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Jaker's most brutally honest character feedback thread...


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Alright, I've decided we should have nice things and following the treatise. I've decided I will give my upmost honest feedback for your characters, if you so wish. It will be a fair critique mind you, I'll avoid terms like edgy or snowflake because those lack substance. Obviously I haven't met all of the characters on Aurora so others may pitch in their honest feedback, though if they follow the rules I've set for myself isn't guaranteed. Also, this is not to replace Jackboot's thread, so be sure to use his plenty.

The rules I've set for myself:

- My opinions of the player, be it negative or positive. Will not affect the feedback.

- I will not make a jab at the player in question.

- I will do my best not to swear.

- The critique will be fair, looking at the good and the bad.

- The critique will be constructive, with advice if I'd be so arrogant.

The terms you agree upon once requesting feedback.

- You will not get upset by the feedback.

- You are restricted to one post in which you list your characters.

- Any feedback you wish to give, will be on that one post hidden in the spoiler format.

- You may only give feedback if it has been requested.

- Do not argue on this thread.

- If you feel I have been unfair, you may PM me to speak about it. Though I expect it to be civil, anything less will be ignored.

So welcome to Jaker's Most Brutally Honest Character Feedback Thread Extreme. Please enter with great caution and steely resolve.

First Blood:Haruspex.

Jaker's Thoughts.

To say the least, I find IPC's really gimmicky these days and Haruspex is one of them. Background wise, and all the fluff you have behind him is fantastic. But in practice, he's kind of a one trick pony at this point in time mainly because when I see him, he's on some sort of murderous rampage or having a lapse of sanity. Perhaps that's unfair of me to say but it does seem like he's become quite whitewash (not a jab at his new paintjob hue) as a character to roleplay with. I mean, his mental instability and unique vocabulary was what made him such a memorable character in the first place, but, with influx of gimmicky IPC's that are also... mentally unstable, I feel he's getting lost in the crowd. If I were to be so arrogant, I would say try developing the character further and stand out from the crowd, this doesn't mean change who he is but explore the facets of his personality. Haruspex is a unique IPC compared to the rest and I know he has the potentially to be an even more compelling character. I just want to see a little more of who he is. Hopefully this critique is somewhat useful for you, thank you for the offering.


1138's Thoughts.

Starting with Haruspex. At a first glance, anyone might immediately discern they're some sort of borderline psychotic-sociopathic droid with a penchant for arachnids and weirding everyone out with mostly nonsensical paragraphs quoting the writings of Lovecraft. Even though they attempt to interact with me from time to time, despite my department being completely different in terms of interaction with theirs, I never know what to say to them. I myself don't share interest nor sufficient knowledge ICly or OOCly to be able to interact with them in an equally interesting way for them. And then when I try to approach them, they just stare. And my character feels unsettled and I myself feel like my desire to try to interact with them has dissipated. I feel like I can't help that with any of my characters and it's an unfortunate circumstance, given their own player's desire is to merely have fun here, but hasn't been able to have any of that lately. It's a good character, granted, but I myself cannot be expected to have any amount of intelligence or wit enough to put on a major effort. The character's behaviors and motives differ that from the player's, which is a good thing, in some aspects, but it also becomes very difficult to be able to remedy or deal with. As much as I would love to interact with you, Invy, I feel like I'm not the person you're looking for to interact with, and that by itself shows.


Gollee's Thoughts.

Haruspex... I have only really interacted with him as Inis, he's odd, and his zany behavior, while fun in small doses, or as an antagonist, can begin to detract from the feel of it, like 1138 said, I've seen newer people who just avoid him, rather than deal with him.


Lousy Name's Thoughts.

And I'm not familiar with any other characters here except for Haruspex, who is easily the most robust and trolliest IPC I've ever seen. Haruspex remains the only one I've seen to be able to take down nearly the entire security team using just a bar of soap. I found him hilarious as a spectator, but I can see how these antics can get very, very irritating to other players after a while.


Tain's Thoughts

Admittedly when I first saw Haruspex as a cyborg, I enjoyed the unique dialect and diction but I did NOT enjoy the attention-grabbing radio spam when taunting people as you hunted/fought them. It seemed like an attempt at putting yourself in the spotlight and really just felt attention-seeking to me, and I had that stuck in my head for a while. As time marched on and Haruspex got his own IPC chassis, I slowly discovered he had his own backstory and a personal quest he set out to do with much more depth than I originally thought. He involves other people in his story but doesn't force it on others and damn I have to say, he's just hilarious. Based on what I've seen OOC from Invy and what I've seen IC from Haruspex, it's dispelled my initial notions completely.

tl;dr I didn't like him, but then I liked him.


