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CCIA Leader
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Everything posted by Bear

  1. The Medical ban is from Wyickedcybs.
  2. I'm afraid right now I have no interest in adjusting the uniform regulations which are already highly permissive for a workplace environment. It would be a bad look from the corporate side of things. IPCs will be required to wear at minimum, a shirt and some version of shorts/pants. Vote for dismissal.
  3. Can't create an SoP for a single game mode and I would be wary about creating such an SoP for other existing game modes, or canon encounters. It could be disguised as one by an auto-populated round start Central Command update announcement, however, and I would support that if that route was pursued. That said, staff is talking about another route in the background.
  4. A few points that need to be considered here. The start of an Odessey round should indeed be open to anyone who wants to go. However. A lot of this is dependent on the story teller and the theme that is being set for the round. If we are going to blank check away teams then we need to check the Story teller's escalation at round start to ensure those who have no real business going aren't barred by things like logic, or check the storyteller's ability to have existential threats in general and reduce their impact. The latter is worse, in my opinion as dramatic risks and so on can make for good rounds. So the former is likely the best route to have people start off "slow" so anyone who wants to get involved can get down there before things pop off. For instance with reasonability as you said, I agree. However, that's a hard thing to interpret as everyone has different thresholds. It makes little sense to send a cook down to a site with crazy characters in possession of a WMD threatening to detonate it on site. Or a janitor volunteering to go down to the black kois outbreak and help clean up? If anything that borderlines LRP for the characters wanting to go down anyways. But can you blame them for wanting to be involved with the round instead of being force to sit on the ship with no engagement in a semi-extended round? But if its an 1:30 in, then it's the consequence of late joining and there realistically isn't that long until the potential crew transfer comes along. Once these finer lines are considered by the relevant head staff, the guidelines to allow players to get down there should likely be added into the round description. As CCIA, we could make some sort of rotating announcement, but it's an announcement that would be required to only cycle on the odessy and I do not know how doable that is. Therefor it would likely be easier to make it as something that populates with the round start. I'd advise whatever round announcement starts out, icly asks the horizon to set up an outpost on site asking for any and all volunteers,giving all departments a reason to go down before the round really starts off. As this would be the easiest fix in my opinion. Lastly I'd make a small bit about let's ease off on language of "whitelist strip" ect. These are very serious topics, and policy suggestions really aren't the means in which they operate. Save that for the relevant WL team. If you notice a trend, document it, and take it to them. If you are seeing unreasonable behaviour in round that goes against the spirit of the round, ahelp it. Just because it makes sense 100% ic doesn't negate the obligation for reasonable deniability/detachment from the most logical course. We will guide unreasonable command if we're made aware of situations, even if it's not necessarily "rule breaking".
  5. Alright so I've let this sit for about a week as well as reading the funny posts about CCIA in serious discussion and elsewhere. I'm going to address the main topics/themes as best I am able to, but I may not address everyone's individual points here. I will be direct, and it may come across as dismissive, but it is not a personal attack against anyone here. First there is a common misconception about the point of an IR and being upset about losing control of player agency in the course of your story. First and foremost, the point of an IR is to help enforce the standards of the setting from the IC standpoint and expectation of play on the server. It is a form of moderation from the server's in character standpoint, not the out of character standpoint with rules. We try to encourage RP and alternative solutions beyond "you cannot play for a week" or "you're fired" but at the end of the day consequences are just that. Consequences. The IR is one of the CCIA's tools to enforce character accountability and IC standards. I understand people may not like this. But it is about the community's health, not one individual player groups' story. Now why does this matter? Why can't command or the player of the character set their consequences? Frankly put it is to ensure there is some measure of consistency and that it is realistic for the setting and enforced by staff from selected teams. The general playerbase is not trusted with having enforceable consequences and never will be. If you wish to do so you may apply to be staff to either the Lore team, OOC moderation, or the CCIA. Does this discourage canon conflict RP? It can. An example was listed about a bar fight already having stacked consequences. Typically speaking, once a charge is applied, we do not pursue it further unless it is a repeat offense of significance or the end of around occurred and charges/investigations were not able to happen. The team is not and never has been out to get people, we avoid double dipping. Unless the situation is exceptional, if it was charged in round (or realistically could have been, more than