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A General Chemistry Guide (11/01/2021 Update)

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Posted (edited)

    First and foremost, credits to this guide can be attributed to various players (Contextual, SoulTheif96, ChloralCocktails, SadKermit), as this guide wouldn't have been possible without them.
    Welcome to A General Chemistry Guide, written since there's no Chem guide updated with our system of BrainMed (which can be daunting to adapt to and learn) and based off Exia's incredible guide (old), as well as a culmination of tips and tricks from the accredited folk. The purpose of this general guide is to provide something to help new folks into Chemistry in case there's no one who can orient them, or for those who don't want the orientation ICly because ain't nobody got time for that. Do keep in mind that this ISN'T an official Guide, and that your own experiences and fridge stock may vary. In fact, I encourage you to vary them as you please.
    Last updated: 11/01/2021 - Saline Plus tweak and Coagzolug!

Table of Contents
    This is a general introduction to the Fridge Stock, which is separated into 4 categories (Basics, Specialized, Stabilizers and Blood Supplements), alongside a Resupplying section and a TL;DR List. This guide will also have a handful instruction for producing 1 bottle or more. These instructions will assume you'll only need to use the Large Beaker and the Dropper for production. Instead of a character stock, this guide will present the possible chems for each category with their Pros, Cons and Frequency of Use. Most information has been checked and confirmed in according to round-to-round experience or code diving. Keep those in mind as what you may choose to prepare or not. Your mileage may vary.
    The instruction format considers 1 Liquid Bottle as 60u, with Specific Transfer rates and Sequence as to what is put into the Large Beaker, again keeping in mind the limited space of your Large Beaker (120u). (06/12/2020 Update: Guide Rework)

    Note: Inaprovaline and Dylovene are the precursors to many, many chemicals. Here's the recipe for convenience.


Inaprovaline (Pros: A Miracle Stabilizer. Slows bleeding (Normal and Arterial). Regulates Heartbeat (both from Low and High rates). Light Painkiller. Reduces effect of Low Blood Oxy and Brain Damage rate. Helps breathing if the heart has stopped. | Cons: Acetone and Carbon heavy. | Frequency of Use: All the damn time and for a damn good reason.)
1 Liquid Bottle = 20 Acetone, 20 Sugar, 20 Carbon
2 Liquid Bottles = 40 Acetone, 40 Sugar, 40 Carbon

Dylovene (Pros: Minor Kidney and Liver Healing. Reduces Drowsiness. Removes Zombie Powder and Toxins from patients. | Cons: Ammonia and Potassium heavy. Probably hurts Diona (need to confirm) | Frequency of Use: Good for Scrubber Mindbreaker Toxin cases, and Spider Cases to help prevent further damage until Dialysis can be performed in the Sleepers.)
1 Liquid Bottle = 20 Ammonia, 20 Potassium, 20 Silicon
2 Liquid Bottles = 40 Ammonia, 40 Potassium, 40 Silicon

Tricordrazine (Pros: Heals both Brute and Burn damage. If Heated, heals more Brute than Burn. If Colder, heals more Burn than Brute. Excuse to use the Chemical Heater. | Cons: It now has an Overdose mark (30u). RIP to 500u Tricord in people. Very slow acting. | Frequency of Use: Very useful when there are no Chemists active to help.)
1 Liquid Bottle = 30 Inaprovaline (10 Acetone, 10 Sugar, 10 Carbon), 30 Dylovene (10 Ammonia, 10 Potassium, 10 Silicon)
2 Liquid Bottles = 60 Inaprovaline (20 Acetone, 20 Sugar, 20 Carbon), 60 Dylovene (20 Ammonia, 20 Potassium, 20 Silicon)

    The Basics are often called like such since they're considered a general basic requirement for the fridge. With this category done (plus Alkysine, Thetamycin, Adrenaline, and Blood Supplements), you could technically chill out and be on stand-by until someone ask for/needs something specific. Try to keep these stocked when you can. Personal recommendation is to stock at least 4x bottles of Butazoline, Dermaline and Dexalin Plus, with Peridaxon at 3x. (06/12/2020 Update: Guide Rework)


Bicaridine (Pros: Chance to Heal Arterial Bleeding when overdosed at 30u. (Patient HAS to metabolize at least 20u as per Overdose Mark, remaining 10u will have the Arterial Bleeding Heal chance) | Cons: Weaker than Butozaline. Severe Dehydration and Moderate Genetic Damage if used with Butozaline (even at 5u) | Frequency of Use: If you have a Surgeon/Medical Robot, you likely won't need it as an alternative treatment to Arterial Bleeding. Personal recommendation is to have at least 2x bottles prepared, as then it'd give a more patient-comfortable alternative and it's still useful at Moderate healing rate.)
1 Liquid Bottle = 10 Acetone, 10 Sugar, 40 Carbon
2 Liquid Bottles = 20 Acetone, 20 Sugar, 20 Carbon, 30 Carbon (x2)

Butazoline (Pros: Stronger than Bicaridine. | Cons: Itchness and Dehydration side effects (uncomfortable for patients). Severe Dehydration and Moderate Genetic Damage if used with Bicaridine (even at 5u). Doesn't heal Arterial Bleeding. | Frequency of Use: Preferred for most cases, especially during sudden influx.)
1 Liquid Bottle = 20 Bicaridine, 20 Aluminum, 20 Hydrochloric Acid
2 Liquid Bottles = 40 Bicaridine, 40 Aluminum, 40 Hydrochloric Acid

