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Everything posted by ForgottenTraveller

  1. This is not for the CMO to go out. In the suggestion you can see I was leaning on having the capacity to give it out as guest passes. No head should be abandoning their department to faf in space. Or maint. But they can only send paramedics with paramedic access to those areas. And if they get stuck or overwhelmed. A CMO cannot guest pass another person to help them even if it is as much as hauling another body out of maint.
  2. Kinda as simple as the title. Currently the CMO is the only head of staff with less access than some of their staff. Notably the paramedic. It also means that a CMO can't give out a paramedic level guest pass for a doctor or anyone else in a crisis. Other departments are often too busy or too far away to help in moments that require quick action to save dying staff.
  3. I had a small thought on a solution that combines a few things others suggested. Clones have a random chance of a few tumors throughout the body, acting a little like shrapnel but instead of doing damage as you move with them causing a random chance of dropping stuff (arm tumor) falling over (leg) one of the brain damage effects/blurry vision (head) vomiting/coughing blood (for lower and upper body) To fix, it needs surgery to remove. And the IC reason behind it. Errors made during the flash growing procedure. Effectively scar tissue nodules that cause issues. But don't have the chance of drop fall over too high, so without surgery, some people could carry on with some jobs and just be inconvenienced. But enough that active jobs like being an officer it is potentially crippling. And in a last thought a work around for if there is no surgeon, synaptizine to counter the arm, leg and head effects. Not fix, just counter the effects while it slowly poisons them. So even avoiding surgery is possibly but has a cost.
  4. Also in regards to the welder tank blowing up. That was after the other two were executed, and was done as a last minute for the third member to escape.
  5. Right. So I stayed on the shuttle, missing the direct action. We originally docked at arrivals and had the other three walk out to find Kalla. At this point even before we were seen security was ordering laser rifles ICly incase of danger was mentioned over comms at one point having only carbines. OOC because apparently the armoury rng was bad or something we were told. When the group first encountered an officer they immediately pulled a gun on the team which got a draw in turn. After being released by security who was already considering bolting them down. They moved to science. While security was making plans to go full armour and ready to kill on code green for one smg when they opened hostilities. The group followed Kalla trying to talk to her down to xenoboto maint, where they were bolted in and several officers and Vira came in and Vira pointed an ion rifle at Guwan, told him to get down, and then proceeded to open fire in seconds (maybe four) of aiming, which in many cases lying down would have got them shot anyway due to settings. At this point the team of three had only pulled a single weapon and a shield when security first threatened to kill their elder by drawing a pistol in the port hall. From that point security immediately started planning and enacting a plan to lock down and massacre the team, with no other options seemingly considered. For a group of three one of which was an old man looking for their long lost community member, with as far as sec knew, one smg, and one shield to use in protection against those who attack them needlessly like they tried the moment they were seen. From my eyes the team was Ganked, pure and simple, considered valid's from the moment they arrived, and there was no other reasonable given plan in place or time given by Vira for anything but a bloodbath. At the point they were killed the team had not, shot at, touched, or even threatened the crew, just acted defensively and possessed arms when the security force tried to shoot them on first sight.
  6. I don't know of us ever nakedly abusing power. We have memed and possible toyed with the limits for fun. e.g. Toxins test rated at a [quip]/10 announcements Some of the rev round announcements Installed an unstable bluespace spam fax filter(Letting Admins BSA) emergency message abusers for sending memes. This includes a CCIA and an ERT Leader.
  7. If it is a moderate or severe IC crime not related to antag involvement. Security should be able to present convincing evidence, not just oh so and so did this I was told by 'X' when requested if a complaint is filed with an IAA or any head of staff aboard that shift. It would be regarded as false imprisonment and illegal detention. A officer can arrest you in the act (But will still need to leave a recorded statement of what they saw after the fact). But if it is hearsay. They are expected to collect evidence and witness statements during your before (Enough to bring you in) and during processing (Anything remaining or conflicts you bring to light). >>>Especially given sec records carry over now.<<< There has been a rise in the need for better security work. Any heads of staff or IAA who refuses to promptly evaluate all evidence in a complaint of false imprisonment in round without extremely good reason will face possible suspension or outright removal of their command access. And security are likewise expected to supply it upon request. And suspension for sec staff will be common for anyone who cannot meet a requested reasonable burden of proof.
