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FabianK3's Command Application

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BYOND key: fabiank3

Discord Username: fabiank3

Character names:
Brand new:
- Maxwell Fletcher, to-be Chief engineer
- Bradley Knight, Atmospheric technician
- Cody Gray, Security officer
- Yeeun Yeongseon, Physician
- Lars Fennek, Paramedic
- T.A.U., Robot
- Zoey Hartford, Medical intern

How long have you been playing on Aurora?
First time i joined the server was 31.08.2023 and have been playing actively since then.

Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they?
I do not remember any, certainly have none in written form on hand.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each.

What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?
Disciplinary leadership, presence of strong department related technical knowledge, department-level coordination and communication.
The job of a head of staff is to ensure their department is fully functioning. This includes but does not end with the oversight of day-to-day operations,
training of new team members and perhaps advanced training for long-term team members, handling department internal projects and conflicts, as well as the coordination
between every other ship function: Be it handling emergency situations, providing support for projects and requirements of other departments,
sharing information with the rest of the command structure or ensuring tasks from the captain themselves get carried out properly.
It is certainly not their job to micro-manage everyone around them nor to take over the tasks of their team members.

What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?
Head of staff roles do not only provide the means of regulating departments in-game, but they also provide the means to regulate the flow of a round.
The goal is to provide fun for everyone - Encourage role play with meaningful IC interactions such as projects or solving issues as a team.
This very much includes antagonists - Heads of staff are in the position to allow antags to develop their gimmicks and provide the flexibility needed to unfold said gimmicks.
Another very important point in my opinion is mentoring new comers to the game and department - SS13 is not intuitive and having a mentor in the round is a critical part from my own experience.

Explain how the recent events in the Spur changed your character and how they came to be employed on the SCCV Horizon.
Maxwell Fletcher was born 2425 on a space station on Burzsia II, fourteen years after Hephaestus Industries acquired ownership of the system.
His parents, star-wo/men, local to the system, have been working more and more with Hephaestus and with eighteen Maxwell started as an apprentice for ship maintenance in the system under a Hephaestus contract. Three years later with the rapid development of Hephaestus in the system Fletcher moved to Xanu Prime to study engineering with the hopes to gain a better position in the fast growing corporate setting and growing future of Burzsia.

During his time at the university, away from home, his mother died in a tragic mining accident, forcing his father to take a job on Burzsia I due to limited financial options. Fletcher nearly failed his master graduation during these circumstances. 2452, six years later, he finished his master graduation successfully, came back to Burzsia II and found himself with a new position as engineer on the Hephaestus mining barge HCV Tenova. During his time on the HCV Tenova, Fletcher acquired common augments, which was not unusual for his people and became a common topic as his father already had them as well and praised them a lot.

Fletcher felt right at the place and spend seven years on the ship before getting promoted to senior engineer with 34 years of age.
With the recent promotion he saw his continued future with Hephaestus and not much later he started his doctorate thesis, partially remotely and back on Xanu Prime.
Another four years on top, now with a doctor title Fletcher joined the salvager HCV Reclaimer as a chief engineer. His education paid off.

His life took a drastic turn in the following year with the attack of the Trinarist Exclusionist extremist targeting Burzsia and the company in 2464. During the attack his father was killed on Burzsia I.
With the loss of both parents Fletcher did no longer feel right at Burzsia and started to look for an alternative.
With dropping motivation and a negative perspective, the year ended with another accident in which Fletcher lost his left hand in a day-to-day task.
He took the first position he could find and ended up on the HCV Percheron, an ore transport which was headed out of the system. Due to the quick hiring only the senior engineer position was available for him.
Half a year later he then did get promoted back to chief engineer.

Two years later, mostly recovered from the tragic events, Fletcher started to look for another position, something that not only covers the transport of rocks...

What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted?
At the moment my only interest lies with Chief engineer, but i can see myself in the future trying other position as well, if i feel comfortable enough with the responsibilities of said positions.

Have you familiarized yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles?
I read the wiki pages and had the chance for play interim CE for a couple of times as well.

Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking:
- Maxwell Fletcher, to-be Chief engineer
- Bradley Knight, possible promotion to chief engineer with proper character development in the future to come

Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action?
Yes - It may be stripped following too many administrative actions, any temporary/permanent ban, any job ban or failing to uphold the standards put in place.

Have you linked your BYOND account to the Forums?
Yes - Linking completed.

Extra notes:
None at the timing of submission.

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