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Everything posted by Lmwevil

  1. I think you inherently misunderstood why I left it out, when making an application it's to give some easy questions I already had plans to in response when they were asked. It's similar to how a graphic designer will make their design for a company with some intentional flaws in it so they can be pointed out and fixed, then it looks great. The loss of faith from the horrors of wartime is well enough of a reason here, and if athiest taj aren't acceptable then they shouldn't exist on the wiki???? when I said I hate the species I mean aesthetically, the world building and characterization are a different thing here. I'm sorry you think they're only a drone despite having obvious story and experience in the world around them, as well as the fact that I INTENTIONALLY NOTE they've had no actual interaction with DPRA members and thus have a total potential to be shifted? The homosexuality part if that touched on a wrong nerve is because that is exactly what good PRA citizens do? I mentioned the loss of siblings, not all the blood relatives were explicitly said to be dead. Her parents are very much alive, being that her mother wouldn't be part of the war effort as a mother. If you'd like I can post their character sheets too? But then we're going into a degree of effort that most applicants wouldn't even have bothered with huh? remorse for what? Alright lemmie put it this way, radicalization is INSANELY easy in real life if violence begets violence my friend, if your family is hurt by the enemy and you are hurt by the enemy you're very likely to become radicalized. Look at literally every war ever, every invasion the USA has done, fucking israel as well. This is such an endemic part of the mind that you're talking out your ass if you think this isn't enough. Then add on to the fact that your government not only didn't start the war, but they also STOPPED YOU BEING DISABLED and that's a fucking good way to see your own government as the good guys. Your thoughts on radicalization are so far out of the realm of reality that I'm not even gonna bother at this point. Nothing was intentionally hidden, there's such a thing as implicit and explicit writing. Explicit writing is insanely lazy and I didn't feel like it, but you've decided to instead go AHHH AKTUALLY IT WAS INTENTIONAL OMISSION AND SECRET LORE? Having religion not part of it was so I could get an easy question I was already prepared for, not to omit it because I'm some shadowed cabal of lazy writing and secret 'gotcha' moments.
  2. i miss zundy

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Skull132


      Life is so unfair at times...

    3. KingOfThePing


      I miss Zundy too 

    4. Zelmana


      me too... hate that he was kicked.

