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Player Complaint - Resilynn

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BYOND Key: TehFlaminTaco
Game ID: bXz-a4ET was 2 rounds after, but that round also contained argueing. (The previous round crashed seconds in)
Player Byond Key: Resilynn
Staff involved: N/A
Reason for complaint: Resi was the antagonist, a Ninja, with a Gimmick of going to individuals on the station, and telling them to pick a name. If they didn't, then they'd be murdered. Otherwise, "whoever they picked would be murdered instead". Off the bat, this smells like Murderbone, their goal was to get someone killed, even if the crew keep pawning it off to different crew members when they themselves are picked. This is an Unhealthy gimmick by design. The First crewmember that they asked pawned the death of to Willow Harper (AKA, Rosetango) who being Willow Harper said the name of the Ninja. Resi took this as an excuse to try to murder them. After outrunning Resi once, Willow was caught unconsious and dragged out of surgery whilst her chest was open, and murdered. Fantastic RP oppertunity right there, killing the unconsious person.  And then she set off to hunt her next target, which was myself. I was asked who I wanted to name, and not wanting anyone else murdered, I also chose the Ninja. More importantly however, is I had an assembly that was relaying everything I said to RnD, so I was aware security was inbound. They started by pulling out a gun and Accidently shooting at me, to which I tried to delay them by saying that they should fight hand-to-hand instead. They agreed, charged me, but I grabbed them. This made them drop their pistol, so unsurprisingly, I shot at them. This made the drop their esword, and they disappeared just as security arrived. Shortly later, they return, and splash Chloral(?) into my characters face, and then try to kill me again. One again, fantastic RP oppertunies, as Resi has shown during this round, and then security managed to move in much faster. Conflict happened, I was dragged out, they were shot to death. This would have been the end of it, but they proceeded to, during the round, heckle me in discord. (chat provided as screenshot below). They told me, "Shit Fear RP", and expressed that their reason for picking both their targets was OOC motivated. We argued, but just tried to leave it as it was. Come the end of the round, Resi proceeded to call out both Me, and Rosetango "Without naming names" as shit Fear RPers. I spoke out against this, explained what happened, and that Resi had been harrasing me on discord, and argueing continued over OOC into the next round. After some argueing, we were recommended to make it into a player complaint, and thus.

I am upset at this because firstly, Resi made a gimmick which revolved around Murder, which, by nature, is Murderbone. They selected targets to potentially murder based on OOC criteria. They harrased me about IC situations in an OOC channel during the round, and refused to Ahelp instead, and they called my reponse "Shit Fear RP" because I would not satisfy what i can only see as a disgusting power fantasy. "Obey me or die."
Did you attempt to adminhelp the issue at the time? No, issue was considered not worth escelation during the round it took place.
Approximate Date/Time: 29/11/2018 3:50PM ADST


Posted (edited)

Here was my exact gimmick, which I thought up months ago and have run by several staff members.  3 people have to die, but the ninja doesn't care who.  Each person can name another person in their place, and that person can name another, etc, etc.  If someone named someone who has already named someone, they lose, i.e., die.  It is intended to get the crew to RP with one another to try to keep the ninja going around all long as possible.  I stated these rules out loud on the radio, the crew were all aware of what was going on.  As far as I know, murdering is allowed for antags if there's a story and a gimmick, this was my story and gimmick.

I messaged Taco in person because I'd assumed we had the kind of repertoire that would let me say I was upset.  I didn't want them to get a note or warning, it wasn't a big enough deal.  I was just, annoyed that their  tiny little unarmed skrell got into hand to hand combat with a fully armed ninja in a voidsuit.  It seemed like bad fear RP, which is what I said in those messages.  At no point in that conversation did they indicate conversation was unwelcome, so, I assumed it was fine.  As a note on that last message, I was in round and antagging and misread them offering for me to make a player complaint on THEM, which is why I said nah, not needed.

Taco, in the meantime, made it pretty personal.


I didn't think I was being abrasive in those private messages.  I was annoyed, I said I was annoyed, but I was pretty clear about it being temporary, and pretty clear about not wanting to take things any further.

I take OOC things into account, which I was advised to do when developing this.  Picking at least 2/3 of the people ahead of time to make sure they're someone who will probably at least RP along with it, because this is a gimmick that easily falls apart to poor fear RP.  I had initially decided to go for the first person I caught alone (the one who named Harper), taco, and simon as Nikit Vasili.  I traded Simon out for wigglesworth because of his importance to Harper, post death, trying to ride the momentum that murder gave me.

