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Everything posted by Frances

  1. Debate I see happen often in OOC, so I figured it could be good to have a discussion about it on the forums. Basically, do you prefer extended or secret/antag rounds? What are the benefits of both? What do you not like about either?
  2. Disrespect to staff is inexcusable. Regardless of the situation, there is no validity in cursing out somebody who was nothing but polite to you.
  3. If this is /all/ that was said, then I'm in favor of downgrading the ban to a week one and leaving you here on a last chance. However, I'd like to wait for some input from Witt before doing so. Regardless, I understand getting upset, but cursing at us will get you banned right quick. Staff here are volunteers, that only want to ensure they can keep the server clean and fun for everyone, while having fun themselves. They make an immense effort to be polite and courteous to everyone they have to deal with, even if some are absolutely awful. So yeah, please don't curse at them.
  4. I will go ahead and deny this, since Skull didn't. Your poor mastery of english and inability to follow directives sadly does not go in your favor. Additionally, the fact that you participated in open grief on the server, then refused to admit to the fact in hopes that we would unban you by thinking we made a mistake was not okay. Seriously. If you lie to us, we can't help you. Appeal denied.
  5. Was waiting for a few other people to reply, but no one did. My bad about that. So, this was two months ago, and as far as I'm concerned, it's a lesson learned. I haven't seen your name come up on the server too much with bad stuff, and I'm perfectly fine unbanning you. You should know what maintenance drones' laws are by now, so I hope everything should be fine. Appeal granted. Have fun.
  6. I'll take this opportunity to ask a bit more about Kane's background. Kane always looked to me like an intentional tough guy who was trying too hard. Right now, I'm not sure whether to dislike or appreciate him, because while I still think his overall basis for a character is a bit ridiculous, he does have the advantages of depth and consistency. Basically, maybe a good character, probably the wrong place. I'll be honest. I like detective Kane more. It gives him a purpose on the station - but when he's not a detective, what exactly does assistant Kane do? Because all I've ever seen him do is try to look tough and pick up fights. I don't really understand what he was doing on the station in the first place (well, now he's a detective) and I'd like to know that. Also, again, shrug on the item application. It's honestly a bit ridiculous, given that the rest of staff has to adhere to a uniform (or at least, jumpsuits), and people have been allowed ridiculous, ridiculous items of clothing in the past (a labcoat or winter coat covered in blood) that we would no longer accept now. So another question I have is, would NanoTrasen really let an ex-merc carry around a /bunch/ of memorabilia, enough to make up most of an outfit, when said merc isn't even hired to run regular (or private) security? There is a counter-argument to this, which is that the detective's outfit in general has always been very free-form. And assistants can wear pretty much anything, but I always figured they were given a limited selection of clothing (jumpsuits as well as some formal clothes), because these are the clothes NT brings on station. Discuss? Again, not trying to put Kane down. I feel entirely neutral about him right now. I'm simply intrigued. Also, This goes opposite to the very concept of custom items. Custom items are not to "make your character look cool", but used to further your roleplay. They are not for the sake of standing out.
  7. I had a bunch of tajaran recipes made up, complete with sprites, and a few new plant types. An old project from when I began on this server. I should probably dig those recipes up. Could be fun.
  8. Frances

