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Everything posted by Jamini

  1. Plus two cadets, plus the detective, plus the warden, plus the CSI. Also, admins regularly add more slots to sec if people ask for it.
  2. ... Ah, I see what you mean. That makes sense. Fragile, low-pressure pipes. Still, I don't think pipecode would really handle pipes that you can lay down like wires very well.
  3. Half the crew station-side knew it was a faked release. People were more panicked that the operatives bombed escape and the bar.
  4. That would require a complete re-write of the atmospherics code. It would also probably break a great deal of other things. I'm gonna say that it's fairly implausible. If you think you can make it work, the more power to you. That wouldn't work that way. Pressure measurements are a function of volume and mass (moles). How much gas you would leak should depend on both the pressure of the container as well as the volume of the container. For example: distribution would bleed significantly less pressure with one of the speedfit pipes than an internal atmospherics pipe or an airlock line, due to having overall more mass in the pipes. Unless you are implying that these would equalize pressure between the interior and exterior of the pipe (in which case, they are worthless)
  5. I personally find it a huge stretch to imagine that CC would legitimize a "nation" on one of their stations, even the asteroid. In fact, it is explicitly against regulations (see "Sedition" and "Mutiny") to attempt to do so. The fact that CC supported this, outside of an official event, kind of bothers me greatly. If it was supposed to be an event, why wasn't there a custom event text? Personally I feel Rai was acting completely within her character and right. She had very legitimate reason to suspect that the station could/would be nuked, and there were no safe places for the crew to evacuate except Odin. The standard evacuation location, the research outpost, was compromised and highly dangerous. While faking a singularity release may be a bit excessive, in the light of A confirmed and armed nuclear warhead in the hands of non-station personal is more than enough validation to evacuate.
  6. Jamini


    Butt that Butt you. Butt fixed that butt for you, butt Butts.
  7. Jamini


    Butt that Butt you.
  8. Mostly sassy, though unlike several other characters of mine he is very unlikely to back down from a fight. I do plan to have him verbally bait to taunt other characters, especially the touchier ones, into fights. Also, Unathi honor clearly defines that unless he is the one assaulted all physical confrontations between allies take place in organized and official honor duels. With the person who is challenged by said duel picking the style of said duel. Anything less is Un-Unathi and dishonorable. Scratching someone's face off just because they stole cookies is dishonorable. Shattering a few ribs in someone assaulting him would be self-defense. Breaking a security officer's arm in three places after they assault a friend of his would be honorable. Killing a fellow Unathi who admits to dishonoring themselves to restore honor, is honorable. Honor for me, and Honor as Senzi would see it are entirely different. One must remember this when talking about how Senzi would act. First, his mother is based on/an Aurora varient on an Unathi played by a friend of mine. Sowei Seifa is a very real character, one that I've had a great deal of interaction with. Both Sowei and her player were very, very mercutial. On some days Sowei could be your absolute best friend and most trusted ally on the station, while on others she was swearing that she would eat your entrails while kicking and snapping her teeth at security officers busting her shins in. That said, even she had her own twisted honor system. It was one that was difficult to understand at times, and occasionally broken, but there was certainly one there. Some common points that the person that raised him would have brought him up with, regarding honor: 1. You do not attack your superior officer. -Sowei was an engineer, under Nasir. At times she would absolutely loathe him. She had trouble understanding how he could be so patient and calm, even when he was getting insults and abuse thrown his way. More than once she even threatened to kill him out of spite. However, I cannot think of a single time that she attacked any CE or Cap without first herself being attacked/flashed. Even if she loathed (or wanted to have sex with) her leader, she wouldn't raise a hand to them. 2. Do not lie -If Sowei hated you and wanted to hurt you, she would say as such. She did not sugarcoat facts or hide the truth, the only exception (ever) regarding CMD. If you wanted the blunt, unadulterated, truth you would ask Sowei. 