Kelotane (Pros: Eh... | Cons: Severe Dehydration and Moderate Genetic Damage if used with Dermaline. Overdose (20u) may cause Face Disfiguration. Carbon heavy. | Frequency of Use: It's still good as an patient-comfortable alternative with Moderate healing rate.)
1 Liquid Bottle = 30 Carbon, 30 Silicon
2 Liquid Bottles = 60 Carbon, 60 Silicon

Dermaline (Pros: Stronger than Kelotane. | Cons: Low Overdose mark (15u). Itchness and Dehydration side effects (uncomfortable for patients). Severe Dehydration and Moderate Genetic Damage if used with Kelotane. | Frequency of Use: Preferred for most cases. 5u is usually enough due to potency.)
1 Liquid Bottle = 20 Kelotane (10 Carbon, 10 Silicon), 20 Acetone, 20 Phosphorus
2 Liquid Bottles = 40 Kelotane (20 Carbon, 20 Silicon), 40 Acetone, 40 Phosphorus

Dexalin Plus (Pros: Twice as potent when inhaled (Autoinhalers or normal Inhaler). Oxygenates blood to 80%. | Cons: Low Overdose mark (15u). Not Effective with Blood Loss. Harmful to Vaurca. Acetone and Carbon heavy. | Frequency of Use: Can help keep Blood Oxygenation over 85% for Alyksine/Cataleptinol/Peridaxon to heal the brain. Go-To for Lung Case until Surgery/Peridaxon/Pneumalin are applied.)
1 Liquid Bottle = 20 Dexalin (2 Phoron, 40 Acetone), 20 Iron, 20 Carbon
2 Liquid Bottles = 40 Dexalin (4 Phoron, 40 Acetone (x2)), 40 Iron, 40 Carbon

Peridaxon (Pros: Versatile for most organs (exceptions: Brain (above Minor damage), Eyes, Appendix (if Appendicitis)). Alternative to most organ treatments if Surgeons/Medical Robots are not available. | Cons: Low Overdose mark (10u). Not Effective for Mechanical Organs. Disorientation side effects. Resources heavy. Consumes Phoron. | Frequency of Use: If there aren't Surgeons/Medical Robots available, or they aren't up to it, or the damage is Minor, it's very useful to have. Sometimes 5u is used to fully cap off Collapsed Lung cases, as Pneumalin may leave some Minor damage left.)
1 Liquid Bottle* = 10 Phoron, 30 Cryoxadone (20 Acetone, 10 Water, 10 Acetone), 30 Sodium, 30 Inaprovaline (10 Sugar, 10 Carbon, 10 Acetone), 10 Carbon (x3)

    *This method requires a minimum of 9 Phoron, actually, as 1 is consumed to produce the Dexalin, and further 3 to produce the Clonexadone (Therefore if you want to make more than 1 bottle of Peridaxon, just add 4 Phoron to the beaker). Also, the 10 Carbon is to be added carefully and to wait for it to react, otherwise you'll end up with a mess. If you have a Bluespace Beaker, you can just go ham and add 30 Carbon at once.

    As the name implies, the Specialized are usually only for specific cases and most often not required, but really useful to have prepared. The only ones really considered a requirement would be the Alkysine and Thetamycin. Keep in mind that Alkysine can only work when the Blood Oxygenation is above 85%. Personal recommendation is to prepare 2x Alkysine, 1x Oculine, as much as Pneumalin Inhalers (Small Inhaler Cartridges) you can, 1x Anti-Radiation and 2x Thetamycin. (11/01/2021 Update: Synaptizine Doesn't Damage Organs Anymore)


Alkysine (Pros: Significantly heals the Brain if dose is less than 2u (IV drip recommended). Minor Painkiller if above 2u. Prevents Stumbling. | Cons: Low Overdose mark (10u). Only works when Blood Oxy is above 85%. If Above 2u: Causes Dizziness, Chance to cause Dumbness, Muscle Weakness, Colorblindness. Ammonia heavy. | Frequency of Use: Brain Activity is Vital for BrainMed, therefore this will be needed a lot. Personal recommendation is to prepare at least 1x bottle for either ICU or GTR (for IVs), and to have a Dropper (transfer rate 1u) if you decide to take a bottle with you.)
1 Liquid Bottle = 30 Dylovene (10 Ammonia, 10 Potassium, 10 Silicon), 30 Hydrochloric Acid, 30 Ammonia

Oculine (Old: Imidazoline) (Pros: Reduces Blurry Visions. Removes Temporary Blindness. | Cons: Not Effective with Mechanical Eyes. Carbon heavy. | Frequency of Use: Depends, most cases are due to Engineering forgetting their goggles so it can depend how many are new or just forgot. Personal recommendation is to use Droppers to administer them for flavor, but they work injected without issues.)
1 Liquid Bottle = 30 Dylovene (10 Ammonia, 10 Potassium, 10 Silicon), 30 Hydrazine, 30 Carbon

