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Yes. You make it with carpotoxin, soporific, and phoron. It is very wasteful to produce, but you can make 5 units per carp steak.
https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/7428 -Adds dextrotoxin, a magical futuristic chemical that causes paralysis in the arms and legs but leaves the rest of the body able to function. Basically, you can talk but can't move or use the radio after a short delay. -This chemical is suited for abductions and rendering a victim helpless. Now, you can roleplay with your captor instead of staring gormlessly at them for 10 minutes in silence. It also lasts half as long as zombie powder did. -Replaces zombie powder with dextrotoxin as the implemented chemical in all related antagonists items. -Does not remove zombie powder, which still exists as a fake death chemical.
I'm still strongly against removing parapens entirely. Offer this as an alternative to parapens rather than removing it entirely. It is extremely irritating to me when people ignore the general tone of a suggestion thread (things are fine, ahelp being ganked) in favor of laser sighting the part they want (replacing the pen with a suggested pen chem set). Actually, you know what. I'm going to go rework parapens right now.
Even if he isn't, it's still a good idea for people who are.
https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/7413 PR open, finished. Move to projects please.
The biggest gem bois
The lorge gems
The medium gem sprites. Going to bed now.
Initially, no, they will exist solely to be sold to centcomm. More features will be implemented for them over time, however. Jewelry is certainly an option in planning. For now, we will have to be content with less of Cargo trying to pillage the station for fucking bounties constantly and just working with their miner neighbors.
Going to be implementing a new feature for miners: Gemstones! Gemstones will come in six flavors (Rubies, Topaz, Sapphires, Emeralds, Amethysts, and Diamonds!), and four sizes (small, medium, large, and enormous)! Small gemstones will be moderately common to find on the asteroid and will have a chance to be spawned every time you break a rock, much like how crates appear (but much more common). Medium gemstones are much rarer, large gemstones will probably only happen once in a blue moon and enormous gemstones will be rare enough that it will be a major event to find them. Gemstones stack with their own size and kind (small rubies with small rubies, medium sapphires with medium sapphires), with a max stack size of 30 for small, 15 for medium, 5 for large, and enormous can't be stacked. HOWEVER. There will be a special function where you mix gemstones to make a 'mixed gem' pile which you can add any gemstones into, if you don't want to be neat with your gemstones. They will be able to be separated later, if you wish. At this current time, the gemstones will mostly exist to be sent to centcomm for money in the cargo asset account, creating cooperation between cargo and mining. Later, I will implement more to do with it. Hypothetical values (subject to balance change) are 50, 250, 1500, and 5000, and diamonds are worth 50% more. Due to diamonds already existing in game, the diamond blocks you normally mine will be a guaranteed spawn for a couple 1-2 small diamonds, possibly larger ones at a small chance, but it will also drop the same 'raw diamonds' object they used to that is actually used to process into materials in mining. As you can see, I've sprited the small gemstones and their stacking mechanics! More to come later.
Removing Immersion-Breaking numerical designations
Kaed replied to Kaed's topic in Discontinued Projects
While an interesting idea, and definitely something that could be added to the toys research can procure, that's out of the scope of this PR. You could make it yourself, perhaps, but I'm trying to keep this as atomic as possible. Also I don't know how I would go about making something like that. -
Removing Immersion-Breaking numerical designations
Kaed replied to Kaed's topic in Discontinued Projects
Three hand labelers have been added to science - two in their spawning room, one in xenobiology. Monkey tagging (and by dubious extension, people tagging) has been re-enabled. Slimes were always able to be labeled. -
Removing Immersion-Breaking numerical designations
Kaed replied to Kaed's topic in Discontinued Projects
fat rat mangy vermin rancid mouse tiny vermin buzzing maintenance drone ponderous iron golem ominous juggernaut generic monkey playful farwa -
https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/7680 -Removes numerical designations on every mob type I could find (except xenos, because they're not in the game anymore). -Implements a new system of randomized descriptive adjectives pulled from lists that can be later used or modified as needed. This affects rats, drones, golems, contructs, and several monkey variants. It's possible I missed things, I can add those later if needed. -Rats can spawn randomly as vermin, mice, or rodents instead, for additional variety. -Rats and Maint drones players can edit their name to a simple "[descriptor] [mobtype]". The game does check to make sure your chosen name is valid before allowing you to take it. Name changes generate an adminlog, so you will be noticed immediately if you start trying to be a nazi rat or some stupid shit. Edit: Slimes added to the PR! They can also be renamed now! Edit2: Diona now have descriptive names too.
