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Everything posted by Bauser

  1. It is also accessible via ladder which I only know because it's how I cleaned the windows up there on slow rounds and you can pull up the ladder once you're there, so that increases its potential as a hiding spot
  2. If there was any confidence that removing the AI would be a net improvement, then this suggestion would be to remove the role of AI entirely. Instead, this suggestion is only to implement a random chance for the role to be removed each round. Therefore, it logically follows that you have no such knowledge that removing the AI would make things better or worse. The presence of an AI is fundamental to how the gameplay manifests and how rounds play out; leaving it to simple randomness would categorically be a mistake, because it would necessarily be building a weakness into the game mechanics (either AI is good, and we're getting rid of it sometimes, or AI is bad, and we're keeping it sometimes). A better approach would be to work on more finely tuning the AI's abilities so that skilled players are less round-breaking. Flattening the skill curve, as it were.
  3. So, are we concerned that this is an overt Metal Gear reference?
  4. How will you use this to better interact with crew and/or stimulate RP: It'll be SUPER sad whenever it's inevitably looted off his corpse
  5. As an aside, if the HoS gets to decide who is allowed to post bail (as was suggested on the previous page), then no one will ever get out on bail.
  6. If there is 1 unit in the pill, or an odd number of units, how should it split? Giving one of the halves 1 more unit than the other? Destroying the hanging 1 unit? Although it seems a little strange to split the pills we have in-game, since they're capsules (I.E. full of liquid) instead of solids.
  7. And... why... would employees on a secure research station (that already has on-board security channels AND an exterior fleet protecting it) need guns like French resistance fighters needed during Nazi occupation? What a non sequitur. "Soldiers needed these during wartime, so obviously they belong here, too."
  8. This seems extremely specific to be added as its own job instead of just adding the mechanics and equipment to let current doctors incorporate it into their existing role.
  9. An added benefit of allowing free movement of the pieces is that it opens the possibility of cheating, if you're playing against an inattentive opponent. Whether that's good or bad... Well, it's Realistic !
  10. One problem with a persistent traitor is that actions that happen to player characters aren't canon if caused by an antagonist. So you'd have a situation where canon is preserved for the traitor, but not for the characters he's interacting with. "Say... Haven't I killed you before?"
  11. I know what he wrote. Keyword "IF." And it's way too important a distinction to be an IF.
  12. Why are people supporting this This is a terrible idea If this suggestion was put into place, then every player would immediately know that persistent characters AREN'T the traitor. And pretty much EVERYBODY plays a persistent character. So, by process of elimination, every traitor round you would know that the antagonist is one of only a couple people who you've never seen on station before.
  13. I was very surprised to see that the conclusion of this suggestion was NOT that the flytrap/pitcher plant could eat humans and human corpses, like a living gibber. Frankly, that would be the only utility I WOULD like to see for some crazy carnivorous plant like this.
  14. How is pointing out that wanting a mechanic removed just because it inconvenienced you is dumb a bigger meme than wanting a mechanic removed just because it inconvenienced you? Also, as usual not a meme Anyway We could make it so that the horror-form changeling can't be slipped Which would make sense because it has a million legs and is a formless flesh pile
  15. Here's a chaplain QoL suggestion: make the light tube in his office be unbroken at round-start
  16. "Ugly" matters a lot. Anyone who thinks the game looks bad now has been defeated by the victory our current sprites have over historical SS13. It can get so, so much worse - and we should not invite the possibility. Traits like "small" and "large" are things that you can describe in your flavor text, without having to warp gameplay mechanics. Even worse if those gameplay mechanics are relevant to the meta, which things like healing and walkspeed and sprite size all are. I really like the idea of a traits system. But the traits shown in this example are super not doing it for me. ESPECIALLY the mental traits. Fear of spiders? Fear of the dark, and closed spaces? These are ways for you to roleplay your character, not buttons for you to press so that you don't have to.
  17. I don't have an opinion on whether or not it's needed, but one possible compromise (if the current implementation of the flash nerf is determined to be too severe) would be to make getting flashed also reduce your walk speed temporarily. Then it would retain some actual stopping power, without totally decking someone like it did before.
  18. "And obviously I can't explain it to them, because, duh!"
  19. Burger's like a chimp with a machine gun. A lot of power and no restraint. He's going to put in whatever he wants, and he doesn't care if you or anybody else likes it. As soon as you elevate him to the status of developer, you're going to make him think that he's got a blank check to do whatever he wants to Aurora code. He already displays this behavior, so I shudder to imagine how bad it could get once you all let him think his opinion is intrinsically more valuable than everyone else's. I know you're all desperate for the rapidity of changes he offers, but I feel some of you are going to get serious buyer's remorse on this one. And it would be one thing if he only acted with callous disregard for the desires of the Aurora community, but even worse, he is extremely bloodthirsty and pedantic about it. As has been observed on multiple occasions, if you disagree with one of his suggestions, then he treats you like a personal enemy and quickly resorts to mockery and mudslinging to try undermining anyone who's not on board with his changes. And if that doesn't work, he just wipes his hands and says, "Oh well. I'm the guy who makes the changes, so you're gonna have to deal with it :)" It is my observation that Burger doesn't have a suitable temperament to act as part of the development team. You might like a lot of the changes he will make to the game. But then, you also might not - if you don't, you're going to be shit out of luck. We would get better results by just letting him continue to code as an independent contributor. He's going to be coding his pet projects either way; it's better that he have more, rather than fewer, checks and balances. -1
  20. Isn't this going to incentivize people to go on wacky space adventures instead of doing their jobs? Miners are already bad enough at delivering materials to Research; do we need to give them even more of a reason to totally shrug off their literally sole job function? Even calling them 'dungeons' sets off alarms in my head, because it means it's going to be like a crawler mini-game that exists only for the purpose of completely removing a few people from the round everyone else is playing. Now, for xenoarchs, okay. It's in their job description. But in your write-up, you clearly describe this as being for miners... You know, the ones with the weapons to defend themselves from the hostile mobs you describe? So that already warns me that the above wasn't a concern of yours. Furthermore, your ideas for the rewards from these dungeons are... not great. Weapons and magic and traitor gear? In that case, then every miner is going to want to fuck off every round so they can play Dead Space for the chance to come back and continue ignoring their job so they can brag about the cool shit they found (at best) and try to find ways to valid with it when they come back (at worst), because they know they're going to lose it soon and have to fight for it all over again next round. Give them rewards that will encourage them to participate in the round. Give them artifacts to experiment on with scientists. Give them obscure reagents to play with chemists. Give them upgraded alien versions of their gear so they can keep doing what they're supposed do - and just feel cooler about it. You know... if this has to go in at all. Which I kind of hope it doesn't. -1 unless we can propose a way to keep miners out of it
  21. Security and the crew "win" pretty much every traitor round and I hate it, especially because traitor is by far my favorite gamemode. Let's buff traitors to hell. +1
  22. Bauser

