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Everything posted by BurgerBB

  1. In all events the majority of the people are going to say it's good because that's Aurorastation. You can have an admin spawned antag on the station who murderbones people relentlessly and without RP and people will say it was good. Who can have an event where some lore figure tours all the departments for 2 hours, then leaves, and people will say that it's good. It was not a good event. The only reason why it's considered an event is because it contains an antagonist that isn't normally obtainable, that's it. You can't deflect blame on this issue by saying it's the crew's fault because this could've been prevented by actually showing some care into the event. I could create a bad event where the antag murderbones everyone and at the end of the round go "Oh, it wasn't my fault that the antag murderboned everyone." despite my ability to step in any time. An example of an event with a good host was that Dionaea event where the host actually provided us with some actual direction, they told us what needed to be done and the host created scenarios which led in that direction. Ironically the only reason why I observed that round was because I knew the event was going to be shit because it's almost always a murderbone event that doesn't make sense. I tried coming out of my shell and perhaps helping avoid that by actively assisting in that round, but I was punished for it by being locked in a Containment Cell for 2 hours. I'm straight up just not going to play non-canon events anymore because good, well-thought ones are actually rare.
  2. Bumping this because this is still a problem. People volunteered to be borers and what happened is that there were a lot of borers who were locked in xenobiology because they made the mistake of infesting players who were pants on head retarded and would rather kill themselves or subject themselves to torture than to have a borer that gives them positive chems. I personally spent 2 whole hours in a 3 hour round in xenobiology containment because of this, expecting something interesting to actually happen, but nothing ever happened. The person who ran the event just spawned borers on a shuttle and sent it to central, and not much else. I probably should've SSD'd at the 2 hour mark like my host did, but I stayed because I thought something would actually happen. There was absoultely 0 RP involved for most people, and everyone was just depressingly bored. I'm pretty sure the only people who had fun were the borgs and HAPT validing all the people regardless of infestation. Events needs to rely less on mechanics not in normal gameplay and more on the person running the event to be doing more in the round. It needs to be treated like a dungeon master. Most admin run events have admins involved in the setup and then the ending when what is needed most is control of the middle.
  3. I like to suggest underpowered ideas and then work upwards as we go. Perhaps the idea can change now that your input is here; make the unbranded IPC whitelisted, but have mechanics/restrictions that make it behave differently as it's still enslaved to nanotrasen. Remove all the use restrictions that I suggested.
  4. https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/5071 Pretty simple addition. All weapons can be held with two hands for an accuracy boost, while all weapons held with one hand receives an accuracy penalty. With this addition, if you're holding a gun in each hand, firing one will fire the other. A new traitor item will exist to compliment this change: a tactical belt where it can reload both magazine-fed weapons instantly when activated with the belt. Currently it's a WIP because of the merge conflicts, and it needs a few balance tweaks.
  5. I'm waiting to see what the loredev has to say before I deviate from the proposed plan.
  6. The only reason why this is a thing in the first place is because the devs requested that extinguishers require a restriction that makes it so that not everyone can fill an extinguisher. I personally hate this limitation too, and would very much like the whole extinguisher cartridge system to be scrapped.
  7. The player of the vaurca told me in adminhelps that they had no idea what was going on, and realized it too late to help (and it would be perfectly reasonable not wanting to fight a surgeon with a circular saw, much less get between it and someone else.) I have no reason to disbelieve them. Well they're actually lying. Check the logs of them saying "Suffer" while blocking me. I'm also 10% sure I asked them to please move and they didn't do anything.
  8. The Vaurca was lying, clearly. They blocked my path intentionally, as proven by the fact that they said "Suffer" while watching me get beat to death by the surgeon. It's incredibly hard to believe that any of that was an accident, especially when they walked right up to the medical door in the path of me leaving when the surgeon made their threat.
