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About CakeIsOssim

  • Birthday 24/05/1997

Personal Information

  • Interests
    Artificial intelligence, science fiction, public service, and medicine.
  • Occupation
    Volunteer fire rescue.
    Molding operator in an injection molding plant.
  • Location
    Indiana, USA

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  • Byond CKey

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Research Director

Research Director (27/37)

  1. AI player reporting. There were only two instances where I was for-sure tracking you, and as I stated in OOC post-round, I don't like to track people unless ordered to do so. The first time was when security suspected you of coercing the other person into blowing up the head of security. I had actually spotted two people exiting that maintenance hatch posted in the screenshots above, but I don't recall who they were. Then, the HoS said they found grenades on the person accused of being coerced. At that point, I ordered the two borgs to start searching that particular maintenance section for additional explosives - they had orders to be discrete because the HoS said they didn't want to cause any alarm or tip off the person responsible. They didn't find anything, and right about when they finished, the HoS asked for Melody Loop's location. I tracked them and gave it over the command channel at the engineering lobby. That's when security stacked up on the front door, and asked me again if Loop was still there, to which I replied in the affirmative. That was the extent of me tracking Loop the first time. I didn't even have a reason to be suspicious of Loop, so I didn't bother checking on them again later. I think security cleared them of wrongdoing, and I went about my business managing the borgs and opening doors for people. Typically, when nothing is going on, I scan around the station just to see what people are up to. Not much else to do when little is happening if you're playing AI. I had just scanned over robotics toward the northern half of it and saw the maintenance door in the hallway open. Melody Loop emerged, and out of nothing but curiosity, I followed them as they walked over to tech storage. I watched them hack the door, which I wouldn't have even bothered to report or take photographs of because it's not a big deal. Then, they started hacking into secure tech storage, where the AI and cyborg upload circuits are stored. I watched and waited to see what they'd do, and right as they started picking up the circuit boards, I started taking pictures. AI is bound by law to protect itself, and it's a natural progression to say that an atmos tech/engineer has no business taking those circuits. I took this information to the HoS, showed them the pictures, and told them what was stolen. Still wasn't tracking Loop 100% of the time after that, merely checking on them every couple of minutes. I didn't order any borgs to try and locate Loop, and I didn't even bother to keep my eye on Loop despite knowing they had possession of the law boards. I warned command that there was a risk I would be subverted and.. that's really the extent of it. I'm pretty sure I was ordered to locate you only a total of twice, maybe three times. If the borgs were following Loop around, I didn't personally order them to do so. Like I said, me finding Loop hacking into tech storage was a completely random chance, and I would say just sheer bad luck on your part. While I do practice some willful ignorance to give antags some leeway in their gimmicks, I can't just let an atmos tech stealing the upload boards slide. I even tried to practice a little restraint in that regard by taking it directly to command instead of security. I tried to provide everything I know all in this post, but if you have questions, I'll be happy to answer them.
  2. BYOND key: CakeIsOssim Discord name/id: Cake#4864 Borg / AI names: ESRA (borg & AI), ARGOS (AI) Have you read the Aurora wiki page about the AI?: Many, many times. Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: I've played on Aurora for nearly a decade, or at least it feels like. I honestly lost track a while ago. I think I started in 2014 or 2015, and AI/cyborg has been one of my main roles. I always prided myself (when AI was not whitelisted) to not hamfist things in what I always knew was an incredibly influential role on the station. In the beginning, when I was still learning how to roleplay properly in Aurora's atmosphere, there were some rough patches but I worked through them. I have always been extremely interested in AI computers in science fiction, and very much enjoyed the opportunities I had to play one for myself in-game. I should also mention I spent somewhere between a year or two as the synthetic lore developer. My knowledge on the AI, ability to practice self-restraint, and ideas on how to behave appropriately as a tool for the crew is quite extensive. Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they? I have never received administrative action against me of any kind, barring maybe that one time an admin had to bwoink me for spamming all-caps in OOC because I was goofing around. There's not even a note left for that, though, and that was years ago. Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action? Absolutely.
