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Surgeon (16/37)

  1. +1 I've played a few rounds with this character, and the XO has repeatedly been fun to play with. She gives a good amount of OOC leeway for antagonists and always seems attentive and focused on the round, I've never had any issues with this player or any of their characters and based on what I've seen, fully endorse this app. 👍
  2. A very minor update, there are essentially zero holopads in Research at the moment, could some be installed in Xenobotany, Xenobiology, the RD office and the Machinist surgical bay?
  3. BYOND Key: Dekser Discord Username: Dekser#5511 Character Name: Xeios Tesh'Quis Item Name: qerr'zil brand zippo Item Function(s): Regular zippo, but its lid floats, notably it has an activation and deactivation animation. It burns with blue tinted light. Item Description: "It's a discontinued lighter brand which seems to be of Nralakk Federation origin. Its lid and base are fitted with tiny gravity manipulators which are tethered together. It has writing in Nral'Malic across its surface, which seems to be comprised of an alien alloy." Why is your character bringing this item to work?: The lighter is a fairly new family heirloom. Xeios is a known smoker and enjoys partaking in the activity during their downtime from work, they also practice Weishii faith and typically smoke wulumunusha for religious and recreational purposes. How did your character obtain this item?: A gift from their caretakers to send them off to Human space. It was originally sold roughly under a hundred years before Xeios was born, capable of burning underwater, in several atmosphere types and even in space (if very briefly) but the brand discontinued due to concerns that the floating lid could be used like a slingshot-like weapon if in the reach of children. What value does this item have to your character, and what story does it tell?: As a gift from Xeios' caretakers, it holds a lot of sentimental value. Xeios uses it regularly. I think it adds some lore to this character. Xeios is extremely new to Human space and sports a personality not very adapted to Human culture, despite what their knowledge of Basic slang might say. Having a trinket from Nralakk space can demonstrate their alien nature. Sprites: Xeios Lighter.dmi Additional Comments: Loredev approved!!!
  4. I'm supposed to have left Aurora and ss13 entirely already, but can't say goodbye yet without giving my +1 to this goober. Good friend of mine for some time now, they are extremely competent in-game and I haven't had a negative exchange with them, they genuinely care about Aurora and I know, given a chance, they can do some good for this server. A very chill person who based on our conversations really does seem to have the servers best interests in mind. Here's my last semi-meaningful number thrown onto this forum. Godspeed Eddy. +1
  5. I don't care what this lands on anymore, banned in surgery or not, but we have to finally make a decision on it. It's been extremely unclear on the wiki for years. If Machinists require a Surgeons assistance in an operation, please outline it on both the Machinist wikipage and the surgery wikipage so that it's less confusing.
  6. Add more holopads 🔫 Otherwise I support! Armory being closer to Sec entrance will be nice. +1
  7. I've known Snowy for a while, I don't think I can recall a negative experience I've had with them as a player. While I can't speak for their newer characters, I can say confidently that OOCly I think Snowy has the capacity to be very reserved and dish good judgement when playing a character with the ability to do so. I think they will excel at Command and I see no reason not to trial them. +1
  8. I have never accused or alleged anyone of favoritism or bias on the basis of their friendships. Sveta's comment in the Relay about "What will a Relay mod do, tell us to go to the Lounge?" Which is the only thing that I've done that might be misinterpreted as an accusation like that comes from an actual case where a Relay mod subtly urged crew disliking Relay conversation into the Lounge. Given my above reply, I don't think I can respond to this, since it has nothing to do with me. If you think it does, my response might cover what you think below. I can't even say "I'm offended" as I'm too sick of this situation to be so. What I will do is break this down. Firstly: When have I contradicted myself? Please provide evidence when you accuse me of something. I have not gaslighted anyone, the only thing I've done is explain my intents with my IC action and why I think it's frankly bullshit that Svetas conduct results in action taken against me as a player, when I have violated no server rules and have not done with Cybs claimed I did wrong. I have not accused anyone of sexual harassment, nor have I forced a conversation on that subject. Second: Please stop assuming what I'm feeling. I am not commenting on Pwners complaint, nor am I confirming or denying my opinion on it. Do not drag me into that accusation. Third: While Pwner and I did communicate when you muted both of us, that was only because you were busy and took an hour to reply, we were confused and trying to piece together what you meant. Since then we have had ONE exchange, which I will actually screenshot and show you. I would hardly call that a "joint effort" to attack Goolies, someone who I have never interacted with. Someone who I do not care about. Someone who is barely even related to the original staff complaint, if at all. Before you reply to this explaining that our screenshots of Kealas behavior were an attack on Goolies, please read my above posts where I explicitly explained and expressed why they are not that. (I only say this because this exact thing has already happened.) I'll leave this one with this: I have no motives against Goolies or against Cybs. Frankly I'm just very frustrated and these two complaints are stressing me out. I have other things I should be doing with my time, including my actual real life. My goal in defending myself is to have my strike removed, that's it. I'm not aiming for any punishments, or anything of that sort. I also do not speak for Pwner in any capacity, I'm actually upset that I'm even involved at all, since Cybs seems to primarily have issue with Pwner and their accusation of favoritism. I've explained why I have not done anything wrong, unless someone quotes me and blatantly misidentifies something I've said, I have other things to do. This will be my last reply on the player complaint until a verdict. I pre-emptively apologize for how rude this comes across as, I am very tired of this.
