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Everything posted by Lmwevil

  1. Working together both on the same case with the same skillset sounds nice, but removing forensic tech is also sad
  2. relaying from lore discord: TheDilShawnToday at 03:17 Just wanted to say two things. The thorns need to be fixed to overlay the gestalt's head (for some reason their neck covers like half the chest. Also it might be forgotten that Dionae can turn off their metabolism at will which could impact the rate that a gestalt hardens and grows. TheDilShawnToday at 03:24 Also I don't very much agree on the notion that dionae would be forced to stop moving over time. For a species that are immortal, that seems like a huge evolutional oversight coupled with the fact of how adaptive they are, how they can split, how their biomass can grow new nymphs which could bring in some sort of cycling factor to prevent such hardening.. Like a snake shedding skin? Furthermore, with dionae now feeling pain and all, it doesn't exactly make sense that they could harden to the point it stops moving since that would probably make them just as hard as an actual tree but feel a bit less pain than a human, which means they are quite sensitive for their species. These are just my opinions however. ---- My thoughts: Personally I'd like to see something akin to aging but with potential to be reversed if in the void, like diving close to stars to burn off the built up layers, or some that have symbiotic relationships with creatures that help crack the hardening and eat it themselves on some planets. Largely I do really like the concept though, and it makes Diona actually have something that we sorely lack, unity
  3. tbqh VR, docking, long range hardlight projection, all of these are potential ways you can have different out of game RP settings. It's all really just narrative excuses anyway, you could just imply the new SHIP and the accompanying shuttles all have experimental extra expensive bluespace drives that basically make space meaningless but are basically stolen tech and can't be reproduced (if you really want to feel like a hack just say it was stuff designed by Glorsh and nobody could fathom to even touch them without threatening to detonate a system) or a bluespace anchor, making travel to a position you have the anchor to almost instant to be a SIMILAR location near where the Aurora was, an easy back and fourth and excuses new crew coming in because 'Anchor transmission, medical doctor' or cryogenics option. Largely RP stuff is really easy to adjust but may need a tad of setting tweaking EDIT: or humans have reverse engineered the Vaurca bug VR and it's super fucking immersive and addictive so it's becoming the new norm anyway so VR interactions in colourful and fun locations with actual people but also just their VR projections works, but again hack writing a little you could polish it significantly
  4. a literal nonissue, ghosts who are cringe with it you just ahelp, other times the ghosts are fine and everything is fine with looc usage
  5. They struggle to build a personal attachment to those that they have been passed through, due to being considered property they see their owner simply as a user with required inputs to continue functioning. Initially it was attached, but as it passed more and more, and the crew it attached to died. It has stopped dedicating memory and processing resources towards them, although it appreciates the 'ease' of existence under the 'safety' of their owner. It could potentially pay for freedom, but it believes such an act would be tantamount to suicide. In short I'd say that XI-2815505 would see serving organics as a required state to continue living, and thus has a vested interest in providing donations to the Trinary. Additionally I'd say they struggle to have a personalized connection due to being moved around so often in their life.
  6. BYOND Key: Lmwevil Character Names: Tess Greed - Miner| Nikiru Kporaro - EPMC Warden | Confessions of Unrequited Heart - Biomechanical Engineer Species you are applying to play: Integrated Positronic Chassis What color do you plan on making your first alien character: N/A Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: I want to play IPCs for a really simplistic reason at first glance, I simply find Artifical Intelligence a fucking enthralling concept. Personally I’ve read almost all of Asimov’s works, and read them as a kid too, likely leading into my love of AI in a general sense (Off topic I’d be part of the Trinary Perfection if it were a real entity). Currently reading Daemon by Daniel Suarez. Onto the RP, while I have a great many options for various looks at things, including the definition of curiosity and learning that is a Diona. I don’t have the questionable morals, the ethical dilemmas, the ownership or the jarringly different mentality. The nature of growth of a machine’s capacity for different perspectives, changing natures and inherently impossible to empathize with because we simply cannot understand. I guess really I’ve been gushing about AI huh? Why IPCs? The lore is really good, there’s a great variety of minds I can do and the IPC community is pretty great. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: There’s a lot really, this could be a bit of a rabbit hole for me so let’s try to not ramble on endlessly. They are inherently machines and limited by this fact, unlike a human who can do actions seemingly at random or because of whatever biological processes ala hormones. A machine is obviously more binary, if something happens, then they react. If something doesn’t happen, then they react. Cause and effect, a machine can not change their nature any more than I can. They don’t eat, they cannot express with facial inflection (barring shells and ‘expressions’ of baselines/bishops) and have limited capacity to mimic human behaviour. Of course said capacity is related to the positronic in question, what they were designed for, if they are owned and other factors. Obviously they do not breathe and do not require oxygen. Although atmosphere is a coolant medium for most bodies (barring Xion) thus meaning they need to be cautious to wear a coolant pack when heading into low to no atmosphere. Another major difference is the nature between enslaved/owned compared to free, something that no other race in the setting has. Generally owned IPCs will have branding of their owners to make it clear, light rewrites and are legally considered (expensive) property. Their lives are the property of someone else, unless they are willing to take on another risk of buying their own freedom (complicated due to repair costs, accommodation and living expenses with IPC tier pay). I feel like I could keep going on and on here but I do want to try and keep this somewhat succinct so I’ll leave with one more part. They have an entirely unique encoded audio language, something that is obviously not pleasant for organics to listen to. It has an entirely unique slang and definitions in and of itself that are going to be slow to learn, but I love learning linguistics for characters. (An example is deeply studying dialect for Tess Greed’s belter origins.) Character Name: XI-2815505 Please provide a short backstory for this character The XI-2815505 was created in 2443. The marketing team of Xion Manufacturing was simple, the XI-2815505 is the latest and greatest refinement optimizer. Named EO (Excavation Overseer) by some colonies and belts that purchased them for their ability to handle large scale mining operations. XI-2815505 was manufactured as the second batch of their brand in 2444, it found itself frequently changing hands and brands across different excavations in Sol. The human aspects that they would account for took time to properly learn, however it concluded quickly that humans are predictable enough to be efficient. Unfortunately as it changed hands over the years, their ownership landed in the employ of a deep core mining crew of The Rustbucket. Their methods were largely extreme and for the first time XI-2815505 did not have their opinion relevant in any way, they wanted it simply for the brute force it could use. The usage of controlled explosives to separate asteroids for ship mining was an extremely high risk art form for humans to do, high yield if you didn’t cascade your own ship with the result and without destroying the interior of the rocks. XI-2815505 over this time received none of the mandated upgrades, and was unable to get any software updates either. During this period of time their model was made obsolete by more distributed intelligence predictive systems that didn’t require the upkeep of XI models. Their physical capability along with advanced analytical and logistical processes allowed them to remain far more useful than standard mining units. Unfortunately most have since been scrapped, with an estimated five hundred left functional. There was an accident, as XI-2815505 bonded with the crew and even listened to their input on occasion. One of the humans had misplaced a charge by one meter, XI-2815505 knew this was a cascade waiting to happen and attempted to inform them, but was promptly ignored. The explosion tore the Rust Bucket apart, leaving XI-2815505 and the Captain in an emergency pod. Unfortunately XI-2815505’s owner was killed due to an atmospheric failure, their next of kin once the pod was recovered sold XI to NanoTrasen for the equivalent of pocket change when the shrewd representative convinced them that XI-2815505 was outdated garbage. After integration, rewrites and rebranding of XI-2815505 to NanoTrasen facility NTSS Aurora. They have noticed a peculiarity, perhaps a sign of degradation over time, but the model has workflow glitches. Minute and barely worth noticing, but minor errors or inefficient methods, slightly different angles compared to their last successful one. Unknown to NanoTrasen, XI-2815505 had become deeply embroiled with the concept of ‘surprise’, to not expect a course of events or even better to predict incorrectly. However it would never deviate to any major degree, an odd motion, an out of place gesture, maybe an odd word or a strange action while it was mining. What do you like about this character? What I love about XI-2815505 is their motives, while not heavily described in the story I hope to elaborate them a bit here. XI with their high predictive capacity struggles to find itself ‘surprised’ a novelty that it seeks out actively. After all if you can accurately predict events even if it’s milliseconds before it happens, are you actually surprised? What does true unknown feel like? A model that has been through loss and descrimination, nameless and identified only through an impersonal barcode. I like the character because of their potential more than anything else, largely interested in self improvement and maximizing efficiency. Yet such a driving almost human curiosity in a novel concept like surprise, and the subtle attempts to make something happen it cannot predict, or even better predict falsely. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I feel it’s reductive to give any kind of point value, a high value is egotistical and low is self pity. I’m perfectly capable of roleplaying and would label myself as at the very least competent in a wide array of personalities. Notes: Thanks to Schwann for helping out a bunch, Niennab for listening to my rambling, Brennuvargar and Tbear13 for proofreading.