  3. Well, it's been quite a while. That is my fault, and I apologize; however, I think (and hope) it has also provided you with some time to ponder past mistakes (this was effectively almost a five month ban), and ways around making them again. I listened to whatever opinions I could get through the other staff members. The conclusion I drew is that you're in no way malicious, which is why most people stay permabanned, but you have issues maintaining proper character and upholding decent roleplay values. I'm going to approve your appeal, but know that it will probably be the last appeal to be approved if you should happen to be permabanned again. I strongly encourage you to check yourself frequently as you play, and think of things that only a rational and reasonable person would do. In layman's terms, please don't make me put my foot in my mouth. You should be able to log onto the server after you see this.
  4. Hello, me and @Pratepresidenten will be handling your complaint! Allow us some time to deliberate and we'll be back with you in a little while.
  5. It is very rare for someone to be permabanned twice and get a third chance. Your first permaban was absolutely justified, and while you did appeal it and I did read the appeal (there honestly wasn't much there) I still can't help but think you'll probably end up permabanned a third time. So, my question for you mainly is, what is the struggle for you in maintaining character at all times, and doing things that are sane and justifiable? If this is something you struggle with, is there a way it can be helped? Just for starters, if you're bored and think you're gonna do something that will probably end up getting you into trouble, why not try going to cryo and playing another game? Being able to separate yourself from the game when you know it's currently not good for you is a very important ability to have. Even if it's just joining another server.
  6. The staff member that banned you has since retired, so I'll be looking into this. I'm going to go over your notes, warnings, bans, and appeals to get a sense of your history, then I'll come back with either questions for you, or a judgement. Expect to hear back soon.
  7. While I don't doubt you are apologetic and do want to play on the server, I have some concerns regarding the circumstances of this ban (coupled with your note history). How exactly did you miss the staff PM reply and hit a malf command verb instead? As far as I can tell, there should be no way to do that accidentally, as depending on which way you intended to reply, you either had to switch command tabs (from the 'Admin' tab to the 'Abilities' tab) OR you had to have completely missed the text box zone and instead hit a command in the verb zone of the client. Additionally, you have a lot of notes about powergaming and bad antagonist play, some of which you should have honestly been permanently banned for by now. You claim that you're not here to robust people and actually want to engage in the community, the world, and the roleplay, but your behavior seems to indicate otherwise. I'm not the banning admin here so I don't have the complete picture; I'm just going off of what I see in your record. Not counting notes/warnings from 2018 or earlier, either - just from 2019 and above. In closing, the three questions in my head are: 1. How did you accidentally hit the gravity manipulation verb while trying to respond to the admin, to the point where you have been accused of lying to staff? 2. If it was an accident, truly, how did you attempt to make this apparent while talking to the admin? 3. Do you believe that this "lapse in judgement" could happen again? The odds of a permanent ban on the next offense are very, very high. This is why I ask.
  8. Wow this is a very old ban. Considering the length of time that's passed and the circumstances at hand, I'm gonna accept this appeal and lift your ban. You should be able to play almost immediately after this reply. As a note, since you say you are new, if you ever need help with anything at all, you can ahelp ingame by pressing F1 or looking for/typing the adminhelp verb.
  9. I don't think any part of my replies were disrespectful. And you have now resorted to personal attacks. If there were any doubts about closing this complaint and denying any of your future ban appeals should you choose to make them, I think they have just been proven baseless. Edit: it's also extremely convenient that you are going back and editing your posts to continue to defame me. I am not going to challenge this any more. I rest my case.
  10. I am a trial moderator just like Abo. I was a moderator for a year previously. Yes, it is my job to judge both your history and your punishment. You also just said exactly what I told you would make your argument worse for yourself. All of that OOC information could have been gained IC if you had stood back and watched for even just thirty seconds. And you keep getting hung up on this "without a word" argument despite that not being the case. You were not present for the words, which is also bad for your argument. I am not going to have a pissing match here on these posts, either. I have made my peace, and it is that you remain permanently banned from Aurora due to poor judgement, a history of validhunting, a history of powergaming, and a long history of poor decisions in general, of which this is just another.
