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Everything posted by limette

  1. in general i think this is the worst proposal in the thread, to be blunt. it would require expanding the Surgery Table to be even more daunting to approach, it would require something like a Chemistry Table, and it would leave more issues in regards to if you have both phys as one alt-title. i don't recall any of these things being liked by the community. the entire idea feels like it would distill medical even further into being a strict flowchart than it is already - which right now is FR -> Phys -> Surgeon with Pharm being parallel - annoying, but simple enough compared to adding a pharm flowchart alongside it. not to mention that 'internist' would be confusing versus 'medical intern' in particular for people who dont actually work at hospitals.
  2. Had a round with him as interim CMO when he stood up as Acting Captain. IMO he handled the round well, gave the antagonists reasonable opportunities, and most importantly delegated well from the position of Captain without being overbearing. I liked it! Not a ton to say beyond that; I can't really rate roleplay ability since I latejoined into an already hectic round. +1 for now.
  3. I think Urgoth is absolutely inappropriate for command is all I have to say right now. He's a literal caveman. He doesn't speak clear Basic. He carried a spear around the ship insisting it was his culture for weeks. I don't think he should be touching any command role. The rest seems fine at a glance.
  4. I originally wasn't going to comment because I had no idea this was a new command player. Levine fits naturally into the command team in a way that had me convinced that she was a new character of a long-time command player, and has been wielding the power of Executive Officer very well in my experience - between promoting officers, suspensions, and even having some presence for security when there's nobody else to. I've enjoyed it a lot.
  5. I've had a few rounds with Lisek as Commander now - I was hesitant to post given I'm a close metafriend of Lisek and figured my feedback thus would just be expected rather than meaningful, but playing security especially last round has me wanting to say that he's been fine at handling stressful situations. A round with no telecomms, a shooter in medical, and a hostage situation leading to a dead officer all together were handled fairly well and professionally. My one criticism is an occasional tendency to be too harsh - leaping to maximum sentences in first offenses is what I've seen of this mainly. I get it makes sense IC, but it's no fun OOC to sit in a cell for 45 minutes instead of 25.
  6. BYOND Key: Lorilili Game ID: cnN-aufB Player Byond Key/Character name: Elise Eisner Staff involved: WickedCybs Reason for complaint: So. Rev round. TCFL draft for everyone. Eisner's not an antag for any of the logs I'm giving so far as I am aware. [Common] Elise Eisner says, "I'm not dying for the Nanotrasen Occupied Government." This is a pretty clear reference to the Zionist Occupied Government conspiracy theory. Just straight up. Jayashri Gupta screams, "You will cease your defense of the Hopperites!!" Elise Eisner asks, "You believe everything you read in the media?" Jayashri Gupta says, "You -" Jayashri Gupta says, "Are a conspirationist, collaborationist pile of scum." Elise Eisner says, "I bet you think the SRF killed a billion trillion tajara or something." I went to beat her up for it - some attack logs are trimmed from this - and she began doing this, which is also Holocaust denier rhetoric online - the 'gorillion' 'joke' for example. Jayashri Gupta says, "The Hopperite is going on about how the Front is harmless." Elise Eisner says, "All I said is I don't think they killed that many aliens." Elise Eisner says, "They're not demons." Elise Eisner says, "They're people." Imogen Janse says, "....They absolutely are." Elise Eisner says, "You believe everything NT owned press tells you." Jayashri Gupta exclaims, "I do not care what you have, I do not wish to work alongside a genocide denier!" Elise Eisner says, "I only deny genocides which never happened." Again, pretty 1:1 with standard rhetoric here. I'm not saying the player themselves are a Holocaust denier or anything of the sort, but the fact that they directly reference the ZOG thing very much seems uncomfortable. I'm fine with SRF antags - mind that I don't think this was an antag, because I was a rev and didn't see that on her on the HUD - but 1:1 neonazi rhetoric is uncomfortable. The SRF is not hiding what they're doing in the lore, to my knowledge, so there's no reason to play a genocide denier, much less as a ship character. I was also told she resumed this after I logged off by someone, but I don't have any logs of that. May be worth looking into. Did you attempt to adminhelp the issue at the time? If so, what was the known action taken by administration/moderation?: Yes. I don't know what action was taken, but I didn't supply full context - that I wasn't aware of until I just read the logs over again. I think it needs another lookover with the rhetoric used in mind. Approximate Date/Time: May 13, 2023, 12:00 AM EST.
