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Garnascus Staff Complaint

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BYOND Key: Rosetango
Staff BYOND Key: Garnascus
Game ID: bZk-awwi
Reason for complaint: He turned me into a highlander at the end of a round while I was in the middle of roleplaying.
Evidence/logs/etc: K3PVyNd.png


Additional remarks:


We are allowed to admin-bus at round end. I haven't done a highlander thing in a while so i figured it would be fun. I am slightly empathetic to it interrupting you during your round end RP but it does not change my opinion of "we might do some silly things at round end". Turning everyone into a highlander is pretty rarely done.


Chipping in a bit, didn't you do a highlander at most 2 weeks ago, and at least 1 week ago? Because I was there to free Scotland during one of those rounds. While funny, I honestly think highlander should only be done during a vote rather than all of a sudden so that people who are already roleplaying don't have to contend with the person next to them instantly breaking character and then chopping people's heads off. I don't think the concern 'I was already roleplaying' should be dismissed in favor of doing a round-end highlander.


I was in this round! There was this whole thing where a bunch of us were confronting Corvo, who was trapped in the bridge, and then the agent turned into a highlander. Not all of us, just the one.


It was pretty dumb.


There was another highlander at roundend somewhat recently, but the only I remember was the seventeenth of February. 


A vote sounds fine, but I feel that the amount of people saying yes and people saying no should be accounted for, because sometimes we end up with something like 22 Yes and 21 No on event votes.


Taking in consideration what has been discussed here, I think this complaint is solved. If admins are doing something of the like, they should consider a vote, I will also relay this to the rest of staff and probably put somewhere in our directives.

I will mark this complaint as solve and I will close it in around 24 hours.

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