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Everything posted by ForgottenTraveller

  1. While I can understand both sides. Mice and rats are incontinent (aka they piss constantly on everything and everywhere they go and cannot biologically stop) As such in sterile or clean environments, such as the kitchen, medical or science. They are a pest and a danger to the health of the crew, accuracy of tests and the safety of your food. And should be treated as completely valid in these areas. Not shooing out, killing, mousetrapping, or sicking Runtime on them is a violation of common sense. So if you are a player controlled mouse. Stay the hell away from these areas unless you want to die.
  2. Dilgan. The man, the machine, THE Commander The hero we didn't deserve. How I miss him. He was also scared of needles I believe along with not wanting medical treatment. Him and Pond had an odd friendship. And on a few occasions, I would have to chase him through the halls until he paused to think or just plain keeled over so I had a chance to patch him up. The drinking, the yarns. The constant messing up of his first name by me. People mistaking him for a woman, with that glorious mane. The worrying senselessly about anyone not paired up with him when shit hits the fan. As he would still find a way to drag himself back to see Pond even with half a face, or one time, missing an arm. A plus one for history books if there ever was one.
  3. It could be better worded. And a rewrite is possible. In regards to some visitors getting promotions to command and other roles. There have been points where they are visiting, and work for other NT stations or vessels. And treating it like for example they worked at McDonalds and they were picking up a shift at a different store in the chain. While they were travelling or something. While they all work for McDonalds (NT) each store (Station) has its own employees (Crew). And in the event some employees of that store go to their store on their day off to eat. Due to accounting and resources unless they are in an emergency. They will not be wanting to hand you out extra hours off the cuff toss you an extra uniform which they have to recollect and everything else that goes along with it, as they have a store budget, and a maximum number of employee hours used per manager and shift. Along with benefits and other issues to balance. Disclaimer: I have never worked for McDonalds or any other fast food outlet, I do not know their exact internal workings, nor do I care. These are fundamentals of business using a globally recognized and prolific brand in order to make a point that more people can understand
  4. Expectations of Security Due to some recent and some longstanding issues with the security department some clarification on the expectations of security in regards to some common issues has been deemed necessary. Excerpt from the server rules under Roleplaying Characters. Points 8 & 9 As with antags you are an important part of making the game fun. Stun-cuffing and dragging to a cell without a word and held for an indefinite amount of time, has a similar effect to ganking in taking other players out of the round. Everyone is here to have some RP and fun. If your method of policing the station unreasonably shuts down the ability for other players to participate in the game. That is a problem. As it will lead to other players seeking to escalate and/or run to avoid dealing with security, (this could also lead to you getting ganked unfairly and being kicked out of the fun you were having) in any fashion to create fun for themselves instead of being effectively kicked out of the round. Consider how other players feel and how you would feel if they shut you down like that. Code blue. Does not remove procedure. While it extends your right to act, you are still expected to gather evidence and be able to show probable cause if challenged later point on who arrested them and why. Failure to cover these basic bases leads to a lack of accountability and followable information if issues crop up. Detain, Investigate, and Question are not the same as Arrest. Only Arrest requires cuffs to be used on an individual. Detaining an individual can be for many reasons, and only requires them to follow you of their own will to the brig. Investigating and questioning individuals that may be victims or probable suspects does not require an arrest or intimidation and violence. Treating victims and suspects violently may cause them to lash out and purposely avoid security. Security is a department commanded by the head of security on the NSS Exodus which is controlled by the captain, under the oversight of the NTCC Odin as part of NanoTrasen Corporation. Within the space of the Republic of Biesel. The captain is the highest authority on the station, followed by the acting captain. Both are the commander in chief of all forces on the Exodus and outrank the Head of Security. As such the captain’s orders are to be followed ahead of the Head of Security’s Failure may lead to charges of sedition or mutiny. All heads of department outrank security officers, cadets, wardens, and detectives. And are permitted to give you orders especially within their own department. So long as they are legal and not overruled by the HoS, Acting Captain or Captain. Failure may lead to charges of failure to follow orders, or sedition. Outside of code red, clearing crime scenes or enacting the notified orders of a head of department. Security officers have no right to issue orders to other crew, they are the same rank as you. You cannot arrest, detain, or use force anyone who does not follow an order you give outside of the listed exceptions above. De-escalation of a situation is preferred offers for non-violent solutions should be taken into consideration. You are part of a crew and a department, both of which are teams which you can assist and can assist you. You should try and avoid an us and them mentality. Other departments can make your job many times easier, finding people, on site resupply, providing medical backup on site, helping you get access to areas you need to be. And are more likely to help you if they are on good terms with you. As you are part of a team, communication in the security department is a must. In most cases, if a situation arises, everyone on the team should know who is enroute to an issue, who is watching on camera’s who is in trouble, and anything else that may be vital to organizing yourselves. A two officer or officer, cadet team can handle most issues. One taking the lead and the other as backup in case of hostilities or they try to run. As they can have the lead officers back, or call in that they are running before following chase with the lead officer. You will always be safer and more effective with a partner than on your own. As always, if in doubt, ahelp and ask. It exists for questions and for help you are suffering from security violating the server rules.
