhaps the same green/blue/red thing, but conditional? So, you set the alert, and then you set which type; Medical/Engineering/Security. They're the same as they usually are, but with different departments getting extraordinary powers. So: Green: business as usual. Blue: there's an emergency, and the department responsible for fixing it can use extraordinary measures, and people should cooperate with them and keep out of the way. Red: there's a dire emergency, and the department responsible for fixing it can use any means necessary to contain and repair it. So, for example, if there was an Engineering Blue Alert, and an Engineer told you to get out of the room and you didn't because it's my office in my department what the hell are you doing MUH RIGHTS, and he broke your arm and took your ID and made you get the fuck out, that's simply too bad for you; there's a Blue Alert, Engineering has more important things to do than worry about the feels of people who're getting underfoot. Or, if there was a Red Medical Alert and some clown was trying to break out of Isolation while carrying Airborne Gibbington's, a nurse could point at a Security Officer and order him to laser that greyshit before he breaks the window. Well, a nurse can order anything she likes, but under a Medical Red she could give that order with the full and IC+OOC supported expectation that the Officer would Just Follow Orders. And, of course, dear old Code Delta- 'Shit's Fucked, Evacuate'.
  14. Vending machines in Engineering and, I believe, Tech Storage; stun batons have cells, as do heaters, and there's some in Primary Tool Storage, R&D and Robotics. Could be good to have them orderable though.
  15. Vanagandr

    Chaplain Buff Pls

    Something to note. Space Jesus I'm not sure about, but as far as normal Jesus goes, someone dying without repenting and accepting Him in their hearts either- depending on your exact branch of the theology -dies permanently, in the fashion expected by athiests: they were here and now they're not, they are gone, forever, and everything they were or could ever be is lost, or they continue, forever, in a condition that, again, depends on your branch of the theology but is at best suboptimal; whether suffering in a pit of eternal flame or in a sort of dull waiting-room sort of afterlife, able to see Heaven but never actually get to it. Killing someone who hasn't converted, then, is two-edged - not only does it condemn them to Hell, but it takes away the possibility that they might be converted and thereby live forever in Heaven. That isn't to say that it might not be necessary, when a particularly violent heathen is running amok and nothing else can be done, but it's an unspeakable tragedy even beyond the normal 'someone is now dead'. Killing, thus, should be an absolute and total last resort for the defenders of the Faith. They should be, wherever possible, attempting to subdue the heathens so that they may be preached at and turned back to The Light. Null-rodding, incidentally, isn't so much converting them as it is evicting the demonic presence from their minds and returning them to their normal state; if they were a heathen before, they're still a heathen now, but they're not being puppeted by a malevolent spirit anymore and are thus A: more likely to listen to attempts to convert them and B: may be safely left alone while you get back to work without needing to worry that they'll do something to launch themselves or others into Hell. Not to say that they should drop the swords and let the culties do whatever, but they should probably have a medic handy to stabilise the heathen once his hands have been cut off, and they should be finishing off the wounded or going around bragging on the radio about how they killed the fuck out of some heretics. Once they're dead, well, strictly speaking Chaplains should absolutely flip their shit at the slightest suggestion of cloning anyone, because it isn't reviving the dead person so much as it is growing a new person who looks like them and then brainwashing that person to think it's the same guy, but that's a different topic entirely.
  16. If it's what I think it was, one of the drones had decided to build a new room off of Xenobiology, and pried open a window to pressurise it. Another drone saw something going on in there, set the air alarm to "fill", the air alarm opened the firelocks when the pressure was safe and then all that air went rushing out again. By the time the engineers arrived, though, the second drone had fixed the window and explained the facts of life to the responsible *ping mouse. I'm not sure if magnetic grippers can hold grenades, but if they can... Alternatively, they can definitely open plasma canisters and do the various AI/borg interactions, so an emag and orders to 'go fuck up that room for me fam' should suffice.
  17. In all fairness you actually did. Unless there's an Engineer who is willing to act fast to pull the window out of the frame, even then the AI might set the grill /on/ which then makes the escape moot. Is there actually even a way to escape? All my time spending in the Brig, I rarely escaped because.. well.. there's not really an escape.. Or is that why the games arcade is there, so you can get a toy and bash my way out? Preparation. Compression implant + toolbelt is a classic; you can compress and inject anything up to and including the size of a backpack. If you know the wires and have a screwdriver, multitool and crowbar, you can get out through the infirmary in about ten, fifteen seconds. If you got in before and 'fixed' the circuit boards in the infirmary airlocks, you can just walk right out. If you have DEM YELLOWS, you can unscrew the grille and windows; even without smuggled tools, you can later shift them out of the way and run out in moments. If you have an accomplice - yeah, right. If you can get a few moments unsupervised- as a Janitor, say, here to fix the lights or clean -you can swipe a few Donk-Pockets and paper cups and replace them with tools. If you're truly stupid desperate, you can pick up a stool and try and smash your way out, but even the most careless sec staff will pick up on that pretty quick. Presuming you got put in Communal. If you're not in Communal it's smuggled tools or GG. Unless, of course, you emagged a borg or subverted the AI - in which case you'll be free the instant Security are out of view.
