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Everything posted by Witt

  1. No, Just no. we made this mistake once. please never again
  2. Ok, firstly I hope you are joking, and I am treating this as such. Secondly; no code has been lost; all of the developers (and a fair amount of general server patrons still have access to our "old code" (its even still on the github {link in spoiler if needed}) Thirdly, Shells (the code we all assume you are talking about) is in the process of being ported over please be patient or file a github issue report. Thank you and have a swell day!
  3. I know i am not involved directly in this unban or any of his previous bans, however; I am one of the few players who was around for wisewill's pre-smiley days and have a fair bit of incite into his behavior past and present. Smiley/will/ whatever he goes by has a long history as a troublesome AI player in ways such as rule lawering, self antagging through ion laws and general dickish behavior as synthetics. that being said from the small bit I have seen him as a non synthetic he was a decent player. examples of his questionable AI antics: - Using the singulo is taffy ion law to release it towards the station killing everyone (multiple times) -metagaming various vox/nuke/ninja/wiard rounds by door chrushing and killing any RP before rounds take off -going malf without ever interacting with crew -door chrushing and plasma releasing so often that memes were created in his honor (il post them when i get out of class and back to my primary PC) -and other behaviour I am not in any way stating to unban him or not to, I think that there is a middle ground that we should try. I personally feel that he should be given a chance on an extreme final warning (similar to the plahunter fiasco). meaning let him come back on an extreme probation, take away any whitelists( head and spiecies) he has and impose a ban on all synthetic units, after X amount of time (assuming he hasn't) been banned again or left the server allow him to begin applying for whitelists and synth unbans. To me this sounds fairly reasonable and we haven't seen him ban evade or cause us any other sort of grief since the last ban request on his alt account. but again Im just a lowly mapper trying to bring a close to an issue
  4. Skull please don't steal my thunder, we both know I spearheaded the salvage ideas As it stand we do have plans to "add" salvage crews for the new map. we will be upping (possibly doubling the miner slots) and adding it as an alt title. for reasons of spoilers I will keep the remaining details like load-out changes and salvage areas secret until launch.
  5. As a note, the second DO was xelngalhunter, and he went along purely to observe Sierra a day how they handle interviews as a learning experience. The second escorts was brought because we had two DOs and the unofficial policy we run is one escorts per DO.
  6. Sorry for the dalay, I was away on IRL things. Anywho My initial complaint against jackboot (and in all honesty it was on the entirety of the DO staff at the time, jackboot being the only remaining DO from then) came way back in October (the 14thish); I was annoyed (as was the community if memory serves) with the large amount of IRs building up and the DOs (everyone myself partially included) not doing shit. So I sent a strongly worded PM to gollee and the admin supervisors on the issue. I also addressed the ridiculously large number of posts on the DO Skype (sometimes reaching over 1000 between me logging for sleep and me getting back on) and I do not remember the quoted part, however it was part of the original complaint so il post it anyways. Now, as for the Gollee being your boss but not really issue; It started after the original complaint as from my view your behavior hadn't changed despite Gollee assuring me it would be handled. This is also why my most recent complaint went to tish and scopes first. The furry Issue. I will admit that I accidentally misspoke partially on this issue so let me clarify: -Both you and Sue filled complaints agaist Travis Davis (The Furry) Links in the spoiler -based on DO records only Sue (not you) was interviewed before punishment -Delta Asked for punishment Ideas, and you post your thoughts -punishment is delivered before I even had a chance to reply and Travis Davis is banned from talking to any Tajarian ever Now my issue with this case is the fact that you were suggesting punishments (and a fairly extreme one at that) whilst being a player who is involved in the incidents (and actively reporting one). The DO team revamp. When Gollee released all the DOs that he (and the admuns?) viewed as not pulling there weight; you were kept on "to answer faxes and man the Odin Desk". Yet during this period you sere seen Spawning in as a DO (presumably to work on one of the three cases you did) Given that Gollee stated that you were around solely to help with faxes, why were you even taking cases? This is part of the reason for my view on the Gollee isn't really incharge of you on the DO staff.
  7. I'm Batman
  8. HI Everybody; I was the L/Tpr during the round in question. Whilst I was originally summoned to fix the engine issue; my mission was updated at the captains (Valorallen Vitellia) request and two more ERT trooper joined my ranks in order to recover the suspect(Kezkin) and detain the HoS as he had gone crazy and was shouting that he was the law. When we arrived on station, we were greeted by Inis Truesight (Gollee) and the captain and were given a copy of the transcript from Kazkins time in interigation. now I know context is important; however in my opinion there is no good context for line time stamped at 15:14
  9. actually, we are all schizophrenic and our different characters belong to our different minds
  10. I asked expecting you to have a serious answer. and if you can't even be honest about your age, how are we supposed to trust you as a potential moderator?
  11. Alright, so reading over your application as few questions came to mind and I want to bring them forth before I decide to +1 or -1 1. The Age: I looked over this app, your last two and Skype. not a single one is the same, why is that? how old are you honestly? why lie? 2. I noticed you are joining/trying to join the lore team as well, do you feel you can handle both without hating the game and leaving? 3. what do you mean by *make Aurora great again*?
  12. I'm a bit confused.. what exactly is the labcoat issue?
  13. -1 I have to agree with Killerhurtz. I have yet to see you in game, and your first two posts are whitelist requests. I strongly advise you take the time to play the game and meet players before requesting a whitelist.
  14. Quick side note: you will not be allowed to have both server mod and server dev positions. that doesn't mean you cant sprite and be mod. Also, I support you going to trial-modship
  15. Ok, so after a good 20+hours in the game, here is my thoughts -Its actually a decent game; the whole fucking hype train of fan boys swooning every time you said fallout 4 is what makes it seem so bad. if you ignore its hype and focus on its game its actually not bad -Yes there are a lot of baddies vats can be messy; but remember that this game is based in the Lexington/concord area and its population is easily justified by the density of the population it had pre bombing. VATS does need a better system, but it gets easier to use with time and levels. MOST Importantly: -Its a Bethesda game, we all knew it would be buggy. and lets face it, we bought the game because we are all raging fanboys and because the mods will be kickass. -now lets finish our pure playthroughs and go start modding this shit
  16. Reporting Personnel: P0LY (seriously) Rank of Reporting Personnel:AI Personnel Involved:Manfred Hayden, Ezra dia and Geoff Bowen Time of Incident: 730ish central standard time 11/5/2015 Location of Incident:cargo office Nature of Incident: []Workplace Hazard []Accident/Injury []Destruction of Property [X]Neglect of Duty []Harassment []Assault []Misconduct []Other _____ (Place an x in the box that applies. If other, replace line and specify.) Overview of the Incident: at 12:30 station time, an unknown explosion caused a breach in the disposal/delivery office. This unit alerted engineering. five minutes ;after they arrived at the scene. They improperly set up the inflatable barriers and left visible gaps in the barriers. When I alert them to this I was ignored. when I refused to allow them entry due to risk to crew safety, they proceded to cut a hole in the wall and partially vented the cargo office, cargo lobby and the central primary hallway. Did you report it to a Head of Staff or IAA? If so, who?: Armando Elisium, and Raniyah Al-Hamdani were both present and informed via command channel at the time of the incident. when Chief Engineer Aquila arrived they were informed as well Additional notes:
  17. No, Frances. there are two problems here. 1. both Sierra and myself (the DO/Escort) were crippled due to extreme lag caused by engineering chuckle-fuck releasing the singulo. random click may have caused the gun to be grabbed. 2. his actions forced us to spend yet another week arranging time to talk to the parties related to the incident we came on for. Bonus: Regardless of if the DO grabbed the gun the real issue is that his poor RP/gank of the DOs and other players in general. since his antag ban, he has been very toxic in OOC (from my view anyways).
  18. Hello, Duty officer escort here; I can in fact confirm that techno did not spawn camp the DO and myself. what he did do was walk up say hi and shoot us without any sort of chance for rp or response. now I know I am a lowly developer, but from what I have seen of techno both OOCly and as a player; I think we should not be un-antag banning them.
  19. The biggest thing that NEEDS to be addressed and worked on is communication. we cant survive with out it and frankly from, my view there is next to none. - The biggest issue (and yes I know this is a staff related thread), us that communication is a two way street, just like it takes two to tango; it also takes two people to communicate. - Yes, I get it sometimes mods/devs/DOs spell shit wrong or phrase something weirdly. but lets remember; most of us have real jobs and are tired occasionally, a lot (possibly all) of us (dev, mods, DOs) speak more than one (sometimes more than 3) languages and a fair few are not native English speakers. So lets take a step back and look at what they mean (or heaven forbid actually ask what they mean) before we start one of our many these mods don't know the rules crusades.
  20. quick side note, bounce radios don't actually have the ability to tune to the frequencies that security (or med,engie and command) use.
  21. As for the He knows Atmos, ergo he is qualified to be CE; I have to say that is quite silly, I personally know of a couple of our more common CEs who don't know atmos at all. As for knowing atmos, it is more than knowing what levers to turn on, its about knowing the ebb and flow its about seeing new ways to make it work. From what I have seen, Manfred knows his one way to atmos, but there is more than one way to skin a cat, and part of being a team player and a leader is learning to see others ways and ideas. So, let me paraphrase and give my final opinion. Manfred as a character is not CE material. As for the player. I have not seen you enough to make a yes vote. So my advise, store this app on a shelf somewhere for a week or two become more active on the forums and OOC and let the community see you and not Manfred.
  22. I have to agree with nibbles. Sorry for now its -1 Alos, on a mildly unrelated note; you do not need to copy your biography into your Gen records.
  23. SPOT is not now nor will ever be a mistake. he was put in with full permission form the higher up.
  24. Witt