a few 'petty IRs' have been filtered this way) and is not a repeat situation, we likely close the IR. To be clear, we want this to be handled in round if at all possible. But it must be remembered that you are an employee at your workplace. Situations like this would cost you your job in any realistic setting. Again, actions have consequences. Now where is all this going? Well, let's be real, IR's are not entirely fun processes', we know. They can be time consuming because we want it on the server. It's not fun to sit in a round and essentially recant your story of events and why. So why do we do it? Your perspective matters. Also, when you interview on the server your record of account is recorded and stored by the server. Discord is not reliable in this regard. Things can be edited or lost with time very easily for a staff complaint down the road. You have a chance to air your side of things and walk us through (as your character) the rationale that lead you to this point. These decisions can be incredibly minor to something as simple as, a charge was applied to something incredibly drastic such as (and quite rarely) character termination. Rushing these and not weighting things properly would end in poor results. Along with the time constraints people have brought up the issue with lying. As a reminder, you can lie to protect yourself. You cannot lie about others, but you can decline to answer. Why is this in place? Without referencing specific events, this rule was put in place to protect players from coordinated IC lies that could and would affect your character very poorly. It, like cameras, is a limitation of the gameplay setting. To address the comment about weaponized IR's. Could it be made by someone with the intent to 'get you'? Sure. But at the end of the day your character is either in breach of their contract/regulations or they are not. Petty IR's such as someone stole my sweetroll but I did not report it to security and here is a vague image of a text from them saying "ha ha suck it nerd" are going to be binned. The filer has no control over the IR once it is filed. It is then up to the relative staff team to pursue it or drop it. I have never been against reworking the IR process, but this is a discussion that is several years old at this point with no viable alternative that continues to serve the purpose of the IR's function in a realistic manner. One bit I did take away from this that was found to be an interesting concept was HR sit downs between disgruntled employees. I will say this now group interviews won't happen, they do not make sense. Along with this, in character intimidation due to friendships, fears, or other forms of ostracization as a repercussion are counterproductive to the point of the IR. That said, an additional conflict resolution session may be something that could be offered as an alternative to, or with, the standard punishments. I will discuss this with my team, and it will likely be an optional offering we may consider. As for the matter of transparency, I will say, the IR process has been in the process of being transcribed to an easy to read breakdown for the wiki for some time before this discussion began. You can also DM me at any point with questions related to the CCIA. That said, our punishments are often situational, proportional, and discussed by the agents before final resolution. They are not easy to codify as no two situations are typically alike instead they follow previous precedents/examples and the spirit of the CCIA. I also want to say now the team's discussions/debates/ and what was considered or not considered will never be public, just like your ooc tickets are not either. The oversight for the CCIA agents (Myself, Admin liaisons, and finally the Headmin) are the ones who moderate the team's actions from the OOC standpoint. If you want to make sure about something after your IR is closed you can DM me or an admin liaison (currently Campin as well as the headmin Mel) with any concerns/questions. I want everyone to remember you have 3 avenues to pursue if you do not agree or like your outcome. First and foremost is a staff complaint. Myself and the headmin will look at the records and see if all the steps were taken by the agent, if all appropriate parties were interviewed, and if the outcome is logical. The Headmin/Liaison reviewing this has the only/final say on the outcome of the ruling. You do not need to feel bad about staff complaining an IR, if you think it was not handled well, I actively encourage you to. The other two are appeals and requests for clemency. Clemency has a very low bar for acceptance. If your character is willing to admit they did wrong, apologize, and/or hold themselves accountable it is more than likely we will reduce your IC punishment. We are here to play a game. If being reassigned to janitorial is that hard on you, we get it. Understand repeat offenses and CCIA engagements (For the same character, not the player) may reduce your chances here. Next is appeals. You can appeal the decision and your logic as to why. A new agent or myself will take a look at it and review to either agree with or overturn the previous decision. This is essentially an IC staff complaint on the decision. I have the final say on appeals/clemency IC. With all of this said. I do not see any foreseeable or sensible changes to the IR structure save for the potential addition of group hash out sessions as part of the resolutions. I thank everyone for their feedback regardless, I know I didn't get to every point raised but I feel the spirit of the suggestion has been addressed, I understand this is not to everyone's liking but my DM's are always open for further dialogue. What that in mind I am -1'ing/Voting for Dismissal an IR rework at this time.
