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[Resolved] Player Complaint - ArmoryBlaine

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I can pitch in and say that I've had plenty of unpleasant moments with Amory using "authority" or "emotional instability" as an excuse to kill an antag beyond what is. One such incident that comes to mind is when I detained an antag (vampire or heister/merc, I think?) who had attacked multiple crew, including Amory's character Carmichael. While dragging him to processing to lock him away for the rest of the round, Carmichael comes wheeling in to the brig spamming in all caps and doing everything he can to stomp them to death and using the fact that he was attacked previously as an excuse. It got to the point where another sec officer and I had to beat him down to get him to stop.


When was this? It sounds like a meme, and I can't recall it at all. Although, it is very much so in him to try and do that if enough pressure is placed where it counts- which is not normal. Either a sadistic as fuck Merc, or Vampire memery-- or he was an antag or something.


I've had a lot of issues with AmoryBlaine's aggression out of character. Taking a joke poorly (edit before submission: This one is actually my bad, after the initial very hostile response and after my attempts to say "it was just a joke" failing, I messed with him for a good twenty minutes.) or dragging a situation in PM's on for far too long in an attempt to get in the last word is common with Amory.

But while Daniel is edgy at times and desperately needs a psych evaluation, I've rarely had a problem with the way he plays him. The only times I've seen Amory play him irritating to the point of utterly getting me pissed off was when Decanus, Head of Security at the time, requested Daniel wear their stab vest. Daniel began questioning it heavily for no apparent reason, even going out of his way to request they bust out the heavy vests from the Armoury for some reason (I think it was to give the Cadets some stab vests????). To this end, Decanus (remembering Daniel being petty from prior rounds) decided to shoo Daniel away by threatening him with a psych eval. Daniel then roped in the IAA and got Decanus stuck in an IA hell for the rest of the round, unwilling to let this utterly small event affect him with a visit from a CCIAA. And the round paid for it with practically no physical HoS influence.

That's the only ever situation I've seen him be particularly annoying- OOC and one time ICly that wasn't even involving me. On this, I'll note that:

1: AmoryBlaine, while irritating to some extent in OOC, plays Daniel Carmichael well. Daniel is foil, and foil is nice sometimes.

2: AmoryBlaine does go a little far in OOC in many extents, and this very occasionally affects how Daniel acts.


When was this? It sounds like a meme, and I can't recall it at all. Although, it is very much so in him to try and do that if enough pressure is placed where it counts- which is not normal. Either a sadistic as fuck Merc, or Vampire memery-- or he was an antag or something.


Don't get me wrong. I'm all gung-ho about death and murder when it drives a narrative and is a reasonable reaction to things the antagonist has done. I think it's interesting when an antagonist is cornered in maintenance, wounded, helpless and facing down the barrel of a gun by an angry sec officer who watched all his friends and colleagues get murdered, and enacts revenge in a swift and efficient manner. I believe that's an interesting ending to a story, instead of "he was put in cuffs and taken to the departures dock while the rest of the crew oggled at him like was a zoo animal instead of a dangerous lunatic until round end". The unfortunate thing is that if that situation were to ever actually play out on the server, staff would instantly bwoink the vengeful sec officer and find him at fault. Staff have made it clear time and time again that they don't want security to ever act like falliable and, at times, unreasonable people, even if it comes at the cost of telling an interesting story.

Now it's not like I have had access to security comms any time recently, so I can't really attest to how Daniel might cooperate and work with the rest of the security team and command. Namely, I stopped playing sec because it's a pretty hostile environment for the unrobust as security officers will salt if you easily get robusted, or god forbid, run in fear from situations above and beyond the call of duty.

God I wish we could have a discussion about this because I feel this so hard. It's not even sec, but most of the veteran players that salt at you. But that's going off topic.


I don't think Daniel Carmichael is roleplayed as a validhunting killing machine.


But within the past few weeks I have ventured to play security a scant 3 times or so, and what really stuck out to me was that each of these times Daniel was the only other person in security who was really willing to RP with me in any way at all that wasn't "Let's go get the bad guy" "fuck yeah." The conversations weren't extensive chair RP, but they were pleasant and lead me to believe that Amory's character was a level headed normal guy who was decently sociable.

This has been my experience with Carmichael now that I've been playing security for a few weeks or so. I started off as a totally green cadet, and Carmichael was one of the first ones to offer RP by showing me around, initiating conversation, inviting me to ask questions, etc. Just because he doesn't go to the bar or interact with the chef when getting food (spoiler: like half the players on the server don't do this either) doesn't mean he isn't RPing. He's always calling for extended rounds, too, because he genuinely enjoys RP.


Honestly, it's easy to shit on security for doing their job if you've never even played a round of security and put yourself in their shoes, like Rosetango regularly does. Just play sec for a week and you'll slowly start to understand why they make the decisions they do when they're put on the spot.

Yeah. This.

= = =

I won't say that I don't get validhunty vibes from Amory when playing. I don't usually, but for some reason wizard rounds really seem to make him jump to "We gotta kill this thing." I've seen him say "I didn't get my kill" in OOC after a round end, which sets off a few alarms in my head. And I don't think that some of these examples are without merit; I have respect for Amory and Daniel, but there are still some validy vibes that need to be curbed in my eyes. Daniel's anger can seem a little extreme at times. He's not perfect, OOCly or ICly. The examples of Amory's attitude in discord don't exactly paint a pretty picture, either, but as I avoid the ooc discord at all costs, I'll refrain from commenting further.