  5. Astounding. Despite my efforts, I have never managed to get them all no matter what. Solid effort.
  6. Visitors to the NSS Exodus are not contracted to work on the Exodus under any circumstance. Even if they work for NanoTrasen. Promotion of visitors to station ranks except in the most dire of circumstances will be regarded as neglect of duty, and/or exceeding official powers. During these circumstances volunteers will not be compensated in any fashion from NanoTrasen. Without exception, visitors are not permitted to be promoted to command ranks, violators can expect their security clearance rescinded. - Daniel Bay, CCIABS
  7. OOCly this server has in the vast majority found the absolute equality in the often forgotten virtue of... Total indifference. No one cares what you are. But if you try and smash it in their faces. Then they may complain. But then, anyone would regardless of what was smashed into their face.
  8. TO: Clement Beach, NSS Exodus FROM: Daniel Bay, Central Command Internal Affairs, NTSS Odin SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report -------------------- BODY: This incident report is being close for being frivolous. You were required to get medical permission to continue an event. The CMO regarded this as not worthy of being approved. As an executive decision to not allow a potentially dangerous recreation activity during work hours. And is fully within their purview to do so. -------------------- DTG: 1-TAU CETI STANDARD-9-2458 SIGN: Silvia Romanescu
  9. If you wish to apply, fill out the form, then either PM it to me, or post it in this thread. Looking to only recruit 2-3 successful applicants. [b]Byond key:[/b] [b]Character names:[/b] [b]What times are you available? In GMT: [/b] [b]Do you have any experience with Moderating? Or similar.[/b] [b]Why do you want to be a Duty Officer?[/b] [b]How well can you handle stress?[/b] [b]What does it mean to be a Duty Officer?[/b] [b]How active on the forums and server are you?[/b] [b]Anything else to add?[/b]
  10. Right time for me to engage in this. And add my thoughts. There has been the old saying for head whitelists. 'Easy come, easy go.' As such. I am concerned about the heads of staff who will be using it. But I am willing to give it the benefit of the doubt. Given how it can be taken away again as Skull mentioned. And I am fine to go with the community decision. If there is a way for the CCIA to access the faxes about these in a logged form possible before implementation to help in reactive oversight without having to send the admins through all the logs to check it for us would be preferred.
  11. Due to antagonist involvement in part of this issue. And a inconclusive decision on if this matter falls under the realms of IC or OOC. It has been decided that this issue is better handled under the player complaints subforum. And this IR will be closed. ForgottenTraveller - CCIA Leader
  12. Still gonna say. De Santos. Bombing arrivals due to z level fuckery is the biggest. But you get an honourable mention.