The problem with nerfing the parapen like previous nerfs with the justification that we are 'moving away from one-click stun-based combat' several-fold. First of all, unlike flashes and batons, they are not readily available to anyone on the server. This is why both of them being able to very easily stun people in a single click was toxic to the environment - they were extremely prevalent and thus overused, due to the fantastic advantage they offered at almost no difficulty to obtain. Not only that, but batons also double as a blunt force weapon, allowing you to beat someone down and break bones while stunning them at the same time. By contrast, a parapen has absolutely zero presence outside of traitor rounds. Sure, mercs and ninjas can TECHNICALLY get them, but they have so many better tools at their disposal that short of someone deliberately using one as a jokey ninja/merc gimmick it's not worth it. This is because the parapen is not a weapon, and it's barely even a viable gimmick in itself. It costs 1/4 of your starting telecrystals (6/25), and has a single use, becoming an inert roleplaying item you can at best try to stab someone in the eye with once it's expended its charge. Because of all this, it's more of a facilitating item than anything else. And it's damn fucking good at it. The zombie powder will mute you and put you flat on your ass for several minutes, making it absolutely the perfect object for setting up a high profile prisoner/hostage situation. It can facilitate a much greater story for the round than being injected with soporific would, which causes 90% of players to notice they are yawning and them begin shrieking over radio that someone has drugged them and exactly where they are right now, while running away from the nearby person they have now metagamed as an antag. The fact that it is being used as a free kill item is not a design flaw any more than one of the mercs cyanide pills being possible to put in someone's drink or food to kill them within a minute is. The item's telecrystal value and effect is precisely as intended and as it should be. Changing it to give people a chance to get away from HYPOTHETICAL shitty antags who just want to esword their helpless head off in maint is reactive design changes addressing a problem from the wrong angle. A bad experience of interaction between a player and an antag is the result of the antag utilizing their given tools in a bad way, and they need to be given guidance, rather than having their toys taken away and replaced with nerf guns to remove the CHANCE for them to be shitters. Because you can't remove the bad shit without also obviating some very good possibilities too. So, until we code in a disabling mechanic that allows people to be unable to radio for help while still being able to talk, the parapen should not be changed to something that lets them scream for help, or even worse, start running away as soon as it becomes clear they have been stabbed with one. You will simply devalue the benefits and possibilities of the parapen in an attempt to prevent a few bad experiences. Once the parapen has been used on your character, the responsibility is now on the initiating antagonist to drive an enjoyable experience. The fact that your agency has been temporarily taken away is the point. They paid a substantial amount of their resources to take a PRISONER, quietly. If they drag you off to main and cut your head off, that's their fault, not the parapens. Ahelp them. Ganking is against the server rules, you don't fix it by removing/nerfing the offend object, you remove it by taking action against gankers.
Changing the Station Engineer job to Maintenance Technician
Kaed replied to MattAtlas's topic in Discontinued Projects
Station engineer sounds fine to me. I don't think this needs to be changed. I tend to agree with people here who say this is a pointless change that accomplishes nothing valuable and takes away options that are fine existing. This reminds me of the old arguments of people having hernias over HoS being alt titled as a Security Commander because 'it's not military'. "disagreeing with someone" is not mutually exclusive with feedback being constructive. Sometimes, an idea just isn't good and people need to inform you that they do not think it is good, and therefore, it should not be done. You cannot hide in a box, accepting only positive responses to your ideas, claiming anything else isn't 'constructive'. Sometimes there isn't a 'better' way that anyone can suggest than 'just don't do it' Sometimes people have important things to say about how your ideas are bad, and you cannot simply dismiss what they are saying because they said it in a mean or aggressive way or somehow hurt your feelings. Look at the content behind the words instead of focusing on the feelings that their choices of language caused in you. Of course, you can also say 'I don't care, doing it anyway', but that doesn't somehow make your standpoint right, it just means you have decided not to listen to dissent. -
The non-talisman stun rune also blinds the user and I believe it even stuns them when you set it off. The stun duration is so short that by the time you can see everyone is up again and fleeing or trying to kill you. It is legitimately a piece of trash rune you should never use outside of a talisman and the fact that you recommend people use it shows me you have never tried it. When I want to be an evil cultist with supernatural powers from beyond the veil, I should not have to rely on garbage gimmicky makeshift weapons just to get shit done. They should be able to accomplish their goals without needing to assemble tools from scraps lying around. I'm not opposed to lowering the stun time, but you need to do more than change several lines of code if you are modifying something like this.
