BurgerBB Posted July 22, 2018 Posted July 22, 2018 A map overhaul of xenobiology. Information here: https://github.com/Aurorastation/Aurora.3/pull/5032
Trazz666 Posted July 25, 2018 Posted July 25, 2018 So, as someone who loves xenobiology, for both it's official and unofficial roles, I see what your doing, and I love the spirit of this suggestion. However, I don't see a way of drawing the hypercooled oxygen or no2 out of the cells after you inject it, leaving the cell unreusable to contain slimes again, and leaves someone permanently unconscious unless you're willing to let the no2 out into general xenobio. Which ruins the fun for that person. I also don't like the extra surgery room, as it promotes the idea there should be 2 xenobiologists and honestly I don't enjoy that (Why should I have to stop working just because you chose to be eaten by a slime??). I also don't enjoy the stun baton idea. I think it puts squishy squishy organic xenobiologists in unnecessary physical contact with slime (as if that's what they'd be used for anyways) and I just don't feel that creatures that use electricity as their main form of attack should be effected by yet more electricity. A few notes: I don't see a crematorium to properly dispose of slime corpses. I also see 2 fire extinguishers set on a table, I believe those should be removed as they're no longer effective means of slime termination. A better suggestion would be 2 large beakers, since splashing through the windoor is safe and more effective. (Also, if you want to gas a changeling so bad, do it in misc research like everyone else. It allows an empty canister slot to remove gas and the windows can give smart changelings a chance to escape and created more destru-fun.) Also, do the cells really need their own APCs, or is that just to screw with malf AIs?
Skull132 Posted July 25, 2018 Posted July 25, 2018 Surgery room being put in the pathway in and out is a pretty bad idea. Specially with how it as executed at the moment. Also, what Trazz said. There's no actual way to vent/cleanse the pens of dangerous gas.
BurgerBB Posted July 25, 2018 Author Posted July 25, 2018 Surgery room being put in the pathway in and out is a pretty bad idea. Specially with how it as executed at the moment. Also, what Trazz said. There's no actual way to vent/cleanse the pens of dangerous gas. Yes there is. The air scrubber that is provided.
BurgerBB Posted July 25, 2018 Author Posted July 25, 2018 So, as someone who loves xenobiology, for both it's official and unofficial roles, I see what your doing, and I love the spirit of this suggestion. However, I don't see a way of drawing the hypercooled oxygen or no2 out of the cells after you inject it, leaving the cell unreusable to contain slimes again, and leaves someone permanently unconscious unless you're willing to let the no2 out into general xenobio. Which ruins the fun for that person. I also don't like the extra surgery room, as it promotes the idea there should be 2 xenobiologists and honestly I don't enjoy that (Why should I have to stop working just because you chose to be eaten by a slime??). I also don't enjoy the stun baton idea. I think it puts squishy squishy organic xenobiologists in unnecessary physical contact with slime (as if that's what they'd be used for anyways) and I just don't feel that creatures that use electricity as their main form of attack should be effected by yet more electricity. A few notes: I don't see a crematorium to properly dispose of slime corpses. I also see 2 fire extinguishers set on a table, I believe those should be removed as they're no longer effective means of slime termination. A better suggestion would be 2 large beakers, since splashing through the windoor is safe and more effective. (Also, if you want to gas a changeling so bad, do it in misc research like everyone else. It allows an empty canister slot to remove gas and the windows can give smart changelings a chance to escape and created more destru-fun.) Also, do the cells really need their own APCs, or is that just to screw with malf AIs? This is a lot to unpack. You can remove the gas from a cell using an air scrubber. The extra surgery room is because there is a potential that there are two xenobiologists. There doesn't have to be two xenobiologists, it will just support two xenobiologists. Using the slime baton is incredibly optional. You can use it if you want, or you can not use it if you do not want to use it.
Skull132 Posted July 26, 2018 Posted July 26, 2018 Surgery room being put in the pathway in and out is a pretty bad idea. Specially with how it as executed at the moment. Also, what Trazz said. There's no actual way to vent/cleanse the pens of dangerous gas. Yes there is. The air scrubber that is provided. That is. Not a good mechanic for doing this. Nor the standard one. Either do what research does and implement those large scrubbers with remote control, or implement a drain system in there. At present, there is no way to clear the pens without leaking the gasses and putting yourself at risk.
BurgerBB Posted July 26, 2018 Author Posted July 26, 2018 I've actually put airtight plastic flaps in each cell.
Doc Posted July 26, 2018 Posted July 26, 2018 A few notes about the scrubbing system: Even if you opt to continue with the portable scrubber system, you've only given them one and no method of emptying it after it's been used to filter one room (except by dumping its contents into another cell, I suppose, which is beyond sub-optimal). If you add scrubber vents, they will only scrub CO2 at round start, and the xenobio would not be able to change that without an engineer, unless there's some sort of shenanigans that can be done in DreamMaker to make it start filtering these gases. Also, I'd like to point out again that there is no crematorium or other method of disposing of the slime corpses, as Trazz noted but was overlooked. Additionally, every single cell containing an independent APC seems ridiculously unneeded. What purpose is there to independently powering one light and some windoors? What warrants research being issued Cardox grenades? I understand that phoron is a possibility working with certain slime types, but we have established that Cardox is expensive enough that the majority of the grenades on the station are locked up in the vault, with the only additional one being in the CE's locker- not even atmospherics, who would be far more responsible for and more frequently involved in phoron incidents, has Cardox grenades. I don't see any reason to change this, either. Just remove them. Let atmos and engineering in general take care of phoron, and if research really wants, they can develop their own Cardox grenades.