  18. Middle Managers don't get golden parachutes. Those aren't a pay thing, either; they're a 'if the company is taken over and you are fired, you get a huge severance bonus' thing to discourage potential takeovers.
  19. 2x screenshot, and 4x sprites for close inspection no fecal post pls friend cat
  20. Almost looks like the cover of an Exalted rulebook.
  21. Current state of the tea: Box: Bag: They'd need to be special snowflake items; normal pills can't be added to empty beakers.
  22. Copypaste: "internals box.grey" Copypaste: the grey colours used on it, in two rows Edit: the hue and saturation of those colours to get the same colour only red Copypaste: "duke_purple.tea" steal purples from janitor jumpsuit and change the label attempt to insert cup uh oh this won't fit, fuck around with it until a smaller but ok-ish teacup is ready adjust box to fit this looks OK as a box of empty teacups but it doesn't really say "THIS IS WHERE THE TEABAGS LIVE, GIT YOU ONE" open "firelock.OGOD" copy sexy gold colours add stripe to blank red box how2fake up tiny text at this size uuuuh open cigarettecarton.cancer and internals box.420 It's shit-tier spriting - copypaste copypaste frankenstein some shit together and recolour.
  23. Messing about, thinking of something alone the lines of cigarette cartons for tea and either a glass jar for liquid 'coffee powder' or a variation on the teabag box for coffee sachets. These are half-arsed - I've got some work to do, but at the moment I'm thinking of a variation on the theme of the far right box. Aurora Tea Party when?
  24. Perhaps if they acted somewhat like a welding-fuel only chemsprayer? Welding fuel fires are a bit OP though. Being literally on fire does not seem to do much as-is as far as I can tell.
  25. Citizen's Arrest and Defense of Property can't really be in if Duty to Retreat is in; they're sort of mutually exclusive. If you're required to disengage the moment you get a safe opportunity, you can't exactly legally table and cablecuff a greyshit for smashing windows and stealing insulated gloves. Strictly speaking you can't even table and cablecuff him if he's knifing people, because after he's tabled and disarmed you can run away safely. Essentially, it can be boiled down to Stand Your Ground vs Duty to Retreat. Stand Your Ground: when in a place you have a legal right to occupy (home, workplace, etc.) you have every right to be there, and are not required to retreat from it in the face of unlawful force. You may use what force is necessary to resist illegal attacks, up to and including, if called for, lethal measures. Duty to Retreat: you may not meet force with force unless you have exhausted every reasonable avenue of retreat. Citizen's Arrest is a thing in most places, as I understand it, even those with a Duty to Retreat, but having a legal ability to do something and being able to do it, well, places with a Duty to Retreat are generally a lot more unreasonable, so to speak, about exactly what qualifies as 'reasonable' force; places without it are likely to overlook things that aren't completely excessive. Exactly what applies to the Aurora, ICly, I'm not sure. OOCly, my reading of the rule that "Killing in self-defense in NOT preferred. If possible, always try to flee, or disable your opponent." is that it supports an OOC Stand Your Ground; you can run away, or, if you do stay and fight, "if possible ... disable your opponent.". Killing someone who you could have safely subdued is, after all, already ICly classed as manslaughter or murder. Probably Manslaughter, if it were otherwise self-defense; my reading of Severe Use of Excessive Force is that it's what you get if the situation called for a Minor Assault and you jumped straight to Assault, but it was otherwise self defense or legitimate Security work. Station property that has been entrusted to you and that is your responsibility to safeguard. For the most part I'd say that wrenches, space heaters, fire extinguishers, food items and the general clutter about the station wouldn't justify force, but job-critical or sensitive items probably should - magic yellow gloves of +100 Lightning Resistance and printouts of private medical/employment/security records included. Stealing stuff directly from someone against their will would generally require an assault to keep them from just stepping away, so that doesn't really count as Defense of Property. IRL corporations are paranoid about lawsuits, and would never permit their staff to do anything on-the-job that might risk a lawsuit, up to the point of forbidding harsh language, much less the threat or use of physical force. NT is something of a law unto themselves as I understand it; the Aurora being 'corporate territory', I suspect station crew could, as far as the law goes, get away with anything short of the most flagrant violations of legal rights and duties, or, in short, if NT Security doesn't arrest them for it odds are the defenders of Sol and Biesel's law and order aren't likely to make a fuss either.
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