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Everything posted by BurgerBB

  1. BYOND Key: BurgerBB Game ID: bSL-dHJk Player Byond Key: Unknown Staff involved: None Did you attempt to adminhelp the issue at the time? If so, what was the known action taken by administration/moderation? No, I complained via AOOC but it didn't seem like it was an issue to mods at the time. Approximate Date/Time: February 4th, 2018 4:00PM Reason for complaint: This is a tricky one and requires a well-formulated argument to write about. I was MALF AI, my gimmick was the station was going to be run under an Asimov lawset. It was announced via Centcom that the new AI's laws will be new and improved Asimov's laws. The Captain then proceeded to say "Hackers likely hacked the AI." arm up security in void suits, laser rifles, and ion rifles, and attempt to card me. Maybe I'm just bias. Maybe I'm just salty. Maybe I don't understand what a Captain would do in that situation, but I feel strongly that the Captain overreacted in assuming that I was a malfunctioning unit and that hackers took over my system. Maybe I'm just misunderstanding the strength of centcom message, but it feels that OOCly seriousness and leaked into ICly seriousness where no one takes Centcom messages seriously anymore.
  2. Making a complaint means there's an issue with the character that constitutes as a rule violation. The rules are not specific because if they were, the community would be greeted with a novel that lists every single specific case. Just heckling antags for the sake of it is not something reasonable, there needs to be reasoning behind peoples actions. Doing things for no reason, which translates to doing things for out of character reasons is not permitted. I was just under the impression that character complaints that border on player complaints should be posted here instead of ahelps as you have more than 2 sentences to argue why this should be dealt with, given how this is a lot of context usually needed for bad characters that aren't the obvious chucklefucks.
  3. To be fair, I walked into Hanna Walker saying "Pussy, Chicken" so there might've been some context I missed, and there are no specific rules on baiting antags into conflict. Closest thing under it is "Don't be a dick" and "try to escalate conflict under a realistic manner", and for the entire round she was giving Dionaea shit so it might've been some poor attempt to be racist towards Xenos.
  4. I'm fine with the playtime suggestion. Possibly play 3 rounds as cadet seems fair. An outright whitelist will severely limit the amount of security officers playing at one time, especially during dead hour.
  5. BYOND Key: BurgerBB Game ID: BSL-aez6 Player Byond Key: Character: Hanna Walker Staff involved: None Did you attempt to adminhelp the issue at the time? If so, what was the known action taken by administration/moderation? No, as I feel that a discussion is needed and the round. Approximate Date/Time: Feb 03rd, 2017, 6:00PM PST Reason for complaint: This is a long one. There was a strange visitor on the station, a wizard, who of course was peaceful. During the wizard's stay, Hanna Walker was continuously trying to provoke the wizard for absolutely no logical reason whatsoever. It was mostly taunts and insults, as well as things like "cmon fight back!" and other stupid bullshit. The Wizard gave them what they wanted by letting them read a book, which subsequently ignited them, and later said this in LOOC which showed their intentions: I would've honestly let this slide but later in the round she absolutely infuriated me. Because of that incident, the wizard had to localize his RP within security and ofc Hannah was there milking the velvety RP liquid of an interrogation and ~deep lore~. This whole situation got worse as the round progressed, as she got drunk as hell for some fucking reason and started slurring on security comms asking to arrest the commander, who earlier received wizard powers. She started also screaming about how her loyalty implanted commander is the "traitor" (literally used the word "traitor" despite it not making sense in any context except OOC.) Hanna Walker is the absolute stereotype of a validhunting sec officer. Her character also stutters and I think that's worth a permaban on it's own tbh.
  6. i would be happy if a nuke went off if centcom mentioned "pay cuts" or an AI mentioned "unknown hacker"
  7. Additional Additional Comments: The google doc I provided also includes some headcanon of my own. That is what the wiki would look like if I had complete and total creative control over diona and only displays my skill, whether or low or high, as a writer and making creative decisions.
  8. I notice that every malfai round seems to be the same. AI stealths itself and does literally nothing for 1 hour. AI gets research levels in, starts shocking doors and blaming it on hackers/greytide/whatever Crew can't say the obvious because muh immersion AI goes full asshole at the 1 hour 45 minute mark Shuttle is called AI prevents people from going on the shuttle. People get on regardless We all kill ourselves OOCly
  9. There was also some discussion in the discord about dionaea absorbing any non-nutrient chemical and then storing it in the gas bladder to be later expelled. If you wanted to, you could have dionaea who can store 100 units of poison and them expelling it out, or dionaea storing 100 units of bicardine and them expelling it out onto other players.