  3. alt title intern is bad, it's a learning role and we shouldn't encourage people to take slots for anything but learning in said roles
  4. Not quite, she sees her siblings, limbs and home not the fault of the PRA. After all the Republic didn't want this war, it was through radicals and the Zhans that wanted to destroy all that they had built by killing a great man. Hadii's violent response was justified in her eyes, and the fact that she was hurt because of radicals who couldn't see the good that the Republic was producing for everyone involved and making an equal society. You forget that hatred is one of the most powerful motivators for people to become radicalized, and violence continues the cycle of hatred. When the first president was shot and the second war started, people were being hurt and it was all because of GREEDY business men and RADICAL Zhan. When you read her story you also notice she has enough anger in her to kick a shell and blow herself the fuck up, as par is for the course of people in wartime. Again she's also being fed party propaganda all through the civil war and at the time of being blown up, is receiving medical care because of the kindness of the Republic. A lot of my writing isn't explicit because I just don't feel like spelling it all out, but there's emotions and justifications for her being a radical. If my siblings were shot because of people who were greedy, people who couldn't see the good of what we were doing, people who wanted to destroy all that we had built. I'd be pretty pissed, and definitely would easily consume party propaganda. Why is it her duty to report it? Because if people start to sway from the party line again, if we lose our way the entire Republic is at risk. Thousands could die, the Republic could falter, or even worse another civil war. Every loyal citizen is part of the observation network, as is par for the course of this kind of totalitarian control. Honestly I left religion out because I was just letting it be an easy question, leaving holes so people can go 'yo what about this' etc. Ayna has no interest in faith post the loss of her limbs and siblings, and is part of the growing atheist movement in the PRA. However prior to being disenfranchised with 'how could divine beings let this happen to good people' she was an ardent believer in S'rand'marr of both suns, specifically though with her focus being on S'rendarr and life itself. Her current philosophy is that nothing with such power would let good people suffer, and that the only good that can be done for the people is by being good yourself in the material world. As the PRA gave her limbs, good actions by people in the material world, no gods involved. To answer the factions questions, she has unbridled hatred towards the DPRA as she sees them as the reason of all the wrong that can exist in the PRA, those who died in the second civil war and spitting on the faces of progress. She sees them as manipulated by greed and ignorance, and has absolutely no sympathy nor actual interpersonal interactions thus far other than her assumptions and consumption of Republican media. To what she knows of the NKA she thinks it's a failing system and feels more of a pity towards it, with an anger only towards the Njarir there as they continue the ways of the old world, and keep the people under them in horrible conditions. Those who are Njarir in the NKA deserve little more than the justice of the Republic, however those who are unfortunate enough to live in the unenlightened caste systems, educated and controlled with the chains of religion to keep them docile.
  5. BYOND Key: Lmwevil Character Names: Miranda Astrava, Glimpse of The Perfect Matter, a billion others I can't be bothered listing right now. Species you are applying to play: Tajara What color do you plan on making your first alien character: RGB 107, 68, 35 / Hex #6b4423 Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Probably Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: Honestly it has very little to do with the species itself, Tajara themselves are fairly uninteresting furry bait race. However I really fucking dig their culture, as well as the depth of their world building. The fact that the lore has enough nuance that it's still hotly debated who would win the next war is evidence enough, as well as the fact that they are struggling with modernization in some areas. All in all: the species isn't that super rad, but the world building is good enough to look past it. TL;DR the world is cool. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Mrrreow. You roll every goddamn R making it rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrreally annoying to talk to. Onto the serious nature, the actual creative freedom with Tajara vs a human is inherently limited based on area, whatever breed you are and if you're looking for a romance arc. On a really serious note they have a pretty insular culture, with a ton of issues internally that you'd need to be aware of to actually properly roleplay interacting with the other factions. Also of course depending on your species you're going to have different inherent stuff, like Njarir being inbred. Character Name: Ayna Rashed Please provide a short backstory for this character: An unfortunate victim of the second civil war, Ayna lost not only her home but most of her blood relatives to the Zhan who rebelled against the new status quo in the PRA post assassination. She wasn’t particularly versed in any skillset due to a lack of education, and thus did what she could to protect her family and doing her republican duties to keep providing for the war effort with manual labor. At no point did she err from the party line, her work was for the betterment of all her people of course. Even when her siblings were drafted from their factory work, she was kept in her duties manufacturing armaments for her comrades. However halfway through the war, a stray shell from nearby combat crashed through her roof and lodged hard into the floor. The undetonated shell was left there for a day before she decided to pull it out, and struggled to get it out of building foundations. A mistake that will haunt her to this very day