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[Resolved] Player Complaint - L0rd_English

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BYOND Key: CampinKiller
Game ID: bXS-c2ql
Player Byond Key: L0rd_English
Staff involved: Yonnimer
Reason for complaint: Powergaming and gank, as well as widely fucking with atmos (or whatever it is that k'ois fucks with)
Did you attempt to adminhelp the issue at the time? If so, what was the known action taken by administration/moderation? Yes, Yonnimer said they were spoken to
Approximate Date/Time: December 18, approx 2:30 PM Central Time (GMT-6)


So, I don't have an issue with dying to antags in the slightest. It happens, it's part of the game, I main Sec (so I'm inevitably a target of antags), and so I don't have an issue with it. What I do have an issue with is someone suddenly releasing spored k'ois everywhere  without the slightest hint of buildup, or interaction. One minute, everything's (relatively) fine, and the next, there is spored k'ois literally everywhere. As if that's not enough, said k'ois plants are modified to sting people and teleport them somewhere else. Guess what happened? The person in question hides on the construction level and teleports 4 people outside with said plants as they tried to rescue their friends in the elevator that got 2 viscerator grenades randomly thrown at them (I believe without interaction as well). That's a level of gank and powergaming that is pretty hard to rival, in my opinion.






Here's just a few examples. Not included is the main lift/primary hallway spores that had to get cleaned up for anyone to do anything. Oh, and as I was waiting for round end to post, they did it in Departures, too, for the memes, from their stealth-camo tech thingy. And again on the shuttle



Posted (edited)

all of that was modified eggplant with some k'ois genes. i dont believe they ever emitted the koispaste reagents, given there were exactly 0 mentions of mycosis icly and through deadchat while i was observing.

Edited by Scheveningen

I was witness to the elevator hell, from my perspective in Dchat, they all arrived on construction, someone threw an EMP and the elevators locked so they crowbar'd the doors open, I immediately saw two manhack grenades going in, which proceeded to wipe everyone out, as it was 12 manhacks synchronised hitting, everyone went down one by one, when they stood back up, the synchronised drone cuts immediately killed them, this happened with Zahra, an Engineer and Asher, who were all killed, Brian came up as K'ois was already on the level and was TP'd outside, he succumbed to pressure since the door was bolted, the antag, who I still have no clue who it was, it was one of them but in the chaos I couldn't tell, I didn't witness any interaction, they just dropped two manhack nades which wiped out half of security, because manhacks are surprisingly dangerous, and 12 of them hitting at the same time pretty much critted before anyone could take one down. At least that is what I saw.

5 hours ago, CampinKiller said:

I believe it was mentioned in DChat that they had a chameleon projector and threw all that crap while unseen

I think I saw someone mention in Looc that Thomas Atweeke was using a bug to become entirely invisible, instead of hidden as something like a cig butt like chameleon projectors are supposed to do. The only warning that there would be a kois outbreak (I was nikit that round, and right across the hallway from him) was I think was one mention of kois on the science channel which got ignored because everyone was busy with something else.


I don't believe it was actual k'ois because I was Gracie without internals and running around in that shit the entire time it was releasing it's spores. It WAS teleporting people into random places and that was almost unbearable to get around

Yes, he was invisibly throwing them. He did it on the shuttle ride home. That was seen by myself. People asked how he was doing it and I'm unsure if he ever responded. It was beleived he was using the cham projector and using an item that didn't have a sprite.

Just now, Scheveningen said:

i don't think the community is privy to knowing who was banned for what, i'm sorry to say, unpopular of an opinion as it is.

I'd agree. If Yonni's handed out a punishment for it, then the PC isn't needed. If they think Yonni didn't handle it right, then it's a Staff Complaint, not a Player Complaint.

Bug needs to be fixed though, that's for certain.


That doesn't bother me at all, I just think, since they didn't know, they figured they should make a complaint? Isn't that a decent idea instead of letting it go by, if no action was taken? I think if action was taken their isn't need for it too. I didn't know their was.

Posted (edited)

Oh, hello! 

I am Thomas Atweeke, L0rd_English

I got a note for being invisible on shuttle (still don't know how it happened), but explained viscerator issue (and many points in OP are incorrect).

Anyone knows if I should still go and explain my side here? I got all the time to go through, if anyone's interested

Edited by Diona Gestalt (654)
20 hours ago, Hendricks said:

I was witness to the elevator hell, from my perspective in Dchat, they all arrived on construction, someone threw an EMP and the elevators locked so they crowbar'd the doors open, I immediately saw two manhack grenades going in, which proceeded to wipe everyone out, as it was 12 manhacks synchronised hitting, everyone went down one by one, when they stood back up, the synchronised drone cuts immediately killed them, this happened with Zahra, an Engineer and Asher, who were all killed, Brian came up as K'ois was already on the level and was TP'd outside, he succumbed to pressure since the door was bolted, the antag, who I still have no clue who it was, it was one of them but in the chaos I couldn't tell, I didn't witness any interaction, they just dropped two manhack nades which wiped out half of security, because manhacks are surprisingly dangerous, and 12 of them hitting at the same time pretty much critted before anyone could take one down. At least that is what I saw.

To clarify this situation; I played the Officer who threw the EMP Grenade (and ran away when I realized it does absolutely nothing to manhacks and just blinded me), it occurred after the manhacks were deployed and half the people present were already downed.

Effectively we'd all come up to clear the 'Mutant Eggplants' that had the spreading property of k'ois and the aforementioned teleporting abilities, had about halfway cut through it all, and then I recall two manhack grenades effectively coming out of nowhere whilst I was in the fore section of that hallway cutting the plants up. Clusterfuck happens, manhacks aggro on the people close to the deployment, by the time I'd realized they couldn't handle the issue I tried the EMP (then ran the fuck off when it did nothing). During this entire sequence, I didn't see Atweeke once and past the two manhack deployments he didn't do anything in that engagement.

