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Tones tries to fix the reputation of operations [Command Whitelist]

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Posted (edited)

BYOND key: TonesofBones


Discord Username: tonesofbones


Character names:

Todd Digson

Gregory Digson

Bava Schoffer


How long have you been playing on Aurora?
I started playing in late May last 2023 so about a year now


Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they?
Nope, nothing


What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?
Well- there is a lot of it, but the main one? Coordination. The most essential role of command personnel is coordinating their own department internally as well as working together with other heads to ensure that the ship is running smoothly.

Overseeing is another important function of a head- making sure everyone and everything in their department is working properly.  This ranges from motivating your workers to meet the departmental goals, to being a mediator in any work-related conflicts.

Directing is a vital aspect of the role for me. They are the top dogs of their respective departments and thus they can influence the mood and pace of the shift (for better or for worse). The difference between a good and a great command member often lies in their ability to create interesting scenarios for their departments.


What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?
Whitelisted players are expected to act the part. They should be approachable and helpful to others. Most of all- they should be trustworthy, responsible and able to be held accountable for their actions.

Should I acquire the command whitelist, I would try to create a friendly atmosphere in my department (at least OOC), since we’re here to have fun. I would also strive to maintain a high standard of roleplay.


Explain how the recent events in the Spur changed your character and how they came to be employed on the SCCV Horizon.
Hailing from remote Vysoka, Bayar Yeke always looked to the stars, until one day, the stars looked back.

His dream was to become a pilot and seek freedom among the stars. After getting his pilot licence, he started working onboard an independent freighter fleet, facilitating trade between Vysoka and other worlds of the Coalition.

This job, however, proved to be unstable in the long run. Due to the danger of being a pilot of an independent freighter, Bayar started working with Hephaestus Industries. During his time with the corporation he deepened his understanding of management and logistics.

In 2464 a new path has opened for him. A fledgling Orion Express needed manpower, as well as people to manage it. Bayar started his work as a manager of a small Orion outpost.

Now, after years of climbing up the ranks, this son of Vysoka has been promoted to a rank of an operations manager onboard SCCV Horizon. For in the times of interstellar troubles there is no better lifeline than a well organized and functional logistics network.


What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted?

I’m going for an operations manager and corporate representative primary. I might create a CMO, a consular and a captain later down the line (if I lose my mind)


Have you familiarized yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles?

I did


Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking:
Bayar Yeke- Operations Manager


Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action?
Yeah, I do understand that


Have you linked your BYOND account to the Forums?

Extra notes:

(Also it’s really late, might fix some grammar, stylistic and spelling mistakes tomorrow-)


Edited by TonesofBones
stylistic edits, added a more in-depth explanation regarding the "Overseeing" function, grammar
  • Like 7
Posted (edited)

More operation managers is always nice. It'd be nice to see Tones have a crack at playing one, given I've had more than a few great experiences interacting with their diverse characters. I particularly appreciate their propensity in creating interesting narratives when given the chance, 

It may be Schover... but we're so Bayack. +1

Edited by 4000daniel1
  • Thanks 1

Tones is an absolutely amazing RPer and above that just a really great person, I've only ever had great experiences interacting with them. I like what they wrote about the responsibilities an OM has as well as how strong an impact they have on a round, which also easily translates into any command play. Last thing, through my many experiences not only with Tones' characters, but them oocly, I have 0 doubts they'll be able to accomplish their goal of creating a friendly Ops environment:)

Big +1 in my opinion👍

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Tones is the goat, OOCly and ICly, I can't say this enough- that out of all the people that I regularly talk to in my DM's? Tones is the one I most wanna see with a Command WL. They really put 101% percent effort into every character they make, and they're willing to do valuable support work so other players can shine, which IMO is the best trait for any Command member to have. I know they'd make me wanna play Ops as a Manager. I never would. But with Tones as OM, I'd want to.


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All of Tones' characters have been well-crafted people of which I have had the joy to interact with on many occasions, and seen many others praise as well. I don't doubt that Tones, especially with his answers given here, would fit well into the list of command players. This is a solid +1 from me

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I've never had anything but great interactions with Tones' characters, and they know what they're doing in Ops from everything I've seen. I'd be happy to see what they can do as OM, I have no doubt they'll play the role well. There isn't much else to say that hasn't already been said above. +1

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Tones has an innate understanding of what makes roleplay high and how to write well-meant, interesting characters. From the bar, to medical, to ops, I believe they're next in line for a command promotion. +1

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On trial from 10JUN2024 - 17JUN2024. During this time try to play your command character(s) as much as reasonably possible to gather feedback on your application. Remember, you are encouraged to advertise your application in OOC once per round. 


Bayar is good. As a miner player, an OM can make or break Operations as for the workflow. Getting one that understand what needs to happen between the crew, the hangtechs, and the miners is a godsend. Tones is both competent at the game mechanics, as well as a pleasure to roleplay with. Thankful for their time on this server.

  • Like 2

I've played a few rounds with the OM of Tones, and I enjoy working with them quite a bit! I am excited to see them on the manifest, even if it does cause me to be forced to duel them for the rank of OM :P

+1, a lot of fun working with you!

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Posted (edited)

I've played alongside Bayar Yeke in command several times now, as both a HoS and a Captain. They have done extremely well in difficult situations, helping antag gimmicks along, enabling none antag rp moments. I think their characters have always been good, but they have shown that OOC consideration that I expect from a command player +1

Also they did a bad annoucement by accident and fell down a lift, it was funny and relatable, silly mistakes we all make +1

Edited by Fyni
  • Like 1

Bayar Yeke is cool, I like them as a OM. I've played about 5 or more rounds with them as Command, and interacted with them as Sec Officer, no problems. They already got got by the multi-line announcement fumble which was funny. Rite of passage achieved 😆

  • Like 1

Hi Tones.

I haven't really seen your OM around; besides one antagonist interaction you had, your gameplay didn't seem too bad. While you seemed very skeptical about the antags, you didn't do anything to shut down their gimmick immediately, which is a good thing. Calling security while surrounded by armed people who hear it might be a questionable play, but that's just a fight-or-flight decision a lot of people make. What I wanted to address is what you said in Deadchat shortly after: While it might be really frustrating being "pulled into an antag gimmick", as a command player, you're usually one of the biggest targets of every antagonist and usually also the entire lifeline for their gimmick, as without your intervention, security might just do what they want. It's not cool if it happens every round, and the more you play, the more it'll even out, but it's something you have to deal with. As for feedback, I'll stay on the neutral side. You seem to know what you're doing, and roleplay-wise, I know from your other characters that you would be a good fit; I just wanted to get that through. Good luck, o7.

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