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Everything posted by Caelphon

  1. Hi there. Apologies for the delay.
  2. Article #6 of the Pactolus Rocky Horror Picture Show Vanishing Equipment: Temporal Distortions Lead to Bizarre Discovery at Ground Zero: Timestamps on Communications Logs Desynchronized, Raising Concerns of Local Time Distortions. By The Hierophant Writer [62 - 76%], posted 2466-23-02 from Ground Zero Research Zone. Here marks the sixteenth transmission of The Sacred Echoes of a Titan’s Bonded Progeny into the Voidic Rootsong Network, detailing the latest unsettling phenomena surrounding the Ground Zero Research Zone. In addition to the growing temporal anomalies, the Pactolus Exploration League has confirmed the unexplained disappearance—and reappearance—of critical research equipment. "Several pieces of high-grade scientific apparatus have gone missing without trace in the past weeks, despite being located in secure, closely monitored areas. The vanishing equipment has baffled researchers, and while most remain unaccounted for, one particular device—a subsoil resonance scanner—was recovered under mysterious circumstances.” Further listening is available here. "The scanner, missing for days, was found buried nearly ten metres beneath the surface, in a sector where no previous digging operations had taken place," J-33, a member of the League’s team station at Ground Zero, explained. "What’s even more unnerving is that, upon recovery, the scanner appeared to be at least 200 years older than when it vanished, showing advanced signs of wear and corrosion, as though it had been left in the ground for centuries." Experts in temporal mechanics have been called to investigate the phenomenon. There is growing concern that the temporal anomalies within Ground Zero are not only affecting time perception but actively distorting the very fabric of reality itself. With equipment ageing centuries in a matter of days, the League is now reviewing all protocols for continued research in the area, fearing greater distortions may follow. Translated from Rootsong. Assign a rating: View Comments (5,345) 💬 Share 📲 Donate Explore News For You: NEWS - A Moment Stolen: Missing Time Plagues Researchers at Ground Zero WEATHER - Ground Zero Research Suspended Following Severe Temporal Fluctuations NON-DIONAE - Find Your Path: The Flux Within Your Cognitive Pattern!
  3. Article #5 of the Pactolus Rocky Horror Picture Show A Moment Stolen: Missing Time Reported by Researchers at Ground Zero Crater Temporal Fluctuations Render Data Inconsistent Across Teams, Confounding Analysis Efforts By The Hierophant Writer [64 - 79%], posted 2467-07-02 from Ground Zero Research Zone. Here marks the fifteenth transmission of The Sacred Echoes of a Titan’s Bonded Progeny into the Voidic Rootsong Network, focusing on the alarming temporal anomalies emerging from the Ground Zero Research Zone. Several researchers stationed at the site have reported unsettling incidents of lost time. "The Pactolus Exploration League has confirmed that personnel working in the vicinity of Ground Zero have experienced unexpected lapses in time perception, with individuals claiming they lost up to several hours without any clear explanation. Initial speculations pointed to exhaustion or stress, but with multiple occurrences across different teams, concerns are growing that these incidents are linked to the crater's increasing temporal instability.” Further listening is available here. "My team lost three hours in what felt like minutes," reported one anonymous scientist. "One moment, we were running diagnostics, the next, we found our equipment had recorded hours of data we never witnessed." The League has increased monitoring efforts, with specialists being brought in to assess whether these 'time gaps' indicate the presence of a larger, more dangerous anomaly. Until further data is gathered, however, researchers at Ground Zero remain on high alert, with strict protocols in place to track any future time distortions. Translated from Rootsong. Assign a rating: View Comments (4,112) 💬 Share 📲 Donate Explore News For You: NEWS - Voices in the Wind: Strange Sounds Emanating from Ground Zero Crater WEATHER - Sudden Cooling Detected in the Crater Zone, Potential Impact on Operations NON-DIONAE - The Waveform Test: What Would Your Quantum Self Be?