  9. WHY would I do this? I had no idea who you were before I was muted, I have never had anything against you. Not only that but what I wrote didn't even call KEALA homophobic, let alone you. It could only be interpreted that way, which I only realized after you pointed it out and fixed it. I'm copypasting what I wrote on this because I don't think you even read it correctly: I want to make it clear that I did not accuse you OR KEALA of homophobic jokes and I really really apologize that it came off that way, I have since edited my reply slightly to remove that part since it may paint you as a player in a poor light. I said, for the record, "Cracking jokes about peoples same-sex attraction" which is much closer to "lol you like men" than blatant homophobia. This is also something that Keala DID do, which can be found in the screenshots on the staff complaint, but they were not serious at all and closer to comedy than actual attempts at being rude. I'm going to stop replying if I have to say it another time... EVERY SCREENSHOT OF KEALAS COMMENTS WAS SENT TO CYBS SPECIFICALLY TO PAINT A PICTURE AS TO WHY SVETA DISLIKED KEALA AND NOTHING ELSE. I have made that clear, so many times. You really really seem like this is a personal attack on you and it really just isn't, this is all being blown so far out of proportion, I have apologized, I've fixed what I had to. I'm not sure what you expect to come out of this.
  10. Once again, I can't speak for LordPwner but this is from me. However it may seem I've insinuated anything, I apologize and I meant nothing on an OOC level toward you, anything and everything I've said about an opinion from my side toward Keala, or regarding Kealas behavior has been between Keala and Sveta and NOTHING else. I have never purposefully accused you, as a player of anything. 1: If you mean the weeks worth of Keala trolling, none of that really warranted any Admin action in my perspective, I think it was what it was, trolling. I only brought it to the attention of the Admins in reference of why Sveta had this opinion of Keala, it was not meant to be a way to call you or Keala out. 2: I think I've said it enough times, nobody said anybody was sexually harassing anyone. There is a very distinct line between sexual harassment and harassment. Sveta accused Keala of harassment. Read: I only brought it to the attention of the Admins in reference of why Sveta had this opinion of Keala 1: They show plenty of evidence of Keala harassing other crew, by definition. He was insulting and offending them beyond being asked to stop. This does not affect you as a player, since there is no rule about IC harassment being disallowed. Antagonistic characters are very allowed. 2: I want to make it clear that I did not accuse you OR KEALA of homophobic jokes and I really really apologize that it came off that way, I have since edited my reply slightly to remove that part since it may paint you as a player in a poor light. I said, for the record, "Cracking jokes about peoples same-sex attraction" which is much closer to "lol you like men" than blatant homophobia. This is also something that Keala DID do, which can be found in the screenshots on the staff complaint, but they were not serious at all and closer to comedy than actual attempts at being rude. 3: I did not accuse you or Cybs of favouritism, that was LordPwners accusation. Again a lot of these screenshots were taken only when LordPwner and I were muted, because before then I (not including LordPwners opinion because I do not know) did not see any OOC issue. I never contacted you either because there was no need, I saw no need for administrative action and I only used screenshots of Kealas trolling to express Svetas opinion of him. I apologize for the large essay, but I did try to resolve this over discord, which didn't seem to be possible. I apologize for the mistakes I made in my reply to the staff complaint that painted you in a bad light, it was a complete accident / oversight that I've fixed. I have zero ill-intention toward you, or involved really. And I apologize to you because there are a few ways I could have handled this better. I'm trying to get this resolved in a way that benefits everyone and just puts it behind everyone, it's a lot of misinterpreting and misunderstandings, is what I'm seeing.
