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Marlon P.

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Everything posted by Marlon P.

  1. Got a notice as a forum DM and saw this was still up If i understand, alb is going to get a note or something for breaking the rules using Admin powers but it wasn't in service of retaliation. Gotta lock this thread @Garnascus
  2. To clarify: I'm happy that Garnascus acknowledged alberyk violated the rules, and i accept there doesn't seem to be deliberate retaliation in Alberyk's complaint -- Alberyk's misconduct was seperate from the complaint and my ban. Does anything else need to be done?
  3. Alright; that's fair. I'm satisfied in your responses and have nothing left to add. Thank you.
  4. Per the staff complaint against him, Alberyk broke the rules by insulting me. Per the staff complaint, Alberyk also gave an improper strike that was overturned. Per your ruling in this thread, he broke the rules by releasing my play time. These three events happened immediately before he posted a player complaint against me. What other than if not this series of events would be evidence of retaliation? Do these events establish his intent?
  5. Also im open to ideas on how alberyk expects me to give him evidence of anything now that they locked the door behind me when i left the discords. Otherwise aurora doesnt have any precense on my devices but for artwork i commissioned or someone had made for something.
  6. Showing Alberyks bad behavior and bad attitude is necessary to show why and how he retaliated. I observed rounds and read all the lore shit being released and started playing more in-round, and wanted to talk about it like any other media. My playtime wasnt good enough and Alb releases it to the public as a Gotcha in a way any reasonable person would recognize as a way to make me look like a liar or whatever. If its not against the rules, can we see the playtime of other players? Where do i write in a request? I know a few important staffers play less than i did before i got banned for having commentary critical of alberyk. My behavior being toxic. What a terrible thing to say. Pointing out abuse from a member of this community isn't toxic. This kind of snide belittlement of me reinforces that he engaged in retaliation. He continues to berate me and use secondhand excuss -- "its your behavior thats toxic not you" and then accusations that i am admin shopping, on top of lying about his reason for showing my playtime.
  7. It doesnt matter if it's weird. It matters if it's a violation of rules or staff conduct because violating the rules to "gotcha" me is something that head admins should not be allowed to do. Alberyk engaged in misconduct thru the original strike and it was overturned. Did alberyk violate the rules when sharing my playtime to the public? Would it be retaliation if he directly banned me? Is he violating any rules by calling me toxic for reporting abuse, on top of his other insults against me and my work? Because his flagrant rulebreaking already shown in insulting me shows he had interest in retaliation to get me banned.
  8. Garn is an irl friend of mine; is there any need for him to recuse himself?
  9. It was retaliation. Its not a 1:1. Still retaliation. The same behavior, different tools. I provided the link after because you asked to be shown it. You should have filed a staff complaint against the admin and cited my alleged misbehavior as reason to maintain the strike. Or done so in my original staff complaint. You chose a complaint to avoid having to defend your trolling/misbehavior because it was cited by the handling admin as a violation of the rules. You violated the rules by trolling me and i get striked for saying the trolling is just your opinion, then later get banned only after your rulebreaking was pointed out and reversed.
  10. https://forums.aurorastation.org/topic/8623-resolved-staff-complaint-delta/#comment-84377 "Well now you've gone ahead and burned this particular bridge. You where almost out the door nicely. You would have been fired had you not resigned. Complaint is....resolved?"
  11. What you did with the complaint would be the equivilant of me contesting it by dragging out years worth of logs showing the mod to be a totally awful person in order to get them banned. It's retaliation. You violated the rules. You not needing to defend your actions is the point. You didn't appeal it because you know you violated the rules and you wanted to reapply punishment without having to justify your inappropriate behavior. I'm logging out again. Let arrow or garn know to message me on discord once a staffer takes this - i talk to them outside the server still. I dont get emails from threads.