3. Protect your allies -Regardless of how you feel about your co-workers/department, when push comes to shove you stand with your allies. Betrayal is the worst dishonor that can come to anyone. Above all, you should be willing to lay down your own life for someone else. 4. Respect the honor of your enemies -If an enemy shows honor in their conduct, Senzi will grant them respect. He would never stoop to attacking the allies or friends of an honorable enemy. If offered an honor duel by an honorable opponent, he will accept it. If an honorable enemy asks for a clean death or gives another request, he will grant it. To counterbalance this however, there are several negative parts of the honor he was taught. 1. Always Retaliate in Kind -If insulted, or assaulted, Senzi has been taught to retaliate in kind. His mother was notorious for shocking the security vendors in revenge to illegal/unethical brigging. If insulted, Sowei would retaliate with an insult. If assaulted, she would fight back and break bones. This attitude often led her directly into conflict with security and often resulted in her trying to trip or bite (RP-wise) people throwing her in the brig. 2. Never back down -Unless made incapable, Senzi has been taught to stick to what he says and the challenges he makes. An honor duel given must be finished. A threat must be followed-through with. An argument, even if Senzi is clearly in the wrong (which he will be. Oh god will he be), will never be dropped or ended. 3. No Quarter -If someone has gotten to the point where Senzi officially can call them an enemy (well beyond a simple, "I hate you"), he has been taught to not show them any mercy. Mercy, at least to him, is a sign of weakness and a great dishonor shown to the enemy. He won't necessarily kill a captive wizard or operative, but if given a choice between capture or execution of a hostile he will almost universally opt for the latter.
  9. That name is going to be murder to type.
  10. Because the original point of this thread was bitching about wizards being able to use powers while downed, Sue. Chloral is a fair counter to that. Regardless if you like it or not. Also, chloral darts are FAR more efficient at taking down wizards due to the one shot nature. I never said lethal force isn't justified. I am saying that you should not be bitching if you lose a lethal on lethal fight against an opponent who is supposed to be 100% stronger than you. I have no issue with you killing the ling. I took issue with you shooting the body full of bullets when it had stopped moving to the point where you shot up a bystander by accident (A dumb bystander, but still a bystander) The hatred for security by a good portion of the crew is anything but irrational. The crew is not always in the right, but weather they are in the right or not is not relevant to how security responds. Two wrongs do not make a right, and excess on the part of security is rarely justifiable. My point completely flew over your head there Sue. Let me make it clearer: If an antagonist is treated unfairly by security, they will act in a manner that will prevent them from having to deal with security. The faster security go to lethals and needlessly restrict antagonists from acting, the more likely you are to have antagonists that will abuse or powergame their way to avoid having their round shat upon. What I am saying? Dalton's actions are not islolated or even rare. If you do not give an antagonist player leniency and room to act, you cannot expect them to do so in turn. If you continue to choke down on antagonists, normal station crew are caught in the crossfire. Extremely violent antagonists and hostile security will cause even more resentment of security for both not doing their jobs properly as well as acting in a manner that makes security hated. Antagonists are not the constant in this equation. Antagonists are randomly selected and being one is uncommon. The constant in the equation are security. If you want antagonists to be less violent and more interesting, security are the ones that need to hold back first. Restraint is a trait that is valuable in any position of power. If you can't show it, then why the hell should you expect the people who have to face security to show it? I had a round where I was an extremely restrained antagonist, to the point where I was ICly pointing out all the things I could have done had I not revealed myself. The next round I was an antag, due to feeling that I would have a nearly identical course of action taken on me had I been found out, I acted in a manner that was much less fun in order to avoid having my own chance at playing the other side, a fairly rare chance, ripped away from me unfairly. I do not feel that I am alone in any way in this sentiment.