  4. Article #4 of the Pactolus Rocky Horror Picture Show Arc Voices in the Wind: Researchers Report Strange Phenomena at Ground Zero Crater Time is the only measurement consistently measured across the Spur. By The Hierophant Writer [63 - 76%], posted 2467-25-01 from Ground Zero Research Zone. Here marks the fourteenth transmission of The Sacred Echoes of a Titan’s Bonded Progeny into the Voidic Rootsong Network, centring around the eerie developments at the Ground Zero Research Zone on Pactolus. League researchers have reported disturbing auditory phenomena in the crater, leading to growing unease within the scientific community. "The Pactolus Exploration League has confirmed that personnel stationed at the Ground Zero Research Zone have begun documenting what can only be described as voices carried on the wind. Initial reports suggested faint whispers or cries, but subsequent investigations have detected patterns and frequencies that defy logical explanation.” Further listening is available here. The source of these "voices" remains unknown, though geologists and xenobiologists at the site have begun recording and analysing the sounds. Some scientists are speculating that the voices could be temporal echoes from the city that once stood where the crater now lies. “It's unclear if this is merely a natural phenomenon, or something far more ominous,” remarked Unforeseen Miracles of the Untouched Stars, a xenoarchaeologist with the League. Speculation abounds, but the League has assured the public that safety protocols remain in place, with enhanced monitoring of the Zone's temporal anomalies. For now, the voices in the wind continue to elude explanation, leaving many to wonder what secrets Ground Zero still holds. Translated from Rootsong. Assign a rating: View Comments (3,092) 💬 Share 📲 Donate Explore News For You: NEWS - New Arcadie Anomaly Zone – Yet Another Displacement Failure Reported WEATHER - Sandstorm Approaching from the South, Ekane Forewarned… NON-DIONAE - Join the Simulus: Test Your Brainwave Compatibility!
  5. Hi there! Goodluck, there are no wrong answers.
  6. Article #3 of the Pactolus Rocky Horror Picture Show Arc New Arcadie Anomaly Defies Scientific Explanation: Commission Struggles to Crack the Mystery Drones Report Distorted Spatial Coordinates, Stalling Direct Investigation By The Hierophant Writer [64 - 78%], posted 2467-13-01 from the New Arcadie Anomaly Zone. Here marks the thirteenth transmission of The Sacred Echoes of a Titan's Bonded Progeny into the Voidic Rootsong Network, centring around the Pactolus Exploration League in which the New Arcadie Anomaly Zone still illudes many on-site. “Incapable of understanding, evasion of scientific study still occurs at the New Arcadie Anomaly Zone, where challenges have stymied even the most advanced exploratory efforts by the Pactolus Exploration League. Despite… attempts to deploy drones equipped with cutting-edge technology, researchers report significant distortions in the spatial coordinates, hindering the ability to unlock the knowledge contained within the city. The anomalies are ever-shifting, unexpectedly, and have thwarted multiple attempts to reach the city, leaving many grappling with the implications of the enigmatic phenomenon.” Further listening is available here. Recent remote surveillance missions have yielded a trove of perplexing data, indicating that the anomaly may not conform to known physical laws. Analysis of the drones' readings suggests that New Arcadie exists within a fluctuating temporal bubble, causing disorientation in navigational systems. As the League delves deeper into this mystery, researchers are exploring the possibility that the anomaly is tied to residual energy from ancient technologies or even some form of quantum interference. The ongoing investigation has garnered significant interest from the scientific community, with experts theorizing that understanding this phenomenon could lead to groundbreaking advancements in bluespace manipulation and interdimensional travel. With each passing day, the League remains resolute in its commitment to uncovering the truth behind the New Arcadie Anomaly. While direct exploration remains elusive, the data collected thus far hints at a hidden complexity that challenges current scientific paradigms. As researchers continue to analyze the anomaly's characteristics, they remain hopeful that the secrets of New Arcadie may soon be revealed, potentially paving the way for transformative technologies and deeper insights into the fabric of reality itself. Translated from Rootsong. Assign a rating: View Comments (3,112) 💬 Share 📲 Donate Explore News For You: NEWS - Union of Gla'orr Continue Investing in Colony WEATHER - Gla'orr is expected to undergo a heat wave in the... NON-DIONAE - Skrell & Dionae: Hieroaetherian Studies