As for Harper.  I gave her a chance to name someone in her place, she named me.  I'd already named the first person, so, you know, by the rules I'd laid out, she died.  I named myself Felicette, after the first cat in space (because I'm a huge dork), and I was playing very much like a cat, toying with my prey.  I shot Willow once and then left.  She didn't run, she had shrapnel.  I left.  To draw things out, and give her a chance to hide/interact further.  She knew I was after her, she knew I was trying to kill her, and she had surgery.  She could have turned off her sensors, could have had surgery somewhere less predictable, she didn't.  So I went to the place she was most likely to be after a moment.  She was unconscious when I got there, but given how much interaction there had already been, given how many people were around who got invested as I killed her (the surgeon did AMAZING), I killed her.  And Yonni asked why.  And I explained it.  And it was accepted.

Edited by Resilynn
Removed mention of specific admins since I can't find these conversations over discord.

Revolving gimmicks around murder, in my opinion, is not inherently bad. What is bad is murdering without roleplay. Resi's gimmick provides a lot of roleplay opportunities as she described the gist of it, so personally I don't think it's unhealthy or murderboney.
Murderbone is going on a murdering rampage. Is setting up a complex and elaborate system, with a lot of space for RP, fearRP and whatnot, to kill only three people out of the manifest, a murdering rampage? Absolutely not. It sounds ridiculous. Is every kill of a character murderbone now? Is every gimmick that involves death of characters murderbone now?
But these are my two cents. I wasn't present in the round anyway.


I'll tell everyone what happened from my perspective.

I join probably 20 minutes into the round, roam around after getting a toolbelt, enter the bar as Harper. There's a roboticist who Harper perceives as picking on Oliver Lloyd as not working when there was already another scientist working science. After probably about 10 minutes security arrives, and Oliver is on the other side of the bar. He starts calling for Harper's attention and she comes over to see the Ninja holding Oliver at gunpoint. Soon after the Ninja teleports away and we tell security. I return to the bar after everyone has left, and the Ninja approaches me, telling me their whole schtick. What was not made apparent was the Ninja needing three people to actually die, and that I couldn't name them. Saig shoots them with the shotgun and I take this chance to run and call for security. Apparently Oliver had named me "accidentally" which, frankly, to me, seems like an excuse to kill me. I run to robotics once I see them approaching me in the central ring, Nikit sees them, and hits the shutters. The antag teleports in and tells me to choose or die. I choose the antag and they shoot me in the chest with shrapnel. At this point the shutters are opened and I run out of robotics to prevent myself from being shot more. I see the Ninja give chase and go to move the opposite direction (to security), when security shows up. The antag either teleports or goes invisible. Thinking that I'm safe for now, I go in for surgery to fix my broken ribs and to get the shrapnel out of me. While I'm under anesthesia, they've literally just opened me up when the Ninja appears, pulls me off the table, and literally starts trying to decapitate me. They succeed, and fuck off. 

I'm sorry if I seem emotionally charged. I did ahelp this and Yonnimer responded, but I have no idea what the verdict was, and I ahelped for gank. But that's not my issue.

My issue is how they went about this. Instead of playing by their own rules, they tell me that they're immune to their rules and they're allowed to cheat. This could have been avoided if the antag had literally decided to name someone. I had no fun whatsoever during the entire gimmick, and it made me almost sit out an entire round. What was the story? You're hunting people? What makes this gimmick fun? 

I also have a suspicion that you saw the chance to kill me and you took it because I know you don't like Harper. You've expressed this to me several times in DMs and in OOC. Your main character, Fernando, literally goes out of his way to berate Willow whenever he can. You even state in those DMs that you don't like interacting with Harper, which is fine, cool. I have a feedback thread you could post on. 

I'm not mad because I died, I'm mad because of how you handled the situation and how you refuse to accept my feedback because I'm "mad" about dying and I'm one of the people you targeted.


Your suspicion is wrong.  I told Oliver to name someone, he called out Willow Harper to call you over.  I figured that was the best I was going to get, and it seems I was right, as everyone else opted to just go 'no u' at me and not participate in the gimmick, yourself included.

Fernando likes your characters better than I like you as a player.  That's not to say I hate you- I think you grasp attention at the cost of immersion,  I think you're kind of iffy at RP, and I find you annoying.  But I also know you're very young, I expect these things from a young player.  I've said all of this multiple times, and have said you're learning and improving multiple times as well.  But I keep OOC and IC separate.  My characters don't share my opinions.  I don't ICly dislike anyone for OOC reasons, and I don't OOC dislike anyone for IC reasons.  I think this post highlights that keeping OOC and IC separate is an issue you may still be struggling with.  Keep in mind, the point of an antagonist is to antagonize.