BurgerBB Posted July 26, 2018 Author Posted July 26, 2018 I'm not going to make my own custom gas scrubber setup. That's asking too much and I think it's too efficient for xenobiologists to have. Xenobiology does not need a crematorium. I genuinely believe that they need an excuse to actually leave xenobiology and use the trash compactor. Perhaps I can introduce disposals access (not maintenance access) to xenobiologists and all scientists. Each cell having its own APC was removed in a previous update. Cardox grenades are used for emergency slime outbreaks.
Skull132 Posted July 26, 2018 Posted July 26, 2018 I'm not going to make my own custom gas scrubber setup. That's asking too much and I think it's too efficient for xenobiologists to have. You're trying to defend the implementation of a completely maligned system by saying that the alternative is too efficient. All similar systems on the map, where you can inject gasses into (furnace if we still have it, sciences two gas chambers, the brig) a controlled space, have effective scrubber setups. I am not seeing the point in making an exception to this convention.
BurgerBB Posted July 26, 2018 Author Posted July 26, 2018 I'm not going to make my own custom gas scrubber setup. That's asking too much and I think it's too efficient for xenobiologists to have. You're trying to defend the implementation of a completely maligned system by saying that the alternative is too efficient. All similar systems on the map, where you can inject gasses into (furnace if we still have it, sciences two gas chambers, the brig) a controlled space, have effective scrubber setups. I am not seeing the point in making an exception to this convention. Unless you want me to make an ugly back maintenance near the cells to vent gas, I'm not going to implement any sort of system described. There is no space for such a system. The system is meant to setup one cell as a dedicated gas chamber or emergency purge. You're not suppose to gas different cells constantly as honestly that would be a little too OP and make it so that slime handling is a thing of the past. There will also be a future update where slimes function differently in different environments. This used to be part of another PR that made it so ice slimes required cold to survive, and fire slimes required heat.
Doc Posted July 27, 2018 Posted July 27, 2018 Xenobiology does not need a crematorium. I genuinely believe that they need an excuse to actually leave xenobiology and use the trash compactor. Perhaps I can introduce disposals access (not maintenance access) to xenobiologists and all scientists. This is inane. Literally no role on the station needs to directly access the trash compactor in order to dispose of items, and you've offered absolutely no explanation as to why you believe xenobiology should need to- just saying you "believe they need an excuse" for it, which isn't an argument or explanation. The chaplain has a crematorium- why would the research department, the theoretical main focus of the entire station, need to drag their garbage all the way to the compactor instead of getting their own as well? Even giving them a disposals unit leading to space, like virology, would make more sense than this. Cardox grenades are used for emergency slime outbreaks. You could use this exact same reason to warrant issuing them a Firefighter APLU with close-combat shielding and a fire-extinguisher module; that'd be specifically designed for emergency slime outbreaks, right? The point isn't what the grenades are used for, the point is the value of the items you're placing here compared to the IC value and OOC rarity. There are 4 entire Cardox grenades on the map to my knowledge, what about xenobiology and the need for slime-containing tools (when there are many other alternatives to Cardox to take care of slime outbreaks) warrants issuing them these grenades in particular?
BurgerBB Posted July 27, 2018 Author Posted July 27, 2018 It's a space concern. A crematorium will not fit in it's current design and I do not feel like making space to put one in.
Skull132 Posted July 27, 2018 Posted July 27, 2018 Unless you want me to make an ugly back maintenance near the cells to vent gas, I'm not going to implement any sort of system described. There is no space for such a system. The system is meant to setup one cell as a dedicated gas chamber or emergency purge. You're not suppose to gas different cells constantly as honestly that would be a little too OP and make it so that slime handling is a thing of the past. Large scrubbers take up one tile. Just punch out the corner where there is no camera. Or implement proper scrubbers with piping. I do not see how space is an issue. As for the intended use, it still wouldn't work properly. Because, again, there's no way to clear it. If you want to just give them one gas chamber, then just give them one gas chamber, but still make sure that it's functioning properly? The old station had a singular space ventable cell. I don't see a reason not to only have one gas chamber.