Adipemcina (Pros: Heals Heart better than Peridaxon. | Cons: Not Effective for Mechanical Heart. Potassium heavy. | Frequency of Use: Rare. It's incredibly rare for only the heart to be damaged, yet if damaged it will affect the Blood Oxygenation.)
1 Liquid Bottle = 20 Dylovene, 20 Lithium, 20 Potassium
2 Liquid Bottles = 40 Dylovene, 40 Lithium, 40 Potassium

Pneumalin (Pros: More potent than Peridaxon for Lungs. | Cons: Only works when Inhaled. Low Overdose mark (15u). Lowers Heartrate. Weirdly doesn't heal Minor damage to Lungs. | Frequency of Use: Lungs collapse/get injured so damn much. Please for the love of GOD have this. Personal recommendation is to administer Inaprovaline as well and to give a bit of Peridaxon to fully top off the healing.)
1 Liquid Bottle = 30 Pulmodeiectionem, 30 Cough Syrup (10 Water, 10 Carbon, 10 Tungsten), 30 Copper
Pulmodeiecitonem 1 Liquid Bottle = 30 Fluvectionem (5 Hydrochloric Acid, 5 Sodium, 10 Ammonia, 10 Mercury), 30 Lexorin (10 Tungsten, 10 Ammonia, 10 Hydrazine, 5 Phoron(Catalyst))
Cough Syrup 1 Liquid Bottle = 20 Water, 20 Carbon, 20 Tungsten
    Prepare via labelling the Inhalers (2x), labelling and filling the Small Inhaler Cartridges (container volume 15u - 3 uses of the Inhaler) (4x or 6x), or Autoinhalers (container volume 5u - 1 use) (6x). There should be 1 box of Inhalers (2x Inhalers, 6x Small Inhaler Cartridges) in the Pharmacy lab and 1 box in the CMO's Office. You can also ask Science to print more Inhalers/Combat Inhalers (instantly administers), Small Inhaler Cartridges/Large Inhaler Catridges (container volume 30u), or more Autoinhalers (both Science and Cargo can print this one).

Ethylredoxrazine (Pros: Neutralizes Alcohol side effects and lowers BAC pretty fast. Reduces Dizziness, Drowsiness, Stuttering, and Confusion. | Cons: Acetone and Carbon heavy. | Frequency of Use: Rare. More useful when there's a planned party with alcohol involved, which then it's useful to have a lot of bottles.)
1 Liquid Bottle = 20 Dylovene, 20 Acetone, 20 Carbon

Hyronalin* (Pros: Pretty good at removing Radiation from the patient. | Cons: Severely Harmful to Diona. | Frequency of Use: Rare. Cases are either benign (light Radiation from Supermatter Engine or being caught in the Radiation Storm briefly) or Critical (Radioactive Anomaly, Uranium/Radium shenanigans). Personal recommendation is to have it prepared if there's a confirmed Uranium Golem around.)
1 Liquid Bottle = 30 Dylovene (10 Ammonia, 10 Potassium, 10 Silicon), 30 Radium
2 Liquid Bottles = 60 Dylovene (20 Ammonia, 20 Potassium, 20 Silicon), 60 Radium

Arithrazine* (Pros: Stronger than Hyronalin. | Cons: 60% to cause Brute Damage. Causes Itchness. Absolutely Harmful to Diona. (Used to damage Prosthetic Limbs, need to check if the bug is gone) | Frequency of Use: Even Rarer. Cases are either benign (light Radiation from Supermatter Engine or being caught in the Radiation Storm briefly) or Critical (Radioactive Anomaly, Uranium/Radium shenanigans). Personal recommendation is to prepare it in pill forms under 5u due to both potency and side effects.)
1 Liquid Bottle = 15 Dylovene (5 Ammonia, 5 Potassium, 5 Silicon), 15 Radium, 30 Hydrazine
2 Liquid Bottles = 30 Dylovene (10 Ammonia, 10 Potassium, 10 Silicon), 30 Radium, 60 Hydrazine

Ryetalyn (Pros: Instantly heals mutations from Radiation. Only 1u is needed. (May work sometimes for Eye Blindness cases, it's weird and I don't know why it works.) | Cons: Carbon heavy. | Frequency of Use: Rare. Used for Radiation Storm cases, people who messed with Mutone, and Anomalies cases. Again, only 1u is really needed.)
1 Liquid Bottle = 30 Arithrazine, 30 Carbon
(1u) Ryetalyn Pill Bottle (10x pills) = 5 Arithrazine, 5 Carbon

Thetamycin (Pros: Pretty fast to treat Infections. | Cons: Only works if there's more than 5u in the patient (Therefore a minimum of 6u/10u injection). Causes Vomitting, potency of it is higher the more Thetamycin is in the patient. | Frequency of Use: Burn Cases can get Infected easily if not treated with an Advanced Burn Kit/Ointment fast enough, or if the Surgeon hasn't washed their bloody hands (with or without gloves) between surgeries, during Organ/Limb Transplants, or someone Re-used a Syringe that was already used (Syringes are 1 use only regardless if it's the same patient or not). Personal recommendation is to Dialysis the rest out once the Infection is fully treated.)
1 Liquid Bottle = 30 Dylovene (10 Ammonia, 10 Potassium, 10 Silicon), 30 Cryptobiolin (10 Acetone, 10 Potassium, 10 Sugar)

Asinodryl (Old: Ondansetron) (Pros: Reduces chances of Vomitting. Your patient's comfort. | Cons: It's a pain to make. | Frequency of Use: Rare, mostly paired with Thetamycin for Patient Comfort.)
1 Liquid Bottle = 5 Tungsten (Catalyst), 20 Cetahydranime, 20 Synaptizine, 60 Water.
Cetahydramine 1 Liquid Bottle = 30 Inaprovaline (10 Acetone, 10 Sugar, 10 Carbon), 30 Crytobiolin (10 Acetone, 10 Potassium, 10 Sugar)
Synaptizine 1 Liquid Bottle = 20 Sugar, 20 Lithium, 20 Water
    Personal recommendation is to straight up make 3 bottles of Asinodryl to make sure no Synaptizine remains.