  12. It has been two weeks. Just checked in to see if i had missed any notifications. To recap, The head admin issued a strike against me and violated the rules of the discord server. The strike was overturned. The head admin was also noted to have violated the rules. The head administrator circumvented an admin ruling against them to make a player complaint, because the head admin wanted to retaliate. The punishment was then escalated to a full community ban. I was banned for having critical commentary with not enough play time. This is despite "having opinions while not playing enough" being anywhere in the rules. A whole new precedent was just made up on the spot. The rule is also selective. I am the only player banned for having critical commentary without playing enough. A rule was made up then set aside exclusively to retaliate against me. I was banned for reporting behavior i found to be abusive. I was called toxic for calling it abuse. This all happened only after their decision was overturned. They apparently had no problem with it until they could use the behavior to make me look bad. I was banned for having a reaction to one of alberyks staffers having in their DMs to me photos of punctured feet and two men having anal on a table. There's been zero consideration to how having those photos in DMs to me might make it reasonable for me to suddenly lose interest in the flow conversation. So much concern for someone trying to bully me, but that behavior is apparently of no interest when it happens to me. Another use of selective standards. Other members of Albs team posted claiming a conspiracy against them to make them look bad by editing my discord messages. When i tried to resolve a problem in a confidential complaint, it was promptly and courtesly taken and responded to, whereas this has gone two weeks in the same span of time with zero response from anyone. So alberyk has, 1) violated the rules to insult me. 2) violated the rules with an improper strike. 3) retaliated with an escalation of punishment by circumventing required processes. 4) violated the rules by insulting me for calling out bullying that violated the rules. 5) got me banned for not being deferential to his rule violations. 6) avoided having to justify his own behavior and making the focus about me thru this complaint rather than a staff complaint against the admin that overruled his rulebreaking decision. His behavior is abhorrent, rule breaking, and the enabling of it is atrocious. A community ban was not on the table until he got a decision overturned. Nothing i did bothered him until he violated the rules after feeling condescend to by the most milktoast commentary to his rulebreaking attitude. Ive faced this kind of retaliation before when i made a staff complaint against a mod over antag contracts. The staff member was fired. It didnt take 2 weeks for the first reply from administration. @Garnascus
  13. I got community banned. Is this complaint still relevant?
  14. I withdraw this suggestion.
  15. Thanks for your time.
  16. Good idea from OP. I'd like that customization. By that I mean picking vampire stuff every single time. +1
  17. It would break immersion imo to have full awareness of my surroundings when K.O'd. We should have a dream world like the srom to give people a little thing to do. At least sit in a little dream library or something.
  18. A fantastic unathi with an interpretation of the unathi religions that will create a lot of fantastic roleplay between her and other Unathi. I wanted to ask if you are worried the scorn you will get as a guwan will make it difficult to mingle with other unathi and tell them about this religious stuff? I also like her outlook on her gender identity and how she identities as both a woman while having a strong sense of pride, defying the culture of the unathi patriarchy in a way that makes compelling drama. +1
  19. At the time i believed that not providing a definition of abuse and how their behavior tracked on that would be rule violating because it would be an ad hominem. I wanted to provide evidence. I would now just refer to their behavior as rule breaking, regardless of me still believing it was abusive behavior. Players complaining about the conversation does not itself prove a rule violation happened. There was enough in that conversation for me to complain about -- I find "you cannot speak about our server because you do not play enough" is a violation of rule 2. If I complain about it enough, can those people start to get banned? I know it is a bad-faith thing because even when I started to play again, I saw somewhere someone claimed that me playing the game was a conspiracy by myself to win arguments or something. It is seeking misbehavior where there is none in order to support retaliation. Applying to a position isn't rule-breaking behavior. I had a drive to apply and wanted to get stuff done. Calling me "not up to par" is rude. Considering being an observer to be playing the game -- given i am sitting down and am engaged with your game -- is not rule breaking behavior that needs to be exposed to the entire community. Its retaliatory to use it in a complaint. I see staff that don't play making policy about the game and punishing players. Why do they get to make policy but I can't even comment on it? Why don't you drop the playtime logs of admins at the end of complaints to show that the admin plays enough? You would not -- the only purpose of posting it is to shut me down, which is rude, and I believe shows that Alberyk engaged in misbehavior culminating in retaliation. I've said what I wanted to say, and barring posts from other parties, I will wait for administration to respond.