  8. Due to people going away for the holidays we are partially closed from now until the 5th Jan 2017. >You can still organise and participate in interviews. But you are under no obligation to meet any deadline within this time it extends to past the 5th. >You can still post IRs and they may get looked at but expect nothing until Jan. >Happy Holidays 2459! We're back baby! ~ForgottenTraveller
  9. The ability to rename mutant, modified and 'strange plant' strains permanently via some method, eg right click, or in the Bioballistic delivery system have the name of the target able to be changed. Why? Lets you be able to catalog and easily identify strange plant varieties from the exotic crate and vine events. Also gives you the option to put your characters flair into their latest creation which may barely resemble in any facet the plant you started with.
  10. I was the CE (Moore) of this round and in the meeting room when some of this was taking place. While I cannot speak of the prior issues. In the meeting room. Both the officer and the HoS refused to follow any suggestion or stated order given by the captain, and came off as fully insubordinate, and damn near seditious at times. Moments after being released, the HoS and two officers were dead. Despite the orders they were given. At no time did the captain call them incompetent publicly, The notice did not call them incompetent. It said 'due to them not following orders' And as a reminder, the newish CCIA announcement. Given the common cases of command staff, security in particular ignoring captain's orders.
  11. Closed due to Orion becoming borg.
  12. Roleplay is also about roles. This helps define what a visitor is. Is restricting officers from entering the armoury could also be seen as a no-fun policy. There are many no-fun systems in the game for the sake of roles, and the fun they generate. This does not harm RP. And expects you to create fun. If we were to accept visitors working on the station. We would have to severely limit what a visitor can be for the sake of it being believable. A decision was needed. And there was a choice to make, Be whatever you can imagine coming aboard and not be allowed to work. OR be within a set a very set confines and possibly be allowed to work if people have need of you. (aka, an assistant the other title for this role.) I chose to let people explore the world lore has written and open up many possible stories, with the only restrictions on this role being. Be someone from our universe. Explore it. Invite others into the stories you can imagine. You may be able to work in an emergency. Just not a command role. That doesn't sound all that un-fun to me. And it sure as shit keeps the door open for RP options. If the bold text above is to limiting for a role. Every other job on the station exceeds this by leaps and bounds. The role was being abused due to it being near limitless in potential. No pay, No active command roles, is not draconian nor a silly limitation to keep things believable. And to quote the other thread...
  13. I was the other engineer there In full EVA and brought the barriers to the scene, that no one has mentioned yet. I set up the inflatable doors at the window that let people in and out. Manfred had opened a window hazard lock and caused slight depressurisation. Nothing major. After getting inside to see the CE placing the final panel on the breach while the captain was inside with a teleportal open. When I got in. I made the 4th or 5th person in full EVA gear in the room. And Manfred came in after me following my path in. For the most part I just saw Manfred pulling up floor tiles checking wires like I had done on the other half of the bridge and then seal themselves inside a barrier wall. I continued repairing, and working around the CE, the other atmos tech, the CMO in EVA gear, and at times the captain. During this time Manfred moved from the conference barrier wall to the hazard locks on the windows by where I came in. And remained there until there was enough atmos to start wiring and grilling the windows. Despite multiple requests from myself for one of the two techs present in the area to bring pipes or the pipe dispenser to finish the work. Nor were any portable air pumps brought. So while can comprehend ignoring pain to rescue someone, the amount of time and the activities undertaken in the area, when he had ample time to get more supplies to go to EVA for the other suit which was 30 second away, or even the other soft suit in the bridge itself, were ignored.