I'm entirely unfamiliar with the mechanics of xenobotany, so I'm not actually certain if the altered mutant eggplants could infect people as k'ois does, or if it might have simply been renamed k'ois.

Posted (edited)

Hello again, L0rd_English here.

So, at start of the shift, I had a plan of making some self-spreading tasty wheat to overtake station, trying to get some reaction off centcomm/spread to centcomm.

To do so, I made a mutation of eggplants that spread like k'ois, looked like k'ois and, to defend it, when fruit was squashed by a man, it would teleport everyone near.

First of all, I planted this stuff all over xenobiology. Officers saw the outbreak, officers contained it. I thought that, in process, they would familiarise themselves with biohazard: scan it to see it's just eggplant that can teleport, try to ask Thomas Atweeke/arrest him, see that it makes no plasma clouds, etc.

At this time, I also saw officers kill a rogue secborg + take a full EMP box to fight more. So, I had a genius plan to make them waste EMP's to help lil rogue robots: let manhacks on a man with EMP. 

I plant this stuff over surface toilets. But nobody came.

So, I go and plant my stuff all over Construction Zlevel and lifts, scan one eggplant k'ois leaf with that traitor thing that let's you assume look of items, hide under plants and wait.

Whole security team or something comes (success!), I sick grenades from outside of leaf, and then... EMP's don't work on Viscerators. And they are very deadly. And almost nobody lasers/punches them. Why. So, my plan changes to "spook off security and loot them/get the hell out of here/kill everyone on construction area". For I can't help people fight off viscerators that are still alive, and I can't run away, because using lifts will reveal my pressence by loosing k'ois eggplant leaf look, I try to teleport everyone who comes to rethrieve bodies. 

I don't think anyone gets the idea that they shouldn't walk in garden of teleporting k'ois and try to grab bodies tenth time if it didn't work nine times before (bodies are being slowly pulled away, so it kind of works).

I don't think anyone told anyone scanned k'ois outbreak in xenobotany and saw it can teleport people, at this point, because nobody reacts to that.

I start telling people from inside of my leaf to go away because I want to move on. And it doesn't work too.

While all this happens, I get "got a minute" from mods and explain my side of story. They let me go off while telling me that teleports might have killed someone on their own and I shouldn't use them without care, and that whole thing was too unexplained for crew (I gave them xenobiology outbreak to analysis everything and make all connections. Even showed them k'ois-looking eggplant seed while working in xenobotany, so they 100% knew who did it).

So, I get a genius plan. While nobody looks, I do what I feared to do before: I use lifts and run while trying to hide inside of a leaf, squishing eggplant to hide movement in clouds of gas (like I did on construction area before). It works, nobody catches me pressing buttons. I start going to escape shuttle (by the way, while I was doing my stuff, supermatter went kaboom, hence the shuttle) while telling everyone that koi's, eggplants or whatever everyone thought it was will come to escape. Was planting it along the way while moving in clouds of gas, screeching at everyone, telling engies walking near to "tell everyone k'ois comes to escape and will take over shuttle, please" because apparently, people had no idea about k'ois or something, admins said (i gave them all they would need to know). I slowly go through to escape while people are swearing because infection comes through. Somewhere at this point, my sprite might have gone awool and *disappeared*. Don't know how.

I enter the shuttle and infect middle part of it, so any teleports don't send people to bluespace due to slow range, chatting with people about it. Then I slither to doors that lead to centcomm. Someone finally finds me by, they said in OOC later, I think, altclicking tiles. I dumbly stand in a bit and then click hotkey to use inhand item while trying to talk (had eggplant in hand from time I was hidden), teleporting myself off shuttle (and pressumebly someone who stood near) and misserably die.

Then people tell me I had no sprite and I chat about *it* with admins for ten minutes, getting a note for.


+I had ooc toggled off because at roundstart people were trying to toggle AOOC and I joined in finding the solution, and I forgot to toggle it on. I toggled it on only when roundend OOC is empty, and so I miss half of complaints from players in OOC. Not sure if it's a needed detail.

+ Radio went offline due to supermatter, or something, so communication about k'ois was lacking

+ Medbay said no to cloning officers, so they had even more problems then dying

Result: note for bugabuse using "NULLsprite" or something (still don't know how to reproduce, but I don't think bug's githubbed, even with people talking about it in ooc). No notes for eggplant spread, but I was told to give more flags to crew about things happening (whole xenobiioooloogyy was my flag) 

Sorry for language, I am not native speaker, I am russian. Do you need any more details?

Edited by Diona Gestalt (654)

Apologies for the delay on this. RTNP and I have decided to resolve this complaint with a warning to @Diona Gestalt (654). It will be applied once this complaint is archived.

We found that while you had an excellent plan and did make an attempt to hint at what was to come, you didn't do enough to justify throwing the first manhack grenades on the construction level. More warnings to leave the plants alone, through verbal contact or physically putting yourself between them and the plants (possibly pushing them, as well) should have been attempted first.

Essentially, you're being warned because you didn't provide enough escalation before using the manhacks to kill everyone/severely injure those on the construction level. You essentially ganked people, and while we appreciate the hints you tried to drop with Xenobiology and the Surface toilets, it wasn't enough by itself to justify the actions on the construction level.

It should be noted that this was the intended original resolution on server, but the handling moderator has to go quickly and it slipped through the cracks. The other issue reported by this complaint, that of L0rd_English being invisible on the shuttle, was handled in round by staff and we won't be changing that here.

This will be left open for 24 hours for any closing comments.

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