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  • Byond CKey

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  1. I think something like this has a lot of potential, though obviously needs someone to code it. I would object to basic Assistant being removed since it would be pretty new player hostile and I'd rather not have new players joining as off-duty and trying to do Assistant stuff not getting it. I think this is okay. Maybe just job-specific? Also I don't really like laying stuff on having an XO/Captain present since deadpop exists.
  2. EJJ

    Crew Memorial

    Going to echo the others before me, I think the intention is sweet but nothing stops people from making a page on the forums, relay or something else for tracking this rather than making it something in-game.
  3. This is fine but what happened to the old Intrepid layout more in the vein of the old transfer shuttles where you could fit a dozen people on it and actually use it as a bus for people. Modern Intrepid seems like... somewhere between 7 and 9 people at most? If everyone doesn't have boots or you bring more chairs on?
  4. I would like this available for Everyone but I will suggest adding assistants to the list? What's the point of playing NKA consular if I can't have my assistant follow me around with a lute?
  5. I can't put into words how much I support independent assistant. I think there's too much of a focus on making whole new things rather than using what we already have.
  6. I like the idea of the heavy/frenzy glow. I think this would definitely be fun to play with and make maintgoofing a lot funnier.
  7. I'm surprised Orion didn't get added to Engineering first over Service. So +1 to this suggestion. Also Zavod gets a lot of departments. I'm surprised no one's said they should lose a dept.
  8. I can't agree with one outside of the residential lifts. Anyone could go put the shutters down intentionally to fuck with people or just forget and a bunch of people are screaming on common to be let out or fucking around in maint. If we're adding more checkpoints, the only places I could see them being viable is the port and starboard docking arms. (Though this is a terrible idea because people will just go put the shutters down on the arm Mercs come in through and Mercs are just fucked if someone does that.) I don't think checkpoints really work as well because on the Aurora, if you were on the top deck checkpoint you had fairly consistent interaction. Whereas there are only really two checkpoints meant for oneish person to staff. I usually only see people go to those to AFK or prep for antag stuff. Only really frequently used on events.
  9. "It is your job" has been stated by admins several times. People have received admin action and at least a talking to and such over refusing to borg people on canon rounds in the past. I believe admins can bwoink you if you aren't an antag for refusing to borg people even in antag/extended but that's probably something to ask an admin not me. Yes its traumatic, but you aren't going to sign up for Security if cuffing and smacking drunk Fisanduhians is going to be a problem for you. If a Surgeon refused to operate on someone and let them die there'd be as much OOC/IC action on them as there would be on a Machinist that refused to Borg someone. This is such an issue that the Linton Borging had a ghost role roboticist brought in in case the machinists refused to borg Linton so it could be done. (They did not, for the record.) Several machinists also refused to borg people back on the Aurora during various canon rounds as well. I'd also prefer things to not get gentrified to Medical and borging becoming only Medical's job. Edit: If people are borging you for one or two minor actions and not brigging you ahelp that shit. Security's charges have big bold "DO THIS IF THEY DO THIS" things for a reason.
  10. +1! Played under and with Jimmy Navin. Communicative command member, makes a round fun and good to rp with/talk to.
  11. If it gets a PR/rule change made I can concede on the captain's rules not being changed in favor of consulars/reps/maybe other command. I really feel like there's this weird expectation that the captain can just go do whatever job they want/is needed for the round? I'm not asking for a full rule change, just more flexibility for playing (ROLE REASONABLE) command and consulars/corpreps with disabilities.
  12. +1! Boomerthor's been constantly reliable as command, willing to do anything from take part in horrible antag gimmicks or defend the sanctity of Mars. I'm excited to see him in command, though I will echo Lavilla, don't burn yourself out or kill your interest in a char by promoting them when you won't have as much fun with them in command. Keep up the good work!
  13. This sounds like it has potential. I think most of these gamemodes being tested need to be tested and thrown out if they don't work rather than have a bunch of worry and debate over them. Aurora's been a bit stagnant on gamemodes for a while.
  14. I would love ling to be rebalanced to be less focused on fragging people. But a significant amount of ling rounds I play, see, or die in are rounds where the ling is sprinting around at mach ten smashing lightbulbs and killing people that aren't even security with the armblade. I feel like Ling either needs a rework to not be a roll between die and wake up in medical/security and try to kill a surgeon/investigator, KILL EVERYONE YOU SEE or fuck all because the ling is doing a gimmick where they get shoved in the brig/science all round. I hate getting Lings foisted onto me when I play science/RD as well because half the time I don't know what to even do with them. If I go dissect them they're DEFINITELY going to run. If I lock them in a room in xenoarchaeology then what? Its the same as being brigged all round and they either have to wait for all the scientists and security people to leave or try to escape while they're there which just ends up in the blast doors going down and even less RP for them.
  15. Adding my one cent to this. My main issue stands with: What's the point of upping damage if we're just going to up armor to make the future damage more or less the same as it is now? After this all that'll happen is if someone shoots into a crowd and hits you too many times you fall over and die if you aren't wearing armor. If we're going to do this all sec chars are going to be wearing full basic armor all shift with their helmet in their bag just to avoid getting ganked. There'll basically be no real reason to play a sec char who wears something besides the vest. If the issue is antags/sec surviving confrontations then maybe add a mechanical recovery period after surgery or something else?
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