    Map talk

    Been saying that for months. The counter argument was 'muh antag balance'. The current location of both the AI core and the bridge were voted on by the community at large. Also at this point all mapper are putting full effort into the new map so a massive rework is at this point unlikely. As for the bombing issue, it is being looked into from several fronts. they are on the sides as well; it has always been like that. are they causing actual issues or is your OCD killing you?
  25. Hi, before I begin, I want to be clear. I am not actively on any investigation currently due to being occupied with life/Dev things. but I feel its important that I speak my peace anyways. Ok, the real problem with our current DO system (or the one I see the most) is a three fold problem. First: We have a fair amount of reports about random character or about characters that vanished after the reports. it is kinda hard to do an interview on people that don't come around. Two: Our DOs (and honestly most of our staff) seem to group towards the prime hours. there have been a few times when I see people who need an interview on and they don't get it because the case DO is not on during American mornings. Three: for log reasons (and I fully support this by the way) we are forced to talk in game and on station. And obviously we wont go on during nuke/Mutiny/if we know shits about to explode Also, I don't understand where everyone gets the Ideas that the mins/mods are trying to stop/inhibited DO actions. The only mods who directly speak to us are Jenn and Tish (scopes does too, but only cause he likes to escort us); and I have never once see them put a stop to a DO action unless our presence would affect a round like nuke/Mutiny/ shit hitting fan tator things. Like I said, communication (which we are working on, and it seems to be working) seems to be what is slowing us and our reports down, but I wouldn't say no to another dead hour DO.
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