  20. BYOND Key: MarlonPhoenix Game ID: Aurora Discords and forum Player Byond Key/Character name: Alberyk Staff involved: Readthisnameplz, Garnascus Reason for complaint: Alberyk has violated the use of the complaint system to retaliate against me for a staff-complaint. Did you attempt to adminhelp the issue at the time? If so, what was the known action taken by administration/moderation? I have made this complaint after mentioning recurring behavior in passing to Garnascus, but I have only posted the staff complaint contesting a strike placed on me by Alb. I am making this staff complaint because, while I tried to make these same points in the complaint thread against me, I realized that I was improper and want it litigated in the proper way -- hence the staff complaint. Approximate Date/Time: 2nd of August to current is when the behavior explicitly started. Here is the timeline of events as I understand them. Alberyk's last explicit discord @ is on the 2nd of August -- presumably having not blocked me yet. During this time I had a staff complaint on Alberyk to overturn a strike he placed on me in the discord, primarily revolving around him saying this about my work and my response: Readthisnameplz overturns the strike on the 5th. Alberyk argues against the decision in the complaint. The complaint is closed on the 7th still in my favor. Alberyk opens a player-complaint against me on the 8th. The complaint relies on contradicting @ReadThisNamePlz verdict in the staff complaint. I believe that this is supported by additional logs being provided that focus primarily on conversations that Alb striked me for. Alberyk is re-litigating my behavior in-question over the strike, which should be a staff complaint on the admin that overruled him, and not a player complaint. I believe the fact that he blocked me presumably just before, during, or after he had his decision overturned reinforces this. In the player complaint against me the Head Administrator brings up a past complaint that I placed on another player. In that original complaint I brought up allegations that I was facing abuse and bullying from said player. I provided logs showing the behavior I found abusive and provided the definition to what I meant by "abuse". The player was punished for their behavior which the handling admin Garnascus found to be rule-breaking. The behavior towards me from the player then stopped. There was no mention at the time about my allegation being rule-breaking. That complaint has since been hidden and I cannot link to it. Staff should still have access to it and I ask that if any logs involving that player be posted, please redact their discord name/pfb. They already had action taken against them, the behavior stopped, and I have no interest in bringing attention to them again for the peanut gallery. In another conversation he alleges I was derailing, we were talking about something or other and I went into old DM's of a staff-member to get some info on the subject and re-discovered graphic and pornographic images that I had assumed the player had deleted at some point in the years that I had them blocked. I talked about how shocked I was in the convo and did go off-topic. While I acknowledge that I "derailed" the conversation, I believe that hearing about what I had just seen, callously reacting with "go on I guess" does not indicate that he at the time believed that I violated any rules or was behaving in toxic behavior, just that he was frustrated at me being upset in the first place because I was no responding to him properly. This is further evidenced by him saying in the player complaint about it: I believe that this kind of comment, in regards to me dropping a convo after suddenly having to look at a picture of a foot being impaled by a phone charger and two dudes doing anal on a table, is evidence that this is not a matter of me violating the rules but a matter of assuming misbehavior where there is none, and using it as evidence of misbehavior for their desire to see punishment on me reinstated for the sake of retaliation. While the staff-member that did this has not deleted the images for whatever reason fucking escapes me, they were at one point punished, apologized, and I've never had a problem with them since then so I'm not going to drag any beef about that in here. Please do not post their name if you reference the incident. If the person is reading this though: can you delete that stuff? Thanks. He also alleges in the player-complaint that I lied about misreading a series of messages, in order so I can, I presume, win an argument. I believe that this willful misinterpretation of me just misreading part of an active discord conversation and me then saying something incorrect and turning it into me being a liar is further evidence that he is retaliating by bringing up non-rulebreaking conversations. I believe that in that conversation I acknowledged I beefed it and apologized -- which someone maliciously and willfully misrepresenting his position would not do. He also alleges that me bringing up what I thought was a completely neutral position - that events seem to have gotten more bloody, and that cloning being retconned retired characters who were canonically clones - is derailment, or that something else I