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Everything posted by ClemTheDuck

  1. oke oke here we go Askoza's clan was Th'akh, and growing up they did practice. The transition into Aut'akh wasnt too difficult to them, due to the overlap of beliefs. What really drew Askoza in was their belief of the weakness in flesh. Seeing the carnage of the Contact war take the lives of their own clan, even loosing their arm in the crossfire, and seeing the growing wasteland claim the once fertile lands of their home taught them about the fragility of biological systems. The Aut'akhs desire to improve and adapt through augmentation was appealing to them, Askoza saw it as a way to become whole again, and a way to become stronger as a race. Another big draw for their transition over was the less traditional aspects of the Aut'akh. Seeing how the Unathi's stubborness and adherence to tradition had begun the Contact War, and the Hegemonies struggle to deal with the fallout on Moghes, Askoza saw a better future in the Aut'akh communes. A community where everyone can thrive together. Today, despite seeing how even the Aut'akh grip onto their own form of tradition, the core tenets of the religion very much drive Askoza. They believe that their prosthetics and augmentations are creating stronger vessels for the spirit, more efficient than flesh and blood. They see standard biological systems as overly complex, whereas purpose built porsthetics are simple, built with a single purpose, Lasting longer, and fixed easier, they believe the simple fact that one can easily name all the components and systems of a prosthetic over the countless biological reactions, and systems of natural born bodies, means that the soul has more control over its vessel. There was some doubt at first, believing that turning their back on Th'akh would invite disaster from angered spirits, a belief swayed by the very fact that their life leading up to this point has been in a disaster. Personally they believe that augmentation results in stronger bodies. However while they believe that a stronger body results in a stronger spirit, they also believe that the vessel belongs to its spirit and hence only the individual can choose what happens to their own body. They design their augments and prosthetics so that people who wish to, can become stronger. However they do harbour a small sense of superiority when it comes to more traditionalist Unathi. Askoza believes they are more enlightened, and that the Hegemony is obstinate, refusing to change in the face of the growing wasteland. Askoza likes those who appreciate the need to improve and adapt, so they tend to have an appreciation for their Skrell and Human coworkers. Askoza believes that the skrell and human influence on Ouerea has had a positive effect on the planet. This extends into some megacoporations. Askoza appreciates the work of Zheng-hu and Hephaestus due to their work in the prosthetic and augmentation fields. After all, its Hephs credits that are going to their commune. Aksoza sees the stubborness of the Unathi as being the main cause of the Contact war, and its the same stubborness and pride that kept it going for so long, destroying their planet.
  2. BYOND Key: ClemTheDuck Character Names: Niko Pelz, Yukio Takano, Scout Tanaka, Taeko Mori Species you are applying to play: Unathi What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Purple Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: yep Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: I find feudal and martial societies interesting, especially in scifi. Unathi are appealing as they have much more unique character motivations compared to that of standard humans. I do wanna play around with the different religions and how Unathi from these religions would react to the greater spur. Their focus on spiritualism as a whole and how open it can be to interpretation is very appealing, Th’ahk in particular. This gives a lot of opportunity to explore how Unathi express their spirituality, I want to play around with and explore how this view on spirituality changes between Unathi, whether that be from their location on Moghes, or their experiences growing up. In general, Unathi religion has a free air to it, where exploration out of the norm while still remaining in the bounds of the religion is possible. Also I really fucking love geckos Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Besides the fact that you are a 6-7-foot-tall lizard. I believe the strong religious and spiritual ties are one of the biggest differences. There is a much larger affect that a Unathi’s religion has on a character’s interactions compared to that of most humans in lore. With this being said, there is still a lot of wiggle room in the ways an Unathi character can view their religion and express their spirituality, which leads to a lot of variation in how different Unathi chars view and are influenced by their beliefs. Character Name: Askoza Kaszka Born to a rural peasant family in the Hegemony in 2438. Askoza spent their childhood in the midst of the Contact war, loosing friends, and family alike during the conflict. By the end of the war, Askoza had seen the majority of their clan perish from the fighting. Scarred and homeless, they were one of many who were moved to Ouerea after their lands were destroyed by the fallout. With the planets infrastructure unable to account for the growing refugee population, finding work was already tough enough, but missing an arm, made that nearly impossible. Askoza lived in the slums, barely surviving. When Aut’ahk began preaching in the slums, Askoza was drawn in by their talk on prosthetics. Seeking a quiet life after spending their life in war, Askoza joined the commune in the Hinshaw Valley. Life in the commune was peaceful. Askoza took a great interest in the construction of the Aut’ahks prosthetics and augments, learning much from the shamans in regards to building and maintaining them. The budding commune could not sustain itself fully however, and with a lack of credits, paying for supplies from merchants was difficult. Being among the youngest in the commune, Askoza volunteered to work abroad with Hephaestus Industries so that the commune can have a source of credits. Over the next 9 years they studied under Heph, obtaining a masters in Mechatronic Engineering and Robotics. They worked on designing improved prosthetics and augments, even trying to streamline and enhance the processes that the Aut’ahk would use to create their own prosthetics. Originally working out of the HAS Olympus over Mars, they have now transferred to the Aurora due to the increase in instability in the Sol region. Askoza finds the change from Unathi to human space freeing. They see their augs and prosthetics as a way to heal and improve themselves. Humans tend to be much more open to augmentation as a whole, and human corporations like Hephaestus are at the forefront of advancements in the field. Askoza believes in bettering the health of Unathi back home, and see prosthetics and augmentations as the way to do it. They find the stubbornness of Unathi restricting and harmful. Even in the commune they would find the Aut’ahk clinging to old and sometimes inefficient means to create their augments. Askoza hopes that one day, they could use their designs to help the Unathi who have been hurt and scarred from the Contact War, a futile dream, but a dream nonetheless. What do you like about this character? I like their motivation, wanting to improve the lives of their kind after the Contact War. Their constant need to improve things is also something that can come into play as well. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I like to believe my characters are all unique in some way. I can definitely keep a character, also do well when improvising. So like 8/10
  3. I really do like the introduction of some mechanical skills, I’m not too worried about people powergaming them because the fact that you have finite skill points will mean that you can only really become truly powerful in one aspect. Plus in terms of security and EMTs having increased agility and being able to climb faster kinda feels right.