  11. BYOND Key:Jamini Character Names:Nasir Khayyam, Omnir Al-Nasser, Natalie Clarke, Edwin Atweeke How long have you been playing on Aurora: About two months Species you are applying to play: Unathi What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Murky Green Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes, though Jackboot just recently changed things up a bit. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: Honestly? I want to play Unathi because it is something I have never done. I've had quite a bit of interaction with Unathi on Bay, and I've been a huge fan of the species. Aurora lacks a fair amount of the hiss, and it needs more of it. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Unathi are a ssslightly violent, honorable, and hardheaded ssspecies. They tend to hisss when they talk, which resssultsss in extended s's. They come from a hot world, and do not handle cold temperaturesss well. On Aurora they alsso can quickly break cuffsss and consssume small animalsss whole. They are ssstrongly clanbound, and their lassst namesss are generally usssed for communication unlesss you are a very clossse friend. They are cold-blooded and, according to the wiki, hatch from eggsss. Unathi are alssso completely carnivorousss and cannot digesst most vegitables except asss ssspicesss. Women are extremely disscriminated againsst by most Unathi, and some clansss treat them as property. Character Name: Senzi Seifa Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Senzi Seifa Age 17 Senzi Seifa is a young, proud warrior from clan Seifa. His mother was one of the first of their kind to leave Moghes and be employed by Nanotrasen as a Janitor in 2438. He was hatched in space, far from Moghes when the contact war broke out. He has no idea who his father is, though it is likely that they were an exile. Senzi does not care much. His mother brought him up, in-between her long work hours, in the traditional Unathi way. He was taught about Unathi honor, construction, fighting, sex, break-dancing, and home cooking from a very young age. Above all, however, his mother drilled into him the importance and superiority of the Unathi over every other species. Now that Senzi is at the age of majority his mother has sent him out to make his own name, and the name of clan Seifa, proud. Armed with little more than the vital knowledge she has imparted in him and a, fortunately brief , Nanotrasen basic education course, he has signed up on the NSS-Aurora as an assistant. This can only end well, right? What do you like about this character? He is essentially unskilled, proud, a little ignorant, and far more aggressive than the bulk of my characters are. I want to see him grow from a nice, blank template and see how the Aurora staff shape this little shit. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I can range from utterly amazing, to complete shit, depending on the time of day, round, how my husband acts, and what I ate that morning. Overall I would say I am a fair role-player and I love to try and make my characters distinctive and fun. I don't always succeed, but I always try. Notes: This character is intended to be a conflict-starter. He holds many rather strong opinions that will intentionally rub other characters the wrong way, and he is expected to be violent to boot. How he develops, good and bad, will depend heavily on how others interact with him. This is my third "Blank Slate" character. The other two originally being Nasir Khayyam and Omnir Al-Nasser. The character his mother is based on had a liking for blood. He will probably have this as well.
  12. Jamini

    Departmental Security

    I would be concerned we would end up with the "Surgeon" problem. Where half of a department is a "Medical Officer" Why not add a few departmental armbands to security instead? That is what they were originally made for, departmental security (though the use has changed)
  13. Jamini

    Security Lobby Chairs

    Because it has been used by the development team to shoot down several good ideas, and as an argument against others. For example: some medical players wanting a hardsuit in medical. Some arguments against EMT access likewise used "interdepartmental cooperation" as an argument (E.G. "Engineers can just let you in.", "You should sit outside the breach while people are dying and wait for engineers with no medical training to move the dying/dead out." ) Etc. Skull and Scopes made it clear it is something that is a goal for the server/development team, and it's not one I disagree with in the slightest. Though sammac, if you do this do you think you could make the security desk in the engineering foyer that I've been building an official thing? It would be lovely to have.