Trazz666 Posted July 27, 2018 Posted July 27, 2018 Xenobiology does not need a crematorium. I genuinely believe that they need an excuse to actually leave xenobiology and use the trash compactor. Perhaps I can introduce disposals access (not maintenance access) to xenobiologists and all scientists. Having to walk all the way from xenobiology to the compactor to clean the lab brings up issues both in and out of universe. Out of universe, that's annoying as hell and will end with no cleaning being done since the speed of the xenobio system doesn't have any natural lulls in productivity to give the biologist a chance to conveniently take the long walk to the compactor. Not to mention, if you're half decent at your job, that's 2 or 3 trips of full locker slime transport every couple of minutes. In universe, you're requiring your highly specialized researchers to leave their labs unattended for long periods of time doing legwork with lockers full of alien, untested, possibly unstable goop, walking it out of research (possibly breaking station directive 4 in the process) through the station general, only to throw it in the compactor, where instead of disposing of properly, will sit there exposed until someone eventually comes and turns on the pistons. Which, why would NT want dozens of dozens of slime bodies squished together with all the other station refuse? Do you want giant, station destroying slimes? Cause that's how you get giant, station destroying slimes. Cardox grenades are used for emergency slime outbreaks. By who? From their position on the map, it would imply that the grenades are intended for the xenobiologists themselves to use the grenades. Which is simply out of the realm of possibility. If there's an outbreak and you're organic (which you have to be for it to be an 'outbreak' rather than a minor inconvenience), you don't have time to run across the lab and get the grenades. Even if you had the grenades on your person, ignoring the irresponsibility of it, if a slime has latched onto you, you don't have the time to activate the grenade and wait for the 3 to 5 second countdown. Plus, as Doc had mentioned, they're very expensive (something I didn't know). I don't believe NanoTrasen would find it profitable to invest in slim-to-none chance of effectiveness security grenades, especially over buying an incinerator for proper disposal of such volatile research material.
Azande Posted July 27, 2018 Posted July 27, 2018 Why are we even talking about air pumps. Gasses do nothing to slimes, unless you are planning on revamping Xenobiology mechanics as well Burger, I'd say abandon the gas shit entirely.
Doc Posted July 27, 2018 Posted July 27, 2018 It's a space concern. A crematorium will not fit in it's current design and I do not feel like making space to put one in. Okay. That sucks, I guess. That's not an excuse to half-ass the design. Forcing the entire population of the server that plays as xenobiologist to trek to the crusher to dispose of remains (which in and of itself breaks numerous IC regulations and OOCly is entirely unreasonable) is not the solution to you.. being unwilling to finish your project in a reasonable manner.
BurgerBB Posted July 27, 2018 Author Posted July 27, 2018 I found a way to add ventilation controls in a non-cluttered manner but it involves giving each cell its own APC.
Skull132 Posted July 27, 2018 Posted July 27, 2018 I found a way to add ventilation controls in a non-cluttered manner but it involves giving each cell its own APC. Why? I can only presume you're using the APC to toggle atmospherics power of the room. But that's not a good solution either. Go look in the science gas mixing/cold chamber. It uses air injectors and controllable extractors. Without the need for extra APC or anything of the like. Or, again, use a large, stationary scrubber that's sitting in the corner of a cell. Controlled via a single computer which I'm sure you can find a way to accommodate.
BurgerBB Posted July 27, 2018 Author Posted July 27, 2018 I found a way to add ventilation controls in a non-cluttered manner but it involves giving each cell its own APC. Why? I can only presume you're using the APC to toggle atmospherics power of the room. But that's not a good solution either. Go look in the science gas mixing/cold chamber. It uses air injectors and controllable extractors. Without the need for extra APC or anything of the like. Or, again, use a large, stationary scrubber that's sitting in the corner of a cell. Controlled via a single computer which I'm sure you can find a way to accommodate. Anomaly Isolation uses the exact same system as the one I'm implementing, which also uses a singular laptop computer to control it. The one in toxins requires way too much space. The APCS in xenobiology will hold only basic cells instead of heavy duty (10000 to 1000), and can be accessed by scientists. I tried recreating the one in science before and I ran into so many problems. It's not worth the time to implement.
BurgerBB Posted July 27, 2018 Author Posted July 27, 2018 What it currently looks like now; notice how it uses the same setup as the isolation cells in the north. I haven't tested it yet, but the air alarms inside there don't behave like normal air alarms. They only exist to provide the laptop with information.
Doc Posted July 27, 2018 Posted July 27, 2018 One major thing you've failed to include is gas pumps. You would require one oriented both toward and away each connector port- which I don't even know if that is logistically functional on a single pipeline- in order to do anything beyond equalizing the pressure across the canister-pipeline-cell atmospheres.
furrycactus Posted September 9, 2018 Posted September 9, 2018 As an Atmos main, yeah, those cyan pipes absolutely won't function properly. At best, you'll only have the gas siphoned back into the cyan pipe and it wont be able to go anywhere else, save for back out the air vent, and then back into the scrubber, ad infinitum. Unless that was the intention, of course.
Arrow768 Posted September 9, 2018 Posted September 9, 2018 The point of the cyan pipes is to flood the cells with a specific gas / remove the gas from the cells if the scientist wants to do so. -> That is why everyone of them leads to their own connector port for a gas canister.
Asheram Posted September 9, 2018 Posted September 9, 2018 You know, since we're doing things fancily you could always include a closed circuit camera system, giving you a look at the cells even when the blast doors are down.
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