Verunol Syrup (Old: Ipecac) (Pros: Causes Vomitting if Ingested | Cons: Minor Organ damage if Injected. At least 10u needed. | Frequency of Use: Rare. Alternative to Stomach Pumps for ingested Toxins/Negative Substances. Your patient will be uncomfortable either way.)
1 Liquid Bottle = 20 Dylovene, 20 Ethanol, 20 Hydrazine
(10u) Pill Bottle (12x pills) = 40 Dylovene, 40 Ethanol, 40 Hydrazine
    Personal recommendation is to just use the Stomach Pumps in the Sleepers. Unless there's no energy in GTR/ICU.

Fluvectionem (Old: Calomel) (Pros: Removes 4u other reagents per 1u from patient's blood. Effect doubled if Overdosed (20u) | Cons: Minor-Moderate Organ Damage (Damages Organs if successful per reagent unit purged). Removes Blood if Overdosed. | Frequency of Use: Near to None. Just use Dialysis in the Sleepers. Poor alternative to Dialysis.)
1 Liquid Bottle = 10 Hydrochloric Acid, 10 Sodium, 20 Ammonia, 20 Mercury

Synaptizine (Pros: Moderate Painkiller. Reduces Weakness, Paralysis, Stunning. Removes Mindbreaker Toxin, Hallucinations, Blurry Vision, Confusion. | Cons: At this point it's Powergaming since it's a practically miracle chem with no negatives. | Frequency of Use: Either when shit is serious, or Mindbreaker Toxin cases. Personal recommendation is to NOT have it since Powergaming issues, unless you're specifically told to prepare it and it's, like, Red Alert. Even then, keep this in the Strict Storage inside the Pharmacy. 5u is often enough for Mindreaber Toxin cases.)
1 Liquid Bottle = 20 Sugar, 20 Lithium, 20 Water

    *You don't necessarily need to make both chemicals, only 1 general Anti-Radiation medication. Considering the Frequency of Use, you can vary their preparation however you live. Examples: Liquid Bottles of Hyronalin or Arithrazine, Hyronalin Pill bottle (16x 5u), Arithrazine Pill bottle (16x 2u), etc etc.

Scrubber Cases
Pulmodeiectionem (Pros: Removes 5u of reagents per 1u in the Lungs. | Cons: Low Overdose mark (10u). Minor Damage to Lungs. Causes Coughing. Minorly reduces Oxygenation. Uncomfortable for Patients. | Frequency of Use: Rare, but you never know when someone might get hit with Mindbreaker Toxin, Hyperzine, Ethanol, etc etc. Personal recommendation is to also serve 1u/2u of Peridaxon to heal the lung damage.)
1 Liquid Bottle = 30 Fluvectionem (5 Hydrochloric Acid, 5 Sodium, 10 Ammonia, 10 Mercury), 30 Lexorin (10 Tungsten, 10 Ammonia, 10 Hydrazine, 5 Phoron(Catalyst))
    Prepare via labelling and filling Autoinhalers (container volume 5u - 1 use) (6x). Typically only 1 autoinhaler may be needed.

    This category is separated into 2 subcategories and it's also the most versatile one to what you may want to make/provide as well as inventing stabilizing mixes.
    You can also make a Mortaphenyl-Perconol (Old: Tramadol-Paracetamol) 1:1 mix, or even straight up Oxycomorphine (Old: Oxycodone) pills (5u) at a limited quantity of pills available if you feel like it. Just keep in mind of each painkillers' side effects and be careful to not end up powergaming. (06/12/2020 Update: Guide Rework)


Perconol (Old: Paracetamol) (Pros: Moderate Painkiller. Helps with Fever. | Cons: There's already a fuckton of Perconol in the NanoMed Plus vendors (both Liquid and Pill form (10u)). | Frequency of Use: Moderate, especially for Patient comfort since it has no side effects.)
1 Liquid Bottle = 20 Mortaphenyl, 20 Sugar, 20 Water
2 Liquid Bottles = 40 Mortaphenyl, 40 Sugar, 40 Water

Mortaphenyl (Old: Tramadol) (Pros: Potent Painkiller. | Cons: Low Overdose mark (15u). Causes Blurry Vision, Confusion. Adverse Side Effects if BAC is above 0.03% (Hallucinations, Drugginess and Nausea). Causes Oxygen Deprivation if BAC is above 0.08%. Causes Overdose (Hallucinations, Restricted Breathing, Nausea) if used with Oxycomorphine. Acetone heavy. | Frequency of Use: Blurry Vision and Confusion can be treated with other chemicals which treat them (Example: Synaptizine).)
1 Liquid Bottle = 20 Inaprovaline, 20 Acetone, 20 Ethanol
2 Liquid Bottles = 40 Inaprovaline, 40 Acetone, 40 Ethanol

