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Byond CKey
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Chief Engineer (23/37)
Please don't let this derail. Maybe I framed my initial post poorly, I was hoping to hear suggestions on what we could add to specifically give the physicians more to do, that way people don't have to worry about overlapping lanes in the first place. Something that, in hindsight, might take more work than I anticipated. Regardless, I think it's still worth spitballing since other people may have some good ideas that they'd otherwise keep to themselves and could very well be worth pursuing.
Not a suggestion thread of my own, I just wanted a place to gather other people's ideas. Physicians, to me, have always sat in an awkward spot where like they lack the same distinction as the other Medical jobs. It's extremely easy to step on their toes, to the point where their gameplay loop even existing almost comes at the mercy of an unwritten social contract between them and paramedics to not do too good of a job patching people up outside of the Medical Bay just in order for them to have something left to do when a patient rolls in. They often have a tendency to fight each other for crumbs just because of how much they overlap. Everyone else gets a unique "thing" that only they can do which makes them stand out, and by extension become irreplaceable. Physicians don't, and you probably wouldn't even notice that they were gone if you had pretty much anyone else to do their work due to it being so generalized. Meanwhile, without a pharmacist or a surgeon the team's capabilities would be crippled because their roles are impossible to fill without very clear and deliberate powergaming. It gives these other jobs a nice degree of separation that I think could also apply to physician, because I know it's frustrating to play one and have your job done for you. I think we should give them more things that mechanically only they're capable of doing, I'm just not sure what. To be clear, I wouldn't want them to be put in spot where the rest of the department would suffer without them. It'd just be nice if they had more stuff that only they can do, so nobody has to worry about accidentally taking away their work. TL;DR - Physicians don't have their own "thing" that only they can do and they're easily, and often overshadowed by usually well-meaning players in the department. If we gave them more specialized work to do I believe it'd help give them a better defined lane to occupy and a clearer identity. I'd really like help with ideas for things that could reasonably be added or changed to do it.
Allow ID cards to tag lockers with your name
Sheeplets replied to Sheeplets's topic in Suggestions & Ideas
https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/19632 Someone PR'd this. Thank you!- 1 reply
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Doesn't need too-too much explaining, I think this would be a nice little QOL feature. It's easy to mix up who's already taken equipment out of lockers. I know some people like to use the label guns to put their names on them, but that's sort of cumbersome and requires you to grab one. Maybe let us drag/drop our IDs onto them to name them instead.
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Agree with NM_ and Rabid Animal. This change is added tedium for no particular reason. It's inconvenient and frustrating to deal with, please revert it.
Just something minor that I like to do with my characters for flavor, and I'm sure other people would appreciate it as well. It'd be nice if we could preset our custom ringtones, as opposed to manually setting them every single round. Maybe add another box with the other equipment options, under General.
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Ever since we added more sounds that travel through the walls that little banana peel in Pun Pun's cage has been pretty nutty. You can hear it from pretty far away, it'd be appreciated if that it was mapped out so people a screen's length away don't have to listen to her slipping every twenty seconds.
I agree with a lot of what you're saying. Honestly, Aurora has always felt like sort of a 'feast or famine' kind of environment. Pacing feels way too quick for what we want to be, just as a consequence of being an SS13 server, and it's pretty rare to find a sweet spot when it comes to engagement versus urgency. You're either getting bored, or you're stuck in the trenches while everything is on fire around you. So I think it's fair to assume that these people who are generally starving for something to occupy themselves with are also worried about things picking up too quickly and getting out of control. So they lunge at the opportunity to jump on issues as they appear - because 75% of the time they're either competing with half a dozen people for crumbs, or they're trying to get the jump on things before they get overwhelmed. Usually both. It's probably different with Engineering, since you specifically mentioned that - beelining towards vendors honestly doesn't really sound very exciting to me, and it sucks to be peeled away from interactions to pulse wires for ten minutes. For clarity, I'm only subjectively looking at this through the lens of a Medical player, so I'm not operating with a full understanding of how things work elsewhere. But with Medical you constantly toe a line between your cases being either non-issues capable of being handled by a single person while five more patiently wait for their opportunity to play, too, or immediate life or death scenarios that offer zero opportunity to pace yourself and RP things. In one of those latter cases where everything's falling apart? It makes it unimaginably hard to prioritize playing your character over playing the game without also feeling like you're placing a burden on your teammates and jeopardizing other peoples' rounds. I share your frustrations and I wish we could roleplay things out in the way you've described without patients dying at our feet while we're trying to play out the scene, either from injuries or boredom. As a side note, with antagonists it seems like it's excruciatingly difficult for them to be engaging without either: A) pulling punches and getting immediately shut down by an (understandably) hypervigilant crew who are extremely paranoid that they'll overdo things and sweep us away with the tide, or B) holding the round in a suffocating stranglehold so we can't wrestle control away before they've done what they intended. I don't play antagonists for that reason, and I don't envy anyone who does -- at all. They're in an impossible position that always seems to upset people. To that point, there seems to be a lack of trust between the two parties to act in good faith with one another, probably just due to poor experiences had by both in the past, and it fucks absolutely everyone over tremendously. TL;DR - Mirroring others in this thread, I think that people behave like that because they're going stir crazy and want things to do, and more leeway to RP them without failure being a consequence. Giving more breathing room to accomplish tasks and tackle challenges without RP hindering things (and vice versa) would be a step in the right direction. I'd like it if we slowed things down and padded them out so we can better enjoy our time spent without climbing over each another for a chance be a part of the story.