Group sacrifice:Gollee's Group

1138's Thoughts.

I don't know enough about Gollee's characters (if, at all) to make any real 'judgement'. I remember chuckling a bit when I found out Inis was an Elyran national working as an assistant for some reason on the NSS Aurora, via their character records, but I don't know what to say otherwise.


Invy's Thoughts.

If there's one thing your characters share it's an amazing affinity for stealth - somewhat appropriate considering some of them are based on Night elves. While I'd like to see them in any situation more, they generally seem to spend entire shifts aimlessly wandering alone in the most secluded parts of the station. Im unsure as to why, maybe it's just a coincidence - but assuming that it isn't, you really should interact with people more. Your character ideas are nice, it's a shame to shove them in a dark maintenance hallway for the whole round while fun stuff is going on. Maybe, make them slightly louder to attract more attention? I usually don't know if any of them are even on shift unless I see the manifest.


Group sacrifice, Second coming:The Enkas Selection?

Hartam Belorin, Cylia Tuvies, Garry Milders and Walter Duhham

1138's Thoughts

Regarding Enkas' characters. I've never had any qualms or issues regarding those characters. I've never not enjoyed them, which is my point there.


Invy's Thoughts

Your characters have depth and interesting backstories, I'd never call them bad characters and enjoy all interactions I have had with them so far, but if there's one critique I have is that they're so very painfully plain. Just, so nauseatingly reasonable, dependable and normal - it's like I'm actually interacting with human beings instead of dysfunctional husks of human beings. This is both a compliment and criticism, as I believe both are fun. Consider making some less reasonable/quiet characters.


Gollee's Thoughts

I like Hartam, though that may be because he, and Inis, Gollee, Varan and various all have the same origin, and the same alignment, which allows them to mesh rather well. One small criticism is along the lines of that character complaint that cropped up about him, to do with somewhat illogical pursuit of revenge, though having a few hero characters around is interesting.

Cylia, from what I remember, is an almost ideal security officer, but that is all I remember of her.

Garry Milders is... In medical...? I think?

I don't recognise Walter Durham.


Rechy's Thoughts

I once met an amazing, well-read philosopher chaplain, a true master of the art of rhetorics. I loved that chaplain very much, though I only saw him once, and for a very brief time.

As it turned out, Belorin was not that chaplain.

As for Enkas' other characters, I've only had the pleasure of interacting with Cylia, and I feel others have already summed that up pretty well;

there's not a whole lot to say. There's really nothing bad to say about Cyl. And the best to say about her is how very little she stands out - I'd go as far as to say that she stands out precisely by how little she stands out.

I imagine that is a mark of a great character, when they leave you with a memory of truly enjoyable and pleasant game experience without a single bit of purpousedly constructed backstory to spice them up and make them differ from all the other characters aboard.

Makes me wish I was capable of creating such a character, myself.


Spilled Milk:Winston Carton

1138's Thoughts


And then there's Carton. Invy already outlined the whole 'my wife is dead' escapade, which really just outlines my own view on the matter, that the entire instance was completely ridiculous and was merely drama-seeking. I find that the fact he has a bounty on him when he's not even a particularly infamous or even robust operative absolutely ludicrous and snowflakey. Read as: Wouldn't be applicable in any other setting EXCEPT this one, just because, for RP. I've found myself with a bad taste in my mouth with the majority of Carton's criminal-as-a-security-officer-and-also-domestic-terrorist antics. The character has become well-known enough that people just don't care about 'Stein' anymore. I honestly groaned every time Stein presented themselves as a rip-off Jigsaw with nothing else interesting going for them besides the fact they were SECRETLY WINSTON CARTON, MALL COP.


Invy's Thoughts.

All of his concepts are forced very hard. Assuming Carton was a character you were supposed to hate - he'd do a great job. However, Carton operates with this certain villain protagonist way of doing things which always seems to imply he's not really a bad guy.

Carton is a terrorist but Nanotrasen is evil, so Carton is right.

Carton abuses prisoners but only if they're bad people, so Carton is right.

Carton is angry and may abuse people, but there's always some background event which makes him right in doing it.

My problems with Carton aren't so much related to the fact that Carton is evil, but rather the forced circumstances which always give you an anvilicious statement that he's not evil, just misunderstood, and that's kind of not okay.