is that she got angry with the shell, and gave it a swift kick in anger that her home was now exposed to the elements and she couldn’t get it out alone. This one kick ended her life as she knew it, her idiotic kick from lack of education regarding ordinance led to her losing both her legs and an arm immediately as well as breaking several bones. This rendered her utterly crippled and she barely survived her injuries, trapped in medical care until the war was won while her blood relatives were all hurt and died for the Republic. Unfortunately for her while her right arm had potential to be recovered, it developed a severe infection and was amputated during her recovery. After the armistice by the grace of Hadii civilians were granted access to the Tesla technology, allowing her for the first time to be a productive member of society once again. Her love of the PRA for giving her a second chance at life is infinite, and she bears the scars of acting rashly for the rest of her days. She was assigned to labour with NanoTrasen by the Party, and she gladly complied. This world is unusual to her, and her passion about the Republic is kept mildly restrained. She must always present a good image of the Party, regardless of her personal views. During the P*oron crisis she did her manual labor and didn’t think much more on it, because the reality is this is foreign and her work is on the behalf of the Republic. She simply viewed it as a reason to work even harder, even if she had to work herself to death to dig up more P*oron. Her life was saved by Hadii’s grace, and she believes strongly that she has to repay that debt. Exposure to homosexuality by xenos species was strange to her, and went contrary to her belief system. However the reality is that it isn’t her place to save them, in time they may find the truth in why the PRA believes what it does. She would be an active informant if she found loyal Republicans being xenophilic or homosexual however, as is her duty to watch within and without for dissidents. What do you like about this character? I like the idea of a real genuine reason someone’s touched by the PRA and how people can be radicalized by gestures of kindness in hard times. As well as the dangers of war and the fact that unexploded ordnance fucks people over to this very day, so it definitely would in the PRA. Growth from ignorance would be a potential for the character, however the reality is to actually get her devotion to waver about the PRA would be extremely difficult. How would you rate your role-playing ability? 7.1 out of 10, but not enough water puns. Notes: I am not actually becoming a furry sorry
  6. :upside smile face with tears of blood: man for a top secret research facility we're pretty blatant huh
  7. time to bump this. compression of the department from surgeons and physicians to some unclear sci fi medical doctor would be way better, whatever the name is. surgeons bitch when physicians do their jobs and visa versa, just merge them and add a nurse role to RP with people post surgically or do CPR. it would be the final heat death of the universe of 'BUHT YOUI DONT KNOW THAT KIND OF SURGERY!!!!"
  8. yep literally this, i'd rather something replace it straight up than it just being gone. Plus I have some really funny memories of wiz
  9. it's armour not armor, british english is powerful
  10. Alright to put us back on track, what would be your immediate first project if you got the position? If there was one thing about our lore you could snap your fingers and remove, what would it be and why? If nothing, also why?
  11. Unfortunately when some of your main application focuses are adding more dionae forms with functionalities into the game this is an uncomfortable truth that has to be brought up, as to how it will actually be completed. Additionally developers are unwilling to touch or add or balance dionae in any fashion, thus we have to do it ourselves or make it happen(see: dionae insulation, most changes to dionae by Geeves I've personally paid him for, etc). This is the unfortunate reality of our species currently, while it may not be that way for your species it sure as hell is for ours.
  12. Alright here comes the proper right hard questions mate, okay? You're quite interested in ingame features but how will you get them actually implemented? The dev team quite realistically has ZERO interest in doing anything for Dionae, most things we get done are by virtue of Yon doing simple code tweaks. Would you be able to invest money, do you have development skills etc? Without you being able to spearhead in some way you'll find these projects being helplessly lost to the void
  13. Lotta waffling and no actual answer to my original question. All excellent points and if the choice were to be made there'd be a lot to talk about around that. I was asking specifically "Do you think it needs to changed, clarified or kept the same and why?" Otherwise your points are all right, and the mortaphenyl is a complicated topic that can't be summed up easily here. I totally dig these right here, more things culturally are a big deal and I think will add a lot. We have stuff on the way that'll lead to some nice times hopefully in improvement regarding Dionae as well. What do you feel is strongest about Dionae? Do you think we need to explore it more?
  14. Honestly I agree and they could inspect it after buying it anyway Wrong because you can't get mycosis from a vendor unless someone enabled the contraband section. Phoron punch at most will kill an organ but you'll probably live if you notice "oh I'm in a lot of pain now". Filtered K'ois bars DO NOT give mycosis and just give toxins just like phoron punch with an innate 'you will puke' after eating. unfiltered k'ois bars exist behind contraband wires in snack vendors, and honestly the only time you'll ever see them is an antag or a super poor vaurca hacking a vendor because they have no money to buy the filtered ones