Oxycomorphine (Old: Oxycodone) (Pros: Hyper Potent Painkiller. Last Case Scenario Analgesic for Surgeries. | Cons: Low Overdose mark (10u). Causes Blurry Vision, Confusion. Adverse Side Effects if BAC is above 0.04% (Hallucinations, Druggines and Restricted Breathing). Causes Deafness, Drowsiness, Confusion and Derealization if used with Neurapan and Overdosing. Cause Mortaphenyl's Overdose (Hallucinations, Restricted Breathing, Nausea) if used with Mortaphenyl. | Frequency of Use: Rare. This is an INCREDIBLY powerful painkiller. Straight up Powergaming. Generally used when everything, and I do mean everything, is going to shit. 5u used to last long enough for most surgeries (need to confirm). Personal recommendation is if you want to make it, keep it at limited low dosage and put the bottle/pill bottle in the Restricted Storage inside the Pharmacy.)
1 Liquid Bottle = 5 Phoron (Catalyst), 60 Mortaphenyl, 30 Ethanol (2x)

    Stabilizers Proper
    I have no idea what to tell you now since we only have ONE proper Stabilizer remaining (Inaprovaline) and that Adrenaline is still very, very good to have. Stabilizing mixes are still encouraged if you want to try them. (11/01/2021 Update: Added the Coagzolug to this section mostly because it's also generally used through Autoinjectors)


Adrenaline (Pros: Restarts the Heart when 5u+ is present in the patient. | Cons: Not Effective if Heart is Necrotic, if it's a Mechanical Heart, or for Severe Blood Loss. Light Heart Damage if successful. Causes Hyperzine's Overdose (Hallucinations, Moderate Brute Damage) if used with Hyperzine. Acetone and Carbon heavy. | Frequency of Use: Vital when needed, but be aware of the patient's blood level and the cause of the injury. Not effective with Massive Systematic Organ Failure (caused by Toxins/Radiation).)
90u = 1 Phoron, 30 Acetone, 20 Carbon, 20 Sugar, 10 Iron, 10 Phosphorus, 10 Sulfur
    This method in specific is useful since you'll still have 55u Adrenaline remainder if you fill all box of Autoinjectors (7x) with it. You can ask Science/Cargo to make more Autoinjectors. (Alternatively you can order another box from Cargo Order, but it costs 1k+ credits. Which is insane.)

1 Liquid Bottle = 20 Inaprovaline, 20 Dexalin Plus, 20 Hyperzine
Inaprovaline 1 Liquid Bottle = 20 Acetone, 20 Sugar, 20 Carbon
Dexalin Plus 1 Liquid Bottle = 20 Dexalin (2 Phoron, 40 Acetone), 20 Carbon, 20 Iron
Hyperzine 1 Liquid Bottle = 20 Sugar, 20 Phosphorus, 20 Sulfur

Coagzolug (Pros: Slows Arterial Bleeding and general Bleeding pretty well. Slow Metabolization (means effects last long even at small quantities). So easy to make you don't need a Chemist. | Cons: Low Overdose mark (10u, damaging the heart once it ODs). | Frequency of Use: Depends. Sometimes it's one Arterial, but other times it's A LOT of Arterials at once. Good to have prepared for refills for the First Responders since they do get some autoinjectors with it)
1 Liquid Bottle = 60 Tricordrazine (10 Acetone, 10 Sugar, 10 Carbon, 10 Ammonia, 10 Silicon, 10 Potassium), 60 Cough Syrup (20 Water, 20 Carbon, 20 Tungsten)

Blood Supplements
    While simple, these can be upgraded if you have the reagents for them. Fill these to the brim of 16 pills per pill bottle. Addition of Saline Plus is incredibly helpful. (11/01/2021 Update: Saline Plus Recipe Tweak!)


Saline Plus (Pros: Restore Blood if injected lower than 2u (IV use necessary). Hydrates patients. High Metabolism rate (1.5u/tick). | Cons: Super Low Overdose mark (5u). Only works when Injected and only restores blood when lower than 2u is being injected. | Frequency of Use: So fucking useful. Oh my god. Blood Loss cases are serious and more often than not will be the frequent ailment during influx of patients. Lasers burn off Blood. Arterial Bleeding can be scary and affect multiple limbs. Please for the love of GOD make these.)
1 Liquid Bottle = 5 Phoron (catalyst), 15 Sugar, 30 Salt (15 Hydrochloric Acid, 15 Sodium), 30 Water (2x)
    Personal recommendation is to prepare some bottles and set them by ICU or the Surgery Wing (close to the IVs there). Be careful when making this, since the Phoron may react with the Salt if you change the sequence. Saline Plus works with all organic species.

Blood Supplement Pills
    Always handy to have to give a boost of blood recovery or just restoring blood in small quantities, especially when used in addition with Saline Plus. Just slightly inconvenient to make. Please label them with the chemical and quantity per pill.
(10u) Iron Pill Bottle (16x pills) = 160 Iron. (Technically 120 Iron, 40 Iron if using a Large Beaker.)
(10u) Copper Pill Bottle (16x pills) = 160 Copper. (Technically 120 Copper, 40 Copper if using a Large Beaker.)
(10u) Sulfur Pill Bottle (16x pills) = 160 Sulfur. (Technically 120 Sulfur, 40 Sulfur if using a Large Beaker.)