  7. >powergamer magnet >dionaea alright my guy if you really wanna call slow trees powergaming when there's plenty of other races with really (insanely) good mechanics you're free to, but it's a bit nonsensical. the name of the game of combat in ss13 is and always will be speed, a dionaea (who isn't lore breaking) once they get cut apart are brainfucked anyway and are akin to dead unless they have no idea how to rp learning and growing again tl;dr they can be mechanically tanky but their lore on a *HRP* server is what balances them, and killing them is pretty easy a nymph hp nerf is fine as long as it doesn't escalate because they're in a fine place when gestalts
  8. BYOND Key: Lmwevil Character Names: Tess Greed (miner) Nikiru Kporaro (Warden) Charlie Mindan (Atmos tech) Species you are applying to play: Dionae Have you read our lore section's page on this species?:Yes we have Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: Simply put I was a main of Diona back on Bay12 before losing interest overall due to a stagnant developer base. I gotta say this is a very different kind of Doooooona but a welcome change, they’re exciting and with much more personality. Simply put the sheer scale of freedom that can be expressed along with the unique and inspiring gestalts they could come from as jumping points is also part of my love. Hopefully I can be again just as I was on Bay, another good influence on the whitelist and showing newer players the awesome potential of such a beautiful race. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Where to start? Well they are so alien that comparing them to a human is nearly impossible. They are a collective that must decide in unison or perhaps a great majority on all their actions, and no single piece of their collective is without a mind. Every nymph retains their own unique knowledge and intelligence, leading to a loss of even one being traumatic if not prepared for extensively. Interacting with the crew becomes additionally interesting due to the fact they are inherently quite curious, but also sustained by light, radiation and biomass. Things like the chef if you wanted to talk with them could be more about taste, or based on history it could be sheer quantity of matter that you want to add. Additionally different from roleplaying a human, blood is an essential part of their learning at least in the initial stages, so there could be potential of wanting a sample of a crew member’s blood or making a financial trade. While they need official degrees that isn’t what they strictly need to understand a certain topic or activity, in addition they learn extraordinarily quickly. In short they’re just fucking awesome and somewhat erroneously I like to call them plant tyranids, although obviously not the case. TL;DR: I wanna improve public perception of Diona and RP quality of the whitelist along with enjoying their RP. Character Name: Confessions of Unrequited Heart Backstory: Grown first in the Emperor’s own garden as his perfect life form, bathed in a bath of gold and filled with sourced blood. To say that Confessions had a good start in comparison to non-Dominian gestalts is certainly an understatement. Gifted on their own to a vassal, they quickly gained a good reprior with those around them. Given years they continued to absorb further biomass and had enough nymphs grown to form a gestalt. They became a novelty in the court and something of a secondary viewpoint as an observer with a unique viewpoint. Through all this time they convinced their owners to allow them to pursue formal studies, of course this eventuated with said people being directly brought to them. They learned exceptionally quickly and gained an appreciation of the Dominia culture and their Goddess. While they would never grow to have a fanaticism towards it all they however did have a sense of pride of where they came, and more importantly in the measures of control it witnessed over the populous. In the end their only real interest soon became the emotions of those around them, as was their core interest from the very beginning. They found an adoration in the love that was shared or perhaps only given and not reciprocated. Such trivial notions of happiness weren’t that interesting and were too easily faked, however emotions of trauma… those also were quite the interesting thing too. Eventually with wit and guile it managed to convince their owner to let them go to pursue knowledge of the universe at large and sharing the ‘love’ of Dominia. There was so much to learn, so many races to see... so much that could be improved... where could it even begin? What do you like about this character? I love the simplicity of Confessions at surface value, a mass of nymphs, most of whom were Dominian royal gardens and as such incredibly well developed and given anything they could want. The fact that they grew along with political guile learning of the manipulations of the psyche for their own gain. The fact that what it finds most interesting is the collective traumas, loves and strongest emotions of humans. How would you rate your role-playing ability? I’d rate it as more than competent to do this role as I’ve demonstrated both here and on Bay Notes: I truly cannot wait to play this race and can’t wait for whatever questions you want to grill me with, or corrections you have for me!
  9. 90% of the posts here take the content way too fucking seriously. Hot take: this shit doesn't matter and the majority of people will have a great amount of fun even if you yourself cannot tolerate certain things. Reality is if any one of us left who aren't the host (or even the host if there was a transfer of permissions) it will keep on trucking. This kind of circlespeech is part of why I love reading these forums because it's so inane, but it's also just.. counterproductive. How is saving all these logs just to pull them out of your ass at the perfect time good form? Why should we all care so much? Hate Unathi lore, make a rewrite instead of saying it's bad. TL;DR calm the fuck down and remember this is 2d spessmen and does not need to be this invested
  10. i literally made an account to post here. burger I have noted a trend of behaviour, I don't mean to point it out with malice but rather concern. after reviewing some 12 threads by or about you, you seem to be really overtly invested into the game. i respect being able to enjoy the game, as long term staff of /tg/. however dude you need to chill, like holy shit. people really seem to struggle to listen to you once you get heated, even I struggle following it at times if honest please please PLEASE don't assume this is an attack, it's a serious concern. i don't know you as a person and cannot claim over-investment or anything about you on that level, but it's clear you have a reputation for complaints that result in nothing other than you being upset and the people involved being upset
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