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About Spider

  • Birthday 11/06/2000

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    Martial arts, athletics, gaming
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  • Byond CKey

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  1. I think that Faye's responses wholeheartedly prove that she would be a valuable and committed member to the lore team. I like how she explore the more niche aspects of the lore, at least from what I've learnt from talking with her. She really takes her time to understand different ideas and generally comes off to me as a very open-minded person. She really brings forth a lot of interesting ideas and I know that she would be able to work in tandem with other members of the lore team as evidenced by their time as a moderator. Big supporter of this application. Best of luck.
  2. I liked what I saw from them playing HoS. I know Lucaken to be a fairly decent roleplayer and active member of the community so I am not all that surprised. They did a good job of keeping the crew informed and driving the round, communicating with everyone. This is only from one round of playing with his character, and my post may change but for now I like what I see.
  3. This idea is much better tbh, I like them having to work for their access instead of straight up being gifted it or buying it for virtually nothing. Maybe even adding like a new device or feature in telecomms that could enable all-access communications, making it a target for them.
  4. Mercs and raiders having full access to station communications from the get-go seems entirely overpowered. It makes sense for antags like technomancers and ninjas to have this ability because it balances the fact that they are they are one/two people against the entire ship. However for mercs/raiders, a full team of four/five people, having the ability to know how station command and security coordinates often makes for a one-sided and unfair conflict when paired with their superior arsenal and gear (sans raiders). I feel like removing this ability might encourage more robust planning and communication between the antags and the crew as well as more varied conflicts. It's easy for antags to completely ignore communicating with the crew as they can already hear everything they are planning with godlike omniscience with security finding themselves 'pretending' that they don't know that their comms are compromised, making for a frustrating round. I don't like the gamey TDM way these rounds tend to devolve, and the whole idea of 'winning' is only reinforced when crew are up against a threat that seemingly knows everything. I am in favor of completely removing this feature, though I understand the reception that it may have. Because of that I also propose making it cost TC, like how on-station antags like traitors are required to purchase this ability through the use of telecrystals. This sees them weighing that ability for full-communication for other quality items. I understand that there is a certain bias in this suggestion coming from a sec-main, and I would like to hear your thoughts, additions, or refutations to this suggestion. I'm not really that good at voicing what I think so it'd really help if someone would like to add their own points or experiences. Thank you
  5. Awesome guide, I hope this gets people to roll cult more often, it's such an underrated gamemode.
  6. A new change makes it so that examining something makes you face it. A lot of the time I like to examine people and things to read their flavor text/descriptions and when I face them it feels really awkward. It even happens if I am using the face-direction command to make my character keep facing one place. It would be nice for the change to be reverted so we can continue to stealthily read everything
  7. Spider


    im still playing MCC if anyone wants to run champagne or multi
  8. Granted the interactions with Farson with my characters is sparse, I've seen them while ghosting and can say that they are definitely an experienced roleplayer and I think they would do well to guide new players and enrich the roleplaying experience of medical. One problem I have noticed, as mentioned above, is that the character is trying to fill the role of multiple roles in medical. I think that it would be better to create a new character instead of having Alexander Farson promoted to CMO, instead keeping them as a psychiatrist specialist (God knows Aurora needs more of those). Just from personal experience, it is honestly much better to create a fresh character when applying for a command role. I think you can expand on the questions a bit more, maybe talk about the role a command member OOCly has outside of their department. Command staff can be the deciding force for how a round progresses and it would be nice to see you write a biiiit more on the questions. It would be also be nice to see you try play an interim position more often whenever offered the chance, it would be a good way to gauge your fit for the role. I understand that you've had some issues with the rules in the past but we're all improving, I would know. I think if you can change up these things I could comfortably give this application a +1 as I think you should definitely be afforded a chance to play a command role! For now i'm 50/50, still iffy about you playing the same character for the role, you should try making another one, I swear you'll like it! (edit) Apparently Farson's also Zeng-Hu, I didn't notice that. More reason to make a new character. I still think you'd be a good fit.
  9. I don't know Bejewled much from an OOC standpoint but my interactions with their characters gives me nothing but positive things come to mind. They seem to capture the essence of roleplay well when they are playing, their reactions and interactions with elements of a round are realistic and serve to drive a narrative of their unique characters. I'm also satisfied with how they answered the questions, they have a sound grasp of the role of heads as leaders, as well as their OOC expectations as enablers of roleplay. Their in-lore knowledge is also well collected and they seem to extrapolate that knowledge to the use of furthering the stories of their characters. I definitely think Bejewled deserves a trial, good luck mate.
  10. Why not instead change the name/idea of cryo to like a transportation pod to a shuttle instead of some storage system. Like maybe a menu that pops up when you cryo asking if you want to enter stasis or go to a shuttle. It's just flavor really, maybe its not even really worth the extra button click tbh. I like it tho, just not the whole having to walk all the way to departures for it.
  11. Yeah, totally agree with this. Makes sense for an official discord to be moderated by staff.
  12. fuck
  13. Hi, I played the detective during the round. Let me give my side of things on what happened: - Mercs appear on station in the central ring, immediately go to take hostages - Hostages are implanted with explosives - Already kill one security officer, which was valid I believe because they tried escaping when held up - At this point is clear that they have little regard for crew life, question about calling ERT is raised - Mercs were asked over communications multiple times about what they had wanted, about 4-5 times by security, command, and medical crew even - Mercs refused to state any demands and were non-chalant for a good bit - I was shot on sight twice for trying to establish a line of communication despite not having a weapon out, the second time I had to go the rest of the round with shrapnel in me - ERT was called because no demands were given nor did they seem like they cared or wanted to, and crew had already died - Mercs finally gave their "demands" which was simply the word 'finances' - Mercs moved to try and take engineering, then went to the bridge were a large portion of the crew was bunkered up - It was at this point that officers were just engaged on sight without any chance to get in dialogue or roleplay of any sort, it devolved into a TDM fest - ERT arrived on station, a mercenary group that called themselves the Iron-Scales - As ERT arrived on station they said something over radio to the mercs like "Hey I recognize that voice from the heist last week", this made us believe that they spawned into the round with intentions of joining the mercs, as evidenced by how quickly they switched sides - Told them the situation, they demanded payment upfront, when it was told to them that it would be difficult given the situation, they immediately went to the mercs - Mercs made it clear that they weren't on-station for the money and were just "trying to send a message" - ERT switched over to join the literal terrorists because they gave them 50000 credits upfront, roughly equivalent to $16000 today(?) - ERT showed absolutely no concern about out of round implications or what it would mean to the name of their organization if they were to join terrorists in shooting up a civilian station - ERT opened fire on the HoS, not even allowing them to get a word in, it clearly was a mistake of utilizing the aim-intent, so the HoS stood still, rotated in place, and instead of being asked to surrender or given a chance to talk, was just gunned down - 5 briefcases of cash were enough to convince freelance mercenaries to defect to the side of terrorists, gunning down crew without any complaint - Very little reasoning for the ERT to behave this way, given the context of the server, clearly no consideration was made and the whole idea of defecting seemed pre-determined given the ERT immediately "recognizing" the mercs from their voice - Overall just a very unenjoyable round, seemed more like emphasis was put on clicking until horizontal than trying to pursue some sort of an engaging narrative, I can't think of a single person that was crew who thought what went on during the round was acceptable from an OOC standpoint
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