Blood Supplements Upgrades.
    These are incredibly handy to have, but also a bit of a pain to make unless you get lucky with Cargo sending Nutriment cartridges to Medical, or the Merchant has them to sell.
(30u) Iron+ = 10 Animal Protein/Nutriment, 10 Iron, 10 Water
(30u) Copper+ = 10 Nutriment/Tofu/Seafood Protein, 10 Copper, 10 Water
(20u) Sulfur+ = 10 K'ois Paste, 10 Sulfur

Vitamin Pills.
    (Thank you Jo for reminding me these exist). From either Xenobotany or Hydroponics, it's possible to request Vitamin Pills to be made. They have exactly 21u per pill (20u Nutriment, 1u some-juice) and can be used to prepare the Blood Supplement Upgrades if you really want it.


    As you may have noticed, even the Basics require an awful lot of Acetone and Carbon, so resupplying is generally a good idea. Some tricks for doing so is as follows:


1) Order from Cargo Order.
    My general go-to option, usually ordering 2 Acetone, 2 Carbon, 1 Iron cartridges from Cargo to refill both Chemical Dispensers.

2) Ask Mining for Sandstone Bricks + Steel Sheets.
    A time-consuming method which relies on Miners to bring the materials, then placing 6 Bricks/Sheets into the grinder, then separating the beaker, and repeating ad infinitum.
    Sand can be Compressed into Sandstone Bricks, which can be ground in the All-In-One Grinder for Acetone and Silicon (1 Sandstone Brick = 10 Acetone, 10 Silicon)
    Coal and Hematite/Iron can be Alloyed into Steel Sheets, which can be ground in the All-In-One Grinder for Carbon and Iron (1 Steel Sheet = 10 Carbon, 10 Iron)

3) Acetone Production
    It's possible to actually refine Synthflesh into Acetone (with Glycerol and Animal Protein byproducts), but this method can take a long time. Generally not recommended, but it's a way.
    10x Synthmeat (ground in the All-In-One grinder) = 60 Animal Protein, 20 Triglyceride.
    20 Triglyceride, 5 Sulphuric Acid (Catalyst), 40 Ethanol = 40 Acetone, 60 Glycerol

4) Ask Xenobotany for Reagents.
    I've personally never tried it, but in theory it's possible. Although it's easier to request which chems you want rather than the reagents. Like Blood (which behaves like O- blood).

    Apparently Fermented Hma'trra contains 10u Ammonia and 20u Seafood in them. So there's also that if your Ammonia is that low.


    At the end of the day, Chemistry is a list composed of memory, muscle memory and being familiar with the general reactions. Hopefully this guide can help out even if a little bit.


Absolute Bare Basics (Also known as "Just give me the list")


(11/01/2021 Update: Tweaking this again)

4x Butazoline
2x Bicaridine (Only if there aren't Surgeons/Medical Robots to deal with Arterials)
4x Dermaline
4x Dexalin Plus
3x Peridaxon
2x Alkysine
2x Pneumalin Inhalers (with Cartridges installed, and remainder cartridges in the fridge)
1x Hyronalin (or Arithrazine)
2x Thetamycin
3x Mortaphenyl (Old: Tramadol)
7x Adrenaline Autoinjectors
3x Saline Plus (Or more. Can't have too many of these for the love of CHRIST)


Edited by VisVirific
Saline Plus Recipe Tweak, Synapt Doesn't Kill People anymore, Added Coagzolug and some other minor tweaks
Posted (edited)
33 minutes ago, VisVirific said:

This specific stock utilized in this guide is based off Neith Mekesatis' stock.

Vrow you are an incredible chemist who spoils medical with more meds than they will ever, ever need. Calling this bare minimum is intimidating for new players and I'd like to tell them that not living up to this is totally fine. Medical has a reputation for being extremely irritated if they're not fully and overstocked and this is an excessive standard for people to live up to. The process is cool and good, but the amounts are... so much. I used to be a chemist main and whenever I try to come back to it now, I get berated IC for not living up to these standards and LOOC get asked if I'm new. It's very discouraging, though more to do with medical's general attitude than this guide.

This is not a bad guide. At all. This is a great guide and a sorely needed update from our old ones. But what you call the bare minimum is a bit much for newer players.

Your mileage may vary but here is what I would like to add:

  • Peridaxon ODs at 10u. The fridge does not have to be stocked with three full bottles no matter what the nurses tell you. A tip would be to make half-bottles if you wanted to allow everyone to carry some on them, and make more as the round demands.
  • KeloDerm should not be functioning as it used to pre-brainmed, as things were shifted around in code to make it so you can't metabolize both of them simultaneously. If it is doing that still, it is a bug.
  • Three bottles of Alkysine is a safety net for a safety net. I've rarely seen more than one bottle used. Though it's pretty easy to make so I guess why not.
  • Inaprovaline is cool to have but don't worry if you don't make it.
  • Don't feel pressured to make enough specialty meds/peridaxon for every doctor/nurse/surgeon on shift. They have legs and can walk to the fridge for non-basics.
  • The most important point OP made should not be overlooked: Find your process, your rhythm, and what works for you, and you'll have a great time playing it.
  • If you are a medical player reading this, stop being rude to chemists who can't or won't follow this standard. Everyone is different.