    vision cones

    If the combat viability problem is too severe for some reason (not that I think it is), one possible workaround would be to make it so the 8 tiles around you are always visible (representing basic tactile feedback, I guess), even the ones outside the cone of vision. This would mean you can always attempt to attack someone who's right next to you, and it wouldn't stop sneaky people from getting the jump on you.
  23. Bauser

    vision cones

    And a counterpoint to the claim that this makes combat harder could be: so what? As long as it's making combat more difficult evenly for everybody (which it necessarily does, on average, since it affects everyone the same way), then it wouldn't create any new imbalance or anything. It would just add a layer of complexity so combat gets a higher skill ceiling. And considering how much of our current combat is just disarm spam, a higher skill ceiling would not be a bad thing.
  24. Bauser

    vision cones

    I would also be in favor of >180-degree views (E.G. 270), though at that point I feel you might get some diminishing returns on the obscured area. It would still be useful for stealthily approaching someone from behind in hallways, so the function isn't lost. Re: Lifeweb You're less likely to die instantly from getting ganked in Aurora from facing the wrong way, relative to Lifeweb. If vision is important to the metagame, maybe that's even more of a reason to trim it down; we don't necessarily want this metagame to exist. On the contrary, the "atmosphere of paranoia" you mentioned could be much more enjoyable, after people adjust to the change. For every person who's annoyed that it's easier to get ganked from behind, you get another person who's helped because it's easier to gank someone from behind, so that balances out. So given the potential benefits, I don't think the barrier (people getting used to it) is necessarily prohibitive. People have gotten accustomed to big changes before. EDIT: Also, instead of making it pitch-black in the areas outside of your vision cone, as has been mentioned here, make it so structures are still shown (floors and walls) IF you could see them otherwise - so darkness and walls still block things, obviously - but not objects/mobs/critters/etc. This is the implementation that I've seen on other servers, and it's palatable.
  25. Bauser

    vision cones

    Make it 180 degrees in front of you, so a very generous periphery, and I would be on board Otherwise, I would agree with (what I expect is) the majority that it would be more cumbersome than it is beneficial
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