Posted (edited)

I was the surgeon that was present during Harper's murder (Playing as P.A.T.C.H.)

I'm not sure about the history between all parties involved, so I am simply going to present what I witnessed from my point of view.

I had just placed Willow Harper under anesthetics and opened up her chest cavity, and was about to apply bio gel and remove some shrapnel, when the Ninja player appeared in the doorway. Being a robot, I did not react to it right away, and simply continued the surgery. The ninja player moved in and grabbed Willow Harper from the table, and dragged them into the other operating room to the aft of the station. PATCH buzzed, and moved to attempt to recover it's patient, before that could be achieved, the ninja player wordlessly decapitated Harper, and said "It is done" and teleported away.

These actions essentially lead to Harper being a vegetable for the rest of the round, as we had to re-attach her head and clone her. She unfortunately contracted the trauma that makes you fall asleep, so her round was ruined for quite some time after this while I tried to figure out how to fix it (I am still learning the trauma system). Eventually a Psychologist showed up and was able to make some progress there, and I suppose that did generate some RP for the round, though I am unsure how engaging it would be for Harper's player.

Now I understand the gimmick that was being attempted, but I just wanted to say that in general I find that ripping unconscious players out of the middle of surgery just seems like poor sportsmanship. I don't understand why the ninja's player couldn't have waited until she was released to follow through with their threats, at least then Harper's player would have had a chance to role play back or defend themselves. I never play antags, so I don't understand the ins and outs of them, so take what I am saying with a grain of salt, but from my perspective this was a bit scummy, I didn't get the vibe of a cat playing with a toy like you wanted, it just seemed like cold blooded murder of a sleeping person from my eyes.

If you need anything more from me just PM me, I hope my account provides some clarity.


Edited by StationCrab

i bounce for a few months and i come back to this and...i just want to point a few things out.

1. what do ninjas do? they murder. they sabotage. they steal. they're stealthy. note the murder part. that's kind of crucial to their identity.

2. when do ninjas strike? when their target is vulnerable.

a huge reason i got bored for as long as i did is this: we're asking antags to trade off believability for the sake of rp. a mustache-twirling antag that gives me a million winks and nudges before leading up to a botched kill might scare my character but it provides no tension or entertainment to me. the whole point of antags is to create conflict for the sake of entertainment. going through the motions of fear rp when i know they can't kill me or they'll get bwoinked is not entertaining. we need to chill tf out about dying in a round because that shit happens and if it's believable, it makes a better story. that's a sacrifice i wish more people would start making.

and what's really getting on my nerves here is this: resi did plenty of mustache-twirling. there was build-up here.

can anyone seriously argue that if someone is the target of a skilled and invisible assassin, that they wouldn't be attacked during literally the most ideal opportunity: surgery?

yeah, they were defenseless but... that's...kind of the point? they could have gone without anesthetics, or a million other things, they did put themselves into that position knowing they're being chased by what we need to start thinking of as a lethal, dangerous assassin. 

in what world is it believable for someone to say, "yeah, this teleporting invisible guy with an electric sword for an arm is chasing me, but just put me under, doc"?

any problem with antags that murder targets when they put themselves into comically vulnerable positions should be reconsidered or directed toward the gamemode itself. it's not like harper was afk or forced to loudly declare, "medical, i need surgery."

i wouldn't have posted but i'm really fucking passionate about ninjas. they're the coolest shit. ninjas in space are even cooler. ninjas in space that are merciless death machines that could be watching you, waiting to strike fucking terrify me. the best ninja rounds i've ever had have ended with me or my friends dying terrible, silent deaths. it made a believable story to tell where characters we're attached to still ultimately fail in the end because at the end of the day they're just a fucking janitor and the ninja is a goddamn ninja.

Posted (edited)

peace wizards are the worst and ninjas who just steal are the worst. sometimes it's fun to just unload on people and end a round quickly; you are always free to quickly hop on another server if you dieand ?subscribe in discord. I think it sucks to have to make someone write a whole story/gimmick on the spot ... when their antaging is not only random it's often secret.

the alternative to being murdered by a ninja is sitting around doing more bar rp or waiting for security to deal with it, I get being upset for being targeted but being targeted is better then being literally randomly ganked.


i think it's silly a malf ai can vent the entire station and borgs can run around murdering people with not an eye batted but we have to create complex justifications for antags.


murder boning is killing 14 people in a row in the most op way possible, cutting their legs off and locking them in a room.


i'd take a high intensity round with a gimmick like this then an over played, over dramatic chase thats dragged out to one and a half hours because...it ends quickly

Edited by Ferguson

I'm going to be honest. I don't care about how you intended the gimmick to go. I don't care about what IC interaction you had with who and why and how.