As a newer chemist gets more confident or wants to overachieve, this is a great endgoal to shoot for and the OP is basically the chemist wizard at the time of this guide. But do not feel pressured to start out at this level.

Edited by Doxxmedearly
1 minute ago, Doxxmedearly said:

Vrow you are an incredible chemist who spoils medical with more meds than they will ever, ever need. Calling this bare minimum is intimidating for new players and I'd like to tell them that not living up to this is totally fine. Medical has a reputation for being extremely irritated if they're not fully and overstocked and this is an excessive standard for people to live up to. The process is cool and good, but the amounts are... so much. I used to be a chemist main and whenever I try to come back to it now, I get berated IC for not living up to these standards and LOOC get asked if I'm new. It's very discouraging, though more to do with medical's general attitude than this guide.

This is not a bad guide. At all. This is a great guide and a sorely needed update from our old ones. But what you call the bare minimum is a bit much for newer players.

Your mileage may vary but here is what I would like to add:

  • Peridaxon ODs at 10u. The fridge does not have to be stocked with three full bottles no matter what the nurses tell you. A tip would be to make half-bottles if you wanted to allow everyone to carry some on them, and make more as the round demands.
  • KeloDerm should not be functioning as it used to pre-brainmed, as things were shifted around in code to make it so you can't metabolize both of them simultaneously. If it is doing that still, it is a bug.
  • Three bottles of Alkysine is a safety net for a safety net. I've rarely seen more than one bottle used. Though it's pretty easy to make so I guess why not.
  • Inaprovaline is cool to have but don't worry if you don't make it.
  • Don't feel pressured to make enough specialty meds/peridaxon for every doctor/nurse/surgeon on shift. They have legs and can walk to the fridge for non-basics.

As a newer chemist gets more confident or wants to overachieve, this is a great endgoal to shoot for and the OP is basically the chemist wizard at the time of this guide. But do not feel pressured to start out at this level.

The only issue I've found is that Doctors often take medicines out of storage ahead of time, and sometimes they get killed, cryo, or vanish somewhere with the meds, so having a few extra bottles can be necessary. Again a problem with medical play more than a requirement for a chemist.

Posted (edited)

Worth noting that if you like math, you'll notice sometimes there are 1:1:1=3 recipes and 1:1:1=2 recipes. You'll notice with the former that you can only make 15/30/45/etc portions... sometimes. If you don't mind 1-2 units of initial catalyst waste, you can make around 21 (7+7+7) units of what is necessary in order to minimize making excess amounts of a final product. This is useful when the 21 units you need are an intermediary catalyst for something else and you'd rather not make waste.

In the terms of the latter, anything that is a 3=2 conversion should be managed in terms of your own expectations. What should be 30+30+30 = 90 ends up being 60 units in total.

Edited by Scheveningen
  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)

Now that the meta has pretty much settled, I want to point out how powerful pneumalin is at saving lives seeing as how lung ruptures are the most common form of injury. I'd argue filling every autoinhaler with pneumalin is a better idea than the regular inhalers since doctors will blow through the unrefillable (I think) standard inhalers like its nothing, and it is better for them if they only use 5 units at a time.

The basic chems are really good to make, and the only things I normally skip at this point are less useful specialist chemicals such as imidazioline and the anti-rads, seeing as how uncommon such injuries are to see in the medical bay. I think it is vital to focus on the basic chemicals listed above -- especially a lot of dexalin plus -- as well as pneumalin and peridaxon, as they form the crux of what is essentially some of the most potent pharmaceuticals in the game at the moment. Everything else can effectively be ignored or only made when it is needed.

Edited by Scheveningen
3 hours ago, Scheveningen said:

Now that the meta has pretty much settled, I want to point out how powerful pneumalin is at saving lives seeing as how lung ruptures are the most common form of injury. I'd argue filling every autoinhaler with pneumalin is a better idea than the regular inhalers since doctors will blow through the unrefillable (I think) standard inhalers like its nothing, and it is better for them if they only use 5 units at a time.

You can refill the standard auto-inhalers and that fact is actually a key fact in my chem-making process. Dexalin is an absolute lynchpin as it is the base for Dexplus, it is the precursor for the CryoMixes, and Clonexadone that is used in making Peridaxon are all derived from Dexalin.

I deliberately take the two oxy-kits from the medical storage, dump the combined 40 units of Dexalin into a beaker, and make 120 units of Dexplus from it. With that I can refill all 8 autoinhalers with Dexplus 5 units * 8 autoinhalers = 40 units), and still have enough left over for one bottle of Dexplus for the fridge (60 units) and the Dexplus needed to make a bottle of Adrenaline (20 units).

With that simple move, you can provide medical with 8 autoinhalers of kickass breathing meds, provide a bottle to the fridge of that same med, AND start on your production of Adrenaline. And you only used 40 units of Carbon and 40 units of Iron to do it from your chem-machines.