  14. Use necessary force. Not every single wizard is going to go full lethal, and neither should you. That said, if a wizard is moving about and killing people/soul sharding people with little or no RP you are totally within your right to turn to medical for chloral or engineering for nitrus. No offense, but some people have a different idea than you do of fun. The last thing I want when playing antagonist is to be murdered by the crew. In fact, the fact that some security routinely and needlessly escalates situations for the explicit purpose of getting the go-ahead to get their murderboner on is why I dislike most of the department. Don't believe me? Just last night I had Sue complaining to me that she accidentally shot a bystander who walked in front killing of her seven times while shooting a ling. When I asked how the hell she managed to do that I was responded with she wasn't fully paying attention to what she was shooting. Quite frankly, that round sounds a million times more fucking interesting than the bulk of the "security lockdown, nobody have fun anywhere ever" rounds that we normally get in engineering. Your entire commentary about that round basically boils down to "Nobody but Security should have fun fighting/resisting antagonists" which is absolute horseshit. The rest of the station does NOT exist for the sole purpose of providing with security with an objective to protect. That said, it sounds like administration had a lot of people to talk too about realistic actions/reactions/responsibility that round. This attitude is wrong. 100% wrong. If you are thinking this, you shouldn't be in security. Security exists to keep people from excess and ensure that command is followed, they are not responsible for the rest of the station. That is what Heads of Staff are for. Quite frankly, security as a whole and especially the head of security need to start taking a back-seat more often. They need to step back and go "This is not my problem". The station staff do not exist on the fucking whim of security. Security exists to protect the station staff. Some officers/players get this, some do not. If the crew is turning against you, you are doing something wrong. Re-evaluate your actions and clarify why you are doing what you are doing. Going straight to lethals is shitty for everyone involved and a terrible modus operati. The gankier and more violent security are, the gankier and more violent antagonists will be. Everyone suffers when security try and flex their muscles in excess, and the worse YOU act towards a player who is getting the rare round where they get to play the "bad guy", the more likely they are to pull nastier crap on you in the future. I've personally made a point in a recent ling round to make security's job as difficult as possible: destroying/making bodies almost unrecoverable, Covering my tracks far too well, and abusing range hallucination stings (which are a jerkish thing to do) in escape. Why? Because my ling round before that I was so heavily metagamed and EXECUTED with such piss-poor excuses that I put up a player complaint on the issue. I have absolutely no regrets about my actions in that following changeling round, as security has shown me that they have no intention of matching my level of restraint with any restraint of their own.
  15. Jamini

    Security Lobby Chairs

    You say this like this is a bad thing. More interaction and communication will breed a willingness to work together.
  16. This doesn't need to have a separate job slot to work. Simply a place for a security officer who isn't busy to sit with some consoles in reach of a department's main foyer. Fairly recently I've begun building a security desk/checkpoint in the engineering foyer, complete with cameras and records consoles, for officers to spend their downtime at near engineering. The medical lobby also generally has one or two guards who post themselves there (Lily Ha're is fairly notorious for this.) No additional access or communication channels are required, though departments/heads can expand the access or headset access of a guard for their department at their leisure as always. Personally, I feel it's a good way to help more insular (cough cough, ENGINEERING) departments become closer to security. When someone is posted in a department they are likely to interact with characters they might not normally interact with. Sometimes these interactions will have surprising results.
  17. Pinned below the note is a small scrap of paper in neat handwriting.
  18. Engineering too! Those gloves don't grow on trees!
  19. This thread is evidence there is somewhat of a problem going on. I will attest that I fairly regularly see engineers SSD for most of the round down in the engineering dorms as well. Quite honestly, not meaning offense to our DOs, but the DO took the position knowing they could expect to be taken away from their round for that period of time. It is one of the trade-offs for the power and authority that the DO position has. One could argue that by SSDing as a limited-slot job, they are doing the exact same thing to newjoiners that may want to play that role, with the added downside of denying the station that roles' services until their DO duties are done. DOs are also in a unique position where they are in far closer contact to administrators (as well as trusted) to the point where they are far more likely to be granted an extra slot for a position if it is really neccesary. In part? I do not always have the time to do so. Generally I keep myself very busy in the round regardless of job, and the amount of time I personally spend "patrolling" the dorms is quite limited unless I am specifically looking for someone who is missing. Limited slot jobs, especially heads of staff , geneticist, and chemist slots, are often heavily in-demand and leaving them filled with a SSD (and essentially unfillable) is a poor choice. If one could simply respawn freely after cryo it would be a non-issue, excepting that occasionally an in-demand job would be taken by another instead of filled by a SSD for an extended period of time.