  4. yeah nah i agree with having HUD aviators work like the hud sunglasses. No real reason why they shouldnt act the same way. Just make the lenses like a dark blue and there you go
  5. 1. As someone who spent nearly all their life living in a noble house in the Hegemony working as a city guard, Skaszk is quite distrustful of Aut'akh. As a warrior he believes in the strength of his own flesh, and thus does not agree with the idea of body augmentation being the key to greater resolve. He mostly sees them as misguided, and is wary of them. 2. Skaszk believes in tradition and duty, the old ways need to be respected and upheld, but you must do what is right for all Sinta, is his thoughts. For his whole life so far that belief has benefited him, but then again he has been mostly sheltered from outside views, being surrounded and working for the Hegemony. But now that hes in Biesel, interacting with people from diffrerent races and Unathi from different cultures, i think his beliefs are gonna be tested/changed, keep in mind he is still young, and has alot to learn about the world still. But RIGHT now, he believes in the feudal and traditional system of the Hegemonies, and the warriors code. 3. I think Skaszk looking up to Razorak all the time is stopping him from finding out things on his own, chasing the dream of being like his brother is keeping him from finding out who or what he wants to really be, and his eagerness to match with Razorak is gonna get him hurt. Its definitely going to ease his transition into working in Biesel, but if he is going to grow as a person, he needs to realise that he needs to be his own person.
  6. Clan Szsk are believers of Sk'akh and thus are adversed to prosthetics and cyborgs in general. For Skaszk, he doesent like to interact with station borgs and AI, not just cause he sees them as soulless, but because as a City Watch guard, the concept is still pretty new to him. As a firm believer in Sk'akh, Skaszk takes his job as a city guardsman and now a security officer very very seriously, he believes he is upholding the balance as a warrior. This of course makes him very fond of medical as well. In terms of the Szsk clan and the Contact war, much of the clan perished during the conflict, leaving the clan much much smaller than it was in the past. This resentment of the war and humanity for its involvement (how else did the Traditionalists get a nuke) is still felt by the newer generations within the Clan. Skaszk is still very resentful to humanity, hearing stories of the war and about the nukes. This resentment is partially why he came to Biesel. Seeing his brother go work for human corporations, to almost die working for them, and to willingly go back, confuses Skaszk. Sureley there is SOMETHING special about Biesel if Razorak is still living there instead of staying home at Moghes.
  7. In terms of attitude towards humans, Skaszk is pretty distrustful. He feels a bit of resentment due to the contact war, but he tries to be respectful when it comes to interactions. He is focused on his job as a guard and takes it very seriously, but tends to get himself riled up when given an oppurtunity for battle, hes serious about the rules but will probably get into a fight if someone were to challenge them to one. Im planning to have him soften up and learn more but right now hes a pretty stubborn Unathi, he doesent really understand why his brother would come and work here, so hes kinda here to see whats so special about the place. I feel like hes both interested yet distrustful of human culture, he finds smiling weird and human laughing to be slightly obnoxious. But he probably wouldnt be explicitly rude to people about it.