  6. This trial was passed some time ago.. nobody say anything.
  7. As was discussed with other staff in round, we agreed having you antagonize the ship 20 minutes after the Horizon sent you a warning shot towards the back end of the round served little to no point and was not sufficient justification to then re-engage and escalate. Additionally, you are a small barely a frigate, with no supply line, undermanned, and were with little to no crew and no guaranteed resupply or repair. Going against a significantly larger vessel with a full crew compliment and better armaments. If you had engaged them when they fired on you that would be another matter, but even still, a warning shot in comparison to being actively pursued would require scrutiny and logical judgment for a fringe element. Approach it from the IC stance when figuring this out, I'll point out a few things here momentarily. But, you were given a warning shot by a larger and more dangerous vessel to clear their space while they worked. What do you gain from getting into a fight with them beyond likely death or crew casualties, loss of medical supplies, loss of rare repair supplies, loss of rarer and critical ship-based ammo, and loss of return in profit. Do you think a three man party is going to seize the Horizon? Even at best had you managed to best them in the fight, you are at a net loss. There is no logic in the fight to begin with. You were not fighting for your survival, which would have been a different story if they had say, chased after you with the intent to destroy. You would not know this about the ship as a random SFA renegade, nor is this true. The horizon is very maneuverable and dangerous especially when the server population allows for a full and competent helm as the events have shown when combatting much larger and far more dangerous event threats. Retrain your thought process in how you approach the game. Mechanical limitations or silliness should not be your default thought line for justifications. Just because the skrell can red-grab and throw a vaurca bulwark, does not mean they should. Lore has not and never will be an excuse to bypass server rules be it sanity, escalation, or general rp expectations for characters and antagonist characters including off ship roles. You are an off ship that may be antagonistic which has stricter expectations and a lot more limitations in comparison to a round antagonist such as a mercenary or a ninja. If you wish to antagonize the server I suggest your ready up at round start to roll as an actual antagonist. There are a lot of options to do solarian-based gimmicks there. I understand it can be frustating to play an off station with your hands tied, but our focus is on the horizon, not 3rd party additions. Those are seasonings on top of the burger, not the meal itself. That's all I really have to say on the matter, I hope that helps clarify things a bit for you and why we denied your request. Handling staff can ping me if they have any other questions.
  8. In this instance, in particular, the extent of injuries was very questionable last night and much of it was drummed up with little backing evidence. However, the attack in question was still severe. And so what should be advised is taking a look at the intent as SS13 is not always a 1:1 with the real world. A few clicks on the ground, in this case, did a fair amount of damage, that much was certain. Assault is given a broad range because of situations like this. When the assault is severe, and leaves lasting injuries, I highly advise following up with Incident Reports as certain situations do need to be looked at for more permanent solutions or consequences. Murder should be saved for when there is an attempt to kill, successful or otherwise, and there is little doubt. Was a lethal weapon, such as a knife, axe, or firearm utilized, how severe were the injuries? It's usually pretty easy to tell. Did the offender stop after they went down? Or did they continue to attack until pulled off? While yes, a head stomp in the real world is insanely wild, remember that unless specific attacks are selected in your check attacks tab, the game may default to it with or without the player's knowledge. When applying a murder or attempted murder charge, ensure you have droves of supporting evidence. The bar for assault is MUCH lower on purpose, as the charges in question still leave command players as well as the Incident Report system to follow up on whatever needs to be done via suspensions, permanent reprimands, or character terminations. From the OOC side of things when you apply a murder charge you have now ended that character's round both for gimmicks and for canon. Be certain before you apply it.
  9. As you've only just begun playing recently and after conferring with other staff I will be denying this request. In that time since you've returned you've also had to he contacted by staff on multiple occasions in the last two days. While you may have grown as a person, we need to be able to see consistent performance to back that up before I will be willing to consider it. You may reapply after 3 months with semi consistent play.