  10. Ckey/BYOND Username: BurgerBB Position Being Applied For Dionaea Species Maintainer Past Experiences/Knowledge: I've been a Filthy Dionaea main for several months. Examples of Past Work: I honestly have no lore work to show, except for a work in progress wiki overhall I'm doing to prove that Im' competent in understanding established dionaea lore as well as writing. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FH5RToM4RXjNJEt9-sQ42LKAqRbmJG0sJHWD3wvGvQY/edit?usp=sharing The current dionaea wiki is heavily outdated and is lacking in some serious information regarding dionaea biology. I've also done some code changes to reflect the lore, and planning more as I look more and more into the Dionaea code. Additional Comments: There is a heavy emphasis on "Maintainer" on my role. Any established lore by the previous dionaea lore dev will remain the same unless there is an incredibly good reason, however new lore will be introduced in order to make the Dionaea a complete and unique race while still remaining mysterious. I thoroughly enjoy the lore for being incredibly freeform and open ended, however like I said I rather keep it that way by maintaining the lore and only doing expansions if there is a desperate and/or logical need of clarification in the lore. If I ever have to introduce anything revolutionary or big in the lore, it would be the fact that dionaea have a very strong desire to feel and experience the pleasures and knowings of life. They are like viruses in a sense where on a basic level they hoard and consume knowledge and biomass to store that knowledge in. it would be part of their evolution to either be born with a desire to consume, or break off a gestalt with the will to seek out more knowledge and then eventually report back to the main gestalt after hoarding it.
  11. While looking around in the code, I noticed that Dionaea have a series of organs in their system. I decided to look up what they do, and for some god awful reason 4 out of 6 of them serve absolutely 0 purpose other than existing. Here are the four organs that do absolutely nothing but exist: - Neural Strata - Gas Bladder - Polyp Segment - Anchoring Ligament I don't know why they exist but they do, but they've given me ideas on what they should do by name. Here are my ideas that I could easily implement myself. - Neural Strata Idea 1: Remove/damage this and the gestalt instantly splits. Idea 2: Remove/damage this and the gestalt is mute and/or blind. - Gas Bladder Idea 1: Having this gives the ability for a dionaea to spore nutrient filled gas as the cost of biomass AKA fart on nymphs to feed them. - Polyp Segment Idea 1: Remove/damage this and the gestalt cannot regenerate anymore. - Anchoring Ligament Idea 1: Built in biological magboots. Idea 2: Immune from admin winding More ideas are welcome.
  12. You misunderstood, the current wording is that so long as RD signs off on an equipment requisition form you can take anything out into the wild. Now there are other IC rules which put limits on this, namely regulations on contraband. As it current stands though, you can go get a weapons permit signed by an HoS and then get am equipment req signed by RD, and then bam. You can carry your (recently pinned) gat around. Oh, then I'm fine with Directive 4 as long as it provides clarification no this matter. The scientist who told me this said "OH NO, DIRECTIVE 4 MEANS YOU CAN'T TAKE WEAPONS OUTSIDE." I'm very fucking tempted to file an IA report about the scientist who said this for practically pretending to be the research director and bossing other scientists around while being incredibly selfish and an absolute dick when it came to materials, but I don't think there is an IA checkbox for "Wicked Cunt".
  13. I started playing scientist and it's a shame that the things I make are forced to the confines of science. Directive 4 should be reworked in a way where if the appropriate paperwork is assigned by the Captain and/or Research director, the works of science and research can freely exit the building. I tend to ignore station directive 4 (by ignore, I mean forget) when it comes to stuff like harmless circuits creations. For example... If it's illegal tech, fuck off you can't bring that outside whatsoever. If it's a weapon or ammunition, you need approval from the HoS and the Research Director, a signature from the person who made the device, and a signature of the person using the device. If it's a tool, you need approval from the Research Director, a signature from the person who made the device, and a signature of the person using the device.
  14. I would be minimally happy with craftable test range firing pins, however I think the test range should also include the small testing chamber south of the proto lathes and whatnot. Like on top of craftable test range firing pins, there should also be craftable loyalty implant pins.
  15. It would just be better to ban/warn kids who act like gordon freeman when instead they should be acting like the NPCs.