  7. Lords Verdant Commence Their Work They Who Hath Become Lord Article #13 The long-awaited arrival of the Lords Verdant in the Viridis regions marks the next stage in the ongoing reclamation of the Wasteland. Following their formal appointment by Hegemon Not’zar Izweski in Skalamar, the Lords Verdant have now arrived in their respective territories, and are beginning their vital work. As the driving force behind the restoration project, Lady-Governor Aeikuzo has announced the commencement of the plans for the reclamation initiative, with the help of High Lord Verdant, Taarazi. The Lords Verdant—Steadfast Guardian of a World Reborn Against All Harm or Malfeasance and Ephemeral Connections Formed Upon Silent Shores—have each begun establishing their authority and setting plans in motion for the regions under their stewardship. Aeikuzo’s plans involve an ambitious strategy of bioterraforming, a method that uses Dionae to heal the Wasteland’s ecosystem. Drawing upon Dionae's natural ability to purify soil and water, this approach is expected to accelerate the regeneration of devastated areas around the Viridis. Taarazi will serve as a key advisor in these bioterraforming efforts, coordinating Dionae involvement in purifying the land and stabilizing the environment. Steadfast Guardian of a World Reborn has already begun operations in Ihaliz, a newly established settlement in the southern Wasteland. Ihaliz, located near the treacherous border with Gawgaryn territory, is a critical site for both reclamation and defense. Under Steadfast Guardian’s leadership, Ihaliz will serve as a fortified hub, ensuring both safety and expansion as the Wasteland is slowly revived. Reports from Ihaliz indicate that Steadfast Guardian has wasted no time in setting up defensive perimeters and organizing its forces. Some of the local populace has been conscripted, so as to build a militia, while the Dionae begin early reclamation efforts by utilizing their biological abilities to stabilize soil and clear radiation pockets so as to begin an agricultural industry. Meanwhile, Ephemeral Connections Formed Upon Silent Shores has arrived in Rehus, a burgeoning settlement in the mineral-rich northern Wasteland. Known for its diplomatic approach, Ephemeral Connections is focused on integrating nearby Wasteland communities into the growing Viridis project, while also addressing the economic potential of the region. Rehus is fast becoming a hub for mining and water trade, and Ephemeral Connections has already brokered deals with local factions, seeking to balance economic growth with environmental restoration. As Rehus rapidly expands, there is mounting pressure on Ephemeral Connections to maintain order amid rising criminal activity. Smuggling rings and syndicates have taken root in the town, but the Lord Verdant remains optimistic that a peaceful approach will quell unrest without disrupting the reclamation efforts. Taarazi has been tasked with overseeing the bioterraforming effort in the Viridis alongside Lady-Governor Aeikuzo. Together, they are experimenting with the use of specially-grown Dionae to transform the most devastated areas of the Wasteland surrounding Lazhi. The bioterraforming effort is seen as the cornerstone of Aeikuzo’s vision for the Viridis, blending scientific innovation with the natural symbiosis of Dionae to heal Moghes. Early signs of success have already been observed, with Dionae gestalts rapidly cleansing radiation and regenerating plant life in targeted areas. In some parts of Lazhi, buildings once shrouded in desolation are now covered in vibrant green growth. As the Lords Verdant settle into their roles and the bioterraforming initiative begins in earnest, the people of the Viridis are cautiously optimistic. Though the road ahead remains challenging, the combination of Lady Aeikuzo’s leadership, the unique capabilities of the Dionae, and the Hegemon's support offers hope that Moghes may yet rise from the ashes of the Contact War. In Lazhi, the once-ruined City of Ten Thousand Blossoms is beginning to resemble its namesake. Green tendrils now wind their way through the shattered architecture, and the first hints of what the Viridis could become are already visible.
  8. Hi there! I have a suggestion.
  9. Beginning of the Pactolus Rocky Horror Picture Show Arc Article #1 Bioterraforming Commences in Eurydice Expansion Zone: League confirms operations have begun. The Hierophant Writer [62 - 79%] • posted 2466-12-08 from Eurydice, Pactolus. Here marks the eleventh transmission of The Sacred Echoes of a Titan's Bonded Progeny into the Voidic Rootsong Network, centring around the Pactolus Exploration League confirming that bioterraforming operations have begun on Pactolus, particularly surrounding the Eurydice Expansion Zone. “The Pactolus Exploration League has confirmed that Twisting of the Celestial Energy to Create Life has commenced structuring the bioterraforming apparatus, having arrived a few days ago. Following discussions with their Co-Chair, Twisting of the Celestial Energy to Create Life has designated roughly two hundred square kilometres as the initial terraforming sector – it is expected that the biomachinery, and its operators, will in the following weeks commence their diligent work.” Further listening is available here. Aeropurifiers and Radionetics are expected to help alleviate a majority of the environmental hazards presented within the greater forest surrounding Eurydis – further, Xenobiologists and Xenobotanists shall be tasked with retrieving samples prior to the commencement of the bioterraforming initiatives. Species shall be catalogued, both before and after the usage of the machinery, for study. Any discoveries will first be studied, before being publicly disclosed. Translated from Rootsong. Assign a rating: View Comments (2,113) 💬 Share 📲 Donate Explore News For You: NEWS - The Pactolus-Hieroaetheria Concordat WEATHER - Arctic winds blow from the North, Consortium expected to... NON-DIONAE - What mindtype would you be? Find out...