    Shipping Thread

    You don't play enough! Social relationships tend to be created over series of coincidental meetings and happenstances. If you bump into the same characters repeatedly while playing the same characters, some people are bound to take a liking to you.
  9. This is a point which I believe deserves to be addressed. If I understand correctly, the main fear Lucy had here was that borgs could potentially be reactivated by a rogue AI once locked down. If this were the case, then blowing up unslaved borgs, and leaving the slaved borg active, made no sense. Could there be a miscommunication?
  10. I'm sorry, but I find it hard to give you leniency, given that you've outright lied in your ban appeal. The least we expect is that you be ready to accept your mistakes - which you do not seem to be here.
  11. Please use the unban appeal format found at: http://aurorastation.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=38&t=15
  12. You shouldn't throw plasma tanks into disposal. That's gross neglect of duty, to the point it actually becomes a rulebreaking issue rather than an IC one. Tanks full of plasma are dangerous and should be handled with care, not left lying around, because plasma leaks are lethal and will cause a lot of problems if they happen. Throwing a tank of plasma down your station's general disposals is the equivalent of police disposing of a weapon they were holding for evidence by throwing it in a trash can for everyone to grab, ammunition included.
  13. This basically. We're heavy-rp, so if you really want to test something, the least we can ask is that you maintain character while doing it. If you can't find an IC way to do something, try it on another server (or on your own server). Ban expired, locking.
  14. Archiving. Contact me if you would like to reopen this complaint.
  15. I went on the server and gave them a note. You can be sure that if this kind of behavior happens again, they'll end up with a ban. As for you, I'd like to request you not call people "madmen" and tell them to "STFU" simply because you disagree with them, because that does not make you a much better person.
  16. Looking at the logs, that seems to me like a fairly minor offense. We'll keep it in mind, if similar behavior does crop up, but for the time being, I'd basically brush it off as an IC issue (people act like annoying dicks irl too, if it's constant nonstop awful behavior then we'll put a stop to it.)
  17. Some more detail would be appreciated. What exactly did the player do, and what distinguished the event from a regular IC fight?
  18. I find player bans to already be an efficient and direct counter to ganking.
  19. Alright, neato. Seeing Mocheeze's account, I'm pretty much willing to retract the blame I was placing on him. Is wanting to trip people over banana peels as a prank against the rules? Not as a sole action. But was Nightmare at fault? I can't agree with that. The reaction of shoving someone into a glass pane was excessive ICly. Someone tripped you, you lose your shit, you dunk them into a pane of glass. It should carry IC consequences. But given that the botanist chose to fight Nasir right after that (chose as in "punched repeatedly"), I really fail to see this as griefing. You get into fights, you risk getting injured. Considering I would argue that Mocheeze was the one that was not letting up after getting his face clawed out (basically being stopped by paincrit) and that there were a lot of punches being thrown by the botanist, I'm still heavily tempted to file this one under reasonable escalation. There was no killing, and there was no attacking of people who were already downed. Who initiated the fight doesn't matter as much as how the fight progressed. And given that the botanist fairly willingly continued for the punching of fists in the other party's face for as long as possible, I find it just that they be met with an equal number of fists being shoved in their own direction. Basically, is not an accurate portrayal of events. "A character with temper issues shoved me into a pane of glass when I tripped him on a banana peel, then I reacted by punching him and we both fought" would be closer to reality. One last argument I could see being brought up about this is that Tajaran and Unathi players have an extra responsibility in fighting due to their racial damage bonus (claws). To which I'll simply reply that players who are in possession of a gun are expected to play fair with it and not shoot people at the drop of a hat, but if somebody glaringly ignores the gun in a situation where it is obvious they should not be ignoring it, they have full right to expect getting shot.
  20. Given that we've just added a dulled balisong mainly for rule of cool, I see no problem with this item application at all. It seems neat enough, and having serious, non-joke religious items is a great change.
  21. One thing that could be done, although it'd take more effort, would be to reduce/remove pain from toxin damage until a point, and, to compensate for actually painful reagents, give them a specific piece of code which has them increase halloss or something (a bit like the way mutagen does, but less extreme). Would that make sense? I'm perfectly fine with removing pain from toxin damage until a certain threshold, but that's an extra suggestion.
  22. Explain to me how this was grief. Except Nightmare had an IC reason for what he did (shoving someone into a window because they tripped them on banana peels), while Mocheeze had none (laying down banana peels to trip people, because... it's funny?) If you had read the thread, you would see that everybody agrees that Nasir had the right to react the way he did in this specific instance, for the least. Night didn't start punching the fuck out of that botanist for no reason. The botanist decided to start fighting the already pissed-off, scary-looking beast, and got fucked as a result. I feel like I've considered and debated this in a reasonable manner, taking in consideration everyone's actions and perspectives. The only mistake (?) I seem to be doing in your eyes is favoring Nasir's point of view. Tell me how I've ignored the botanist, though, because I've done my best to consider his actions (which do seem to put him at fault, or at least, make him accountable).
  23. Several other people have them already. The psychiatrist's office even has a plush monkey. They're really, trinkets. While the Aurora technically isn't a workplace where anyone has private quarters or an assigned office (due to the nature of rounds and job slots), lots of people roleplay it as such. And a lot of people, from teachers, to cubicle workers, to secretaries, keep trinkets in their offices, including plushies. Whatever meaning they choose to give them is between the items and themselves. I doubt the fact you talked to a stuffed duck regularly is something you would disclose when signing your employment contract. Anyway, does that make sense? Cause I see a lot of real-life basis to this, and don't really think it's unrealistic.
  24. I actually have no problems with racist characters, if they're played well, and handled maturely. I just don't think a head should be, Westboro-levels of crazy. Yes, you can hate on whatever species you like - but if you call them racial slurs constantly, or graffiti the hallways of your workplace, you'll get called out on it. There's actually ways to be crazy racist without doing any of that - but think of the way issues of race are treated irl. People in positions of powers will say racist things sometimes, but when they do, it tends to create a big scandal.
  25. I owe you a lot of posts I never sent. You were a cool cat. You were the coolest cat around, and I feel sorta bad, because I get, like, the impression that nobody really told you? I can't - or shouldn't - speak for others. But I'm still gonna say fuck it - I know a lot of people really appreciated you, and will be sad to see you gone. Count me among them. You were sort of amazing, and you'll be missed. I'm sorry I never replied to you, or talked to you as much as I should have. I wanted to, but every time, told myself that I'd do it later - that I was stressed, or busy, or that I could make it up some other time. And now it's a bit too late, but, hey- I don't know. You asked me for a drawing when I ran a request thread, months ago. Here are your balds. I'm sorry that they're not, actually, bald. But they are performing the best RP around there ever was.
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