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Everything posted by Frances

  1. Application denied for all of the reasons stated above. Work on improving your attitude, both in and out of game, if you want to apply again.
  2. Application accepted as of NOV-11-2014. If you have any questions, feel free to direct them to me or Skull132.
  3. Application accepted as of NOV-11-2014. If you have any questions, feel free to direct them to me or Skull132.
  4. Application accepted as of NOV-11-2014. If you have any questions, feel free to direct them to me or Skull132.
  5. Application accepted as of NOV-11-2014. If you have any questions, feel free to direct them to me or Skull132.
  6. Application denied as of NOV-11-2014. If you have any questions, feel free to direct them to me or Skull132.
  7. Application denied as of NOV-11-2014. If you have any questions, feel free to direct them to me or Skull132.
  8. Application denied as of NOV-11-2014. If you have any questions, feel free to direct them to me or Skull132.
  9. Application denied as of NOV-11-2014. If you have any questions, feel free to direct them to me or Skull132.
  10. No replies from OP after a week. Locking.
  11. I'd clarify the plan would be to give them access to the command channel, not a command headset. They'd have a HoS headset basically, not captain. (Security + command)
  12. Heard about Diamond a bit previously, actually decided to give it a closer look and here are my thoughts. This feels forcedly edgy and grimdark. A class of elites supported by a society of cloned slaves? This is so radically abnormal and different from any kind of society that it feels like a potential setting to explore as its own standalone story, but as a background planet of a generally semi-realistic "near-future" sci-fi universe, it stands out like a sore thumb. (We're in 2456, not 25 000 AD, I wouldn't expect humanity to have entirely rewritten society - with nobody else batting an eyelid at an entire planet of clone slaves.) It doesn't end there. Ignoring the means through which such a society came to be (with no one from external worlds seemingly giving any shits), the fact that clones began revolting (believable) resulting into the upper class nuking the entire planet into oblivion (less believable, wat) doesn't make any sense. And also the fact that "survivors are rare with all signs of habitation wiped off the planet" makes it fall into snowflake territory - I feel like this basically exists so players can claim "I was a special clone from an edgy clone planet, but then my homeworld got destroyed boo hoo". So yeah. A lot to swallow, poor execution, all around way too extreme to make a good background addition.
  13. Sue raises a good point. Unless there's a clear purpose to energy weapons that ballistics do not fill, it doesn't seem to make sense to have non-reloadable energy weapons as a way to "cut costs", given they are literally less effective than modern-day weapons. If NanoTrasen wanted to cut costs, they'd switch to ballistics. Make energy weapons reloadable. Also, regenerating ammo has been taken out of the antique pistol, so the last point is moot.
  14. Go ahead with the jobban, Skull. It seems more than justified - I haven't looked at the logs, but from reading the comments in this thread (and trusting your account), you have my blessing.
  15. I can support this. It's sort of the idea of the station security force having the civilian/not full-auto version of weapons, while ERT has high-grade gear. Works fine for balancing purposes, and makes more sense ICly than the current setup.
  16. Why? There's two ways to do this. Either the pistols regenerate ammo at a rate that's significant enough to be of use in a fight, at which point every pistol is ridiculously OP (and stronger than a rifle) like the antique laser gun before we nerfed it, or they don't, in which case we might as well give them the option to recharge with magazines rather than forcing the user to wait around a terribly long time.
  17. Before anybody else jumps at your throat, I would like to take this moment to clarify that RNJesus is not an actual player, but rather an expression that refers to Random Number J/Generation, or chance.
  18. Swat is about right. Laser mags don't need to hold more than 8-10 shots - assuming you bring at least one mag with you, that's already more than the charge a rifle currently contains. Any more charges than that (80 shots per mag? Wat?) effectively makes the weapon ammoless - and while running out of ammo is more of an annoyance than anything else in singleplayer FPSes, resource management is actually an integral part of SS13's ranged combat, and removing ammo requirements from lasers will simply turn firefights into even more of a killfest with no pacing than they are now. This should ideally stop everybody from having to bring 2-3 weapons to every fight, which is rather ridiculous. It also doesn't create any balance issues since jobs that already carry a pistol (captain, HoP) wouldn't be expected to have spare mags with them, their weapon being only for emergencies - so it doesn't dramatically bolster their combat effectiveness with standard equipment at all.
  19. I left it open because there was some discussion still going on, but yeah, locking.
  20. Fair enough. Then let's leave the thread unlocked for a little bit, and they can come here and request an unban if they wish (or make their own thread, either works). If they don't show their face after some time, they can simply make their own threads.
  21. That seems good with me. Thanks for actually coming to clarify this with us. So unban all three?
  22. Laser weapons are balanced to be less effective than projectile weapons in-game (less damage (no shrapnel), longer time between the shots, fewer charges overall (you can just put a new mag inside of a projectile weapon). While the game balance is built that way, I have to agree that it makes no sense ICly for anyone to use laser weaponry, due to how terrible it is. No portability, inability to lay down suppression fire - I would understand if lasers did more damage, or if ballistic weapons were rendered ineffective by modern armor, but that isn't even the case in-universe - laser weapons feel like they're at a heavily experimental stage, but have impossibly replaced their still vastly more efficient ballistic counterpart as the mainstay of Nanotrasen's defense force. Now, what are ways we can fix this, balance-wise? Clips? Overheat/cooldowns with infinite ammo? What are the advantages/disadvantages of all proposed suggestions, from a gameplay perspective?
  23. Indeed. Having to "bear" with security constitutes poor wording, though. Heads (and sec who sides with them) should still be interesting dicks, not boring or annoying ones.
  24. Agreed with Skull. Most people already know what the IAA role is from playing on other baycode servers. And those that do not can easily be informed.
  25. Thank you. Well, unless Baka has anything to add, I think that concludes the complaint for now?
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