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Everything posted by Lmwevil

  1. Hey Lancer, you're a doofus and I hate you so have some questions before I give you my plus one. Do you have any plans on expanding on the purpose? The hiveminded intelligence of AIs in the meteor? They're fucking rad and synths have lacked any involvement of this faction. Do you have any opinions on the current portrayal of shells currently? Do you plan on making any new paperwork forms to torture encourage rp involving synthetics? Such as perhaps a form regarding the creation of a new IPC on station as an example. What's the biggest thing you would think you bring forward to the lore team that the other applicants do not bring? Where is synth lore weakest, and where is it strongest? Where do you want to expand it first?
  2. repost if you want a synth dev romance arc

  3. :b:retty good HoP. Not much else to say, enjoyed you before you ended up dying. +1
  4. VERY sorry It's taken so long, had IRL emergency that took me outta things. How far will you go with "medical Dionae who happens to know some engineering skills due to a few of their nymphs gaining blood from someone who had that knowledge."? Why did Radiant Star Join NanoTrasen and not Hephestus, who are engineering experts specialized in their field? What mind type best fits Radiant Star, if none of them how is their gestalt structured? "Their collective mind means that while they can work together and act as a single entity, they can also be slow and almost chaotic in how they speak, forcing you to take into account the experience of the individual nymphs that make up the diona you are playing when engaging with someone" is both correct and not. Gestalts here are allowed to speak normally, chaotic speech is linked to particular communication methods, often if there's multiple nymphs wanting to speak up, or if they're all social nymphs but don't listen to eachother etc. Where do you think Dionae lore is weakest on Aurora? What would you like to see expanded in Dionae lore on Aurora?
  5. repost if you hate alberyk

  6. This was a long time coming, literally nothing to add besides Rooster's avatar choices always fucking suck. There's nobody more suitable for the role, and I think that Rooster definitely can take things in a good direction. +1
  7. What if we add a choice for how alcohol tolerant the character is, and it changes how potent alcohol is etc
  8. repost if you're plotting a shell x vox romance arc!

  9. best case you manage to get potentially dangerous artefacts off station secretly, worst case you get fired for stealing research i mean bringing phoron off station is technically also smuggling and a big nono icly (i've done it as a miner before :^) )
  10. Bonus points if the new bridge has an observation deck that peers into space, not the asteroid. Maybe a bridge checkpoint that sec could man?
  11. repost if you want a dionae romance arc

  12. but why NBT soon? :^^^^^^) anyway Captain needs a cooler office- what happens to the SAT? where will that be positioned? (god damn you i just saw you asked prate as i wrote this) Command Bunker could be moved to be directly attached to the bridge itself instead of being in the middle of nowhere really- it's not like construction level is ever wanting for space. This lacks what I liked most about the old bridge, we had a little room to have coffee with other Command - not that it was ever used. Do we get a nice break room where we don't have to interact with other crew? Something also is what changes about the Command dock? All in all I totally support the change, construction has been unused for too long, has so much space. Also it puts the bridge in a safer logistical position on the station instead of being really far to the side and vulnerable
  13. The rest of my questions are out of scope for this app as they regard my species. Thanks for your time, feel free to dm me your issues and ideas for improvement of Dionae if you got em at SquidQueen#3107. Good luck.
  14. Heyo, I know you've said a ton of anti dionae sentiment in the past. Going to the extent to meme down vote every Diona PR (I admit it amuses me sometimes). Is this representative of your actual thoughts? If not what are your actual thoughts?
  15. Fantastic, onto my final questions. Where do you think Dionae lore is strongest right now? Where do you think Dionae lore is weakest and could be improved upon? How do you interpret the Dionae conditional pacifism they abide by?
  16. G'day Roth. Has Floating Among Stars ever drank blood (obviously yes given your backstory)? If so, what was the formative experiences that they took from it? What is their current stance on drinking blood? Are they specific species they prefer drinking blood from if it is still something they do actively? Of the cultures that Floating Among Stars has interacted with, have they adopted any habits or things they appreciate from them? What does Floating think of beings that cannot give them blood? Has Floating split from any of their original nymphs that constituted their cyclops form over their lifespan?
  17. Where do you think the lore is currently weakest and what do you think you would do to improve it? What would be the first thing you would do upon getting the role of deputy lore master? You are applying from outside of the lore team currently, how do you feel about being thrust into a position of power from not being part of it at all? Do you foresee any complications arising from this?
  18. You self admit to being not the best candidate for the position, so I ask mostly why you applied if you don't think you're as suitable as your competitors. All in all I think you'd do fine, we've had our differences but despite that work quite well together so that's a pretty positive thing to put for ya. "only reason I've been able to put out the lore I have is through working with other people, and I think, besides my experience, that is what sets me apart from other applicants." - as a note this reads as the other applicants are unable to work with others to make lore, is that the case or is it just poorly worded? Don't take this as too negative, I just saw two bits that stood out to me.
  19. Cael's a pretty based writer, only issue is he has a crippling ritalin addiction that makes him a complete idiot whenever he talks to me, talking about fake things like 'bogans'. What a weirdo. In seriousness the time he served in Dionae the majority he got done there was good, and I have no complaints of how he has run Skrell. Tries to work with other teams and wants cross species stuff, all in all a real positive fella. Please let my family go Cael. I did what you asked. +1
  20. goldman is exceptionally based, these are all pretty rad. I think the only thing that could present an issue is the platinum chip for the people who review this since it's actually larger than the station account I think? +1 tho
  21. bad plan, any time that sec can't be antags leads to much larger issues than just one kinda shitty round. if a warden just grabs every gun and starts mass shooting I feel that's like, a staff issue not just remove it all right?
  22. G'day Cinny, only have a few questions Where is dionae lore weakest in your opinion? Where would you like it to be expanded? Finally has Fate drank blood, if so what kind of blood have they consumed? What formative experiences did they obtain from said blood? If they have not drank blood, why not?
  23. Thank you so much Desvan for the detailed replies. On 4. Currently mechanically you can learn from them ingame, and fluffwise I believe you MAYBE CAN?? will bring it up with the team to make sure - it's just that the language is impossible to pick up and their experiences are so alien that drinking from vaurca didn't really benefit those stuck on the hive ship iirc, and you'd only learn experiences from the current body nothing from like past resleeving. I only have one final question: What would you like to see added to the lore of Dionae currently? Where is it weakest? Other than that, this application is great. Can't wait to see you on the Aurora
  24. You're immensely passionate and more to the point someone who has clearly read the lore! Immediately off to a good start. So! Firstly: Why did they develop into a Seasoned Song mind type? What does Oath think of all these species nowadays, given that it grew up around only Dionae and unresponsive murderous bugs who wanted them to GTFO? What is their standing opinion of Vaurca currently? Has Oath drank blood, if so what kind of blood? What was formative and most interesting about the blood if they did drink it to achieve that form of sentience? Finally: How has the struggle to survive on the hiveship that wanted them dead for many many years influenced their personality? Sorry for replying a day later than I said I would. Noon a day later :^)
  25. favourite stupid ic drama that has happened on station?

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