But overall, I don't agree that his character is just sitting around waiting to valid with no RP. I can't speak for all the other rounds, and I can't speak from an antag perspective (Because I rarely play antag for the same reasons mofo cited about playing security: God forbid you're not amazing at what you're doing or the community will ridicule you in OOC). But I think he and Daniel fit the HRP environment and aren't just out for valids most of the time.

  • 2 weeks later...

You want basis? I got basis.

I will only make mention of one round I wasn't very happy with Carmichael's actions. Admittedly, I wasn't in the stated round however this is very relevant to your behavior as Daniel Carmichael. There was this round 1-2 days ago in which I will be presenting as a whole evidence for making this post (Game ID: bVg-axe8) where I was Head of Security Drake Bond as Officer Daniel Carmichael. I am going to snip your character behavior as you mentioned, @ReadThisNamePlz was the investigator of the adminhelp that I had adminhelped on Daniel Carmichael. However, it was "IC Action" and no further explanation were provided. I did not want to doubt the investigator's decision because I had trusted the investigator so I decided to keep quiet until Xor posted this character complaint which shows that this Carmichael's common behavior.


So you disregarded the staff member's decision that it was an IC issue and decided that since this complaint was posted it, it was no longer an IC issue?

fair enough, consistent shitty IC behavior is grounds for an OOC complaint but let's continue.


- Do you have proof of me spending my rounds waiting for Antagonists to pop up?


Yes. This round alone is a proof. A proof that you went against my orders and attacked an antagonist in which the antagonist went full destruction on the station furthering you have failed to do your duties as a Security Officer. I don't know why the antagonist here was punished but not you. People were injured because of Carmichael's actions, Head of Security Drake Bond almost nearly popped his lung over this because he was close to the breach while saving a person while you didn't care.

There's a lot to unpack here, let's go with your claim of this being proof,

first off, this is just your opinion, there's no logs or any hard proof.

Secondly, it was declared a valid IC issue by staff

Thirdly, you did not bother to investigate why ICly nor OOCly, hell, you IGNORED the explanation ICly.

Fourthly, what kind of asinine mental gymnastics are you using here that made you blame the entirety of the wizards actions on Danial, hell even if he did baton them or whatever, he is not responsible for literally everything else, the only reason you would claim such is to exaggerate the kind of fuck up they pulled, and honestly this is the kind of bullshit that makes me write long ass forum posts.


I know I'm in the right for almost everything I do ICly because almost everything I do ICly is directed by Command, or questioned by ahelps which are then settled. If I was in the wrong with either as much as you claim, I would not still be playing here. Most every situation I'm in that is ahelped, is entirely legitimate and approved.


This is the attitude I don't like seeing nowadays. Why do you think you're having a player complaint now with including four people (including myself) pointing fingers at you?

Garnascus used to have a ton of staff complaints during his mod trial, he passed it and look at him now, headmin.

Just because there's a lot of complaints doesn't necessarily means the issue lays with the person being complained about


Daniel is almost always a reserved and quiet character. For most rounds, he chooses to dick with people via playing a game of minor inconveniences and whining to Command, in order to get back at people.

This is a lie. You screamed over the security channel and face to face with other officers and attempted to order security officers to seize the wizard's staff in a presence of a Head of Security who tried to coax the wizard to calm down and discuss. I've seen you using vulgarities when you're not an antagonist, confronting an antagonist, or confronting a non-antagonist. Stress is not a good reason.

People can't be silent with a shortfuse????


"And yeah, I get kills, I know what I'm doing.": I've been playing Security for like nine months straight, I think I'm like 8/10 at playing the role. Just because I'm getting kills and, as some say, disabling the antagonists, does it mean I go in validhunting.

I've been playing Security for like two years on and off. I've seen some good and bad officers come and go. I bet you're gonna say it doesn't mean a thing, right? You shouldn't always be focused on killing antagonists as Security Officer, that is not the very basic foundation of a Security Officer. The foundation is to be protecting the crew now I know that means you'll have to out your way to find and deal with the antagonist. From what I've seen, you're always trying to chase after the antagonist like in the round I've mentioned.

The point is that he's been killing antags as security without breaking the rules, more often than not antags make killing them the best option to keep crew safe.

The rest was already discussed and I'm not really interested in it anyway, I'm just here to address that BS you started your post with, that's not a post made in good faith, and I'm half convinced you have an OOC grudge.


Hey, sorry for the extremely long delay, after some long consideration from Alb and myself, we've decided that this is what we're going to do.

1. The claim that Amory sits around all shift waiting for antagonists cannot be proved, and even then, it's more of something that needs to be handled on the spot, as there are several factors that go into it.

2. The claim that Amory metagrudges is also unfounded, this claim lacks sufficient evidence to act upon.

3. Amory's aggression in private messages, deadchat and LOOC. Stop being overly hostile in discord PM's, looc and deadchat. It can be seen as harassment by many, especially when it gets to the PM side of things. We'll be placing a note on you regarding your behavior OOC wise. Clean it up.

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