  15. I was the Captain in this round, honestly his gimmick of being a fucking Alex Jones of Tajara is really funny. His gimmick on that round was totally valid because he was intentionally targeted by the Liason vampire and Captain Astrava being a person who obviously does not believe in vampires called him crazy and had him arrested, intentionally shutting him down and not believing him. Obviously oocly I knew it was vamp by this point but there was never any tangible proof, thus rendering him utterly silenced in an organization that he now believes to be controlled by malign forces. Honestly this feels totally IC and there's much dumber characters that are currently employed by NT on the Aurora in the cargo department. He never actually hurt anyone and if I really felt like it I could have just gone to telecomms and physically shut off the entertainment channel - he's remarked on his conspiracies on other rounds but never to a disruptive intensity. This just felt like a really good antag gimmick to fuck with him and a well RPed response honestly. EDIT: for context shutting him down was IC escalation for him to then say "WHY WON'T YOU BELIEVE ME?!?!?!!?!??!" and all escalation of security response because of his actions was all very equaled out, and of course anyone can just turn off the entertainment channel and ignore he exists like all chaplains.
  16. Fantastic work Mel! Glad you finally came out of your tomb to make this instead of fretting over it. I'd say this application is a little short but that's fine we can hash this out over replies - what do you think of Dionae as conditional pacifists currently? Do you think it needs to changed, clarified or kept the same and why? Where do you think Dionae lore is currently weakest, and what would you do to improve it?
  17. i am cooming
  18. Thanks for reminding me I needed to think on how to enhance the eating mechanics, otherwise if your gestalt were to lose a limb. Would this be a major occurrence? Assuming it was by force. Other than that, the name and ideas are fine and young gestalts can be quite interesting! Have you thought much into how the fledgling gestalt's internal collective functions? Are they a democracy voting, or do they have the social nymph take hold of most actions, do they even have a socially inclined nymph yet? Most of these are rhetorical just as a food for thought.
  19. I've made them interim before, absolute gamer, works well with their department and checks all the boxes. Holy shit that Golem round sucked
  20. Storyteller system ideas can be yoinked from open source Eristation code and probably fits well given I even suggested dynamic in the other thread, i think this is a brilliant idea
  21. A code solution would be porting a dynamic gamemode ala goon /tg/ and /vg/, and a few others? functionally it uses weighting and points to detect things like living antags, living players and inserts side antags or random events to make it not totally dull if say the traitor shoots himself roundstart or accidentally dies part of the voting issue is the damn voting window sometimes takes longer to open than the vote, a solution would be removing a lot of the options or letting people set their preferential vote so you *always* vote that at the start. So I could say "I prefer these top three" as a preferential vote Secret 1 Borers 2 (honk) Extended 3 so we could have votes on shitty meme modes carry over to other things if that vote fails, such votes exist for maps on some servers. feel free to google how the maths works
  22. The cursed doublepost given I hate edited in extra bits people won't read, I did recognize it as a problem Nienna. I recognize it can annoy people, and that if people tell me it annoys them, or I interpret it does, I don't do it with them. I dunno what else to say, I won't say "I will never shitpost again" because I can't promise I won't. The only promise that I can make is being more tactful who I use shitposting with
  23. I've made jokes about Diona pp, Skrell pp, and even Vaurca pp even months ago, and no I have no intention to actually add genital lore that's nonsense and a total detraction from what actually needs to be done with the species. If you think a deputy needs to be serious at all times then I feel most of the deputies at one time or another have broken that, it was not a genuine lore suggestion. Additionally I do also recognize you hate memeposting Niennab and have refrained from that in your channels. In addition my shitposting as a whole including pinging people is remarkably more tame, something that irritated Rooster.
  24. 1. Yeah I work fine in teams, always have. Honestly it makes the whole creative process a lot easier most of the time, and I can handle differing opinions quite easily. An example of such is I actually enjoy political discourse with people who disagree with me so I can learn! 2. My discord activity was quite high but I needed to take a break for personal reasons near the end of the year, it's comin back now. Forums were pretty low but I read them more often than you'd think, and finally my server activity was also on a break but coming back. 3. I WILL MAKE THEM GREAT AGAIN - but actually I think what needs to be done is give them a personality. Right now they exist and have good lore but the Dionae that exist, there's no political personality, there's no interaction between them and other species. I'd work with other lore teams to have gestalts like the Temple actually take stances or offer aide etc etc. Things like the Temple being bombed should probably be officially resolved and said they recovered, stuff like that. (which I am sure that you also get this and it is all in good faith) - wait it's comedy?? OH NO I WAS TRYNNA MAKE YOU MAD NOOOOOOOO On a serious note though even though I've been mostly on break you'd note even on my return I haven't been as antagonistic with my shitposting, the reality is though if people want me to stop all they have to do is ask me to stop. EG: Schwann asked me to and I never brought up or involved them again, it's not designed to upset people, just be pretty stupid. The reality is that non-serious dialog will always upset someone at some time and the best thing to do is just apologize and explain it was never a bad faith act, just hooligans. TL;DR: I don't foresee it as a big issue and will keep an active eye on it. NOW LET US MAKE DIONAE GREAT AGAIN
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