  11. Hello, I was the officer. A lot of the info in your OP is either misinformation or blatantly untrue. If you are not certain of the validity of something, you should not state it as fact. I will cover them here: I did fire the entire magazine of seven .45 rubber rounds AT you, only one or two rounds hit you. And you continued to run away with my equipment, so logically I was going to continue trying to stop you. That's when I told you to "drop it" (I did not say "drop it, motherfucker") and aimed my taser at you. You kept moving, or trying to speak, or messed with your inventory or something, causing the trigger reflex. You did not drop to the floor until after I tased you - obviously the one or two rubber rounds were not enough. Your screenshots are extremely cherrypicked, the logs Abo posted are much more accurate. I won't go into my own opinions on that but I will say that you failed to show the part where you tried to resist both out of my grip and my cuffs after having ran away from me and directly intervening the detention of a terrorist, of which had just murdered at least one officer (could have been a detective, I can't remember, it is a person regardless), and so I smashed you against the window. Is that excessive from an IC standpoint? Yeah, Gordon would have been arrested for that if it was standard operation. It was not, though. It was a tense and stressful situation from his perspective, especially considering one of his colleagues was likely dead on the lower level. I did not kill Emillio, that was actually only the second time in total Gordon had ever encountered them that entire round. I have no idea why they were so wounded. The RD was wounded either because they bombed themselves or because Jesse Armstrong fought them in xenobio/toxins on the lower level, possibly both. You failed to show where you were basically in some kind of weird trance-like state trying to defend the RD for... I actually have no idea. You said you were protecting them because they were your boss, but I can tell you right now I would not take bullets for my Cell Lead at the injection molding plant I work at in real life. That's not really relevant, but serves as a nice segue into my closing point. Having taken all of this into account, this is the part where you walked in: [F] Gordon Dutch shouts, "And you're next if you don't lie the fuck down right now!" [F] Lyanna Haley asks, "Hello?" [F] Lyanna Haley says, "What's." [F] Lyanna Haley asks, "Going on?" How could you have possibly made an informed decision at this point? And might I add, there is absolutely no logic in disarming a security officer for any reason at any point in time, especially considering you had just arrived. You say it was logical to take the baton and run away without "escalating," but you already escalated when you showed up out of nowhere and assisted a terrorist. And if you had known they were a terrorist, you would have stayed back and did nothing and watched as Gordon detained the two dying individuals and escorted them to safety, which is exactly what he intended to do. I say it was not logical to do anything. You should have stayed back and watched. You arrived and made a harebrained decision based off of some kind of flawed judgement, I really don't know. I just can't wrap my head around why you think it would be appropriate to disarm a security officer mid-arrest and expect them to just stop and have a conversation with you on why you decided to forcefully take their equipment from them. And then, despite all of that, you continued your fervent defense of the RD, body blocking Gordon from trying to get his job done, trying to resist out of your cuffs multiple times, generally just acting strangely in regards to the RD, and because of your distraction, Emillio died and the RD nearly died. Despite an obvious show of force and direction, you did not follow instructions. Just like Abo said, not every situation is resolved with words, and you surrendered your ability to talk that situation out when you went hands-on with an officer performing an arrest. And if your defense to that is, "well I didn't know Gordon was making an arrest, I didn't know the RD was so dangerous, I didn't know Jesse Armstrong was undoubtedly dead or dying," all you are doing is making your own argument worse because that proves you went into the situation uninformed and making rash decisions. Considering your history of permanent bans, job bans, warnings, and general notes (not even counting the ones from last year or the year before, most of your really bad notes are recent) I believe Prate was 100% justified in applying a permanent ban. This is a serious lapse of judgement, and it is apparently commonplace for you. It is my opinion that no wrongdoing has occurred except for your own. The original ahelp could probably have been handled better, but the staff team is not perfect either and that was a very busy round ending.
