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  • Byond CKey

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  1. If pun pun gets killed off can we have a small painting/picture of Pun pun on the wall? Would be a cool memorial for his years of service if this gets trough. Otherwise i don't mind having a capybara or any pets in general. Pets do see their uses on occasion. Kept one as a hostage once even though they shot me anyway the fox died and that stirred a bit of IC drama within security. Other than that they're just npc's who bring a bit more life to the station.
  2. Yeah, it's generally harder for all antags to get access to to Science chemistry, Xenoarcheology or medical chemistry if you don't have the specific role. But the tools are there. Subvert a stationbound, emag when you need it quickly, door hacking, bribing. But Acid is a good way to severly damage an IPC or litterally everything if you don't have any other options.
  3. I planned to take this secret to my grave but ok 🥹 Get a spray bottle and fill it with Sulfuric acid, Hydrochloric acid and Polytrinic acid. Spraying anything causes about 80 instant burn damage and bypasses armor and melts helmets. The only way to protect against it is to get a hardsuit.
  4. I think the IPC's can stay in security. There is a simple way to almost one shot an IPC even with armor (No EMP). Yeah, they are above average tough but i think that's the interesting part and a challenge to overcome.
  5. Sounds good!
  6. Nice i got my forum account back. That was a hassle.

  7. I wish everyone a good new year and i hope Aurora will persist for a very long time! While i have not been as active as of late i still love the community and the mutual respect with which we approach eachother. I still hope that i am sometime able to contribute something aswell i have already fiddled around by making some music or some spriting though im a beginner in these aspects. With so many dedicated coders, sprite artist, ,wiki maintainers and lore gifted people i kind of have an urge to do something aswell! Prehaps sometime i will be able to contriube something!
  8. So... i don't have any command whitelist but i've gotten into a IC incident where CCIA was involved and thought it be worth mentioning aswell A couple days after the incident i've gotten a message from Ramke to conduct an interview, to which i attended. Ramke's CCIA character was and stayed proffesional, considering mine was a nervous wreck. The interview was interesting and she also brought up some good and interesting questions. Overall it went smooth. After the interview i had some doubts if it will become an OOC issue aswell. However Ramke assured me that it was all IC. Over Discord she was pleasant to talk to and was friendly. After a couple days i received the conclusion of the incident. I was happy with it and loved the solution that was brought up. Overall +1 from me
  9. +1 i agree multipurpose gripper sounds like a nice idea. Not sure how implenting a grab mode would work for a borg. But beeing atleast be able to pick up more things with a multipurpose gripper would expand gimmicks
  10. I believe there was a already an update on git hub to construct ship walls in the future. My guess is that the ship walls are made out of titanium but i might be wrong.
  11. -1 Personally i would prefer if we removed the giant chess board and replace it with a more interesting maintenance room
  12. That looks soooo sick. Definetly looking forward to exploring the new map
  13. I enjoy interacting with Briony, i like the way they are going with their character, aswell as how they play command. What kingoftheping said has some truth, however, i see Rotharia as a very engaged and eager player. I have no doubt that they will become a good command player and can address some of the concerns quickly. Afterall we're not born all knowing. +1 from me.
  14. Over all the interactions i had so far with sam they were quite enjoyable. At first i didnt quite like sam but after a while, having had some more interactions with her with wee woo i began warming up and enjoying the short conversations i was able to get as a cyborg. (This is more something ooc)Something that has been bothering me a bit is that you instantly began cursing trough looc chat if you happen to mess up a certain procedure. This is a bit immersion breaking. Prehaps cursing or complaing trough ic would be prefered :). Otherwise a enjoyable character to interact with
  15. Edited these two questions as there was a confusion with one and further elaborated who this person is whos applying for the research director. Could you give us the gist of what is currently happening in Tau ceti and how it affected your character and their career? Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking.
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