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Everything posted by ben10083

  1. I argue to swap Command Support with Security. Security is actively doing things that would require more treatments, and the company has a vested interest in the mall cops being healthy. Command Support is a stretch as that is only bridge crew Would add corpo reps to this No talking about IPC charging and whatnot I notice, prob since it is draft Forgot Xenoarch HoS prob gets paid at CMO level or above due to hazards faced and importance Due to this would have OM equivalent to XO so we dont have so much variation
  2. Eh, it hasn't been too long since Sol... nationalized most of the SCC/respective company assets. Even if Sol has 'changed', I imagine that is a major point against Sol getting a presence on SCC ships/stations
  3. PR is now merged, and this suggestion has been implemented.
  4. Twin Suns
  5. Smiley Face
  6. Add Schlorrgo. You can order stuff like Dogs and cats and Fatshouters, makes sense to be able to buy a Schlorrgo
  7. Every other species self heals on its own, and can enhance it with chemicals, IPCs cannot. Either use nanopaste, or spend 10-20 minutes slowly opening each panel and repairing the damage.
  8. Already a thing. They and the RD are listed as the two roles that know AI stuff
  9. The issue it was reversed for machinists. They had the corner where they had the same issues they described. HOWEVER I argue their location is VERY important, considering it is basically 'ipc medbay'. RnD Location matters far less in comparison.
  10. 1) For the DPRA, he views it with curiosity and doubt, they claim to be democratic but whether this will last, or if is just one last gasp before military control, remains to be seem in his eyes. His father told him about some of the things he has heard was seen by other soldiers by those under the Adhomai Liberation Army remains to be seen. The NKA are another story however, this was primarily where his father fought, and was the front where his father lost his hand. Moreover, he sees it as an attempt by the nobles to slide back towards the Adhomai of old, where the nobles ruled and life was hard (at least according to his father and grandmother). 2) Among the schools of thought, he is an Orthodox Hadiist, however in reality he does not particularly care. He supports the government but isn't a loyalist, and just wants to live his life. He may he his political position change when he experiences the life available for Tajarans outside of Adhomai, and may even advocate for some positions of Young Hadiism, but overall he currently just follows the party line. 3) Hashin is irreligious, but his grandparents, at least when they were alive, followed S'rand'marr beliefs. His father claimed to do the same, but like many, he slowly dropped celebrating the minor and even some major holidays of the pantheon. There was one aspect that remained throughout the family, and with Hashin as well however, and that is the reservation of their actions when possible. Hashin will not open up to strangers, and even with friends he would act with restraint and 'keep private matters private', as his father and mother encouraged.
  11. BYOND Ckey: Ben10083 Discord username: Ben10083 Character names: David, S.A.M., B.O.B. (AI), Species you are applying to play: Tajara ------------------------------ General Whitelist Requirements What colour do you plan on making your first alien character?: Taupe Have you read the lore pages for the species you wish to be whitelisted for?: Yes Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this species?: I find the lore behind Tajara fascinating, and enjoy reading about the unique conflict which has ravaged Adhomai, where the three main factions fight in a cold war that, if it were to erupt, may truly mark the end of Adhomai itself due to the technology possessed since the second revolution. Personally, I found the PRA the most interesting, and its tongue in cheek references to authoritarian regimes (however since Hadii is a president, is doesn't apply) is notable. Overall, the species has a wide variety of origins and subspecies to play as, which allows whitelist holders to play a wide variety of different characters. What makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a human?: Unlike humans, this species is one that, in large part due to human meddling, been trust into the 25th century. As a result of this, the history of the Tajaran people is one dominated by conflict and strife. This is compounded by the different ethnicities of Tajaran, which gave rise to favoritism (although usually just discrimination) between the Tajaran species. ------------------------------ Character Application Character Name: Hashin Al-Kandari Write a backstory for your character. This may include their origin, education, personality and how they arrived to the SCCV Horizon. Hasin is a Hharar PRA citizen who has recently transferred