  9. I think positronic brains/cyborgs should have the option of either becoming a cyborg or an NT-IPC. NT-IPCs are basically unbranded IPCs with a lawset and inherit access to the binary channel. They serve the AI and have the AI's laws, but they are the IPC type and use the unbranded model. This is perfect for some jobs such as chemistry and medical in general as it allows you to have proper actual manipulation as opposed to the annoying to use grippers. NT-IPCs won't be super OP and will be subject to limitations. NT-IPCs cannot fire guns as their fingers are too thick to pull the trigger. NT-IPCs cannot hit people. with fists or weapons, as their general shape and structure of the arm prevents them from able to exert force. NT-IPCs cannot throw items for more than 1 tile for the same reasons. Due to legal, safety, and ethical, and mechanical limitations, NT-IPCs cannot be assigned engineering or security roles. They are built for fine manipulation of objects such as chemistry, medical, and service jobs. Generally, cyborgs should not have to rely on grippers to hold thing. They're poorly implemented and poorly thought out. Being a borg chef, chemist, or surgeon is just nightmarish and makes you wish that you just played a human instead.
  10. It took me 5 seconds to look one person's up. All you gotta to do is search their character name and google and it will show you their whitelist application or a complaint if they made one. I realised that I should've done that instead of just asking.
  11. BYOND Key: BurgerBB Staff BYOND Key: NursieKitty Game ID: bVO-dAkt Evidence/logs/etc: None provided because I lagged out, apologies. Reason for complaint: Absolutely unacceptable handling of a ticket. I joined as cyborg. The AI was absolutely unhelpful in filling me in on the situation, so I wandered around as a preset-less AI. The crew didn't seem interested in explaining to me the situation. I notice a surgeon named Ivan something smashing lights and cameras, so I confronted him. I told them to stop smashing shit. He threatened to kill me in all lowercase and no punctuation if I didn't leave. I turn around to leave, I walk far away from him with obvious intent to leave, but a Vaurca named Za'Akaix'Vex Zo'ra was harm-intent blocking me. The surgeon proceeded to move up closer to me and bash the shit out of me with a saw while the ant said "Suffer." I ahelped it as there was no RP present in this obvious gank. NursieKitty was incredibly unhelpful in the complaint, stating it was simply just an "accident" despite explaining the situation with no explanation given. I asked if she could provide the ckeys and she said no and closed the ticket despite it not being resolved. I asked her to please give me the ckeys involved because I very likely won't be sticking around in this round and she kept refusing despite in previous instances where I've received ckeys before. I had to look up the ckeys myself, but given how NursieKitty handled this, and how it's more appropriate to give a staff complaint on the issue and dispute the ruling, I'm making a staff complaint instead. Additional remarks: It's just incredibly depressing that not even 5 minutes after I go on the station I get ganked and then self-destructed without showing any signs of hostilities whatsoever. I've received warnings for accidentally killing people before due to being new at the game but this is just ridiculous to say it was simply an accident. You don't accidentally harm intent block someone and say "Suffer" while watching them get beaten to death. You don't accidentally beat the shit out of someone with a medical saw 10 times after threatening to kill them. Honestly I just straight up regret not insta-picking security module and harmbatoning them to submission without so much as a word.
  12. What the title says. I've never seen a Wizard contract done right. What ends up happening is that the Wizard, a complete and utter stranger, asks for an apprentice publicly over comms. Certain types of players instantly jump to the opportunity, usually without any RP. Those certain types of players are usually Sec Officers looking for an excuse to antag or attention whores looking to be involved in the round. It's almost always sec officers too. 99% of the time it makes no sense for them to do this. I propose just removing that garbage completely and making it so that wizards spawn with an apprentice by default. The apprentice will be its own roll, separate from the wizard, so those who don't want to be an apprentice won't have to worry about rolling it when their wizard preference is on.
  13. Then play command and get people involved and always try to say "yes!" To them when they ask to be involved or do things. Be part of my solution. Might make Marwani a HoP, then, however that means adding a few years to her age.
  14. It's all about antags. You think the issue is about command hoarding all the RP from antags while I think that's only a part of the problem. Command hoards antags because they crave for interaction that's usually next to impossible to get from antags otherwise. Players literally get command whitelists just to be more involved in roleplay so you're going to see a lot of situations where they exploit it.