All of the fanciful talk in the world about roleplaying out a conversion means nothing if the first person you try to talk to runs away immediately upon you giving off cultist vibes or drawing a rune and reports you to security. This is a game before a roleplaying platform, stop trying to take all the game out of it in an attempt to realize an impossible dream that everyone will play nice with each other and not play to win or play to beat the bad guy. This is an incorrect explanation of the PR, which does absolutely nothing you said except remove the weaken (weaken IS the stun in this case. Weaken = falls horizontal and can't get up) effect entirely in favor of a silence and flash effect, and does nothing else to fix the sudden change not being reflected in any of the in game information.
-Attempting to take prisoners in secret without alerting the crew to it happening is not an implictly loud action. Someone going missing mysteriously is not a loud action. -That's not a cooldown. That's an overuse penalty. The two are entirely different concepts and the latter does not solve any issues because it exists right now and flashes are a problem still. Being able to be flash spammed only 3 times instead of 5 still means you are going to be stunlocked for long enough to die with no counter but I guess they can't do it to a second borg after. Whooptie fuckin doo.
I'm not a fan of it being tied to an alert level. The inability to take prisoners or perform subterfuge in the absence of putting the station on full alert is bad. Forcing antags to take one path (being loud) to accomplish goals that don't have to be loud is bad. Though thinking about it, limiting this ability to take prisoners to a highly telegraphed combat borg also has similar problems.
If you think it's required to be able to stunlock people, and that blinding them and taking away their ability to use tools quickly without reselecting them is worthless, then I think you might be on the wrong server. We're trying to move away from gameplay like that. If you want to recapture the spirit of being flash cuffed every time you're not a role that has sunglasses, go try baystation 12. They're still using that mechanic, and they've got a pretty cool spaceship map. That being said, if there was a way to make there be a cool-down between stuns with the Flash, like they can't be stunned again until a minute later, instead of just being able to be flashed spammed forever until they die, that would also work. Like, give them an emergency visual sensor setting that limits their vision temporarily (sort of how a welding mask works), but also makes them immune to flashes during that period.
You have a very perplexing idea of balance, if your idea of 'viable nonlethal options' involves lasering someone into paincrit, shoving a cloth of chloral into someone's face, or building a wall to keep someone from escaping. And your 'solution' is to bring back an utterly broken mechanic that was removed for very good reasons to fix a lack of viable borg capture options. So let me put it down for you in an easy to understand way: All of this shit you listed off takes time, effort, and a lack of meta-gaming threat detection that neither the borg nor their victim is guaranteed to possess. By contrast, everyone with a flash can instantly disable any non-overclocked borg, and the RD can lock them down or blow them up remotely (being hacked doesn't seem to be a defense against that, I had a hacked borg detonated through means I am unclear on last malf round). The power is INCREDIBLY stilted against the synthetics right now. They need to regain some options for simple objective resolution they didn't have before (or used to have), instead of being told they have to make do with playing 'hard mode' while Secman McBumblefuck can singlehandedly kill them with a flash and baton combo with zero way to fight back. Also, maybe remove the flash stunlock and just make it blind them like everyone else, along with tucking away their current equipped tools....
That was me, I was wearing it during the halloween event uwu Very good.
How, then? I'm not aware of that being an ability.
It hasn't really occurred to me that the Malf AI round type sort of got shafted by the removal of security borgs. In our haste to protect antags from the evils of security validborgs, we kind of took away the only combat potential possessed by malf AIs. Imagine trying to take someone prisoner with a engineering borg who can only weakly crowbar someone while being flashspammed to death or a janitorial borg, who could mop someone or make them slip once if they weren't paying attention. So, I propose some sort of malf-only module available to hacked malf-slaved borgs that is capable of combat, taking prisoners, and otherwise defending their AI master with some actual effectiveness.