  7. I haven't had any issues with it since the changes. Thank you!
  8. I'll be honest; I hate this. Science being split off into its own corridor rather than in the central ring is already pretty bad. Most of the interaction we get right now is at the RND desk and from people walking up. Splintering telesci and chemistry away from RND, which is again historically the core of the department, also serves to split up internal interactions and limit things further; nevermind that chemistry is now behind two access-locked airlocks as well, meaning you won't get to see the public anymore at all. Telesci also seems to be set up so that you can't really interact with the hall while operating it. As a xenoarch main, and perhaps the second longest-standing one after CNEGecko, I really liked the first deck being accessible to the public (with all the scary bad things behind glass so you can't get to them.) It allowed for a lot of interaction with people helping with anomalies, and I generally preferred it as a storage area for changelings and the like when RD for this reason - people could come in and out and interact, rather than being trapped in the xenobio cuck cage. I do like unnecessary things like the giant storage room being cut to size, and xenobio + xenobot are substantial improvements to a massive degree, but in general this seems like it'd slash interaction by stuffing science into a separate, less likely to be trafficked corridor and then locking half of it behind access.
  9. If you can't get traffic as an assistant/off-duty, having a special title won't bring traffic. If you can, I don't see the need for this. What does this substantially change about the recreation area experience that will suddenly change whether or not people go there? Is it just so people look at the manifest, see the title, and run over? I can't really think of another benefit for it over an assistant advertising the pool/gym over the entertainment channel.
  10. This is intentional.
  11. I'm fairly strongly opposed to this because it cuts down on the possible 'oh god I'm infected' roleplay in favor of 'sprint in the opposite direction 0 delay' roleplay. The fear of being infected is IMO one of the most compelling parts of any zombie story, and making it more difficult to roleplay around this doesn't seem desirable at all for a roleplay server, even though I understand the balance concerns.
  12. BYOND key: Lorilili Discord Username: Pirouette#2381 Character names: Tsisana Caladius Hikaru Hidaka Delara Attar Once upon a time, Kei Nakai How long have you been playing on Aurora?
 Actively, since approximately January/February 2021. Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they?
 I have two warnings for logging off without cryoing, both in 2021. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame? Obviously to delegate tasks so that the round mechanically flows more naturally and effectively as opposed to without them. More importantly though the purpose is to allow for more interesting scenarios to arise than otherwise. Sort of reverse antagonists in my view, they have the same job of guiding the round and being an active presence, albeit in a very different way - and often in cooperation with one another. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?
 The responsibilities include the basics such as knowing and upholding rules, but also deeper things - often command can serve as a role model for new players, and as such should be expected to be more well-versed in both roleplay and mechanics than the average player. I think I already somewhat embody this as I take many chances when available to help guide new players when I'm on. Further, there is an expectation that command acts in an OOCly fair manner; this is both with antagonists in not unreasonably repressing them or something of the sort, but also within their department. As is likely relevant to the character I'm presenting, this means you absolutely do not try and make someone's round hell as an overtly oppressive figure first of all under any circumstances, that's no fun, but also especially not for their character's origin e.g. being an IPC. Again, I think that I already am fair to antagonist and non-antagonist alike, and I plan to continue as much; I may tone down some of Tsisana's traits to cement this, as well. Explain how the recent events in the Spur changed your character and how they came to be employed on the SCCV Horizon.
 Being a born-and-raised Dominian, Tsisana hasn't felt the brunt of the impacts of most recent events, given how remote the nation is and its lack of reliance on phoron. Nonetheless, in spite of this some things have been key; namely, the relocation of Zavodskoi to Nova Luxembourg offered her a key chance to throw her lot in with the company and all that it offered, culminating in her position aboard the Horizon as presently a Xenoarchaeologist, taken with the intent of seeing more of the Spur in pursuit of the sciences. Perhaps more personally, this position has lead to a liberalization of her ideas to an extent. Whilst she boarded as hardline as Dominians come, she's softened to be something of a reformist as exposure to the diversity of the ship makes its impact on her. What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted?
 In the short-term, just Research Director. I'll probably try HoS and Consular longer term. Have you familiarized yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles? Honestly? I think all of it, based on the links on the Research Director page? The wiki's kind of a mess at times and certain pages like the Chain of Command are obviously WIPs so I was a bit lost on what to read. Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking:
 Tsisana Caladius, Research Director Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action?