  14. Given the new importance of actually defending the station during a storm compared to how it used to be. What tips for shield coverage can we get for all those who want to get into engineering? Coverage radius, strength, charge rate? Useful positions to put them?
  15. [date] codes added to all forms on the WI. No more asking for the date. YAY
  16. Forms updated, now with autodates (([date])) Yay
  17. All attempts at secret police are to be null and void Acceptable. Announcement Revoked. But. If the founder continues to attempt to use the ACN for power moves, and attempting to use the collective of this group again, to try and enforce policy on the server. This issue will be revisited.
  18. It has come to our attention. That XanderDox has been looking for 'Auditors' for the ACN. At it's founding their was an agreement with Xander, the headmins, and myself that the ACN would not conduct any policing, especially secret policing. And that the CCIA would be monitor the ACN. It was made in the understanding that violation of this we would shut down the ACN. So the ANC is hereby shut down. Any organisation that is a name change of it. Will not receive any ear or tolerance of administration or the CCIA. New community groups of this nature can be made from the ground up. But XanderDox is not to be a founding or controlling member of any group of this nature, without gaining exceptions first. Apologies to the many interested members in interdepartmental communication. But tolerance of violation of founding agreements in not acceptable.
  19. Due to moderator involvement on this issue in regards to potential server rules violations. This IR will be closed to avoid double action taken on this issue. ForgottenTraveller CCIA Supervisor
  20. Decision Made: Ornias, SierraKomodo, Pyrociraptor, Beanie32142, and w3bster. Have made the final cut. Welcome aboard.
  21. Application Closed. Ornias, SierraKomodo, Girdo, Coolbc2000, Icy_dew, Pyrociraptor, LimoDish, Beanie32142, and w3bster. Have made it into the next round of the process. You will be contacted in the next few days.
  22. Jackboot edit:done! Name: Ceres University (Locally known as Origin U) Link to Lore Canonization: Focused Field: Engineering - Primarily construction, maintenance and mining, and Medical - EMT's and Mobile field hospitals/surgical units Overview: Located within the planatoid complex of Ceres, Ceres University. Known as Origin U due to it being within the first and primary complex of the BMC, is the origin point of all other complexes that came after. Making it in the closest thing to a capital of the belt. It was founded with the intent to support the local population that worked for the company in mining, refining, and prefabrication. And educate the children of their workers to maintain a standing workforce in the main sectors and support roles at all age groups and ensuring a self sustaining colony without having to outsource it to another planet or moon. I focuses mainly on Mining and Metallurgical Engineering. Along with construction. In order to facilitate operations and the construction of new outposts and habitats. It also has a notable medical school, focusing on mobility and emergency response. Due to the scattered nature of the belt and working hazards of mining. Well trained medical personnel skilled in mobility and EVA that can take the essentials and set up a mobile unit almost anywhere, small teams acting like a civilian Mobile Army (occasionally surgical) Hospital unit, are vital to get help to those who need it. So they can get patched up and get back to work. Most graduates end up working for the Beltway Mining Company directly or in services to maintain the complexes they are from. Many courses also have on site work experience towards the end of the education to ensure they walk into a job on the belt and stay there to maintain the workforce. Graduates from the medical, and Construction and maintenance courses are, for their extensive EVA knowledge and high mobility, prized assets for Spacefaring aspects of the Sol Alliance Military, NanoTrasen's ships and space stations, and Emergency response teams for disaster relief. Main employer of graduates: NanoTrasen, Sol Alliance military and Beltway Mining Company Current Dean: Famous Graduates:Harold Lake. Lead engineer in the construction of NSS Baldr's framework, and later chief shipwright constructing many ships in Sol for the NanoTrasen Corperation. Catherine Hill. Cheif Medical Officer of a field unit of mainly Ceres graduates for the IAC operating extensively in the Romanovich Cloud, her and her team are credited with saving several smaller mining colonies from collapse in crisis.
  23. Applications closing (23hours 45 minutes from now) tomorrow. We will then begin processing them all.
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