  16. The location of the firing range is annoying too because it's a long walk and a level downstairs. I don't get why the testing chamber doesn't counter as a firing range either.
  17. Firing pins were originally intended as a band-aid solution to a griefing/powergaming problem on Medium/Low RP servers but for some reason they were introduced to Aurorastation despite firing pins never being needed or asked for in the first place. Firing pins cost an insane amount of credits to purchase, they are not craftable, you can't even purchase them as an antag item, and as far as I know you can only get them by cargo, in maint if you're super lucky, or by security. While Aurorastation has a problem with powergaming, it is not done by science because if they were to leave the research department and fire a single round and an antagonist, they would be booked for powergaming/validhunting, and ICly punished for failure to follow Directive 4. Firing pins is just an insulting amount of babysitting for crewmembers. I highly suggest making firing pins cheaper, craftable, and easier to obtain. Thoughts?
  18. I think there should be some IC and OOC rules about when ERT should be called to deal with a problem instead of a complete and utter unreliance on ERT. ERT are basically the solution to boring murderboning/destructive antagonists. It's either an ERT call that may or may not shorten the game time, or an emergency shuttle that will end the game in 16 minutes.
  19. Im really not interested in debating semantics here man. You where given an order and had ample time to acknowledge said order based on the logs and prate's testimony. This was a very specific situation. It doesnt set any kind of "precedent" that will let you kill nymphs on sight whenever you want. The precedent I'm worrying about is allowing nymphs (or really any race for that matter) as non-antags because "people are racist". The server already has a problem with non-antags creating some pretty garbage conflict while the station is busy with the actual conflict (See: people killing each other in bars, suicide attempts.) but perhaps that's for another thread. Nymphs don't need more reason to be afraid of people.
  20. Well don't put an emag in your pocket when you're standing 1 tile away directly in from of security on code blue/red. Exactly. I wouldn't call trying to conceal a contraband item standing directly in front of an officer "stealth". Taking into consideration that all items (not only illegal ones) will display a message i highly doubt security will unga-bunga check everyone who "puts something in their pocket". On the other hand it's a more realistic model, as i would expect to notice when a criminal tries to conceal a weapon in front of me. So if you want to be stealthy - please do. The suggestion doesn't remove your ability to hide items completely. A +1 from me Yeah I absolutely cannot stress this enough. I'm slightly shocked that this PR has recieved such negative feedback, actually more negative feedback than any other PR in aurora history on the github, except one PR that suggests that there should be a random event that blows a random APC. It's such a trivial change. An officer would have to be directly looking at you, right up in your face 1 tile away to notice that you placed a butterfly knife in your pocket.
  21. I've been playing with a bingo sheet I made and it's absoultely scary how much this bingo sheet fills up.
  22. But what of the way Pratepresidenten handled it? That's not the focus here, like I mentioned several times,I admit that he SOMEWHAT had the reason to do it but OOCly it's a dick move. Given the information provided he handled it terribly and it isn't his first time doing something like this. I'm going to have to ask you to reconsider. I don't expect to be babied around but the excuses he gave to justify the behavior in the end were absolutely bonkers. It's hard to explain but in the end his decision is "right" but the reasons he gave were madness and makes me worry about ever having to deal with him again. I don't expect any kind of retribution or punishment for the guy who attacked me, but some actual clarification on whether or not saying "yeah but rp" is an excuse to be a total dick and I'm starting to see that's the case.
  23. I added side effects and withdrawal to the medication. Antidepressants have an x percent chance every 5 minutes per effect to have a negative side effect. The chance is reduced significantly the more the user takes the medication. Antidepressants also have a x percent chance every 5 minutes per effect to have a negative withdrawal effect, which is triggered only when the current amount of medication in the user's bloodstream is less than 10% of the highest dosage they received at once. "Maximum dosage" is changed over time so players could actually take antidepressants and slowly get off them if they choose to by taking lower and lower dosages at a time.
  24. Unless there is a rework of how viruses are processed and cured, chemistry is going to have a bit of a difficult time curing viruses unless you propose on keeping that oversized virology sublevel or moving chemistry to the sublevel.
  25. A virology-chemist merge is a welcome change and would be even better with a complete mapping overhaul of medical. There is a lot of wasted space in medical that can be converted into a better area. While the current map layout is pretty efficient, there are some minor tweaks that could be made to improve the flow of recovery, especially during emergencies.
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