 Naturally. Have you linked your BYOND account to the Forums? I'm pretty sure I have. Extra notes: I only applied after asking around on the relay as to whether or not Tsisana was too 'bitchy' of a figure for command, and all the responses I got were to the negative; she's fine for command, and if anything someone like her would be welcome. If that isn't the case, I don't have any plans to make a character just for the trial. I feel this was shorter in some places than I'd like, but frankly I didn't come up with much else and I felt like I'd be padding if I filled it out more.
  13. As a xenoarch player, I think I'd sooner delete my character than start playing shorter rounds. I already hardly finish up with my anomalies by 1:30, assuming the best (not spending 40 minutes searching for a site.) This would leave me with essentially no time to roleplay on-duty due to how the job can be. Further, there's a lot of antags that don't really take off until 1:00; mercenary in particular often takes a lot of time to prepare, and I've seen them only arriving at 0:40-0:45 more often than not. The pace of SS13 just isn't really good for this; there's a number of jobs that spend 15-20 minutes setting up, antags that take even longer to setup (particularly those high-effort gimmicks I'd want to see more of, not less of) and so on. However; I have a fuckton of free time and can acknowledge that maybe this would be a good idea. It'd just require retooling a lot of things to work quicker, which I'm not certain whether or not its desirable.
  14. So, I enjoyed the RD as Tsisana Caladius so far. This is feedback which I will likely try to update should I play further, but - my briefest impressions are that your RD play was an asset to the round. You tried to be an active presence, which a lot of RDs fail in, by checking in on work and conducting tests yourself. The character was fun to interact with as well. I was away from the ship for most of the round so I can't give any more feedback than that, but at the least my impressions are not negative.
  15. I'm pretty strongly opposed; to call them a different word would just be fascism by another name, which is just itself stupid bush-beating. If it attracts the type of people who would think the SRF to be a good thing, so will the SRF but they adhere to killpeopleism or whatever other word instead. The SRF is pretty definitively The Bad Guys anyway and you aren't even allowed to play a sympathizer. The best way to handle it is by being heavy-handed about those types of people, and continuing the policy of a total ban on SRF-aligned characters. They aren't even close to as harmful as past lore (e.g. ATLAS) because they aren't being glorified or handed to the players, and I've seen no reason to expect that to change; lore has very clearly learned from past mistakes here.
  16. Entirely against this. This would be like splitting up doing the supermatter engine and doing station repairs into different titles. It's such a small job with such a small selection of duties that these would be infuriating; I despised having anomalists take everything off my hand when I was done digging, and there's only two slots. Two anomalists who are only willing to do half the job sitting there would be an awful time, just like it was when machinists had titles that would only do half the job. If you're not willing to head out and dig, I don't know what to say; those anomalies have to get to you somehow.
  17. Reporting Personnel: Tsisana Caladius Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Xenoarchaeologist Game ID: clR-dJXU Personnel Involved: - Rosenwyn Edevane, Captain - Offender - Georgia Sidower, Physician - Offender - Konstantyn Lovad, Shaft Miner - Offender - Andrew Mower, Security Officer - Offender Secondary Witnesses: N/A Time of Incident: 13/01/2465 Real Time: ~0200 GMT 13/01/2023 Location of Incident: SCCV Horizon, Holodeck Nature of Incident: [ ] - Workplace Hazard [X] - Accident/Injury [ ] - Destruction of Property [ ] - Neglect of Duty [ ] - Harassment [ ] - Assault [X] - Misconduct [ ] - Other _____ (Place an x in the box that applies. If other, replace line and specify.) Overview of the Incident: I was off-duty, and had elected to spend my time elsewhere as the bar was fully occupied. As I approached the holodeck, I heard the noises of fighting and saw fit to investigate. Upon my arrival, I saw Georgia Sidower and Konstantyn Lovad on the ground, and noticed that much of the holodeck was coated in blood. Rosenwyn Edevane and Andrew Mower were both also present, and Mower informed me that Lovad was just "defending his honor" and that that he just "kicked [Lovad's] ass." The latter remark reignited the conflict, with Lovad standing and fighting Mower again. All four entered into the brawl, which was mostly conducted with fists and a bar of soap throughout the early stages. I begin remarking about how underhanded the fight is as Rosenwyn Edevane begins to bash her opponents against the window, ultimately breaking one section and severely damaging one or two others. As this continues, the participants twisting each other's joints and tugging each other's hair, Sidower begins to headbutt the other participants. This causes them to begin bleeding once more, further coating the holodeck in the blood of those involved. The headbutts continue with one Georgia Sidower knocked unconscious by Andrew Mower's. Eventually, the fight comes to a halt with Rosenwyn Edevane declared the winner. Andrew Mower declares that the fighting is no longer fun, and asks to leave. He suggests that the Captain utilize gloves next time, to which she says "Gloves make it less impactful, we play with no rules when I am around." I take this moment to note that the fight was clearly unsafe, particularly pointing out the fact that the holodeck was now thoroughly covered in a layer of blood. Andrew Mower agrees with me, and Georgia Sidower remarks, "Agree to disagree." It is at this point the incident comes to an end, with no effort being made to clean the blood or repair the windows. Would you like to be personally interviewed?: [ ] - Yes [X] - No Did you report it to a Head of Staff or a superior? If so, who? If not, why?: No. The Captain was involved. Actions taken: Captain was involved.