  15. I think i've been drained with the will to play Aurorastation. One of 3 things happens every round: 1. Antags interact exclusively with command/security. Nothing of roleplay substance is gained for Medical, Engineering, Cargo, or Service. Security and antags jerk eachother off in OOC saying what a great round it was. 2. Antags interact exclusively with their metabudies. Ninja kidnaps their friend and proceeds to ChairRP with them for 2 hours. Vampire sucks off their friends. Wizard gives 3. Antags don't bother to interact with anyone and just pursue objectives. Heist team shoots on sight, AI just starts blowing shit up because of some stupid fucking gimmick. Ninja cuts off everyone's arm. Traitor memes around with a .357. This always happens every round: That one character who's always the center of attention in literally every round somehow gets involved. They throw any reason and logic outside the window if it means them getting some action. This means either provoking the antags, helping the antags for no real reason, seeking out the antags despite it meaning obvious death. Them getting kidnapped consistantly for having some fucking rediculous backstory. A lot of users tend to shittalk these people, complaints have spawned because of this, and many memes have been made. Honestly at this point, I understand these people as the only way to actually get involved in an antagonist round as non-sec and non-command is that you force yourself to get involved at the detriment of character development.
  16. Now that it's officially done, I have some COMPLAINTS. The bounties asking for a weapon with a delay of x/power of x/whatever are just not good. Unless you have the code open, you're not going to know what you're going to build. So far every scientist that I've met refuses to do those bounties because they don't know what to do.
  17. Honestly I'm a little concerned with the types of things people are suggesting in here. A new map won't make Aurorastation interesting. A single departmental overhaul won't make Aurorastation interesting. A new mechanic won't make the game interesting. What Aurorastation needs is a serious overhaul on how roleplay occurs. There is a serious roleplay deficit on the server and it seems no one really gives too much of a shit about it. After playing here for a year, things are really starting to get boring since it's the same repetitive gameplay over and over again.
  18. you'd think this would be a staff complaint lmao
  19. I seriously hope that plenty of players submit ideas related to the current antag problem on Aurorastation. The gameplay has remained the same for 5 years because the gamemodes themselves were never changed. For christ sakes, we still have MRP changeling in rotation despite it literally being a gamemode where your goal is to gank crewmembers.
  20. An argument here is that Cargo is supposed to trade antag action for doing their job... however not even that happens. Security never asks for weapons. Last month and the month before when I was playing quartermaster, security had no weapon requests. There's one powerful weapon for every sec officer so security is never in need of any weapons. Even if it's MALF and the AI has a robot army, I have to order Ions on my own initiative. Security doesn't need materials from mining. Medical never asks for chems or supplies. I've seen one chemist order spare acetone and carbon, but medical never orders medical supplies. They never need to since they have everything they need to treat someone. They have a lot of first aid kits and a shitton of vendors so it's not like they're ever going to run out. The chemist also occasionally asks for phoron, but that's it. Science relies on mining to produce materials, but that's about it. Occasionally they'll order a protohuman to experiment on. Science will only order Kudzu if they're up for it. Engineering doesn't order shit. They have everything they need to keep power running. They have a fuckton of materials too. The only thing that gets order is insulated gloves. I don't think I've ever seen an engineer ask for materials. Service is about the only other department than science that relies on cargo, but that's a bit of a stretch. The chef will ask for meat, but everything else is produced on station. The bartender never really orders things from cargo since they have everything they need to make a drink, unless they're one person I know. I've gone through 3 hour rounds where there have been 0 orders. Each department is fully stocked. There are never any shortages, except for meat, and even then that's trivial because junkfood from vendors.
  21. Imagine Aurorastation going MRP for a week. Antags can be killed on discovery, and anyone is free to be killed as long as you're an antag.