He's a very serious character, serious to the point where he doesn't fit on Space station 13 simply because of the usual merry carnage the station devolves into. He's too much of a protagonist character - people tend not to like those. Whenever Carton doesn't get a response to his tragedy/anger he tries to do it harder, resulting in slowly decreasing quality of the drama which may have been overdone in the first place. As a character, he's entirely based on being super serious and melancholic/smug evil all the time. Constantly pushing for tragedy and evil all the time, even in inopportune times leads to people appreciating the tragedy and evil less and less, and since grimdark is sort of Carton's gimmick, like all gimmicks (Including one of mine, as I said earlier in my post.)it gets old eventually. I'd suggest making a new more light hearted character, leave Carton for a month or two and try the tragedy/evil angle later. But gather some feedback on how to properly tug people's heartstrings. I suggest asking Erik - he is good at feels.


Gollee's Thoughts

As for Milk Carton, I like him as an operative, Scythe works well with him, and he is authoritative enough to appease Ghost. As an officer, he always struck me as one of the slightly lower level good officers, not a straight arrow Kimberly Dawkins, or [insert officer name I have forgotten]; but not a bad officer, and not a good officer.


Rechy's Thoughts.

Ah, the poor thing.

Winston started out as a quite straightforward character with what I suspect was OOC temptation to beat things. And frankly, his early Stein period felt awfully forced - as in, Stein was trying so damn hard to appear as fearsome operative who always has the upper hand, even in situations that clearly went everywhere but in his favor.

At that time, the attempts at sounding deep and meaningful while escaping in a shuttle full of syndicate corpses fell really short.

However, since then, Carton had come a long way; he actually did become a symbol of sorts. What more, his Winston/Stein duality -which I would look down upon in any other situation, did look down upon at one time- benefited him greatly. Somehow, the thing that I would consider the very definition of trying too hard played out really well, and he became a thoroughly developed -and relatable to- character whose story I am now genuinely interested to follow, and don't take that lightly. I suppose he became less stiff, less of a parody of a villain, and rather an actual, reactionary character - reactionary, that's it. Winston now appears to be in touch and working off the happening on the station, rather than pre-written off-screen drama to serve as an excuse of sorts for his behavior duality very existence.

Then again - while I do indeed enjoy playing with him, I do have certain doubts whether the other players can perceive him in such a manner, too, seeing as much of my actual interaction with the character takes place within the four walls of the psychiatrist's office.


Tain's Thoughts

As everyone else thinks, I think Winston and Stein are - for the most part - forced completely. At least it was in the beginning. The pseudo-philosophy, the radio taunting. Just terrible, and often times I was embarrassed FOR Josh during those nuke rounds. I would have to turn off the radio, or find ways to ignore it to prevent myself from feeling some embarrassment I wasn't even a part of. It was a terrible time to be alive for me, seeing Stein's taunts. Everything was too forced and very inorganic. Over time I've learned a little about Stein and I think it's shared between some people here, however I don't see Winston as some sort of protagonist. I see him as a bad guy completely, willing to do bad things (or good things) if it meant it would make him feel better. That is to say, he has no deeper philosophical or moral reasoning for what he does beyond it making him feel better at the moment. Like a child, he's very basic in his decisions and his reasoning. He might regret it later, but he damn sure enjoyed it in the moment. And what I see him as now, given how my little bounty on him has evolved, I see him as a scared little boy without the intestinal fortitude to step up without the already-assured backing of his comrades.

Kind of like what I saw from I think George Lopez or someone of the sort, where the gangster guy would saw "I'll beat your ass homes! One on one! Right, cousin?" And he looks over his shoulder and his cousin isn't there, and he starts to shrink and looks around for his cousin. "Cousin?" he asks, in hopes of finding him to soon get the assurance from his comrade that he is indeed going to be okay, even if he loses the fight because his cousin will be there to defend him.

tl;dr I think he's a little boy who huffs and puffs to make himself seem like the tough kid on the playground but at the end of the day he's just that; a little boy. Both mentally and emotionally.


Burning of the Patron Saint:Vira De Santos

Invy's Thoughts

She's an exotic beauty with a haughty demeanour, she's physically attractive and fit. She's incredibly smart, also a 'femme fatale' sort of action girl trained in various forms of combat. With friends, her high and mighty character seems to melt to reveal a vulnerable, cute young girl which requires the reassurance and protection of her ladyfriends and boyfriend.

Im sorry, you were really tactful with your criticism and I genuinely think you're a cool guy, what with all the fun I have had chatting with you in OOC or the shitstorms we've involved ourselves in, but there is nothing in Vira as a character which doesn't make me think of her as a sort of perfect girlfriend/wife character. Much like you said I uh, really don't see any interactions I would want to have with Vira, or your other female characters, mainly because I don't have any interest in trying to romance/comfort them. If I may suggest, do what I intend to do and play a male character for a while?