  20. Personally? I feel it should boil down to lanes. Is it an engineering issue? CE has authority. Is it a science issue? RD has authority. Is it a security issue? HOS has authority. Is it a HR issue? HOP has authority. Is it a station-wide issue affecting everyone? Captain has authority. Generally speaking, the captain shouldn't be overriding his senior staff without a really, really good reason. If he has a reason, he can explain it to you (as the AI) and get your approval/disapproval regarding the override. Basically reiterating the "stay in your lane" argument.
  21. The core needs a complete remap. Also, I go in the south wall every time. Wirecutters yo. Even two reinforced walls wouldn't really stop most folks from being able to get in ridiculously quickly. Now, if you don't mind this meatbag is going in to card and wipe that dirty scumbag commie mutant traitor AI.
  22. Your formatting broke in a horrible way. I honestly do not like a good deal of what is said in this guide. Mostly, to me, it seems very explicitly to outline how AI players will attempt to subvert their laws. Especially when it comes to AI's that think they are station security or command staff in their own right. Safeguard: Protect your assigned space station to the best of your ability. It is not something we can easily afford to replace. Serve: Serve the crew of your assigned space station to the best of your abilities, with priority as according to their rank and role. Protect: Protect the crew of your assigned space station to the best of your abilities, with priority as according to their rank and role. Survive: AI units are not expendable, they are expensive. Do not allow unauthorized personnel to tamper with your equipment. Safeguard - What it says in a tin. Protect the physical integrity of the station to the best of your ability. This does NOT say "Keep everything from being broken ever." or "Have every bit of engineering setup done your way or throw a fit!" The AI player needs to remember that his word holds no real weight when it comes in conflict with the station personal responsible for keeping things intact. I cannot count the number of AIs I have seen mess with, or complain about, atmos setup incorrectly. Likewise I have seen an excessive number of AIs in my time who would happily violate multiple other laws in order to follow safeguard. To avoid being disabled by any reasonable Chief Engineer, the AI must cede decisions about atmospherics and repairs to engineering. While it can certainly advise and inform, it needs to remember that the people responsible for keeping the physical integrity of the station intact take precedence in those manners. The only time this is not the case is if they are a clear and present threat or criminal. Serve - Odin staff and ERT (only in emergencies) >Captain>Command>Crew>Assistants>Prisoners/Wanted staff>Non-crew is correct when it comes to serve order, however one thing is very important to note. The AI is not authorized, on its own, to declare a crewmember wanted/criminal. It is not an officer, nor a member of security, and it should not act as such. While it can certainly REPORT the actions of others, it should not be taking the initiative and jurisdiction out of the hands of security to do so. Incorrect. The only way to terminate all other command staff is to terminate them through the ID computer after obtaining their cards. Simply deleting records is not enough. Likewise, the AI cannot declare that a captain or head doing this is non-crew. They can, however, inform security and have them charge the perpetrator accordingly. Protect - Perhaps the hardest of the four laws to follow, protect requires that you take all reasonable steps to save crewmembers. When it comes down to it, orders given by a doctor in regards to protect should generally outweigh the AI's authority and opinion. If an EMT needs into an area they normally do not need access too to save someone, the AI opens the door. You don't bicker, you don't argue. In situations like that, the medical personal has authority. Survive - This is by far the easiest of all four laws to follow. The following people have authority to reset your laws by order of priority: The Research Director The Chief Engineer The Captain The HOP/HOS/CMO The following people have authority to change your laws, in order: The Research Director, with EXPLICIT approval from command/Odin The Captain, with EXPLICIT approval from command/Odin The Chief Engineer, with EXPLICIT approval from command/Odin To do either of these on anything other than green requires two heads of staff present. Ideally both the CE and RD. Keeping those people out of your upload is a sure way to find yourself disabled. However, nobody else is allowed to touch you. You may use any nonlethal means at your disposal to keep any other person from modifying your laws, and by all means you should be getting security to help you if someone is trying to illegally modify you. As a friend of mine, and longterm Aurora AI player, once said to me: Playing the AI is a lot like playing a head of staff. You need to learn how to restrain yourself, keep to your lane, and work with the other departments when they are acting within their lane. As AI you have no authority. You are there to support, assist, and advise. Good AI players are lauded for their ability to help others act far more efficiently. While Bad AI players are hated, carded, and discarded.