  10. After reviewing with Campin. It was a case of mistaken identity as Lmwevil pointed out above and the meme itself was harmless enough that we will overturn the strike. Still, would advise being cautious with memes and avoid those that reference NSFW material in general as we are not an 18+ server. The strike will be removed, and I will close this complaint in 24 hours unless there is anything else.
  11. I'll be taking this with @CampinKiller
  12. I'm sorry but this was your second ban. We do not unban after two permanent bans and considering the notes and history I do not believe this behaviour would change. You would need to staff complaint this decision instead but the rationale in why you were banned yet again is fairly obvious. I will not be unbanning.
  13. You intentionally entered an area during antag's gimmick next to a welder tank which he was using as a bomb. I believe it is quite obvious in your own video , that you had intended to drag the tank away from the area, for there is little other reason to approach it in an armed confrontation with a man who has a gun.. I am sorry, I do not believe the quotes you ICly stated about using your body to block lasers were exempt from your entire rationale. Even if we removed them, it is still incredibly poor escalation and power gaming to try and sprint/drag a bomb away from someone who is either typing or not willing to escalate to such a level first. You have many notes/warnings about power gaming and escalation, along with previous bans for other offenses, the escalation was thus another temporary ban. That is about all I have to say/add until the staff handling this complaint weighs in.
  14. Alright after reviewing this, I do not think anything needs to be actioned here. While sending all of security is never advisable so do try and be careful or have a backup plan in case hivebots or bugs happen, in a very low pop situation there is sometimes concessions that need to be made. The primary difference in the scenario here versus the one mentioned earlier where you had been talked to Dessy was that you as the sole command member left the ship. Just try and do your best with what you have, don't be afraid to ahelp if you aren't sure in the future. If there is nothing else I will be closing this in 24 hours.
  15. I've accepted this application, trial begins now and will remain until the completion of 3 IRs.
  16. After consideration we've gone with the other applicant but thank you for applying!
  17. Alright after reading over this, and considering the response here, do you have anything else you'd like to add @dessysalta? @Nagito Komaeda did you believe the vessel was still a threat at the time you dispatched a team to it?
  18. You should be able to see them through the Web Integration so long as your account is linked. You can also find a link to the WI on the front page of the wiki if you are having troubles.
  19. I will not be making the decision on this complaint. The logic is not flawed in any way, and the warnings/bans already applied are not being revoked. You can make a separate staff complaint on previous warnings you have received if you wish, however. You are expected to have read the rules and understand them in their entirety before posting a ban appeal, you have been around long enough to know that if you had questions about a situation to ahelp before doing it if you were unsure. Ignorance of the rules is not an excuse. After being unbanned from a permanent ban you are subject to re-application of permanent bans as punishment at the staff member's discretion. The warnings you were given in the day prior were already extra chances, not an obligation. Escalation of punishment can be found on the rules page. A decision for clemency by the handling admin is up to the handling admin. If you are disagreeing with the decision made as a rule break to ban you, you need to spell it out more clearly in the complaint and why you are disagreeing with the decision.
  20. I will be taking the complaint with @CampinKiller give me some time to read up and pose some questions.
  21. Having only applied a few months ago, Evan's old interview will be sufficient for his application after discussing the option with him. https://pastebin.com/NpN1SvHt
  22. The appeal in question was denied on the standing policy found here which has not been touched since the start of the year if not longer. For ban itself, it was applied in seven days from the unban due to two warnings, a note, and then the final occurrence listed above in that time frame for poor play/conduct. As you had already been permanently ban, temporary bans would not have been appropriate. With that stated, an appeal was properly made by rawmoddles here for the review of whichever admin takes this complaint. Feel free to ping me with any other questions.
  23. I'm sorry but two permanent bans are no longer appealable. When you were unbanned, you agreed to having read the rules in it's entirely. During this time, within seven days of your previous unban. you were warned several times as well as noted on issues you had been spoken to in the past by staff. You will need to make a staff complaint on the decision if you disagree.
  24. Not every note/record is visible to players. Yes your bans were 5 years ago, however your unban was was only 5 months ago at the time. I don't have too much else to add so I will leave it at that unless the handling staff has any other questions.
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