What you did was then go onto discord almost immediately after you died, and start talking to people in discord about how bad, in your opinion, they RP'd. I don't care who you are and why you did haynow, don't talk about the round while it's still going, and definitely don't do that SAME THING in a manner that expresses disdain over thier rp. Leave it for after the damn round. The complaints that you came to these people in discord appeared before the shuttle call even arrived.

You can't even try to evidence them imo. You came out of this knowing you were upset, and still decided to tell THEM what THEY did wrong before you calmed down. I feel that is...highly, highly irresponsible.

I myself, as Aegis, got tired of that gimmick really, really fast. The whole rules thing was really whack and didn't make sense until you were actually in front of someone. Coming after the someone in surgery is admittedly low, but it can be excused sometimes. Until this complaint, I'd thought Willow had been alive to witness their death. Nope, killed them while they slept for some arbitrary gimmick reason.


Nomatter how you dice it, and comparing this to my own experiences, this is a gank. 


Now for the skrell. I thought they acted in a valid manner. A serial killer attempting to kill someone? Why didn't you think about the fact that you were attacking the 2nd most logical-minded species on the station? That's about as foolish as attacking a vaurca under the guise of being Lii'dra. They responded in a way most skrell would: stalling. And you were stalled. Shoot their arm or something. You had a 9mm, it's not like it would have killed them, and it definitely would have changed some minds.

Then you apparently chloral'd them, wich I completely missed despite being nearby.

Then you blew up, both literally and figuratively, and now we're here. Don't want to get complainted on?



Don't go complaining to the people who you were against.


As a note, in this round you ion’d me as I was talking. I didn’t complain about it.

 I assumed taco would be okay with me telling him I didn’t like a thing (and look, in his screen shots, he thanked me for doing so).  We have no rules over private discord conversations.  Was I abrasive and cunty in my message? Yeah, a little bit.  I was annoyed.  I thought I was telling a friend ‘hey I’m annoyed’ and I thought when that friend responded with, and note that I am quoting here, “I thank you for that approach”, it was okay.


The situation with Harper was deemed not a gank in round by a mod because of all the lead up to it, I thanked yonni for his input and agreed not to kill another person in surgery.


I don’t care if you don’t like the gimmick, as far as I’m aware, it was a valid gimmick.  Since this complaint has gone up I’ve been DM’d plural times asking if they can borrow the gimmick.  Frankly, I hope more antags are willing to kill people in the future, and I hope this case sets a precedent for being able to murder as an antag, because I’m getting very tired of peace ninjas and wizards and cults and raiders. I’ve had people looc promise not to kill me because they’re terrified of getting in trouble for killing someone on aurora. In my experience, you are more likely to die to security fucking up than antags.

I love BRAINOS’ point about sacrificing realism to instead arbitrarily give everyone infinite chances to live. Harper had ways to avoid death, we’ve discussed this. Plural ways, even. She literally could have just said “kill this person not me”, or had surgery in a less predictable place while there was a RUTHLESS TRAINED KILLER after her, or gone wheelchair bound while said killer was still alive. 

I’d love to die in game more often if it meant more tension in rounds, I think that’s a sacrifice more players should be willing to make.



Congratulations for missing the point in a variety of ways.


They said "thank you" because you decided to tell them you saved them from something that was in your hands to begin with, as they additionally pointed out. Then you decided to add in some shady-a[==] extra 2 cents about learning your lesson on the value if someone's rp skills. If you couldn't tell by the end of that conversation that what you did was unwarranted, no use in telling you what you did wrong. You aren't going to listen.


Since you missed the point of the beginning of my post, let me sum it up: irrespective of what happens in a round, one should still never ooc about the round in any form while it is still going, with the added caveat that one should not additionally be going to that person to complain.


Also, extra lil' swangy-swang, I shot you because you had already killed someone. You had plenty of chances to run away and had already established that you were hear for no other reason than a weirdo murder game.


