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Everything posted by ClemTheDuck

  1. i agree with a change like this, mercs and nearly all offstation antags have insane information gathering abilities, with NVGs and thermals being readily available to a 4 man merc team, them having comms just essentially makes every merc round not fun to organise against. It is also not fun to pretend that you dont know they have comms access every time and watch as everyone very non chalantly implies that it may.
  2. i like the idea, big agree that sec voidsuits would need a buff to be able to contend with antag voidsuits tho
  3. i love the idea of adding points of interest, adds more fun stuff to do
  4. In terms of canonicity, it could work like the burglar spawn pod ghost role, in which hostile ships can spawn on any round that isnt extended and follow antagonist canonicity rules, other third party ships following standard rules
  5. I really like this whole concept, honestly feels like something that can be both a standalone and added to any round with the standalone gamemode having more intense/antag based objectives. While some people say that it could be "boring" the concept gives a good platform to actually add more events/objectives
  6. Would be nice for the new third party ships to get like long range holopads to hail the horizon. seems kinda awkward to just rock up and dock without a word
  7. 1. I think the guilds have the potential to be very important in the political sphere. Right now it feels like the guilds do not have a strong presence in and beyond the Hegemony. In the grand scheme the guilds could be much more integral to Unathi lore going forward, becoming much more involved with the dealings of the Hegemony and the greater spur. Guilds like the Merchants, Fishing League and even the Labourers Guild, can have massive political leverage and power due to their roles and size. The Unathi guilds have the potential to become major players in future Unathi lore arcs, with their immense size and importance to not only the Hegemony but to other entities in the spur. 2. Honestly would have liked to see more than just traditional unathi garbs in the clothes addition. Seeing more "hybrid" clothes, which mix Unathi styles with more work or human centric designs. For example, jackets or jumpsuits designed specifically to keep Unathi warm in colder conditions. Although there wouldnt be ALOT of extra clothes that would be worth adding, personally i feel as though the additions would have been helpful in making Unathi feel more intergrated or shown the begining of how unathi are intergrating into human space. 3. Outside Unathi lore i would say human lore, specifically elements like, the TCFL, and Crosk as they havent gotten alot of attention recently, besides the recent peacekeeper arc and planned stuff for TCFL. Crosk specifically interests me because of its potential in expanding lore for spacecraft and aircraft in universe, as well as it feeling neglected when compared to other planets in the coalition page, and going forward into NBT can be much more developed on and utilised. Stuff on the Lii'draa is also pretty appealing to me as i think they are a unique antagonistic faction with some real alien horror potential regarding their black kois and hive mind. 4. I know i have gone on record as saying i would sell my soul for a feathered unathi sub species, but thinking it through i have come to the opinion that to justify a subspecies and the effort required to add it, the subspecies in question would have to bring something brand new and unique to the table. With most ideas for sub species regarding unathi, there is not alot that can really be done that isnt either already done by another species, or has enough substance in terms of lore and abilities/distinguishing features. Unathi are already a very varied species when it comes to physical features, most suggested additions regarding feathers and the like are better included with face/hair styles, and body markings. In lieu of actual subspecies, having more lore outlining how Unathi nations pre contact and areas of Moghes are more likely to have Unathi bearing certain features. if a subspecies was to be added though, narratively it would be easiest to go a route similar with the dionae team, with lore additions accompanying the subspecies to intergrate them into the lore. I say this as, the Unathi do not have the resources and relations to genetically engineer a subspecies like the vaurca can, and without saying that an entire subspecies lived in isolation until recently, there is not alot if any good justification to introduce a unathi subspecies via a lore arc. I like to think im very reasonable, if someone disagrees i want to discuss it. Discussions about disagreements can be very helpful when developing lore in my opinion, you can learn alot as well as be given helpful suggestions and criticism. I also would like to try and come to an agreement, or middle ground.
  8. Just noting here, Edits on the operations part, adding how the guild is viewed by the authorities and the common unathi
  9. I dont have any experience with wiki editing but i have looked into the editing guide that is on the wiki and am willing to learn and ask others if needed In terms of any specific plans, i want to mainly focus on helping add details and flesh out Unathi lore. Although i do want to look into developing Unathi and Dominia relations, which kinda ties in with wanting to expand the Hegemonies reach in the future. I would haev to speak with human lore alot about that. also yeah that is a good idea!
