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FreshRefreshments Character Art

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Posted (edited)

Actual good art is expensive. Almost like artists who are good charge for their services. What! Unbelievable. Cheapskates. 

Ever had this problem? I have. Which is why I will be offering my artistic skills.

  • It will be done in MS paint.
    MS Paint? But thats a terrible medium to draw art! How will you make good art?
  • It will not be good. If you want good art, there are other artists here. Details can be to your liking, and fixed after an initial image is sent. 
    How much per piece of shit?
  • Five dollars per piece of art. It is unlikely this will change on based anything.
    What a steal! How can I get some for myself?
  • Contact me on Discord at FreshRefreshments#2173

Here are some examples of my work.

Laisha-Zullow Xeqim. 



Akinyi Odowu



Anya Orlova



Sikaevi "Sunny" Suhn'Krashzkrikh



Art will be delivered pretty much that day. Do not come at me and then be upset that the art you receive is sub-par. Thanks boys.

Edit: I have no idea why the spoilers are fucked up. I cannot help this.

Edited by FreshRefreshments

Hi! Lore writer for the vaurca species here. I'll be reviewing your application.

Very detailed backstory. Well made character, clearly showing good demonstration of the lore.
I do have some issues, such as the part where you listed FreshRefreshments#2173 in your "what makes roleplaying this species different to a human" which I have my reservations about, but this is a matter of subjectivity. In the future I'd advise you consider other aspects such as their strong sense of smell - this sort of thing gives the wrong impression

With that said, application accepted! I look forward to seeing you on station.

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