The gimmick is completely valid. There is a huge distinction between murderboning and just having a gimmick with murder in it. Only thing i am having trouble tracking is who/when took it to OOC. Did resilynn begin speaking in the discord lobby about this after they died and THEN PMed people about it or was it just PMs?

Posted (edited)
10 minutes ago, Garnascus said:

The gimmick is completely valid. There is a huge distinction between murderboning and just having a gimmick with murder in it. Only thing i am having trouble tracking is who/when took it to OOC. Did resilynn begin speaking in the discord lobby about this after they died and THEN PMed people about it or was it just PMs?

I DM'd taco during the round, those private discord screenshots. This never went to a discord lobby.  After the round, after we'd agreed to disagree in our  PMs, it moved to an OOC server argument in the server lobby.

Edited by Resilynn
I said private PMs like an idiot and added some more detail about when this moved to OOC.

I do really want to stress, not only did they contact me during a round, literally said my RP was shit and thought apparently I was okay with that, but they also openly admitted twice to using OOC information regarding who was playing characters to control who they interacted with as an antag. Her line about "I would never have picked her because she is on my 'not good to RP with' list" is, unquestionably, Metagrudge.

Posted (edited)

It’s true, when I antag there are people I try to avoid because they have a consistent history of poor interaction and I’d rather get to do my gimmick with everyone else- for example, there are captains I won’t make certain rev gimmicks when they’re working because I know they’ll immediately question the announcement and wait an hour for a fax to do anything. There are characters I won’t try to blackmail because every time I have they go ‘no you’ and it doesn’t go anywhere. 

I think this is normal. I won’t go out of my way to kill someone because I ooc dislike them. I won’t go out of my way to not involve them, clearly, since I did involve rosetango because the way the round went meant I had IC reason to. But absolutely when I’m picking 2 people off a manifest that I think are going to be good first targets for something like this, I’m going to avoid people who have a consistent history of not working well with gimmicks like this.



i also want to note, rosetango is claiming I metagrudged by killing her, you’re claiming I metagrudged by not making her my first target to kill. These can’t both be true.  

Edited by Resilynn
Added last paragraph

I'm going to reiterate my points.

1. I know for a fact that Resi does not like me as a player, and does not like my characters. I feel as if Resi, ICly, has gone out of her way several times to actively hate on Harper as Fernando, on comms, to her face, and behind her back. See the discord logs above, and here, her original post before she edited it out.


"Fernando likes your characters better than I like you as a player." This says leagues about how Resi feels about me. Fernando consistently goes out of his way to berate Willow. I remember one event round, I was called to robotics as a cargo technician. As soon as I get there, Fernando looks to Harper and asks her, "where's your mop?" He has also berated Willow numerous times based on rank and has implied that Willow is stupid or lacks intelligence. If Fernando likes my characters better than Resi likes me as a player, I think I can conclude that regardless of what Resi says, that she does, in fact, hate me. The fact that she decapitated me as a frequent CMO player, tells me something very important. I feel as if she had the intention to keep me out of the round, knowing that most people are not cloned. Yonni said themselves that I was the first person they had seen cloned in a month.

I also feel as if I'm being treated as lesser because I am a "young" player. I am by no means young. I am 17. In a little more than half a year, I will be 18. I feel as if I'm being treated like a child, instead of an adult, as I should be. This isn't the first time she's said something like that to me, either.

2. I am not complaining about the gimmick involving murder. I am complaining about how Resi went about the gimmick, and how I feel almost certain that Resi went out of her way to kill me. Resi did not have to say that Oliver "accidentally" named Harper, even clearly knowing that Oliver called Harper over, but she did. Resi didn't have to teleport into surgery, pull me off the table mid-surgery, run around stabbing me in the head while I was under anesthesia until I was decapitated, but she did. She could have waited until I was out of surgery, but didn't. I would have been less mad if I had been objectively viewed as a threat, but Willow was a visitor, who was unarmed.

3. I think Resi has a misunderstanding of what Antagonists are supposed to do. Yes, they are supposed to provide conflict and they are supposed to antagonize, but they are also supposed to ensure that the round is fun, and ensure that the round is enjoyable for most. Even after being told by four different people that were directly involved and/or affected by the gimmick, that how she went about things was not enjoyable, and did not make their round fun in any way, she refuses to just acknowledge that what she did was wrong and apologize for it, and reassure us that it won't happen again.

3 minutes ago, Rosetango said:

Even after being told by four different people that were directly involved and/or affected by the gimmick, that how she went about things was not enjoyable, and did not make their round fun in any way, she refuses to just acknowledge that what she did was wrong and apologize for it, and reassure us that it won't happen again.