  10. Not a major issue, but i think just in general would be a neat change. I get this, personally i think having the age restriction down at 25 would kinda hammer home the idea of them being assistant to command rather than "command but not commant". They have more responsibility than other crew but they are also not expected to be in full command.
  11. I’m a supporter of lowering the age to 25, it keeps it in line with other similar jobs with elevated responsibility. BC is not command nor is it in a field that requires a lot and a lot of study like science and surgery. As it is it just feels a bit awkward with the age
  12. 1. I wouldnt want to make alot of sweeping changes, id focus on fleshing out how the major factions are connected, making them seem a bit more reliant on eachother going forward. 2. i wouldnt say i dont enjoy it, but sometimes it does feel that the Hegemony is fairly secluded from the Spur in terms of involvement in recent events, which makes sense considering they are still recovering after the contact war. I would like to see the Hegemony begin to cement its place in the galactic stage a bit more. Seeing the Hegemony go through more lore arcs and begining to expand their colonies beyond the Uueoa-Esa system would be where i start. 3. I think interspecies coordination is important when making the overall lore and narrative feel more alive and fleshed out. 4. I dont see any issues with working with non Unathi lore. Im keen to assist on whats needed.
  13. Ckey/BYOND Username: ClemTheDuck Position Being Applied For: Unathi Lore Deputy Have you read the Lore Team Rules and Regulations wiki page?: Yes Past Experiences/Knowledge: Besides playing Unathi a lot in recent months? None Examples of Past Work: N/A Additional Comments: nada Extra Requirement: Wiki addition, additional criminal guild for the guilds page https://docs.google.com/document/d/1l5tPz6CaNPHPcFi5X-_W8OEDSWStk-gZZ2kZLwUOJGU/edit?usp=sharing Essentially a new criminal guild responsible for smuggling Unathi off Moghes. As Guwan, Aut'akh, and Gawgaryn are all under scrutiny from the Hegemony, which gives little options for getting off world besides signing up with a company. The addition of this guild is meant to just give another way for a Unathi char to have moved into Biesel space. Edit: added more info on how the guild is viewed by local authorities and other low class sinta!
  14. With Bridge Crew using the Intrepid and doing a bit more EVA stuff now. Is it any way possible to give them a better voidsuit? Right now BCs can only really get the Space Suit which isnt even a voidsuit. You cant attach helmets or boots or use the suit slot to attach an air tank. Plus it is incredibly slow and still a holdover from the Aurora. Are there any plans to update and possibly buff them to be more in line with other voidsuits?
  15. For bridge crew, having those half face gas masks that sec and engineering gets would be nice. Could put it in the pilots lockers in the hangar. goes great with the helmets too
  16. honestly feel like there should be 2 mining shuttles, if they keep this design, its more suited for like two people max. Could be an issue with mapping but iirc there is some room in the hangar deck for another. Additionally giving mining access to flight helmets would be pretty cool. Given they do alot more flying.
  17. I guess earning some wins on their own. Something to prove they are actually a semi effective fighting force. As it stands they are kinda a meme where they are seen as underfunded and filled with lug heads
  18. Love the amount of care and detail she puts into her characters, always fun and interesting to interact with, definitely give her a +1. Unathi are right up her alley
  19. Gonna echo what everyone else said about bridge crew, looks a bit too much like an assistant, maybe a darker colour that distinguishes them a bit more from the rest of command? Something that leans more into the flight suit vibe
  20. super duper easy +1, Vrow is literally a medical god, super dedicated, and super friendly. Super positive attitude and a huge dedication to rp.
  21. easy +1, love her characters, friendly, active around the community. Defo a pick for the mod team.
  22. +1, all my interactions have been pleasant. Cant say anything bad. Defos deserves a shot
  23. holy shit this is a good idea.
  24. A button would be AMAZING
  25. +1 her characters are always fun to have in round, friendly ooc as well. Dont really see any reasons why not. only question i can really think of. How do you think the loss of one of their nymphs affects the rest of the gestalt? How does it affect them going forward?
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