  22. While looking through the code of how gibbing is handled with respect to weapons, I found many serious coding and balance flaws with how the following things are handled: - Accuracy Calculation - Gibbing Calculation - Armor Calculation I wish to remedy all three, but to make things easier and saner for my mental health, I'm just going one at a time. First, I'm starting with a better accuracy calculation. In short; accuracy calculation in this game is terribly implemented. I don't know what on earth they were thinking, but the way it is calculated just offends me and I strongly believe it needs fixing. Here are the problems I noticed when looking at the code. Problem #1: 99% of weapons have the default/same accuracy. The revolver has the same accuracy as the laser rifle. The SMG has the same accuracy as a revolver. The revolver has the same accuracy as the shotgun. The shotgun has the same accuracy as the .45 pistol. This is a meme and should be fixed. Problem #2: Accuracy calculation is a joke in respect to distance. Accuracy scales linearly. It's usually something like 10% miss chance plus 15% miss chance for every tile. This is silly since most modern games games use tangent curves for accuracy; a far superior calculation. Problem #3: Holding a weapon with two hands does not affect accuracy. You think wielding a laser rifle with two hands gives you an accuracy boost? Wrong. It's the exact same as holding it with one. Same goes for most weapons. This makes 0 sense from a realism standpoint and a balance standpoint. Problem #4: Accuracy calculation is a joke in respect to "missing the targeted limb but hitting something else" It ignores logic completely, and does something quick, cheap, and ugly. If you manage to roll a hit, but a "limb miss" it has a chance to hit somewhere else, and this is only based on the size of a limb, not the originally targeted limb. You have the same chance of hitting someone's head if you were aiming at someone's feet, and if you were aiming at someone's hand. Problem #5: Accuracy does not care about whether or not the attacker is moving. Someone who is running around like a retard and someone who is standing completely still has the same accuracy. This problems are in dire need of fixing, and I am currently coding solutions to help them. So far I have code that gives each weapon type it's own accuracy value. No longer will every single type of weapon have the same accuracy. I also made it so that every single weapon can be held with two hands, and that they have accuracy penalties if they are not. To compensate for this, if you have a gun in each hand and you fire one, it will fire both. What I need to work on is accuracy calculation. The new formula will account for: 1. A better distance calculation. - Use a non-linear formula. Use better accuracy identifiers instead of some shitty tile thing. 2. Relative limb missing. - Simulate 3D space. If I shoot at a tile aiming at where the legs should be, it should hit someone in the body or groin if they were standing between me and the tile, since the shoot is aiming downwards. 3. Moving accuracy modifiers. - If you stand still for a decent period of time, you get an accuracy boost. If you're moving around, you get an accuracy penalty.
  23. All sources of reagent storage (inhaling, eating, blood, touch) can hold up to 1000 units of reagents. Should be an easy fix to just lower it's cap.
  24. Unfortunately being bad antag isn't against the rules. Depending on who you ahelp an admin will either respond with "Antagging is hard and it shouldn't be expected for them to interact with everyone, sorry." or "I'll talk to them." and they'll ask them nicely to consider interacting with others which leads me to another point. I have a very strong feeling that the official response of this thread is that there's nothing anyone can do about it because antagging is hard and it's unrealistic to provide enjoyment to everyone. One of the main reasons why antagging is hard because the crew (see: sec) has a tendency to validhunt. Make a thread asking for sec to validhunt less, and the official response of that thread will be that there's nothing anyone can do about it because playing sec is hard and it's unrealistic to roleplay because antags have a tendency to secure valids. Make a thread asking for antags to validhunt less, and the official response of that thread will be that there's nothing anyone can do about it because playing antag is hard and it's unrealistic to roleplay more because the crew (see: sec) has a tendency to validhunt. Make a thread asking for sec to validhunt less, and the official response of that thread will be that there's nothing anyone can do about it because playing sec is hard and it's unrealistic to roleplay because antags have a tendency to secure valids. Make a thread asking for antags to validhunt less, and the official response of that thread will be that there's nothing anyone can do about it because playing antag is hard and it's unrealistic to roleplay more because the crew (see: sec) has a tendency to validhunt. ... Endless loop. This issue of antags roleplaying has been discussed many times before and it's always met with the same endless loop of not doing anything because another problem exists.
  25. It's such as shame that whenever you talk about this issue outside the thread, people claim that this is how it's supposed to be. The service department is supposed to be ignored by antags. Medical exists to treat security's wounds when they come back from an unga bunga. Engineering exists to provide power to the station and setup shields from random events. Command is meant to chairrp with antags for 2 hours. There are even staff members in the confessional thread who admit they get actually upset when people believe that civilian should be involved in antags more. This gives me depression because it likely means that nothing will be done about this issue.
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