I fully intend to do this gimmick again.


That was not the point of that one entirely, and what you said I feel was incredibly spiteful. I was saying to reassure us that the mistakes wouldn't happen again.

As for "this isn't the first time she's said this to me" tidbit, here is a comment by her when I talked to her about something unrelated, around the time Burger made a complaint.



I'll elaborate.  


I do not have to like you, I have to be cordial to you.  Which I am.  You frequently insist people give you feedback, but you complain when I give you feedback.

Fernando is a character.  Sukhoi called you over assuming you were a janitor, Fernando made a comment about where's your mop.  How is this some kind of horrible harassment?  Your character says he killed people over comms because he was too busy in surgery to respond to an emergency, he calls you an idiot and points out you're a janitor.  That is not harassment.  He is classist and arrogant.  He believes he is better than pretty much everyone.  That is the character.  Playing a dick is not against the rules.  Not OOCly liking someone is not against the rules, and if you are so desperate for me to like you, things like this aren't helping.

I already explained that my gimmick was established well before I killed you, and have explained how killing you fit into that gimmick.  If you're not upset I murdered you, why are you claiming you're mad I tried to 'permanently keep you out of the round' by murdering you.  I also explained, again, in those private DMs, that I would have preferred not interacting with you at all, but the gimmick demanded I do and I had no IC reason not to, so, to avoid metagaming, I did in a way that made sense for the character and gimmick.

Two people who I attacked in game and one person who saw a tiny bit of the attack said they weren't big fans of the gimmick.  Multiple people have told me they liked it and asked if they could borrow it since this complaint went up.  Garn has said the gimmick isn't murderboning.  So, yes, I intend to do it again.


I don't want you or need you to like me, Resi. Playing with you has gone from enjoyable to unenjoyable over the period of several months. I didn't want to bring this up here either, but I used to enjoy playing any character around Fernando. But, I honestly cannot recall a time when I've had a positive experience with you or Fernando or any of your other characters in the past 3~ months. I want to enjoy playing with you. I want to enjoy interacting with you. But experiencing negative after negative OOC interaction, such as you belittling me for factors out of my control like my age, even after going out of my way to avoid you or minimize interaction with you, I feel like my OOC experience has begun to be affected. Although you are by no means required to listen to me, I would appreciate it if the hostility within every interaction we have is eased up on. Playing a dick isn't against the rules, neither is not liking someone OOCly, but what is against the rules is being a dick. I will not move from my stance that I believe that you have metagrudged me.

I also think the gimmick did not demand you to kill me. It was up to you to decide whether or not Oliver calling me over was naming me or not. You had the option of saying that it wasn't, given that he was simply calling for my attention, but you didn't. You chose to kill me.


I want to address this point, too, before this gets resolved.  

"I also feel as if I'm being treated as lesser because I am a "young" player. I am by no means young. I am 17. In a little more than half a year, I will be 18. I feel as if I'm being treated like a child, instead of an adult, as I should be. This isn't the first time she's said something like that to me, either." @Rosetango

I'm not insulting you for being young.  All I've done is excuse the things that annoyed me: mostly, getting loudly involved and abrasive on the radio frequently, because you are young.  I've said, over and over again, I don't like this, but it's okay because you're improving.  I haven't called you stupid for being young.  Or less important.  Or less valid.  I've just said you're learning, and, repeatedly, improving.  And I understand that this can come across as condescending, I don't mean it to be.  Keep in mind, my entire profession revolves around understanding exactly where a 17 year old is in development (brain development doesn't stop until the late 20s, I'm not fully developed either).  When I've said you're young, I've never meant it as a synonym for stupid or worthless.  I've meant it as, again, you have room to learn and you will learn.  You've said yourself, multiple times, that you're learning and trying to improve.  And you will improve.

And yes, I should have worded this better in the past.  And I should have made sure you knew I didn't mean it as an insult, and I absolutely see how you could have read it as "fuck you your brain isn't developed all the way yet move along", which would be utterly shitty if that's how I'd meant it.


Listen, I dunno what the beef is between you two but it needs to not happen here. Or anywhere related to the server. You're more than welcome to block each other or quit it. Unless someone explicitly tells you "yes i am ok with you PMing me if you dont like how i RPed" then do not do it. From the posts done by rosetango and the OP here it seems like they do not want you to do it. So dont. Your IC play here was acceptable. There is nothing wrong with the gimmick you did and i just do not think you targeted rosetango specifically. 


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