  11. I am only talking about Sveta and my own involvement through this reply Firstly, none of the screenshots I've presented go back further than a week, with the longest ago being exactly 7 days ago. Nothing I've presented is anywhere close to weeks or months old. I will admit Sveta was only part of about 4 or 5 of them but that's out of 7. Second, again nobody has accused anybody of sexual harassment I've had to say that several times. Sveta said she witnessed Keala harass some of the women in the Relay. So we can get the record straight, I'll define what harassment means: harassment, "aggressive pressure or intimidation." More in-depth: "illegal behaviour towards a person that causes mental or emotional suffering, which includes repeated unwanted contacts without a reasonable purpose, insults, threats, touching, or offensive language." Keala was purposefully insulting crew, threatening crew, and offending crew, therefore he was harassing crew. Sveta mostly witnessed this toward the women of the Relay, and so she called it out. I'll say it again, Sveta never suggested, intentionally made it possible to interpret or otherwise directly accused Keala of sexual harassment. She accused Keala of harassment. Third, I'm happy to hear nobody was really made actually uncomfortable by the roleplay, because in the end its mostly an IC issue, I'm mainly focusing on the IC part of this. Sveta was reasonably upset with Keala for being an asshole. I fail to see how this resulted in OOC action and not IC action. I would have had zero issue if she was punished In-Character.
  12. Hi, it's me, Dekser (Deki). The supposed instigator of this. I wont add much (Because Birdie has already done a good job summarizing everything) but I will share the immediate interaction I had with Cybes, since I felt it went poorly. It started with me sending about 7 images displaying Keala being overtly sexual. My character, Svetlana reacted by calling him out, specifically saying, that he *harasses women* The reason I was in trouble, according to Cyb is because Svetlana "implied" sexual harassment, which to my perspective, nobody but Cyb interpreted as such. Here's the beginning of our conversation in order: 1: After sending the 7 images of Kealas behavior 2: Cyberspys first response 3: Here I explain that Sveta SPECIFICALLY said harassment, and not sexual harassment, as well as supply an image of someone remarking how Keala does that to everyone, which shows that they didn't interpret Sveta accusing him of sexual harassment (I have also spoken to several people, who all were surprised when hearing Cybs thought she meant sexual harassment, which I can also supply proof of if requested) 4: Cyberspy disagrees and says the context matters and that's why I'm in trouble. However when I referenced the 7 images of Keala's behavior, and tried to say that Sveta had this previous knowledge of him, which is why she came out saying this, she was sick of hearing the things he has to say. Cybs said we can only focus on the context of the current situation (which includes 1 occasion of Keala STILL harassing a woman, which is the "girl friend" scenario.) To me this makes zero sense, it means Sveta cannot use her prior knowledge of this character to build an opinion of him. 5: "Light-hearted" Cybs says because Keala didn't mean it seriously, that makes his comments okay, since they're only return fire at my accusations 6: Here I explain again, for the THIRD time that Sveta never said "sexual harassment" and even Cybs seems to agree, since he doesn't bring it up anymore. To summarize: The main issue that Cyberspy brought up to me was that Svetlana and Marcus were "Turning the topic toward the harassment of women" which is not what happened either. Sveta said, one time, "Not only that but he harasses the women on the relay" (which is true) in reply to Marcus complaining about the unfairness of the SCC Relay Moderators. Cyberspy stated that accusing someone of something as serious as sexual harassment is a big problem, however, Sveta NEVER ever mentioned or even implied sexual harassment, as well as Keala proceeded to accuse someone of sexual harassment not minutes later. So to check the list >Sveta did not change the entire discussion toward harassment of women >Sveta did not accuse anyone of sexual harassment >Sveta only used her context of her opinion of Keala from previous conversations I fail to see any rules broken, and I fail to see anything Sveta did wrong which Cybs claimed she did wrong. These are the seven images of Kealas earlier behavior which was sent to Cybs in order to showcase why Sveta felt negatively of Keala, nothing about me and goolies: As a final note: I'd actually like to apologize to Cyberspy, I became extremely frustrated explaining the same case over and over and said some rude things I shouldn't have, I'll be a lot more mindful of my wording in future.