3 hours ago, Scheveningen said:

The basic chems are really good to make, and the only things I normally skip at this point are less useful specialist chemicals such as imidazioline and the anti-rads, seeing as how uncommon such injuries are to see in the medical bay. I think it is vital to focus on the basic chemicals listed above -- especially a lot of dexalin plus -- as well as pneumalin and peridaxon, as they form the crux of what is essentially some of the most potent pharmaceuticals in the game at the moment. Everything else can effectively be ignored or only made when it is needed.

Pneumalin is an absolute game-changer. It is an organ repairing medicine that can be made very cheaply, as it doesn't consume any phoron to make and isn't reliant on the Dexalin pathway. The Pharmacy has a closet with a box of empty autoinhalers and I put 6 of them full of 5 units of Pneumalin right after I do the above Dexalin to Dexplus recipe above.

Sadly, the least important of the "Basics" is Dermaline. Because Tricord is so good at repairing burn damage, Dermaline is almost never given on its own. And it is far down the triage response of drugs to administer. For almost all heavily injured characters, the order of operations for most doctors is:

  1. Tricord - Because it is good at everything
  2. Dexplus - Get the possibility of re-oxygenating the brain going
  3. BLOOD - You have to replace what was lost, all the rest means nothing if they lack the blood to care the oxygen
    1. If you don't have a surgeon, this is where you start to consider the Bicard OD as a way to treat an arterial break. If you have a surgeon, or a trauma physician who can repair an AB, you don't want to do the OD because you want to work the rest of this list to get them stable enough for surgery
  4. Norepinephrine/Adrenaline - Stabilize or Restart the heart, minor pain killer
  5. Pneumalin - Repair the damage to the lungs, if any, to get that oxy flowing again
  6. Peridaxon - You have to repair the heart to get that oxygenation up too! And this also helps slow any brain damage from oxy loss
  7. Alkysine - If you have put in all of the above, you are probably above 85% Blood Oxygenation, so this drug will start to fix the brain damage caused by the Oxygen Loss
  8. (DRUG TO TREAT SPECIFIC DAMAGE) - Bullets or beaten? Bicardine. Lasers? Dermaline. Posion? Dylovene.

If you look at that list, you could give an EMT/PARAMEDIC a beaker of tricord to carry (They make it themselves), an autoinhaler of dexplus, an autoinhaler of pneumalin, an autoinjector of adrenaline, and a rolling bed that has a built in IV drip for blood, and every patient coming in the door is now stable enough to start pushing the Peridaxon and prepping for AB/Bone repair surgery.

Because of that triage list, the easily most important drugs for a chemist to make are Dexplus, Pneumalin, Peridaxon. The next most important are Adrenaline and Alkysine. Everything else is tied after that because of how rarely useful they are in stabilizing and treating patient. Even radiation can be treated by just giving a patient enough Dylovene to let the liver process it out.

2 hours ago, PTiberiusM said:

I deliberately take the two oxy-kits from the medical storage, dump the combined 40 units of Dexalin into a beaker, and make 120 units of Dexplus from it. With that I can refill all 8 autoinhalers with Dexplus 5 units * 8 autoinhalers = 40 units), and still have enough left over for one bottle of Dexplus for the fridge (60 units) and the Dexplus needed to make a bottle of Adrenaline (20 units).

This is an old strategy I used to employ back when the dexalin in question contained 15 unit dexalin pills instead of 5 unit autoinhalers. It was less problematic back to grab the dexalin considering dexalin pills were pretty terrible, but dexalin when inhaled has a mechanic that makes it more efficient (can't spitball an exact percentage, meh) than if it were injected normally. 

Also, is tricordrazine actually good again? I wonder what changed.

8 hours ago, Scheveningen said:

Also, is tricordrazine actually good again? I wonder what changed.

It has a 30u overdose line and treats all kinds of damage. You can administer it, without risk, prior to any diagnosis. Its ability to treat brute damage can help prevent the "bone too damaged to repair" problem that trips up even experienced surgeons. The ability to treat burns, and the ability to administer it so early, basically eliminates the usefulness of Dermaline. The ability to treat toxins means it can even buy you time in an organ failure situation. Tricord is the first medicine that should go in because it is guaranteed to be helpful.


Tricord has no overdose and Dermaline is still better in my experience for burns. Tricord is also painfully slow in comparison to other chemicals, so while its useful, it certainly isn't a wonder drug.

  • 2 months later...


I love this guide, but it seems some more changes have been made/chemicals added. Mainly butazoline and saline plus. There have also been some pretty heavy overdose/chemical reworks.

I am assuming it will be updated when you have time, but I wanted to leave this note here incase someone is browsing the thread!

Here is the chem rework thread.

  • VisVirific changed the title to A General Chemistry Guide (06/12/2020 Update)

Finally updated the guide in accordance to the Rework Thread, and reworked the guide itself into something that's friendlier than just "make these chemicals because this overachiever character makes them", as well as separating the Recipe Instructions into lines for better reading.

  • VisVirific changed the title to A General Chemistry Guide (11/01/2021 Update)

Guide updated! Changes are:

  • Saline Plus recipe tweak (THANK YOU DOXX)
  • 4u (or Lesser) of Synaptizine doesn't kill the liver
  • Other minor tweaks/fixing of things

Also: Another minor update will go up about the Cough Syrup recipe once the PR is merged. Thank you Doxx, again!

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