  10. Dionae Grown in the Lazhi Garden They Who Hath Become Lord Article #11 In a highly anticipated announcement, Lady-Governor Zhelmi Aeikuzo has revealed the successful growth of two new Dionae in her Garden of Lazhi, specifically cultivated to serve critical roles within the Viridis. The gestalts, grown from the genetic lineage of the famed Argus-form Diona, Taarazi, represent the next step in Aeikuzo’s ambitious plan to reclaim Moghes’ Wastelands. These Dionae, who have yet to be formally appointed to any roles, have been designed with carefully selected genetic material, tailored to serve specific functions in the Viridis. The process of cultivating these gestalts is part of Aeikuzo’s broader initiative to grow Dionae with specialized skills, ensuring that they will be perfectly suited to the tasks they will be assigned. One of the gestalts, tentatively named Steadfast Guardian of a World Reborn Against All Harm or Malfeasance, has been developed using genetic material from renowned Unathi warriors. The intention behind this cultivation is to create a gestalt that excels in martial discipline, leadership, and security. Aeikuzo’s plans for Steadfast Guardian will focus on ensuring the stability and protection of key settlements in the southern Wastelands, a region frequently targeted by raiders and subject to lawlessness. With its combat expertise, Steadfast Guardian is expected to be a formidable force, capable of upholding order and defending the Viridis against external threats. The second gestalt, Ephemeral Connections Formed Upon Silent Shores, has been crafted with a focus on diplomacy, negotiation, and administration. Infused with the genetic material of Unathi traders, diplomats, and scholars, Ephemeral Connections is expected to play a pivotal role in managing the economic and social aspects of the reclamation efforts. The northern Wasteland, where Ephemeral Connections is expected to be stationed, has shown great potential for growth due to mineral reserves and water trade routes. The gestalt’s diplomatic skills will be critical in fostering cooperation with local Wasteland communities and external investors, ensuring the economic prosperity of the Viridis. “The growth of these Dionae is a significant milestone in our reclamation efforts,” Lady-Governor Aeikuzo stated. “Their genetic material has been carefully selected to ensure they are not only capable but exceptional in their roles. They represent the future of the Viridis, and their work will extend far beyond individual settlements—they will serve the greater good of Moghes itself.” While their formal appointments are yet to be determined, the roles these gestalts will play within the Viridis are clear. Steadfast Guardian will act as a protector, ensuring safety and stability in the southern Wastelands, while Ephemeral Connections will focus on building relationships, fostering trade, and expanding the economic reach of the northern regions. This method of growing Dionae with specific purposes has sparked both excitement and debate. Advocates of Aeikuzo’s approach believe that cultivating gestalts with targeted skills will significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the reclamation efforts. However, critics argue that this process, by genetically determining their roles before they are fully formed, could limit the autonomy and growth potential of the Dionae. Nevertheless, the Lady-Governor remains undeterred. “These gestalts will serve a purpose greater than themselves,” she remarked. “Their growth is a testament to the possibilities that lie ahead for Moghes. In time, their work will help heal the land and bring us closer to the future we strive to build.” As the Dionae continue their development within the Garden of Lazhi, all eyes are on the Lady-Governor’s next steps. The success of these purpose-bred gestalts could very well shape the future of the Viridis and determine the fate of the Wastelands.
  11. Lady-Governor has Traveled to Lazhi They Who Hath Become Lord Article #10 Today, Lady-Governor Zhelmi Aeikuzo has formally taken residence in the somewhat reclaimed city of Lazhi for a week, marking the start of her direct stewardship over the restoration project. Her arrival signals the next phase in the creation of “the Garden,” her ambitious vision for a new capital of the Viridis. Lady-Governor Aeikuzo has decided to grow and raise Dionae specifically designed for certain roles within the Viridis. These Dionae will be trained and cultivated to perform a variety of tasks essential to the reclamation and the further development of Project Viridis. From cleaning residual radiation to aiding in agriculture, urban planning, and even public administration, each Dionae will be carefully nurtured to fulfil predetermined roles in the Lady-Governor’s grand design. Critics argue that Aeikuzo’s program borders on exploitation, with some concerned that raising Dionae with predefined duties undermines their autonomy. However, supporters point out that this method ensures efficiency, in that Dionae will be aware of how to contribute to the Viridis, as opposed to not being capable of performing to the Hegemon’s plan. Aeikuzo herself has remained unapologetic, stating in a recent address: “The Dionae are a part of this planet’s future, as much as we Unathi. They are both our partners and our stewards, guiding Moghes to heal. We must embrace that partnership in full.” Taraazi has joined the Lady-Governor on her journey to Lazhi and is reportedly said to be the “origin” gestalt from which the Dionae she intends to grow, and subsequently raise, shall be from. Sources close to the Hegemon have confirmed that Taraazi is going to have a substantial role within Project Viridis, besides being a donor for the Lady-Governor, with some even suggesting that the Hegemon is going to great lengths to rapidly accelerate the integration of Dionae so as to encourage reclamation of the Wasteland. The Garden, which will serve as the Lady-Governor’s Palace, and the nerve center for the reclamation effort, has become the focal point of Aeikuzo’s work. She will oversee the growing and development of Dionae from within the Garden’s halls, with gestalts being raised in a manner tailored to meet the needs of the Viridis. This unprecedented program will also give Aeikuzo greater control over the direction of Wasteland reclamation projects, as many of the Dionae she cultivates will be deployed across the Viridis in future endeavors. For now, the future of Lazhi and the Viridis rests in Aeikuzo’s hands. With the Dionae at her side, cultivated under her watchful eye, the transformation of the Viridis has only just begun.