to the SCCV Horizon from the Zharrkov Major Depot. Hasin does not speak much, and did not acquire any secondary education outside of basic certifications to operate heavier machinery, but does consume a variety of PRA media to pass the time. Hasin in his youth used to have a brother, who sadly perished following a Sham'tyr attack, which killed his brother and left Hasin with a large scar on his face. Since then, his family was overprotective with Hasin, fearful of losing their other son. His father was conscripted during the Second Revolution, which while he returned alive, lost a hand in the process. This resulted in their family having trouble financially, with Hasin eventually getting a job at the Zharrkov Major Depot to help sustain the family. Hasin, as stated earlier, would typically spend his time between shifts consuming media, reading popular books such as Summer Comes to Adhomai, and was one of the few in his housing block to read more than a handful of books under the Hadiist Realism school of literature. Hasin however would grow tired of the 'sameness' that pervaded his work and home, and strived to go off-world as some of his co-workers has, and eventually his wish was granted, getting his offer to transfer to the SCCV Horizon granted. This did not come without a cost however, as while his parents were financially stable by then, with his father acquiring a crude prosthetic to allow him to work once more, they were furious as Hasin's insistence to leave Adhomai, leaving Hasin to currently have a strained relationship with his family, and while he still keeps in contact, tension is still present. Overall, Hasin plans to use his employment at the Horizon to learn what lies outside Adhomai, and whether his discoveries while he currently still holds his Hadiist teachings close at hand, it remains to be seen how his life onboard the Horizon might change things. How has the recent events of the Orion Spur impacted your character? Events such as the Phoron Scarcity, the Solarian Collapse or even the Invasions of Biesel for interstellar-wide affairs, while region-specific events such as the Peacekeeper Mandate, The Titan Rises or even Cold Dawn may impact your character. The collapse of the Solarian nation is seen in part with some pleasure, likely due to his Hadiist upbringing leading him to have a negative mindset regarding the Sol Alliance, especially regarding their 'betrayal' when the PRA needed aid. Hasin does not have too much concern regarding the Phoron Scarcity, as in his mind it is just some other economic crisis that will eventually be persevered, just as all the others. For Hasin, life will continue regardless on what goes on in the Spur, and while he will always keep an ear up for how events develop, as long as it doesn't affect him or other tajarans, he does not particularly care. How does your character view the megacorporation they work for? He is thankful for Orion Express for the opportunity not only at Adhomai but at the SCCV Horizon, but now that he works at the Horizon it has become increasingly clear the difference in pay he receives compared to his human coworkers. Overall however, he sees it as just an employer, and while he will take some measure to not 'stop on their toes', he also does not feel particular loyalty to Orion Express, but no hostility towards them as well, as long as he continues to get paid and has free time to pursue his interests, he will continue to work for the megacorporation.
  12. ben10083

    Crew Memorial

    Then just chapel then, why even have it public? At most I can only see a chapel plaque that said "in memory of those who died for the phoron company"
  13. dont worry, I made a PR so IPCs are more fairly weighted in terms of age
  14. It exists: To explain the above code, if a human captain that is 61 years old readies up, they have the highest odds of winning the role. The other head positions have ideal ages as well. Only heads are involved
  15. Arresting Officer: Kim (Ben10083) Witnesses: Henry Korres (Norinori), Dan-Bi, Cerriq Koh Summary: Suspect reported by multiple witnesses to have attacked 'Norinori', the mascot of Up!Burger. Investigation led to the mascot identifying the individual, where the mascot stated it was attacked due to complaints by the suspect over the food quality at Up!Burger. Suspect Photo: Evidence: Transcript