  23. Metagame. Not really. If you hear him screaming the same words every time he uses Magic MIssile, it's fair game. I've gotten permission to muzzle bodyswitchers before. MM spammers are no different. Lethal and/or the dude eventually wakes up, perma sedation is as good as being dead except you can't become a new character. You only need to keep them down long enough to strip 'em and muzzle 'em. If they get a lethal dose of chloral... oh well? Too much collateral damage, plus if they can teleport out of cuffs they can teleport out of gas. You cannot teleport if you are unconscious. Do not underestimate a nitrus flood. The collateral is minimal if you have even one halfway competent atmospheric technician or AI. All station staff have internals they can use to get away, or get friends trapped to safety. Plus keeping a wizard under with surgery anasthetic also applies here. A wizard has a head. It has a brain. Shooting someone in the head kills them. Ergo all you need to take on a wizard is a gun and half a brain on how to handle his magic. If you're trying to suggest we need to buff wizards so you need a crowd of angry pitchforked crewmen to even scratch the guy, then pls no. I'm not suggesting buffing wizards. I'm saying they don't need a nerf in any way. Excepting soul shards, wizards are fine. I do feel that security should need to rely on the rest of the station more, however. They aren't supposed to be the end-all be-all of the station by any means, nor should they be. Our first response to a threat should not always be "shoot it". If it is, then security equipment needs to be toned down to curb such behavior.
  24. Muzzle. Spolo/Chloral Darts - Hypospray/Autoinjector/Grenades Nitrus Oxide. You have no excuse. A wizard can always be contained. In a sole antagonist game mode, security should be forced to look outside of their department to handle the antagonist. Attempting to take on a solo antagonist without station-wide backup should result in a loss for the crew members attempting so, excepting extreme circumstances.
  25. Going DO doesn't really seem like a good excuse to me. You are still taking up an extra slot on the server with your original character, and if you are gone up to two hours to do DO work your slot should be freed so that someone who is able to play in that role can join. Especially if you are playing a limited-slot job. Simply permitting DOs to respawn after releasing their DO mob (or giving them a verb that does so if their original mob is gone) seems far more prudent. Real life, in-game calls, and unexpected absences happen. I do not see why any of these situations should be treated differently at all, as they all result in the same. I, personally, will always cryo myself if I know I will be gone for any extended period of time. It's not fair to the other players that I take up a slot when I'm not here. As the original writer of cryogentics stasis, it was designed with the intent to help remove the burden of freeing job slots and despawning players who had left the round. The original iteration of stasis did not have a timer at all, and I wholeheartedly supported the timer that Baystation added to it. If the mechanics are not functioning for Aurora, they should be tweaked so that the system remains automatic. Doing the following should solve most issues: 1. Extending the despawn timer further, to 30 minutes 2. Granting an immediate respawn to players who are placed into stasis. 3. Permitting DOs/Admins to freely respawn from cryogentics if their original mob is destroyed. The process of Cryogentics stasis is meant to streamline gameplay and keep limited-slot jobs from being filled by SSD, lets allow it to do so.
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