  12. Aeikuzo Appointed as Lady-Governor of Viridis They Who Hath Become Lord Article #9 Zhelmi Aeikuzo is expected to be officially appointed as the Lady-Governor of the Viridis – the term used for the upcoming reclamation regions within the Wasteland. The position, offered by Hegemon Not’zar himself, will place Aeikuzo at the helm of the reclamation of Lazhi and marks a decisive step in the efforts of the Hegemon to heal Moghes’ ravaged Wasteland – despite her controversial career. Though characterised by both brilliance and resistance to traditional norms, her later work and publications have garnered widespread acclaim, and she has built a formidable reputation across the Spur. Now, as Lady-Governor, Aeikuzo has announced the finer details of Project Viridis. With the growing Wasteland threatening the Izweski Hegemony, Aeikuzo has devised a plan to utilize the terraforming abilities of Dionae on a more widespread basis – akin to the work being done on Pactolus. As one of the foremost scholars on Dionae Biology within the Orion Spur, Aeikuzo seeks to push for the largest Dionae-driven reclamation effort to be successful, and pushing the species beyond what is currently known – and the integration of Dionae will allow for the region to be revitalized with greater efficiency and sustainability, than what is being seen with the established terraforming machinery across Moghes. Her previous critics, who long accused her of blasphemy for her views, now find themselves facing an undeniable reality: her knowledge could be crucial to the survival of the Unathi in a world that must be adapted for their survival. Though public opinion on her appointment remained divided, many within the Wasteland see her as a beacon of hope and the start of a long-awaiting healing process. It is clear from Not'zar's appointment with Aeikuzo that the Hegemony is moving in a new direction, one in which adaptability and radical change are not just valued but crucial. Aeikuzo, Lady-Governor of Lazhi, is expected to make her formal appointment in the coming weeks, after which she will begin her monumental task of reclaiming Lazhi, making it a beacon of renewed hope in the Wasteland. Aeikuzo will be under scrutiny as she navigates not only the physical transformation of the land but also the political landscape of the Hegemony as she assumes her new role.
  13. Reclamation of the Northern Wasteland They Who Hath Become Lord Article #8 In a bold move to curve the monopoly that Canyon City has north of Skalamar, the Hegemon has given his approval of the proposed settlement by the Miner’s Guild – the ambitious project is planned to be located within the mountains north of Skalamar, near a vast subterranean aquifer, which was discovered following extensive geological assessments that also yielded rich natural resources untouched by Unathi. The Construction Coalition, alongside Hephaestus Industries, have already been given approval for the commencement of construction for the proposed settlement, however, official work will only commence when a detailed site survey is done to ensure the stability of the rock formations while protecting the aquifer. In keeping with the need for quick expansion and resource-efficient construction, wooden prefabs will be deployed for initial residential and industrial structures, alongside concrete brutalism architecture, to create a functional, sustainable city capable of accommodating the potential workforce and its industrial needs. A spokesperson for Hephaestus Industries stated, “The site represents a significant step forward in developing the Northern Wasteland. The region’s mining and water resources have vast untapped potential, and the infrastructure we’re planning will make this area an economic powerhouse among the ruins.” The actual value of the proposed settlement lies beneath the Wasteland – its proximity to the massive underground aquifer. Water from this source is expected to be a vital lifeline for both the settlement and other local communities – ending the monopoly held by Canyon City, which the settlement seeks to challenge, which comes as a subtle attempt by the Hegemon to begin not only reclaiming the Wasteland physically but uniting Unathi under a unified banner once again. With industrial activity expected to attract a surge of workers and settlers, particularly thanks to its close proximity to Skalamar, the city is projected to grow rapidly once initial construction is complete. However, despite its advantages, the terrain’s harshness and the complexities of maintaining an environmentally sustainable balance around the aquifer have raised concerns. Furthermore, the settlement’s intended aim of unseating the water monopoly is likely to cause tensions to flare within the northern Wasteland, particularly with historically dominant players in the region’s water trade. With the initial construction scheduled to be completed in the coming weeks, all eyes will be on the groundbreaking project as it takes shape and is poised to become a cornerstone of Project Viridis.