  16. As a faction, I find it fascinating and has alot of potential as a playable faction for the following reasons: Sub Factions allow for differing play with different approaches Ultra-Maz: The I LOVE GOLD subfaction that values beauty Estriconian: The Mad Science subfaction that values knowledge in all forms Zaibatsu: The ones that cares more about money than even Ultra-Maz, and as such goes to criminal lengths to get it It is important to note that GD players are expected to value 'intangible benefits such as connections and a good reputation', I feel like synth lore team should empathize this point more, and encourage golden deep players to expand their definition of value (Ultra-Maz wants art for example, while Estriconians would love to research) Not SCC-loyalist: Unlike megacorp IPCs, would be willing to go against SCC if the value is sufficient (has to be HIGH value though, as Golden Deep Affiliates are supposed to value the collective's reputation with the SCC and Biesel) Like Carver said, I feel like Golden Deep characters/assets have focused mostly on Ultra-Maz, which makes sense (GOLDEN Deep after all), but it really enforced the idea that Golden Deep are the Mr.Krabs of the Spur, which while...it isn't wrong.... the Golden Deep Collective is supposed to have both ultra-wealthy merchantlords, scientists (who gives Golden Deep most of their unique tech, however we don't see much of it ingame), and crimebosses (Seabandits come to mind) As for things I would like the Golden Deep to do: More assets and/or focus on Estriconian and Zaibatsu, we have alot of in-game representation of Ultra-Maz, would be nice to see the others. Konyang is a major business partner with the Golden Deep, with the lore stating that "The money and business brought into the system by these synthetic traders has - arguably - been a major contributor to Konyang’s more liberal laws and regulations regarding IPCs," I think a good element to include in the end of the arc could be to have the Midas Group issue a directive for traders to start selling synthetic parts and other supplies to Konyang (Demand high, supply low afterall, they see profit) Leads to next thing: I understand that the Midas Group is supposed to never talk, but having the faction feel directionless(besides grow) can feel odd, I believe it is about time for synthlore to have the Midas Group issue something (Maybe they order hivebots to be destroyed by associates, which causes some friction with Estriconians where some were perhaps researching them?) As Comet Blaze said, you are either Scrooge McDuck or owned. I recommend softening up the faction a tad and give a manner for the average (ok, above-average) IPC to still have membership, but not be under threat of being owned One idea: The three big groups in Golden Deep encourage membership by having members protected by them (perhaps the logic is that a buyer would need to outbuy the value of the entire organization to start buying members, making is unrealistic for almost all associates?). This encourages the average IPC to have a way into the Deep (Estriconian scientist for an example) Overall. the TLDR is: Golden Deep lore and assets strong on Ultra-Maz, not as such for the other two. Would be nice to have something for the others Some involvement of the Collective in a arc would be nice Adjust lore to allow for the average/above-average IPC to realistically join the Golden Deep, as the average IPC player is given the impression that they would be bought and sent to the mines before the ink dries on their membership contract, unless they have millions of credits.
  17. Arresting officer (name+ckey): Kim (ben10083) Charges: Insulting the Public Sentiment Suspect: Cody Pettimore (Released into custody of Jeriko) Witnesses: Izumi Kobayashi, Soo-ji Kyeong Brief Summary: Cody Pettimore poked a Jeweler Cockatoo to "check it's pulse", causing it to respond and severely injure his arm, which required treatment. Superintendent Izumi ordered for the individual to be arrested for their actions against the Jeweler. When I arrived at the Pharmacy, Soo-ji Kyeong confirmed that Cody Pettimore was the individual in question, and they were taken into custody without incident. Supporting evidence:
  18. Arresting officer (name+ckey): Kim (ben10083) Charges: 2x Insulting the Public Sentiment Suspect: Reuben Carmichael (Released into custody of Makepti Aloqa-Xiruq, with second guarantor being Maja Gretzsky) Witnesses: Dan-Bi, Matsudo Yokoi, Xu Zhelan, Izumi Kobayashi, Samuel Hound Brief Summary: Reuben Carmichael was reported to be extremely drunk and walking the streets. I saw him brought to the pharmacy, where he started to throw up multiple times in the store. KRC reported that the clinic had to close prior to Reuben coming to pharmacy, as he was there earlier, and caused a major mess there. I found Reuben and confirmed with Matsudo Yokoi that they were the ones who caused the mess in the pharmacy. Izumi Kobayashi assisted with processing. Xu Zhelan reported that they saw Reuben Carmichael once again drunk and begin to jaywalk, which led to Superintendent Izumi ordering their arrest for Insulting the Public Sentiment once more. When at the station, Reuben was very upset and claimed that both incidents are a result of Samuel Hound, who was seen moving Reuben around towards KRC and later the pharmacy to get medication for Reuben's state. Released to guarantor Maja Gretzsky Supporting evidence: Flask found on individual with brandy, Written statement found in cell