  13. Hello! (Salamo Alaykom) If you're anything like me, you love travelling. So many different worlds, it's hard not to, am I right? Well, unless you don't plan on leaving anywhere that Tau Ceti Basic is spoken. You'll likely be unable to speak the languages of where you visit! Which can be quite a problem. Lets start with the basics, these are the seven official languages (with written language) of the Orion Spur! -By Aaliyah Amari Sol Common, Tradeband, Freespeak and Elyran Standard all use the same alphabet in most forms. This makes them easy to learn for Humans! However, alien languages are far less simple, as none of them imitate the Human alphabet. If you are a non-Human looking to study up on Human-languages, click here ((OOC NOTE: cannot actually be used to speak other languages in-game)) Lets start with Sol Common. You will find a snippet text below: You might notice, despite its familiar alphabet, it's really small! This is not a clerical error, often in writing Sol Common is written with dramatically small characters. Sol Common is spoken in many places, primarily those under Solarian control. It's a notoriously difficult language to learn, (not unlike Tradeband) and almost impossible for most non-Humans due to the intricate and often frustrating pronunciation. Another feature of its difficulty is tones, each word has four of them which can give it a totally different meaning! You can identify Sol Common by its tiny letters, or by use of sounds like "ying" "yeong" "chun" and the like. Audio snippet: Next we'll move on to Tradeband. Almost as hard as Solarian to learn but not in the same way! While anyone can learn to speak its alphabet, maybe even master a few hundred words. The trick of Tradeband is vocabulary. Simple words can be easier to learn, thanks to the grammar of Tradeband being somewhat similar to TCB. However its more complex words can be a nightmare to master. And unless you do master the language, most wont respect your ability to speak. Unfortunately. Luckily, reading and writing is far easier than speaking. You can identify Tradeband based similarity to TCB text, and for long, complex words that almost don't seem to fit Human mouths. Audio snippet: Next up on our list, Freespeak. Now, wow Freespeak has a lot of subsidiary languages. What it doesn't have, is a lot of education for it online. But luckily for you, the more common forms of the language are very easy to learn! The same cannot be said about pronunciation. Oftentimes the words are rough and coarse on the throat. Now, when it comes to the more unique and complex dialects, coming from deep in the Frontier, it'll get a lot harder to master. In some places, they wont even understand other forms of Freespeak. This is because the language, in all cases. Is very culturally tied. You can identify based on its almost natural italics in writing, and often the coarse and rough words that sound painful to say. Audio snippet: Finally for Humans, we have Elyran Standard. Another toughie! (Seeing a trend on Human languages) Elyran Standard is pretty hard because its roots come from a language completely different to that of TCB roots. Its writing here has been converted to TCB alphabet, but in a lot of places in Elyra, they have their own alphabet. Pronouncing the words in Elyran can be hard, but not as tough as Freespeak or Tradeband, only specific sounds get challenging. Otherwise, only its vastly different grammar and writing-style (in its own alphabet) makes it challenging. You can identify Elyran Standard in a TCB alphabet by its use of apostrophes and often its use of sounds like "aulf" or "sha" and the like. Audio snippet: Lets start with our first alien language, Nral'Malic. A BIG notice before we go further. It is impossible for Humans to learn to SPEAK all of the below languages (barring Siik'maas but I'll get into that). However it is still possible to learn to understand and read in these languages, through much practice. Made of warbles, croaks, crackles and chirps. Skrellian language is a really beautiful (although unfortunately hard to hear) language. Its pitch is spoken well above the languages of most other species, making some letters out of Human hearing range. Speaking Nral'Malic is impossible for non-Skrell for a few reasons, but primarily because some of their spoken words cause direct emotion on another Skrell (fascinating, right?) Nral'Malic can be identified by its geometric writing and its warble sounds. Audio snippet: Next is, Siik'maas! One of the very very few alien languages that a Human could learn to speak (and one that I myself dabble a little bit in). Comprised of mrowls and subtle body movements, it is really difficult for a Human to master, not only because of the alien grammar, alphabet and pronunciation, but because of biological difference. It is said that Humans attempting to speak Siik'maas often sound as if they were drunk. The body movements are vital to the language, but not as much as vocabulary, which is unique in Tajaran languages. Siik'maas can be identified by its square-like letters with occasional jotting lines, and by its mrowled words. Audio snippet: Last but certainly not least, we have Sinta'Unathi. Impossible for Humans to pronounce, it is comprised of hisses, rattles and barks. It is the official language of the Izweski Hegemony. One of my favorites, honestly, singing in this language is beautiful. Similar to Sol Common, it has small, compact letters which sometimes connect with each other, learning to write in Sinta'Unathi is difficult but possible! It's at the same level of difficulty as learning to write in Elyran Standard. Sinta'Unathi can be identified with its slithering, curving words and hisses and rattles. Audio snippet: Special guest language (unofficial): And that's all! Thank you for reading through my blog, I hope it helps on your travels. And as always, stay safe out there.
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    >Join round as a Skrell >Enter VR >[Doom music plays] >After decapitating the same person 5 times, get out of VR >Get shitfaced at the bar >Drink some wulu and vodka >"Your body is destroyed under the weight of Srom!" >Literally fucking die on a canon round 10/10 best event ever. I did get revived don't worry.
  14. This is a good point, but isn't that a good outcome...? Stationbounds are already expensive (so it makes sense they are limited) and with less of them, less people can have their workload lightened. Everyone wins with a whitelist. Your problem is with there being borgs to take your work, but whitelist literally makes there less borgs without totally removing them and upsetting 50% of the playerbase. It's a win on both sides. Another thing would be lore implications, as well as SCCIA actions. If you are borged, it's basically a canon death if borgs are removed and as we've seen with the mutiny, borging isn't something that the SCC will shy from. The people that are already borged will lose their several year lasting characters.
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