  14. Construction Coalition Given Charter for Second Site They Who Hath Become Lord Article #7 In the latest development of Project Viridis, the site for a new settlement in the western region has been officially selected. The Construction Coalition, in collaboration with Hephaestus Industries, has been granted the charter to begin work on this frontier settlement, with construction expected to commence shortly. This settlement will serve as a vital hub for coordinating efforts to reclaim the surrounding Wasteland around Teht, reinforcing the Hegemony’s presence in the region – as well as attempting to keep the growing Wasteland at bay. To expedite the process, the settlement will follow a similar architectural strategy to others in Project Viridis, featuring concrete brutalism for essential infrastructure and wooden buildings to form the backbone of the settlement. This combination will ensure rapid construction while providing durable, functional structures to support the future population – provided Project Viridis is successful. Using information provided by the Miner's Guild along with the Construction Coalition and Hephaestus Industries, planners were able to design a blueprint that could survive the natural environment as well as external factors, ensuring the land is stable and risk-free. It was also possible to construct the concrete brutalist structures that comprise the core of the settlement using locally sourced stone and minerals based on this analysis. With a steady supply of raw materials, the Guild has been able to significantly reduce logistical challenges, allowing construction to proceed more smoothly. The selected site for a western settlement under Project Viridis may serve a dual purpose, sparking speculation about its future role within the Hegemony. While the primary goal of the settlement is to aid in the reclamation of the surrounding Wasteland, recent discussions between the Hegemon and the Hegemon's Claws have led many to believe that the settlement will evolve into a significant military compound. These conversations, though not officially confirmed, suggest that the settlement could play a role in securing the Hegemony's western borders and solidifying control over the reclaimed regions. This potential dual-purpose nature of the settlement would align with its strategic location near key transportation routes and other elements of Project Viridis. Reports leaked from the Miner's Guild have confirmed that the land is ideal for both civilian and military use, providing ample space for expansion and defence infrastructure. With the involvement of the Hegemon's Claws, there are expectations that military fortifications could be integrated into the settlement's design, including training grounds, barracks, and defensive structures to protect against external threats.
  15. Master of the River Announces First Site They Who Hath Become Lord Article #6 The Miner’s Guild has announced that the ruins of Lazhi have been approved following extensive surveys and geological analysis, the Guild has determined that the once-devastated city, north of Bahard, is suitable for sustained habitation – with this approval, preparations will soon commence beginning the monumental task of constructing the centre of Project Viridis, and a beacon of hope for the Hegemony’s future. In the coming weeks, Hephaestus Industries will mobilize thousands of labourers to begin the foundational work. Early phases of construction will focus on establishing infrastructure to support both workers and future inhabitants, with particular attention on the finer details to amplify Project Viridis’ potential, which still has yet to be revealed fully. The Master of the River for the Hegemon has begun talks with the Construction Coalition, opting for additional concrete brutalism and wooden structures, to expedite the process of reclamation. The decision was made to allow work to commence as quickly as possible. The brutalist approach will add to the city’s foundational structures that already exist. Combined with the use of wood, this will not only reduce the time required for construction but also offer a distinct contrast from the Hegemony’s other settlements across Moghes. Hephaestus Industries, in charge of much of the physical labour, will be mobilizing its workforce in the coming weeks to begin laying the concrete foundations for the city. Early structures will include worker housing, logistical centres, and basic public buildings. These simple, robust designs will allow the site to be operational sooner, providing space for the thousands who are expected to flock to the development – both sent by the Hegemony, and those fleeing the growing Wastelands. Despite the temporary nature of these early buildings, the site is expected to develop quickly. As more permanent and elaborate structures are added over time, the settlement’s designs will intertwine with the wood-and-concrete framework. This careful layering of styles will allow the city to grow organically, all while ensuring its immediate inhabitants have the facilities they need to support the ongoing work. With the site confirmed and a practical construction plan in place, Lazhi’s transformation is now set to begin. Sinta Articles will keep you updated on this unfolding story.