  8. BYOND Key: ClemTheDuck Character Names: Yukio Takano, Scout Tanaka, Niko Pelz Species you are applying to play: Unathi What color do you plan on making your first alien character: red/maroon Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: Playing a xeno race on its own is something ive always wanted to do. Unathi have a specific martial and feudal culture that appeals to me. I really enjoy the idea of playing a character with a strict moral code, someone who values honour and respect in others. The Hegemony and its focus on clans and clan loyalty gives a really good stage in which to make said character. The history and general disparity between Unathi culture and other cultures creates oppurtunity for unique interactions between Sinta and other races, and also allows for contention and growth, with say a Hegemony char being a stubborn traditionalist or learning to adapt and enjoy other cultures. I would also be lying if i said that the idea of playing a 6-7 tall lizard wasnt appealing to my interests. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: I think the biggest part is the cultural differences. With the Hegemony having a big focus on clan loyalty and martial prowess. While having a code of honour is nothing new to the human lore, the unathi have a larger focus on loyalty to the clan, over fealty to the emperor. I feel like this gives way to unique character motivations compared to most human nations. Should also be noted that you expect a certain level of integrity from certain Unathi, for example, a Hegemony Noble is someone youd expect to have a strict moral code, someone who values integrity and respect. Same cannot be said with every Solarian or Biesel char. The Aut'akh are also an interesting aspect of Unathi culture, communes and a focus on self expression, especially through the use of prosthetics, is something that doesent really pop up alot in human lore, and the disconect between the Hegemony and the Aut'akh is something that is unique to Unathi. Probably goes without saying that the difference in biology changes how Unathi interact with others simple things like how unathi tend to stare directly at the person talking to them, or how baring or protecting ones throat signals vulnerability or distrust. These social mannerisms are quite alien compared to standard human social interaction and i feel like can have an effect on how a Unathi would act in a station that is filled with mostly humans. Character Name: Skaszk Szsk Please provide a short backstory for this character Skaszk Szsk grew up on Skalamar, under Clan Szsk. The Youngest of 5, Skaszk looked up to their eldest, Razorak Szsk. Always trying to prove himself, Skaszk would often rush headfirst into situations, going about as poorly as one would expect. Through his younger years hes trained hard to keep up with his brothers, going into work in the City Watch the moment he was able to. There he would guard the outer walls of Skalamar with his brothers. The weakest of the brothers, Skaszk would find themselves dealing with petty criminals and mundane tasks which they would complete with enthusiasm. Every day waiting for a chance to prove their skills to their kin. When Razorak Szsk left Moghes, Skaszk was orignially distraught, unable to go with, and questioning why he would even want to go to human space. It wasnt until Razorak returned home again that Skaszk would learn of the experiences in Biesel. It wouldnt be until Razorak returned to Bisel, that Skaszk would realise that their oppurtunity lied, not in Skalamar, but across the Spur in Biesel. Signing on to Nanotrasen as a security officer in the hopes of following in their brothers footsteps. What do you like about this character? I really enjoy the idea of someone who while still follows a strict code of honour and integrity, but is a bit of a dork. Skaszk isnt the best at fighting, but theyre enthusastic and always eager to prove themselves to their peers. I also think that they have alot of room to grow, coming from a very very traditional clan, them thrusting themselves into a very diverse and human filled culture gives alot of oppurtunity for interesting interactions and character growth. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I like to say that i can stay in character very well. Im not the most descriptive person, but i think my chars are distinct and have clear personalities. Ive definitelty improved and am looking to further improve that through playing different races. Id honestly give it a 8/10 Notes: Big thank to Shadow for giving me the Szsk clan lore and getting me off my butt to write this.
  9. I love this idea so much. Adds more to do as sec besides go and shoot carp and greimorians. Im always for having some more ghost roles around.
  10. +1 Enjoy their characters. They have experience. Dont have any issues. chill person
  11. Whitelisting kinda ruins the point of the role, make it open access, worried people will use it for “malicious intent?” We have staff for that. in terms of operation it sounds like you’re just gonna act like security cadets and other learner roles where you are expected to be with a command member and following them to learn. Given similar access to command but not to the actual important stuff. with the concern of bad players abusing positional power, bad wardens can theoretically take guns with them all the time, but we have ic and ooc rules stopping that. Just emplace rules and restrictions that limit the amount of power a command secretary will have. personslly I like this idea, plus it frees up command from some paperwork stuff and allows for some unique rp. +1
  12. easy +1, tons of personable chars, lotsa experience, knows the lore
  13. Having a pilot role is literally all I ask for with the NBT even if the job is mostly pressing buttons, it can be a RP focused job
  14. I really do agree, I feel like a lot of sec hate comes from the fact sec deals with most antags. Which itself comes from the fact that many of the round types give antags with combative play styles. And while there have been many gimmicks where people have done peace stuff like peacewiz or peacemerc. You can’t deny that wiz, ninja, merc, ling, autotraitor, and even fucking borer. Are designed to be combative with gear and abilities that promote violent gimmicks, and thus promote sec intervention. I won’t pretend like I know how to fix that problem, but I feel like the main reason people have problems with sec stems from the types of antags that pop up.
  15. nice quality of life changes these would be! When will Columbo give in and retire?
  16. Top tier role play and a range of department experience 10/10 robustness +1
  17. +1 lots of effort into their RP, I love the amount of detail they put into their characters, really brings them to life!
  18. +1, he may be a stinky bear but he knows his stuff
  19. Hep is a strong roll player whose characters are always fun and interesting to talk to and meet. Definitely a +1
  20. I want to know where to improve, please be gentle
  21. It would be nice to have stuff like bowman department sec radios in each of the offices too, currently there is just standard sec radios. Its minor but its for the aesthetic yknow? Other than that, i really like the idea of department sec, its integrated pretty well and allows for sec officers to have better connections with different departments.
  22. Bear is a great fit for staff, responsible, motivated, and can keep a cool head. +1
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