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Everything posted by Yaku

  1. If pun pun gets killed off can we have a small painting/picture of Pun pun on the wall? Would be a cool memorial for his years of service if this gets trough. Otherwise i don't mind having a capybara or any pets in general. Pets do see their uses on occasion. Kept one as a hostage once even though they shot me anyway the fox died and that stirred a bit of IC drama within security. Other than that they're just npc's who bring a bit more life to the station.
  2. Yeah, it's generally harder for all antags to get access to to Science chemistry, Xenoarcheology or medical chemistry if you don't have the specific role. But the tools are there. Subvert a stationbound, emag when you need it quickly, door hacking, bribing. But Acid is a good way to severly damage an IPC or litterally everything if you don't have any other options.
  3. I planned to take this secret to my grave but ok 🥹 Get a spray bottle and fill it with Sulfuric acid, Hydrochloric acid and Polytrinic acid. Spraying anything causes about 80 instant burn damage and bypasses armor and melts helmets. The only way to protect against it is to get a hardsuit.
  4. I think the IPC's can stay in security. There is a simple way to almost one shot an IPC even with armor (No EMP). Yeah, they are above average tough but i think that's the interesting part and a challenge to overcome.
  5. Sounds good!
  6. Nice i got my forum account back. That was a hassle.

  7. I wish everyone a good new year and i hope Aurora will persist for a very long time! While i have not been as active as of late i still love the community and the mutual respect with which we approach eachother. I still hope that i am sometime able to contribute something aswell i have already fiddled around by making some music or some spriting though im a beginner in these aspects. With so many dedicated coders, sprite artist, ,wiki maintainers and lore gifted people i kind of have an urge to do something aswell! Prehaps sometime i will be able to contriube something!
  8. So... i don't have any command whitelist but i've gotten into a IC incident where CCIA was involved and thought it be worth mentioning aswell A couple days after the incident i've gotten a message from Ramke to conduct an interview, to which i attended. Ramke's CCIA character was and stayed proffesional, considering mine was a nervous wreck. The interview was interesting and she also brought up some good and interesting questions. Overall it went smooth. After the interview i had some doubts if it will become an OOC issue aswell. However Ramke assured me that it was all IC. Over Discord she was pleasant to talk to and was friendly. After a couple days i received the conclusion of the incident. I was happy with it and loved the solution that was brought up. Overall +1 from me
  9. +1 i agree multipurpose gripper sounds like a nice idea. Not sure how implenting a grab mode would work for a borg. But beeing atleast be able to pick up more things with a multipurpose gripper would expand gimmicks
  10. I believe there was a already an update on git hub to construct ship walls in the future. My guess is that the ship walls are made out of titanium but i might be wrong.
  11. -1 Personally i would prefer if we removed the giant chess board and replace it with a more interesting maintenance room
  12. That looks soooo sick. Definetly looking forward to exploring the new map
  13. I enjoy interacting with Briony, i like the way they are going with their character, aswell as how they play command. What kingoftheping said has some truth, however, i see Rotharia as a very engaged and eager player. I have no doubt that they will become a good command player and can address some of the concerns quickly. Afterall we're not born all knowing. +1 from me.
  14. Over all the interactions i had so far with sam they were quite enjoyable. At first i didnt quite like sam but after a while, having had some more interactions with her with wee woo i began warming up and enjoying the short conversations i was able to get as a cyborg. (This is more something ooc)Something that has been bothering me a bit is that you instantly began cursing trough looc chat if you happen to mess up a certain procedure. This is a bit immersion breaking. Prehaps cursing or complaing trough ic would be prefered :). Otherwise a enjoyable character to interact with
  15. Edited these two questions as there was a confusion with one and further elaborated who this person is whos applying for the research director. Could you give us the gist of what is currently happening in Tau ceti and how it affected your character and their career? Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking.
  16. All good this is all very valuable feedback ?
  17. @Desven is it the way Bill (Merchant) talks or is it generally the punctuation and capitalization? I tend to place punctuation and capitalization on a lower priority as i like to deliver faster answers, since it makes the communication appear more fluid which is my own preference.
  18. Oh shit yeah i looked at it now i was thinking that the "Could you give us the gist of what is currently happening in Tau ceti and how it affected your character and their career?" question was a question to check if im keeping track of the timeline and have a reasonable understanding of how it could affect my character. But now i realise it was more meant for the command character i intend to play. Well to clear this up Brochius is not going into command. The New Dominian character im creating was meant for the command role. I will update it as soon as possible
  19. Yeh its true most of my characters dont have a truly fully developed backstory with propper origin and lifestory. I usually create them on the go when i get a new idea. Some are more fleshed out some less. Like for viggo, he used to be a miner who lost his leg during a mining accident connected with more unfortunate events which made him mentally a bit weird so he got into drinking problems lost his credits appartment everything else made some trouble and attempted to steal so he racked up a few fines which i added to the security record so during a round i can work towards trying to pay it off. He hops from station to station begging for credits hence why he always will stay a visitor, he may need to cover tickets for traversal to diffrent stations i would assume people who work on space stations are usually quite wealthy or are on the higher range of income. But yeah some are more fleshed out some less they all usually have a little backstory to them as to what happend to them but prehaps not to the degree you would expect it from a command player. Ill make sure to put more effort into my characters in the future.