  16. Miners’ Guild Hired for Surveying They Who Hath Become Lord Article #4 In a move that marks a significant turning point for the reclamation of the Wasteland, the Miners' Guild has been tasked with an ambitious new mission as part of Project Viridis, a multi-pronged effort to restore large tracts of land to the Hegemony’s control. Under the direct authority of the Master of Rivers, the Guild is surveying regions in the Northern and Western Wastelands to locate water sources, fertile soil, and strategic terrain for settlements, with a particular focus on aquifers and mineral deposits. This undertaking aims to support a sustainable future for Unathi communities that are still struggling to reclaim what was lost during the Contact War. The Master of Rivers, well known for overseeing economic resources tied to aquaculture and fisheries, has recognized that the Wasteland’s redemption depends not just on labour and cultivation but on vital natural resources like water. Guildmasters, engineers, and leading geologists have been dispatched to scout and mark regions that could be key hubs of future agricultural and industrial growth. This effort reflects a shift in the Miners’ Guild’s traditional role. Historically focused on resource extraction, their expertise is now being channelled into environmental restoration efforts. The Guild is responsible not only for mining operations but also for seeking out and analysing underground water reservoirs, ensuring a lifeline for future settlements. One major goal of the project is to locate natural aquifers capable of supporting future populations. However, not all are optimistic. Some Wasteland communities view this expansion with suspicion. They worry about their way of life being eroded, especially as territories they’ve historically occupied come under the Hegemony’s control. The question of whether the surveyors will meet resistance remains to be seen, but the Master of Rivers and the various guildsmen are prepared for whatever obstacles may arise. The Guild has expressed its preference for negotiation over force but has been granted authority to ensure Project Viridis is realized. Sinta Articles will keep you updated on this unfolding story.
  17. Taarzai Found: Taken to Skalamar They Who Hath Become Lord Article #3 Following a week of intensive searching, Taarazi has been found and escorted to Skalamar to engage in discussions with the Hegemon and Aeikuzo. This marks a significant step forward in the ongoing efforts to address the Wasteland that has gripped Moghes. Taarazi was located in a remote, undisclosed location, where they’d been residing since their initial recovery years ago. Their whereabouts had been a closely guarded secret, known only to a few trusted confidants, particularly to prevent any undue harm befalling the Gestalt. The search, spearheaded by the Hegemon’s Spymaster, culminated in a carefully planned operation to bring the Dionae to Skalamar without drawing undue attention or risking their safety. Upon arrival in Skalamar, Taarazi was immediately taken to the Hegemon’s palace, where the Dionae was greeted with respect and honour. Sources within the Hegemon’s Palace report that the initial meeting between Taarazi, Aeizuko and the Hegemon was cordial, with the parties expressing a shared commitment to resolving the crisis. The discussions, which are expected to continue over the coming days, will focus on the development of a strategy to halt the spread of the Wasteland and begin the process of reclamation. The news of Taarazi’s return has been met with a mix of relief and anticipation across the Izweski Hegemony. For many, Taarazi represents the best hope for saving the affected regions from total devastation. Their previous successes in similar endeavours, even small, has cemented his reputation and there is widespread confidence that they will once again rise to the challenge. However, the decision to recover Taarazi is not without its critics. Some within the nobility have expressed concerns about the potential for political upheaval, given the current presence of Dionae within the Hegemony. Others worry that even with the hope of Taarazi’s expertise, the situation may have already reached a point where it is beyond salvaging. Despite these concerns, the urgency of the situation has left little room for hesitation. The Wasteland continues to expand, displacing thousands and threatening vital resources. Time is of the essence, and the Hegemon’s swift action in securing Taarazi has been widely praised, even across the Wasteland. As discussions continue in Skalamar, the Hegemony waits with bated breath, hopeful that a solution will soon be within reach. The stakes could not be higher, and the coming days will likely prove critical in determining the future of the southern territories. Sinta Articles will keep you updated on this unfolding story.