  13. Reporting Personnel: Eliza Pond Rank of Reporting Personnel: Chief Medical Officer Personnel Involved: - Courtney Fields, Surgeon: Offender ((Ian The Corgi)) - Lukas Chapman, Medical Doctor: Witness ((Deridin)) - Triston Duncan, Engineer: Victim (()) - Martin Richter, Virologist: Affected coworker (()) - Lance Flack, Security Officer: Arresting officer 1st incident (()) - Gabriel Barcia, Security Cadet: Assisting officer 1st incident (()) - Vira Taryk, Head of Security: Arresting officer 2nd incident ((OneOneThreeEight)) Time of Incident: 1230-1330ish Real time: 2330-0030GMT 17-18/08/16 Location of Incident: Medical - Virology, OR 2, Medical maintenance port Nature of Incident: [X]Workplace Hazard [ ]Accident/Injury [ ]Destruction of Property [X]Neglect of Duty [ ]Harassment [X]Assault [X]Misconduct [X]Other: Animal Cruelty, Malpractice Overview of the Incident:Dr Fields had began her shift by harvesting emergency spare organs from a monkey in the event temporary transplants were needed to maintain a patient. During which she requested a monkey from virology's cube supply for research. Given the lack of cargo staff at the time and virology's limited supply the use of one cube was allowed. When I went to virology I had found out from Dr Richter that the original monkey was in fact from virology so further cubes were refused. Dr Fields then claimed a few minutes later to have a critical patient in her care and for no one to enter OR 2, she had closed the shutters, and refused to give more details on the 'patient' in question. Using station cameras I observed OR 2 to see a monkey, later to be IDed as serial #407 having it's arms amputated by Dr Fields whilst fully conscious. And a box of monkey cubes on the table nearby. Later revealed to be from virology. Dr Richter knew of this removal, his approval is unknown at this time. Dr Fields was challenged on what she was doing and why she had a second monkey and more cubes. At this time I contacted Vira on the command line to begin processing of a warrant on the matters in hand if Dr Fields did not comply. At this point the AI, designated 'Red Dawn' Informed Dr Fields via the medical channel of my request. Dr Fields picked up the armless monkey and the cube box. And ran into maintenance. She reappeared in virology where she returned the cube box. At this point The officers let in by Dr Chapman arrived in virology access, with Barcia smoking as cigar, which was stubbed out on request. Dr Fields ran with 407 to a patient closet in virology and locked herself inside. She was transported in the closet to the medical lobby where Vira Taryk was brought in to reset the lock due to her access. At this point Dr Fields jumped out and ran into medical. Dr Chapman and Officer Flack giving chase with Chapman providing access through medical for Flack. She was summarily arrested and moved to the brig. 407 was examined and moved to virology to be tested on in a manner that would result in it's speedy death to ensure it suffered the least amount of time while still providing a use as to not be a total waste. Dr Fields was allowed to return to her duties post her stint in the brig with a prohibition of entering virology, or to handle any more monkeys. She requested visitation rights to 407 which she referred to as 'Stump' These were declined. I phrased it as "Giving visitation rights to a child rapist to visit their victim. Hell. The fuck. No!" At this time the engineer arrived with damaged retinas from extensive welding without goggles. After an examination I decided he needed surgical help then followed by eye drops as needed. He was led down to OR two where Dr Fields put him under and began to scrub in and operate. I then left to attend to other matters, with Dr Chapman observing the operation with him in charge of the post-op treatments. At the conclusion of the operation. Dr Fields turned off the anesthetic tank leading Mr Duncan to wake as the retractor was used, and then finally the cautery at which point he informed me he screamed. Dr Chapman later informed me he did not have time to act to prevent this. Dr Chapman brought Mr Duncan to my office and informed me of what happened. The phrasing of Dr Chapman and Mr Duncan had led to me believing Dr Chapman was an active participant in stopping Mr Duncan from calling for aid. In my clear anger Dr Chapman accepted that I may 'want him in chains for this' I told him to present himself to the brig and give them a detailed report and I would take their recommendation. He did this promptly and returned some time later without charge. After a short talk. He returned to full duties with an informal warning and knowledge that this IR would be submitted. After Dr Chapman left. Mr Duncan was ushered into my office while Taryk was enroute herself to handle this arrest. Upon moving to OR 2 access we came across Dr Fields and 407 who she picked up. Taryk drew her weapon on stun and ordered her to the ground and to release 407. I took it into custody. While Taryk took Dr Fields into custody with the understanding she was no longer welcome in medical. Did you report it to a Head of Staff or IAA? If so, who?: - Vira Taryk, Head of Security ((OneOneThreeEight)) Additional notes: Monkey '407' was euthanised post the second incident. To prevent further suffering.
  14. TO: Emily O'Harron, NSS Exodus FROM: Daniel Bay, Central Command Internal Affairs, NMSS Odin SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report -------------------- BODY: The findings of this investigation found no unreasonable actions by Al'Falak that required intervention. Barlow has been removed from service. -------------------- DTG: 08-TAU CETI STANDARD-JULY-2458 SIGN: Daniel Bay
  15. TO: Emily O'Harron, NSS Exodus FROM: Daniel Bay, Central Command Internal Affairs, NMSS Odin SUBJECT: RE: Incident Report -------------------- BODY: This is an automated message to inform you that an investigation has now been opened regarding your incident report, and assigned to CCIA Daniel Bay (ForgottenTraveller) You may be contacted by the duty officer for an interview, or you may contact them directly if you have any questions. -------------------- DTG: 11-TAU CETI STANDARD-APRIL-2458 SIGN: Daniel Bay
  16. While it can be redundant. There are significant times when it isn't. Mostly with engineering I have found though or medical staff. In that while you have some. They either are not doing what is needed. Or are overwhelmed by the current need that seems to be unending. Even just a priority call that would put an exclamation mark next to the join as options that are needed instead of a massive sliding scale would be a massive help in some cases.