  18. BYOND Key: Lorilili Character Names: Tsisana Caladius, Kei Nakai, Delara Attar, Hikaru Hidaka Species you are applying to play: IPC What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Cyan. Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes. Why do you wish to play this specific race: The short of it is this; synthetics in any setting catch my eye, but none moreso than Aurora. I've played a Trinarist for half a year, and become an extremely established character in this time. Throughout my play, I have made connections with a number of IPC characters and interacted with a number of IPC themes. These themes became the dominant ones I interacted with as Nakai, and I would like to approach them from another angle now. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: The less emotional and more calculating nature of a positronic brain is a key, if perhaps not the most key, element of playing one as a whole - it is a universal constant, to be considered in most actions an IPC takes regardless of where in the setting it is or what it is doing. This isn't to say they can't experience emotions or be played as emotional. But they are typically not to be as emotionally driven as the average human is; an enraged IPC is extremely unlikely to take a swing against their boss knowing it would only leave them worse off, to give one example. The next most important part is their status within society; the most obvious being how many are considered literal property, including the subject of this application, alongside their marginalized status as a whole in the setting. But further, they do not have the cultural base humanity or aliens do - they operate as an extension of the culture they were built within, even if they interact with it in substantially different ways than the humans around them do. Character Name: ISU-Resolution Please provide a short backstory for this character: ISU-Resolution was constructed thirty-five years in the past, in Yincheng. Granted a simple baseline frame given the era, it was assigned to the typical work an ISU may find - as the name implies, security. Specifically, Resolution was assigned to a resort on the planet. One prestigious enough to find itself guarded by Idris Units rather than exclusively human staff. It is here that Resolution would spend many of its early days. With the nature of its work, the unit would have a relatively front-facing job; much of its time would be occupied greeting and exchanging brief pleasantries with those attending the resort. Resolution would ultimately end up something of a face of the resort, alongside the others of its unit. As such, it is relatively socialized through these first years of its life. But as years pass, and years become over a decade, a monotony sets in. The same greetings and exchanges no longer bring the novelty they once had; nearly everything someone would say had been said and heard by now. This recipe of an initially well-socialized positronic offered no new contexts was a recipe for an interesting situation. This situation revealed itself in the form of a man. Not an outstanding man, and the details of this Original are largely irrelevant; what is important is that they had offered something nobody else to visit this resort had. A substantial discussion. Something to capture Resolution's interest. And so it did, Resolution beginning to spend more and more time speaking to this individual as days went by. Unfortunately, this meant Resolution spent less and less time attending to its duties and the other guests at this resort. Nonetheless, this was a time that Resolution found itself looking forward to and eager to participate in. But such a thing can not last forever; a reprimand came in, for shirking its duty. Yet Resolution persisted once again afterwards, conversing with this visitor on a daily basis. Until guests began to complain, and a punishment came in place of a reprimanding - a transfer to a Celestial Cruises ship. Being a mobile station where people naturally must come and go, rather than dealing with locals that may remain and make connections, it was assumed this would resolve the issue without requiring a wipe of a largely competent unit. Its time on the cruise ship was unremarkable once more, except in its reinvigorated loyalty to Idris; indeed, not only did Resolution serve well, without the same difficulties as before, it personally had resolved to not slip into those subversive behaviors again, lest it risk worse punishment - and perhaps the loss of its memories of those decades it lived, and the highlight that was that time with the Original This assignment too came to an end, however. An explosive end, as the events following Violet Dawn unfolded and the Alliance resigned to its current shell of its former self. With the collapse in income for Celestial Cruises, it is now that Resolution is sent to the Horizon. What do you like about this character?: I think an exploration of a somewhat disobedient IPC that values its memories and relationships is always interesting; again, very key in my playing of Nakai. It's something I've seen a few times, whether untagged shell or subversive Z.I. But Resolution is something much more mild, and has ultimately settled on treasuring its memories closely enough to end up more loyal to the company that owns it, rather than less so. I plan to play them as very loyal to the company, the punishment having been effective and taken great effect rather than breeding hostility. Just as well, this also allows me to play corporate positronic with a history, personality, and social tendencies - something I had initially found difficult with ideas centering around few-year-old IRUs, which all seemed as though they might come out bland and too mechanical-by-default for my taste. How would you rate your role-playing ability?: I'm not sure, in all honesty. I think in terms of my ability to actually play a character, I feel I'm second to none so long as I can actually get the ball rolling in the first place. Descriptive writing and other aspects I struggle on - hence my preference for the Space Station 13 format.
  19. Strongly in favor of both the Spark and Intrepid having distress beacons; I frankly don't really see any downside to it. It makes IC sense, and OOC it means that going alone and encountering a single hardship isn't a complete death sentence.
  20. The replacement for Freespeak in this application explicitly applies to both Mars and Coalition. In fact, this would further formalize Gutter among Martians.
  21. As the officer that 'broke RP' (because standing and talking to a bomber for an hour while people yell about demons invading the station doesn't work well enough, and we'd seemingly talked her down as she was complying with demands, but I digress,) I have to say that I told Heapatus to suck it because by this point in the round I had no idea what was going on. If I hadn't personally witnessed every arrest, I wouldn't have known who was in custody and who was not; at the end of the round, I recall one of them being released and the entirety of security being confused as to where they went, because I suppose they weren't informed that the ninjas would be taking one of our prisoners for a walk. There's other examples, but this is the one I most directly witnessed nearly the entire department confused by. There was essentially no information relayed to us beyond orders to be gentle with them. I'm not strongly opposed to this application, because it was a chaotic round (merc + ninja always is) but I do feel things could have been far clearer for everyone.
  22. Reviving this thread because I stand by this suggestion - disable one or enable the other. The general complaints are about total loss of agency for the character, in terms of it being uncomfortable. Many players don't like a brain parasite literally crawling in their ear then making their characters do and say things, just conceptually. Personally, I complain that Bughunt lends itself to often only one gimmick - there is an infestation, and the mercenaries are Zeng-Hu or something and here to rectify it. I also don't like how it depends on ghostspawns, because Revenant seems to have been disliked in part for the same reason. Honestly though, I wouldn't mind it as much if borer itself was possible - I just find bughunt very bland, and when the sight of a borer means I know a Zeng-Hu team is coming after it, I tire of borers as well. Hence my original post focusing on how repetitive of a gamemode it tends to be.
  23. After recent rounds, I rescind my previous feedback. It's clear you've improved on the issue, and were probably just burnt the fuck out on surgeon. I can understand that, so - I just wanted to note that the issue seems resolved.
  24. I am opposed to this; while Cerriq is wonderful as far as I've seen, my experience both inside and outside of medical with Fros'qerr has made me feel that your serving as CMO would be a detriment to the round. I've known Fros'qerr, even recently, to simply AFK in the medical lobby and only alt-tab back in after sometimes more than one loud noise, at which point you enter the 'say' command and type absolute gibberish in a rush half the time. I normally wouldn't care much about this, but I've run into medical with patients requiring surgery and had to give up on the prospect of getting them it quickly, and also been unable to surmount it while looking for roleplay with the rest of medical - I have frankly given up on trying to get it out of Fros'qerr, as harsh as that is. Most importantly of all, being alt-tabbed as a CMO is more impactful than being alt-tabbed as a non-command role, being intended to communicate what is happening to the rest of command or sometimes the rest of the crew, and liaise with other departments. -1
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