Gollee's Thoughts

Vira De Santos, I've seen her as Security, I've seen her as Science, I'm never really sure what she is. My most prominent memory of her is the accidental arrivals bomb. I think the main issue I remember about her was 1138's former powergame issue, lawgiver in the back pocket style of thing.


Rechy's Thoughts

I used to genuinely dislike the gunslinger captain... or rather, fear.

Of course, my perspective is notably limited to that of a third-rate medical character, but seeing Vira (and Issek, or both, for that matter) aboard always left me with a foul taste. These characters - much like Lockie in her screaming period - had a way of forcing the story and other players, who would not go to such extremes, to revolve around them.

Captain for the sake of being a captain.

And then there was that part about Vira hunting down her mafia-boss dad all the while protecting her little sister, turning her backstory the same over-the-top shade as her manners; I feel there's a lot to tell from the backstory about Delta's perception of Vira within the game.

It didn't matter how many times you went over the drama - from every angle, Vira was in the center; the one being hunted, the one being blackmailed, the one going on an epic illegal gunning spree, the one escaping the authorities... and look, isn't that marvelous, she's completely blameless. It just so happened that her dad is a bad guy, and her sister cannot look after herself, and she's powerful and important enough for the bad guys who go after her bad guy dad to seek to use her as a leverage.

I mean, god damn.

But Vira had matured a lot since then.

Her story became human, and - hey, coming off the 'captain for the sake of being captain' accusation, I think the process can best be demonstrated with Vira seeking roles of lesser authority, becoming a part of whatever story is happening, rather than wishing to be its centerpiece.

I've noticed similar change of heart in her on-the-side issues as well; Vira is now dealing with human problems, like the rest of us mere mortals, and that makes her feel real - and truly enjoyable.

Kids, the moral of today's story is 'less is more'.


Tain's Thoughts

I've seen Vira De Santos around over the time I've played, and when I saw her, and I've seen her MS paint things, I couldn't help but think she was just some try-hard "I've been to Space 'Nam" commando badass. And for all I know, that IS what she was.

But recently, ever since the tarot reading Tina's done with her, it's put her in a much softer light for me. She seems to show more care and sensitivity, and basically did what Danny and Tina BOTH told her to do; embrace her feminine side. I don't think Invy's wrong in his statement either. However I don't think it's good or bad. While Invy is on one side of the coin where he doesn't enjoy it, I happen to be on the other side where I do enjoy it as Tina.

I really wish I had more to say on Vira back when she was just a tryhard commando to me, because that's when I had a blatant distaste for her, yet I can't think of much else to say about it.


Blonde Lobotomy:Pheobe Essel

Gollee's Thoughts.

Phoebe is psychotic, both in a good way, and in a bad way; in one hand, she's a wonderful source of conflict and human racism. However, sometimes it seems forced, and she has to draw attention to herself with her trademark "I hate humans", and I have also seen her be quite alienating to new players, just because they are human.

She also tends to gravitate towards medical, whatever her job.


Lousy Name's Thoughts.

Personally, I liked Phoebe. I still like her, but sometimes I think her original kinda bitchy attitude has sort of spiraled out of proportion over time, and more often than not, she ends up as the centre of a lot of drama more due to the fact that she's one of the more easily recognized faces on the Aurora. Of course, I don't have a lot of experience interacting with her, so I might have it completely wrong.


Rechy's Thoughts

As to Phoebe more specifically - I really don't know what to say. So much has been said already.

She leaves me continually perplexed; I absolutely fail to make sense of that character, but in a way that feels right.

As in, some characters don't make sense and that's just it, and their inconsistency is like nails on a chalkboard - not Essel. Essel is just a snowflake gone full circle; through the phase of abusing the power that comes with "Well we don't permit this behavior, but you see, this is Phoebe - she is special" back to the point of a character that doesn't usurp the spotlight from anybody and even can make amusing remarks at its own...snowflake-iness.

We're supposed to be mean, I guess, but this really is snowflake character done right in my opinion.

Add: Specifically, her uniqueness does not come from Phoebe having overly-complicated dramatic backstory (as is the custom), as rather from other players instinctively recognizing her as a strong character. All I can say is 'hats off' - and maybe a quiet wish that some players would give up attempts at inspiring such confused love-hate relationship in us with their characters.

Add 2: It's a relief she doesn't spend her rounds in a locker with half the medical bay begging her to come out anymore.

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Posted (edited)

Haruspex is the only one of my characers I can remember you seeing a bunch of times.

Fucking destroy me mate.