  17. Long Time Coming. But. Live updates are here. Lost and found added as well as book fines. Arrow's new web interface. Means all forms are live when made. Version 4 and now 5 are live on request consoles stationside. 10/03/16
  18. GOOD NEWS Arrow in all their skill has fixed the update issue with their web interface work. Updates from the backlog will finally resume as forms can finally make it to the server. May be worth pitching any current issues or changes you feel are needed to the main body of the forms http://aurorastation.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=19&t=182
  19. As a clarification. I am not threatening to quit. At the resolution of this. Given other previous events as well. I am considering leaving. While the outcome of this may hold some weight in the final decision. My leaving under my own terms may happen regardless of the outcome of this complaint. It is a catalyst for this process only. As for the points you brought up Garn We did not know JB had permission until AFTER the incident. All admins we asked had no idea. Gollee had no idea, and was in round. As for why I did not ask JB himself. Prior incidents with ambassadors have resulted in him misleading us in OOC as to actual permissions for things. As for why it couldn't 'have just ended with a "yo wait for us next time" and then jackboot could be like "you're right that was my bad".' - That's what happened last time. He learnt nothing from it. And as you can see from prior posts 'your bad' over 'my bad' is more often the response. As for 'Why couldnt it have just been like "oh...you dont have an escort, oh well guess they got tied up in bluespace! heres some now! (poke an admin)".' We did that last time. And he was told not to do it again. He did it again. And we poked you. On how we wanted to handle it. And ended up having to get Table and Tish instead. https://gyazo.com/27a1feef96b08c4ac2ced6293e9691a4 https://gyazo.com/67b6e96dd1775cf8a9c2b0c4598c22e4
  20. Please note. I will not be posting in this forum anymore unless requested by an admin. I'm done. Completely done. My resignation is probably going in at the end of this complaint. I am sick of the personal attacks, and I am sick of you and a few notable others just going fuck the rules. And the unfounded claims of bias and constant bitch fitting of others over every single thing even those I nor the Corp are involved in and laying it entirely at our feet.
  21. The reason was the ambassador was there when he was not supposed to be not any other action. Guns blazed when he started burning documents Duty Officers are not your escorts. Those set by admins are. The Duty officers have NO REQUIREMENT or ABILITY to set up your escorts. We acted on the FAX YOU GOT THE CAPTAIN TO SEND TO US. You have been a DO and you know full well we cannot do what you are blaming us for not doing. This was not unimportant this is the third time since the rules were in place to my knowledge that you have gone in without meeting the criteria. To get those criteria you self antagged at least 4 times, and murdered someone. Finger wagging has been done and done.
  22. Xander. This is not about self-antagging. But due to past self-antagging, rules were set in place on ambassador visits and agreed by all parties. (Admins, DOs, Jackboot Skull) Jackboot has very precise criteria in which he can join as an ambassador. He failed to meet them. Jackboot had information on what would happen if those criteria were not met. The arrest was part of that. (Arrest was approved by admins due to none of the current ones knowing that he was approved, AND he lacked escorts.)
  23. And you did break your agreement by waiting and participating in the round. It is well within you or anyone else's powers to contact the correct personnel to set up an escort and wait until an escort is set up so you can spawn at similar times. Also please stop breaking the forum rules [*]Do not use ad hominem. This means do not attack a person's character (character in this case meaning the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual). You are expected to argue the presented ideas, not the person. If someone were to attack you, don’t take matters into your own hands, report it to us. [*]DO NOT MAKE A COMPLAINT WHILE A ROUND IS STILL GOING. THIS CONSTITUTES AS IC IN OOC. WAIT UNTIL AFTER THE ROUND!
  24. We could not send you an escort. AS NO ONE KNEW YOU WERE THERE THAT ROUND. And you did not remind anyone at any point that this may be an issue. No con was assumed. You were there outside of agreed terms. And arrested for such. And you were stunned. Not shot.
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