Character Complaint - Riona Kelly
Sheeplets replied to BravoBohemia's topic in Complaints Boards Archive
Since I've been namedropped in this complaint I suppose I should chime in. I regularly played a First Responder in Medical for the past three years. I consider myself decently knowledgeable, and believe I have a firm understanding of how the department works. In that time I've had dozens upon dozens of FR partners and through them I've experienced both the best and worst that this community has to offer. That being said? Riona Kelly is without a doubt one of, if not outright the single worst person that I have ever worked with. Period. In the past I've played with people who were incompetent to a degree that it came at the expense of the people they try to save during rounds, whether due to a lack of understanding and knowledge or because they just can't wrap their head around things. And you know what, that's okay. At the end of the day this is a game and everyone plays here to have fun. They're just doing their best, and they make an effort to learn and do better. She isn't one of those people. Sat squarely on the left-most end of the Dunning Kruger bell curve, Kelly is an overly hostile, inept, and frankly childish narcissist who refuses to ever take responsibility for her own mistakes. It's all about her, always. She's the "protagonist" of the round and she just can't work with people. At all. She refuses to cooperate with anyone. If she fumbles and drops the ball she makes it a point to blame anyone other than herself. This frequently comes at the expense of others, namely the people who she gets killed and the people she throws under the bus to save her own skin. We've tried to teach her, and it's not for lack of experience. She's always here. Kelly plays upwards of five rounds a day. She readies for just about every single round in a given day. She just will not listen. She's been confronted before by other people and they've only been met with hostility and rudeness. Despite this, she seems to be under the grand delusion that she's the smartest person in any given room. She possesses a massively overinflated ego that won't let her be wrong. The most intelligent response to constructive criticism that I've seen come from her has been along the lines of "Go fuck yourself", "fuck you", or "fuck you, I don't care". To the point where having observed this sort of behavior across Sparta's other characters I'm convinced there's absolutely no "character" to speak of. She doesn't mistreat the people around her as some kind of well written character flaw. There's fantastic examples of characters who are jerks in constructive ways that enable good roleplay. This isn't the case. I'm one hundred percent convinced that Sparta is full on OOC-in-IC and treats people like absolute shit for the sake of it. I mean, I don't really know what else to say. Every single time I've seen Riona Kelly's name on a crew manifest I've had to talk myself into actually joining just because I haven't wanted to put up with her attitude or her negligence. Her playing here turns that into a conscious decision of whether or not it's even worth it. She makes rounds utterly miserable and I don't even think she possesses the maturity and self-awareness to realize it and make any meaningful changes to her conduct. I've spoken to multiple people who've expressed the same sentiment, and I think it's gone on for far too long. Enough is enough. -
Scarring for limbs, same as organs? As a concept I like it. Seems like a sensible tradeoff in exchange for being able to instantly heal an otherwise massive amount of damage.
Me "taps a button on their hardsuit gauntlet."\nToggle-Boots\nToggle-Chestpiece\nToggle-Gauntlets\nToggle-Helmet
Here's a fun little macro that'll deploy or collapse your hardsuit in a single, stylish button press. It comes in handy a lot.
Give Pun Pun's cage radiation shielding. She's basically just a radiation poisoning mini-game for paramedics right now.
I've lost count of the number of times in Medical where we've been forced to neglect someone with a broken bone because the brute damage on the area was over the threshold where it automatically re-breaks upon being repaired. Even with regenerative medicines available and working. I've seen cases where we've had to wait upwards of twenty minutes for someone to heal off enough damage for us to be able to fix them and send them on their way. It's a pain in the ass and I can't imagine that it's fun for anyone involved, especially not the person glued to an operating table or a stretcher for half an hour because of it. Just let us fix the damage with surgery. Or, alternatively, make it so those bones don't instantly re-break.