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Topic of the Day: Bluespace


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Different from interstellar travel! Bluedpace is an integral part of our lore that is used to explain weird, whacky things and to travel great distances! What do you think about it? What tin hat theories do you have? I for one think time travel is possible with Bluespace if there is a malfunction. 


I for one love the more horror-oriented aspects of bluespace, of dubious canonicity as they may be. Bluespace ghosts, bluespace monsters, all that. I love the idea of a megacorporation tapping into some hell-dimension and ruthlessly exploiting it for profit, and that backfiring onto their employees/them. I feel like it fits the setting, without getting too grimdark, so I hope future lore explores a bit more of that! Bluespace madness, people lost in bluespace, etc, that sort of thing.


Additionally, I do think that teleportation and telescience through Bluespace should be emphasized as a pretty major scientific field/'advanced technology'. Teleportation on any industrial scale, or even on a 'high-end luxury' personal scale, is a game-changer for a lot of industries in a way I think should be explored more, especially if you can do things like send signals through teleportation devices.


Like Reader said just above, my favorite part of Bluespace is not so much the travel aspect, it's Bluespace itself. This is an ENTIRE dimension where our rules do not matter. The POSSIBILITIES for science-based RP are absolutely fantastic. Yes, Bluespace is basically a "It's Space magic, don't ask too many questions" if you think about it... But you can also be smart and actually roleplay, and use this as an opportunity to make up theories and laws... How about trying to explain gameplay elements that don't make too much sense thanks to Bluespace? I'll take what I did myself from that as an exemple, trying to explain while some anomalies can be million years old, or 20:


Time is not an universal constant, even in Realspace (being our realm, while Bluespace is not). We know for a fact that some conditions, for instance intense gravity when near a black hole, can cause time to dilate; in other words, "slow down". It is theorized that time could also "accelerate" in some other conditions. In any case, time is not universal, this is what we need to remember.

Bluespace is a mysterious place. We don't know much about it, the few probes we ever sent only lasting seconds. We can safely assume, however, that our laws of physics do not (fully) apply there. We can also assume, that for one reason or another, time flows slower or faster in some areas of bluespace, due to intense gravitational events, or possibly, some other unknown events.

We also know that Anomalies extracted by Xenoarcheologists are almost ALWAYS, related to Bluespace, and it is assumed that most Anomalies "land" in Realspace, and do not come from there. Instead, they are either made in Bluespace and arrive there, or made in Realspace long ago, somehow sent through Bluespace, and came back.

In any case, this would've meant that the different conditions in Bluespace, especially related to time, may have applied to the finds we extract. In other words, the artifacts and anomalies do not share the same age as the site they are found in! Spectronomical dating only applies to the rock sliver sampled from the site, not the find itself! A dig site may be of a certain age, but the find in there may very well be older.

- "Time, Space and Bluespace - How can Anomalies be so young?"

The possibilities are truly endless... What is out there too, beyond weird and probably deadly phenomena... What about people living in Bluespace? Entire Civilisations? Hell, what about other Dimensions? I mean, it doesn't have to be just Realspace and Bluespace... What if there's something else out there? And how does it work? Is there just... Multiple dimensions out there, or is it in a sort of top/down dynamic, where you can only go to a dimension through another- JESUS CHRIST THE POSSIBILITIES DO YOU GET WHAT I MEAN-


Bluespace is the odd blend of the Warp from Star Trek and the Hyperspace from Star Wars. As everyone here already said, the most fascinating aspect to me is how everyone knows very little about its nature, which brings near-endless RP opportunities.

My head-canon treats Bluespace as the one dimension that keeps all other alternate timelines separate: each round (including antag rounds) represent its own timeline, in which our characters are either killed or otherwise partecipate, witness and live with the crazy in-game events that concerns changelings, mercs, borers...
This dimension on its own is both dangerous and toxic unless the ship is properly shielded. And these sort of dangers sort-of remind me of Bay's bluespace, in which moving whilst the ship is in FTL would create a "clone" of you, and physical contact with your clone will be tremendous to your mental/physical health.
Bluespace is the in-universe answer to the fastest FTL method as well as the most dangerous.


Bluespace is pretty much the thing keeping the world connected and the sole way to explain away the weirder shit that happens, and for all that, it's an incredibly useful narrative device. It's a realm where the rules that govern reality are different from our own, and just as the nations of the Spur can rip a new hole in spacetime and move into bluespace, so too can whatever lurks within do the opposite to us.

Also, can we take a moment to appreciate that the acronym for bluespace is "BS"? Not sure where it first popped up in the history of SS13 as a whole, but whoever came up with it has got to have known.


When I first joined Aurora, I remember there were a lot of gimmicks around vampires/cults that made use of the idea of a redspace that was somehow connected to realspace via bluespace. Haven't seen anyone use the term in recent memory, though.

5 hours ago, ChevyChevron said:

When I first joined Aurora, I remember there were a lot of gimmicks around vampires/cults that made use of the idea of a redspace that was somehow connected to realspace via bluespace. Haven't seen anyone use the term in recent memory, though.

This was likely me, I got the idea from someone (Coalf I think) shitposting that if Bluespace exists, then if you follow RGB, Greenspace and Redspace also exist. Greenspace being the normal plane of existence, and Redspace is the Veil, where nasty things like Nar'sie and Vampires draw their power from.

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