  20. Yeah thats true... xD i tended to go out loud in the early days and unplanned before my antag ban rolled out. However i learned from it and made a promise now and will make sure that theres more story involved and to further roleplay.
  21. BYOND key:Yakunan Main Character names: Brochius Abril (Gardener, Janitor), Wee Woo (Cyborg), Viggo Sook (Visitor), Bill Floros (Merchant), Lucky Zoleta (Robotics) Side Character Names: Miley Dimitrivich (Janitor), Viliam Fuse (Visitor), Greta Kopic (Medical Intern), Bouvier Chateaux (Chef), Nathan White aka Bayonet Boy (Security Cadet), Alona Haller (Bartender), Davydd Virsiini (Miner), Karla Iseman (Cargo Tech), Humaid Todd (Surgeon), Deandre Hallos (Xenoarcheologist), Augustinus von Rahl (Priest), Perla Kaur (Scientist), Zack Hegemone (Visitor), Zachary Pichler (Specially made Antag character for one of the planned gimmicks), Michelle Sibari (Pharmacist) How long have you been playing on Aurora?: Soon it will be around a year Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: Because the Command department is a section which is still left untouched and i have not great knowledge of. Therefore im very curious on how it will play and with what kind of challenges and or unique interactions comes with. Why did you come to Aurora?: I came to Aurora after checking out diffrent kinds of "RP" servers which were most of the times very chaotic which became stale after some time. Aurora has for me right amount of seriousness and occasional chaotic momments. Thats why i chose to remain on this server. Have you read the Aurora wiki on the head roles and qualifications you plan on playing?: I checked the "Guide to Command" wiki page i hope thats the right one Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they? Ive gotten two warnings: - Once for releasing bees in the brig as Brochius to play a prank on security (Griefing and self antagging). - Another warning for Low rp behaviour and breaking laws in which i attempted to to tame a Pine tree in xenobiology by luring it out with a hanged monkey and afterwards chugging the tree full with sedatives. Both incidents happend half a year ago. Ive gotten one Permanent Antag ban for poor escalation and no story building aspect. Where i as wee woo lubed arrivals and fought off security. To which i appealed and made a promise on how to play antags in the future which i intend to uphold. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: Ive got hooked to RP when a friend of mine introduced me to a fanatasy tabletop game and since then i love it. Roleplay for me is all about the memorable stories, fun and imersiveness. Creating memorable stories/encounters is the most pleasant thing if you manage to do that as they will stay for a long time with you. Fun is well... having fun. Fun or the motivation to do something RP wise can be considered a great factor for roleplaying as it will most likely get hooked other players onto it aswell which a good mood after all is contagious :). Imersiveness is also a key factor for roleplaying however differs from player to player some like it chaotic some serious and some a mix in between depending on the characters they play. I would consider myself a mix in between i have serious character and also less serious and more chaotic character. Like the station hopping hobo viggo sook who tries to get by whos still a bit scared by his past. Or the absolute serious chef Bouvier Chateaux who only wants to serve freshly cooked food and not serve the food which is already on display as this is food for display which has gone already cold. On an end note Roleplay is not a single man endevaour and requires everyone to do their part to create an enjoyable round! What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: OOCly i would say a Head of Staff is present in order to keep people busy to some degree, organize project which involve alot of people to potentially strengthen the bond of the people within the department, interactions. Generally to advance roleplay. Head of staff also have alot more tools available like for example the research director has access to the AI core cyborg law upload console which can be used to create interesting developments Antag and non antag wise. The head of staff is also responsible for coordinating and speaking to antags, OOCly the main goal there should not be to eradicate the antags in one swoop but to further the roleplay with them and the crew. ICly this might proove more difficult due to regulations and such but where theres a problem theres multiple ways. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: I believe i can refer to my point above and say the Heads of staff are partially responsible to create an interesting enviornment with the antags. Otherwise they are just people like the rest of the crew maybe with a bit more knowledge in various degress but by no way god like or all knowing. I would uphold these standards by giving the antags some leeway as usual, by that i mean not instantly pointing a finger at a vampire and screaming "VAMPIRE" but instead (Depending on the severity) shrug it off as unusual behaviour at first and steadly become more and more apparant of the current situation that something i definetly amiss. Otherwise... they are just like people like you and me except that they also might function a bit as a Idol or someone to look up to. Could you give us the gist of what is currently happening in Tau ceti and how it affected your character and their career? After Mercers graduation, he went back to Moroz serving the house volvalaad in their research and endevaours. Mercer followed closely the happenings over news and realized that there might be a war soon. "War is profitable." he thought. Ships need to be replaced, research will be focused on more effective weapons, overall lucrative for those who are not involved in the war and this impact will linger even after the war has ended. Continuing to follow the news, there son was a broadcast that the SCC has been formed, the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate consisting of the 5 greatest megacorporations. "Now this is an opportunity." he said, quickling establishing communications with house volvalaad stating that this might be a very good opportunity in order improve Diplomatic relations with the 5 megacorporations, and prehaps also strike a profitable deal or two.After a couple days have passed the house agreed, and ordered Mercer to send his application to become a research director onboard the NSS Aurora, and to be on his best behaviour and to conduct exemplary work. Mercer promised to house volvalaad to do not only his best but to be better than the best. A little time has passed and mercer is currently awaiting for his application to be reviewed. ( Im gonna be honest here and say that my knowledge of lore is quite bad.) What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted? Research Director. More later on once i gathered sufficent knowledge. Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking. Mercer Vermeer, is a 52 year old man who has first attended Juro University in order to become a part of the great house volvalaad. After successful graduation and a rather quick graduation he was sent by house volvalaad to the Solis Cognito Universtiy in order to buildup on his current existing knowledge. During his stay at the University, Mercer Vermeer focused improving his knowledge in the Research and development section. Building weapons, grenades and various other devices in order to please the house volvalaad as this is where one of their focus rests. Additionally Mercer received a message from the great house that he will also be attending classes in order to become a Research Director, it appears Volvalaad had more plans with Mercer. At one point in class Mercer had a heated argument to which the other student snapped and out of rage, splashed a beaker of sulphuric acid into mercers face. Mercer immedeatly had to be put into the medical ward as his breathing slowly and steadily failed, despite some burns on his face mercer suffered a permanent injury to his right eye but was otherwise fine an soon after released. After he graduated Mercer went back to Moroz continuing to serve house volvalaad. (Mercer Vermeer will be taking the role of the Research director) How would you rate your own roleplaying?: Depending on the Character 5-7 Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action? Yes Have you familiarize yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles? Yes Extra notes: If you have any question, concerns, or anything else really feel free to ask. I would love some honest feedback and opinions i will interpret these as constructive feedback!
  22. @AlberykSorry for the ping. Whats your verdict?
  23. So the current issue im facing repeatedly with the Merchant is the lack of interesting goods later in the round. Currently weapon and gun vendors are plentiful and that makes it hard to acquire interesting goods. The only interesting goods you are able to acquire, are from the Permanent Merchants which are present at roundstart. So in my understanding theres two categories of merchants present. Merchant Categories Permanent Merchants: Permanent merchants are merchants that spawn at the beginning of the round and wont disappear and reappear at random intervals. During the beginning of the round theres a chance you will have 1 - 4 of these to trade with. Their goods range from food, medical supplies, knick knack, Joke items, Materials, Pets, Unique clothing items and potential more. Theres so many curious and unique items in those categories which i find way more interesting to sell to the crew. Temporary Merchants: Temporary Merchants are merchants that will occasionally pop up during the round and leave again. Most of the items these merchants sell are guns, melee weapons, Hardsuits/RIGS, Protective Gear, Mining Equipment, Robots, Syndicate items. Most of these goods are harder to sell and harder to come by as they cost alot to buy as a merchant. A Hardsuit easly costs 14'000 credits if you want to sell it to station crew for the full price. Which no one would or is genuinly able to buy since they simply can request one from robotics. Guns are popular and easy to sell aslong you make them affordable but thats business can easly be shut down by command. As for robots no one wants them. Melee weapons are cheap and occasionally get bought. Sometimes guns get bought for IC reasons but i only had met one character who did this and made some really nice roleplay out of this. ___________________________________________ My issue: Simply put not enough variety. My suggestion: Merge both merchant categories together so all merchants have a chance to spawn. Keep the 1 - 4 merchants you start with at the beginning as they are some kind of must have to sell or buy goods. I hope this post is more clear on that matter than what i wrote in code dungeon on discord. I would appreciate any thoughts, feedback, question or criticism.
  24. Alright sounds good! Wont be able to play much during workdays this week as im working temporary in a place which is quite a bit away so i come home tired and dont feel like roleplaying. Just so youre aware that i wont be logging in much during this "trial week"
  25. BYOND Key: Yakunan Total Ban Length: Permanent Banning staff member's Key: alberyk Reason of Ban: Spraying lube everywhere at the end of the round without doing anything antag-wise before. (While it is true, i had a small build up to this incident just when the shuttle was called which i didnt find worth mentioning as it was after all at the end of the round) Reason for Appeal: I request that my Permanent Antag ban would be lowered to a temporary one. I genuinly try to make the round interesting and enjoyable for everyone, sometimes i succeed and sometimes i fail. I did some thinking during these two days when the ban rolled out on what i did wrong. And its true i took way too much time to build something up, because i was focused on other priority non antag tasks as a cyborg to not stand out and get told to go to robotics. Whenever i get boinked i try to be clear, concise, honest and transparent and not beat around bush no matter if i fucked up and it drags me in the mud. I Really do not want to abuse players as an antag or go on a senseless murder spree. I really wish to make enjoyable, sad and most of all Memorable memories as an antag. What will i undertake to prevent repeating such incidents? - I will only enable specific Antag roles IF i have the sufficent knowledge to play said antag - I will only enable antag roles if i already have something pre planned. (Which i think is the main issue i faced many times) - I will communicate with active staff and antags more often if i am at a loss and if it is better to cryo to give someone else the opportunity
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