  19. A PR for this suggestion has been created.
  20. Nothing stops you from still using ore magnet, just can't use Goon code
  21. As per this PR, suggestion has been implemented.
  22. I like it. PR made, Biesel Consulars will be given the Big Iron
  23. For reference, what IS the tcfl pistol?
  24. Reporting Personnel: KEEPER Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Tau Ceti Foreign Legion Prefect Game ID: ciN-abq8 Personnel Involved: (Name, Job Title: Offender/Witness/Other. Only three witnesses other than yourself permitted, the rest go to secondary witnesses. Victims count as witnesses) - Kei Nakai, Security Officer (Witness) - Karl Voigt, Executive Officer (Offender) - TENDER, Tau Ceti Foreign Legion Legionnaire (Witness) Secondary Witnesses: (Name, Job Title: Short description of what they witnessed) - Kylie Robinson, Bridge Crew (Communicated with them multiple times, witness to talks between me and Karl Voigt) Time of Incident: N/A Real Time: 09:30 PM EST, 07/06/2022 Location of Incident: Corporate Reconstruction Zone, space Nature of Incident: [ ] - Workplace Hazard [ ] - Accident/Injury [ ] - Destruction of Property [ ] - Neglect of Duty [ ] - Harassment [ ] - Assault [X] - Misconduct [ ] - Other _____ Overview of the Incident: My squad was patrolling the area when we detected an unregistered structure in sensor range. We began to depart and made preparations to board the vessel and investigate for any further illegal activity. As we approached, we detected the SCCV Horizon also on an intercept course. I contacted them and informed them of our intentions and offered cooperation, in which the command staff accepted and said we could join their 'team'. However, when we prepared to depart, we could no longer detect a suitable landing zone for our vessel due to the Intrepid taking the only available spot. We contacted their command about this, but we will simply told about how "They got there first" and how their desires to explore this station supersedes our interest in investigating the illegal station. We then contacted their expedition team, in which we were informed that command failed to even inform them that we also desired to board the station, and after I asked them to not take anything that we can use to determine the origin or makers of the station, we then once again contacted command. Command was much less friendly this time, unacceptably so, as Karl Voight started talking about how the Republic of Biesel is "under the thumb of the SCC" and how he is " the highest ranking staff for the SCC onboard, and can act as a Biesel Consular" due to this (I requested to speak with a consular to discuss this situation earlier.). When I expressed my disagreement with his assessment, he openly said about how he "Does not hide his dislike for the TCFL" and soon after we ended the call. We waited awhile and called them again to ask about what items they acquired from the station, and they were notably much more cooperative, likely due to the offender being unavailable and higher ranked individual being on the line. Overall, while it is totally fine for Karl to have such opinions regarding the TCFL, they do not justify the level of interference he caused my squad that day, and due to this interference, the expedition team he sent completely stripped the station of any relevant items or information, including likely contraband as claimed by Kei Nakai. Submitted Evidence: (Place any in round evidence that you gathered. Forms written in round, recorder logs and photographs can all be considered evidence. Signatures, dates and stamps all account to the authenticity of the form, and it's good to have them whenever possible. Clear screenshots of the whole piece of evidence are required. Evidence that has been produced or affected by antagonist activity should never be submitted. Forging or falsifying evidence is forbidden both ICly and OOCly, and may incur administrative action.) Would you like to be personally interviewed?: [X] - Yes [ ] - No Did you report it to a Head of Staff or a superior? If so, who? If not, why?: The Biesel Consular was not available that day. Actions taken: (Description of efforts made by the reporter, security, Heads to resolve this incident) Unknown, to my knowledge, none. Additional Notes: I understand that it is unusual for me to file a complaint, but we felt it was the best way to deal with this problem instead of possible escalation to military command, as this report is mostly due to the conduct of one officer. I can possibly arrange for an interview if we can organize a time and place.
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