  18. Hegemon Not’zar Izweski Seeks Taarazi They Who Hath Become Lord Article #2 In a move towards confronting the escalating environmental crisis across Moghes, Hegemon Not’zar Izweski has initiated a search for Taarazi, once again. Following discussions with Zhelmi Aeikuzo, the Hegemon was resolute announcing an intention to tackle the growing Wasteland and the problems presented by its insidious scar on Moghes. In recent years, the Wasteland has worsened, with entire communities displaced and valuable agricultural land being rendered unusable. Previous attempts at containment and remediation have been met with limited success, leading to increasing pressure on the Hegemon to take action. Taarazi, also known as the Silent Friend Embracing The Weeping Souls In A Blanket Of Purity And Love, is an Argus-form Dionae that has become a notable figure on Moghes. Their size alone, as one of the first Argus-sized Dionae encountered on the planet, sets them apart, but their importance goes far beyond physical stature. Taarazi’s contributions are not limited to symbolism, however. The nymphs they cultivate have become instrumental in assisting irradiated villages, specifically for radiation cleanup. Taarazi chose to remain in the Wasteland village where they were originally discovered, living among the Sinta and becoming something of a local legend. Taarazi is suspected to be sought by the Hegemon due to their presence within the Wasteland, performing low-activity rehabilitation of the Wasteland, which saw considerable success in comparison to the current terraforming machinery being utilized by the Izweski Hegemony. Taarazi has largely been living in seclusion among the Wasteland Clans following their previous retrieval. Many have already claimed that their work within the Wasteland should be cited as a benchmark in the field, believing they are among the ones capable of enacting action to solve the growing Wasteland, especially alongside Aeizuko. The Hegemon has remained tight-lipped about the specifics of the search and what role Taarazi will play provided they are found. Sources close to the Court suggest that the Hegemon is considering granting Taarazi “a previously unprecedented authority over the reclamation of the Wasteland”, a move that would signal the Hegemon’s commitment to resolving the crisis, but further recognition of Dionae within the Hegemony as being more than residents of Moghes. We will continue to monitor the story closely, providing our readers with the latest developments.
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  20. Aeikuzo Welcomed Back to the Hegemony They Who Hath Become Lord Article #1 In a bold manoeuvre signalling the Hegemony’s renewed commitment to the reclamation of Moghes, Hegemon Not'zar Izweski has requested the return of renowned xenobiologist Lady Zhelmi Aeikuzo to spearhead efforts against the rapidly deteriorating Wasteland. The call comes after months of increasing pressure on the Izweski Hegemony to address the environmental disaster that has ravaged entire regions, displacing millions and rendering vast swathes of land infertile. A renowned scholar and former lecturer at the Skalamar University of Medicine, Lady Aeikuzo is widely acknowledged as one of Spur’s foremost experts on Dionae biology and culture and has published several fundamental works on the nature of Diona symbiosis. She was reported to have departed Moghes in 2462, following controversial disputes with the former High Priest Unzi and the expulsion of her former research partner, one Tarskin Tarwa, for violation of the University’s Code of Scientific Honour. According to sources close to the Court, Lady Aeikuzo has been specifically summoned to advise the Hegemon on the development of a new, large-scale initiative to combat the Wasteland’s expansion. "Her expertise is unmatched," one official was quoted as saying, "and with the resources of the Hegemony fully behind her, this could be our last and best chance at turning the tide." The Hegemon’s decision, however, has not come without controversy. Aeikuzo’s views on Unathi-Diona symbiosis have long been a point of contention, with many traditionalists in the Sk’akh Church continuing to label her ideas heretical, even after the formal withdrawal of her heresy charges. Her return to Moghes could reignite those tensions within the aristocracy and clergy. Nevertheless, many within the common populace have rallied in support of the Hegemon’s decision. Her reputation as one of the foremost academics on Dionae is renowned, even if her methods evoke fear. "She’s the only one who can save Moghes," said a worker from Skalamar, "Without her, the Wasteland will consume us all." Hegemon Not’zar’s decision to recall Aeikuzo could also signify a shift in the Hegemony’s approach to the Wasteland crisis, and potentially, its relationship with the Dionae. Speculation has already begun that the Hegemon is preparing to grant Lady Aeikuzo greater authority over the reclamation process, possibly elevating the status of Dionae within the Hegemony itself. Some insiders believe that this could mark the beginning of a new era of Unathi-Dionae cooperation—one where Dionae are seen not merely as tools for reclamation but as full partners in the survival and renewal of Moghes. As the situation develops, all eyes will be on the Lady of Thorns. Her return promises not only a renewed effort to heal the Wasteland but also a possible reshaping of Moghes itself, one that could blur the lines between Unathi and Dionae in ways that were once unthinkable. Whether this will lead to salvation or further conflict remains to be seen. Stay tuned to Sinta Articles for further updates on this evolving story. For comprehensive and accurate news across the Spur, trust Sinta Articles—your source for the truth.
  21. Hi there! PMCG is locked for Dionae, unfortunately. If you do wish to edit it, pop me a message, and I’ll ask some questions after. Sorry for the delay!
  22. Hi there, sorry for the delay. Thanks!
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