  12. Definitely. Back when I was a lore dev, I had to move out, find two new jobs, and had a all-around busy lifestyle for many months. Now, things have settled down and I'm able to be a lot more active on the server.
  13. Basic Information Byond Account: CakeIsOssim Character Name(s): Blacked-out names are irrelevant, most of them unplayed, and one is an event character. AI Name(s): ESRA, ARGOS, RIGOS Discord username + tag: Cake#4864 Age: 22 Timezone: UTC/GMT - 5 When are you on Aurora?: Anytime between 0700 and 2100 on weekdays, any time on weekends. I'm usually online at least once a day, somewhere in those times. Experience How long have you played SS13?: Since October 2014. How long have you played on Aurora: Since November 2014, give or take a month. How much do you know about SS13 (Baystation build) game mechanics?: I'm definitely not a code whizz or anything, I believe I know a decent amount as a player, and enough to be able to instruct others on most mechanics. Do you have any experience moderating for an SS13 server?: Yes, I was a moderator here on Aurora for a little over a year, from August 2016 to December 2017. Have you read through the criteria thread; https://forums.aurorastation.org/viewtopic.php?f=27&t=4198 - and believe that you mark off all the criteria?: Yes, 100%. Have you ever been banned, and if so, how long and why?: No bans. Personality Why do you play SS13?: I am a huge dork and even huger sci-fi fan. I've never found a game before with such a setting and game mechanics to back it up. Taking the role of one character on a space station with many other player characters is thrilling, and no matter how many times I get bored of one particular round (even get bored of the game itself), I always find myself coming back for more not too much later. Why do you play on Aurora?: I wasn't here when it started, probably a year or two after, but I've seen the setting, the lore, the playerbase, the game itself, all grow into truly incredible things, and I've always been so happy to have had some part in it, even if that part was just witnessing it. The combination of the universe and the gameplay is intriguing and if correctly utilized, leads to absolutely addictive roleplay. What do moderators do?: Moderators guide the community in both subtle and proactive ways. They set examples for players, both old and new, and resolve any issues that may arise in accordance to what is expected of the community in regards to activity and behavior. They represent the very idea of the server and work to maintain that idea as well as identity. And unfortunately, when necessary, may have to punish certain players or individuals for obstructing or damaging the quality of the game server, the forums, discord, or any combination of the three, and ultimately the community overall. What does it mean to be a moderator for our server?: Being a moderator means being fair and honest, never deliberately misinforming or lying to any parties, as well as knowing right from wrong in a general sense. It also means being flexible and ready to take action. A good moderator remembers that no matter where they are or what they are doing - if they are visible on the server, they are setting an example. They should do everything they can to ensure that it is a good example. Why do you want to be a moderator?: Two reasons, one personal and one 'business.' The personal reason is that I really miss it. I very much enjoyed my time as a moderator previously, and though I was inactive a bit towards the end, I never lost that want I mentioned earlier to keep coming back. The 'business' reason is that, to my knowledge, there is a low number of moderators, and most of the moderators seem to be new staff. I maybe know a few things I could teach the new people. What qualities do you possess that would make you a good moderator?: I've always been a thinker, trying to look into as many options as possible before going with the one I think is best. I believe I'm respectful of others, and I think I'm more than able to be professional and effective. How well do you handle stress, anger, or insults?: Very well, I believe. I get cut up on daily by my battalion mates, so insults are nothing to me. Anything Else You Want to Add: I should note that I am a volunteer firefighter in my home town, which means that when I'm not at work (from 2200 to 0700), I am on-call. I could have to leave the round immediately at pretty much any point in time. Does not happen often, but some days are worse than others. I also apologize if this is not very long, I don't really like to pad stuff out. If I didn't answer one of the questions fully, please let me know. also alb so help me if you post the scalie household ban screenshot
  14. A good recovery. Application accepted.
  15. You're irreplaceable, Abo. Seriously gonna miss you being in charge. Thanks for everything that you did, and good luck in your future endeavors. Don't be a stranger now, ya hear? Pop in and see how we're doing sometime!
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