say is a position that is completely made-up. He also uses the thought-terminating cliché "You don't even play the game", which does not mean anything and is just used to shut someone down, which I believe shows additional animus from him towards me which encouraged the retaliation. He has also leaked my playtime to the discord server in order to prove that I don't play enough. He also says that, Alongside the rude comment about my application --- which I do not half-ass --- he claims that me not publicly litigating my feeling unwelcomed is evidence of misbehavior. I would like to point to the player complaint on me, with its repeated references to why I am bad for the community, as evidence as to why I felt weird vibes. I feel that this is evidence of Alberyk attempting to retaliate against me by alleging misbehavior where there is none. He later posts a player complaint I posted in June of 2021, where I called out people that were talking about me in really rude ways on the discord. Nothing came of the complaint, but the name-calling from the listed players did stop so I never brought it up again. This is not misbehavior on my part, and is evidence that Alberyk is attempting to retaliate against me by alleging misbehavior where there is none. He then goes into behavior from 2019. I have little comment since I don't remember any of these interactions. I will say I still agree with pointing out the similarities in the uniform but I guess I was a little aggressive in bringing it up. I think that thread is a violation of the rules. I have no real comment on the identarian remark. The player it was towards deleted whatever he said which made me ask the question, so I have no way to tell the context. It probably is a violation of the rules, since it is pretty rude. I do not feel that the two instances where I give that I violated the rules -- being that they are three years old -- are enough for Alberyk's claim that I have a whole pattern of misbehavior. I hope to show that the behavior from Alberyk in making his player complaint was improper, and that he is unfairly castigating me only after he had been ruled against, and it is in order to have punishment re-instated on my account after he was unable to do it himself.
  21. Because of the speed of the blobs growth, due to Lanchesters Laws it quickly overwhelms deadpop because it regenerates faster than lowpop can kill it. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lanchester's_laws
  22. Nevermind. I understand that proving accusation of not giving evidence of something by the OP is not what I'm meant to do to defend myself. This is not the place to challenge it. I would like to instead ask what I can do to participate in this thread in a constructive way.
  23. I fixed a typo but to avoid looking malacious i will doublepost: What i mean to say is: he is attributing on me a conspiracy against him to make him look bad. EDIT: I lied about not editing, because I don't want to triple-post. I found this when looking back. This is why I made the joke, thinking alb was in on it: I don't think it's rulebreaking to awkwardly continue a gag.
  24. I edit my statements immediately when i find i can word what i said better, usually immediately after posting or to fix a typo. The messages always say the same thing. Ive done it for longer than discord has existed. You can see it in my entire history going back to like 2014. Youre claiming im doing it to make others look bad, or if i find a meme to be posted in the wrong ppace. How on earth do i prove or disprove its a conspiracy to make you look bad? It is wrong. I stand by everything i said in what you screenshotted. The person i was talking to was repeatedly being rude and demeaning me until it culminated in my complaint. I expressed why i was upset in a civil and polite way while being upset. I don't say youre destroying my lore. If i had my way I'd throw out most of what i started. I have @'ed you with suggestions to retcon, delete, and change policies i implemented that i notice dont jive with your managerial style. I also criticize some decisions while suggesting preferred alternatives. You are taking neutral statements from me and assigning malicious intentions. The strike was not justified as outlined in the staff complaint. If this is relitigating my strike this needs to be a staff complaint against the admin that overturned it. I again want to complain to the handling staffer @Roostercat that caelphon is making unjustified accusations about my message editing in a way i find to be borderline character assassination. It's unfounded and has no evidence that ive acted on attempts to ruin his character. This complaint has a head admin call me toxic for calling out abuse towards me and a loremaster claiming I'm trying to ruin his reputation with malicious intentions and underhanded means for no discernable goal. I hope this is additional evidence to provide on why i withdrew my application to join staff due to feeling unwelcome.
  25. Good rundown. I observed it too to see if i wanted to play for and noticed the same thing that you did. I don't like sec or medplay so I just watched for a bit more then left. I agree with your solutions. Horizon focus is good.
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