Edit : Well, seeing as everybody's doing it, I might as well join in. PM me if you want me to remove this bit, Jakers.

Let's get back to the usually scheduled forecast of me

Gollee's stuff.

If there's one thing your characters share it's an amazing affinity for stealth - somewhat appropriate considering some of them are based on Night elves. While I'd like to see them in any situation more, they generally seem to spend entire shifts aimlessly wandering alone in the most secluded parts of the station. Im unsure as to why, maybe it's just a coincidence - but assuming that it isn't, you really should interact with people more. Your character ideas are nice, it's a shame to shove them in a dark maintenance hallway for the whole round while fun stuff is going on. Maybe, make them slightly louder to attract more attention? I usually don't know if any of them are even on shift unless I see the manifest.

Enkas' stuff.

Your characters have deph and interesting backstories, I'd never call them bad characters and enjoy all interactions I have had with them so far, but if there's one critique I have is that they're so very painfuly plain. Just, so nauseatingly reasonable, dependable and normal - it's like Im actually interacting with human beings instead of dysfunctional husks of human beings. This is both a compliment and criticism, as I believe both are fun. Consider making some less reasonable/quiet characters.



All of his concepts are forced very hard. Assuming Carton was a character you were supposed to hate - he'd do a great job. However, Carton operates with this certain villain protagonist way of doing things which always seems to imply he's not really a bad guy.

Carton is a terrorist but Nanotrasen is evil, so Carton is right.

Carton abuses prisoners but only if they're bad people, so Carton is right.

Carton is angry and may abuse people, but there's always some background event which makes him right in doing it.

My problems with Carton aren't so much related to the fact that Carton is evil, but rather the forced circumstances which always give you an anvilicious statement that he's not evil, just misunderstood, and that's kind of not okay.

He's a very serious character, serious to the point where he doesn't fit on Space station 13 simply because of the usual merry carnage the station devolves into. He's too much of a protagonist character - people tend not to like those. Whenever Carton doesn't get a response to his tragedy/anger he tries to do it harder, resulting in slowly decreasing quality of the drama which may have been overdone in the first place. As a character, he's entirely based on being super serious and melancholic/smug evil all the time. Constantly pushing for tragedy and evil all the time, even in inopportune times leads to people appreciating the tragedy and evil less and less, and since grimdark is sort of Carton's gimmick, like all gimmicks (Including one of mine, as I said earlier in my post.)it gets old eventually. I'd suggest making a new more light hearted character, leave Carton for a month or two and try the tragedy/evil angle later. But gather some feedback on how to properly tug people's heartstrings. I suggest asking Erik - he is good at feels.



Rip Vira apart, would you?


She's an exotic beauty with a haughty demeanour, she's physically attractive and fit. She's incredibly smart, also a 'femme fatale' sort of action girl trained in various forms of combat. With friends, her high and mighty character seems to melt to reveal a vulnerable, cute young girl which requires the reassurance and protection of her ladyfriends and boyfriend.

Im sorry, you were really tactful with your criticism and I genuinely think you're a cool guy, what with all the fun I have had chatting with you in OOC or the shitstorms we've involved ourselves in, but there is nothing in Vira as a character which doesn't make me think of her as a sort of perfect girlfriend/wife character. Much like you said I uh, really don't see any interactions I would want to have with Vira, or your other female characters, mainly because I don't have any interest in trying to romance/comfort them. If I may suggest, do what I intend to do and play a male character for a while?


Meowy Sierra's stuff

You have a lot of characters. The only one I think I may dislike is Ziva, because I generally dislike sassy Tajara as a whole, but that's more or a personal preference. But, emphasis on the you have a lot of characters part, be careful not to cycle through them too fast or they might end up being forgettable.


Nebula's stuff

As a whole, you're an excellent roleplayer, however you have the tendency to forcefully move the spotlight to your characters a bit too much for my liking, on one side this does show that you're a very good roleplayer, on another you push all the quieter roleplayers into the background of whatever adventure you're having at the moment. Like I said, this means you're very good at roleplaying but try to be mildly more considerate, fun in roleplay comes just as much from having other people explore your character as it comes from you exploring theirs.

Demitri Rota deserves praise not only for being a good chaplain, (A rarity) but also because of that glorious chapel redecoration you do every round you play her. This is less of a criticism and more of a suggestion on Dodekatheon, while the groundwork is set, i'd like to see a bit more fluff on everything. Some greek myth-esque legends about every God, maybe?

All my interactions with Dragonsnap were pleasant, I enjoyed the 'spark' fluff you made to explain her sentience.

My complaint with Karima Mo'Taki is that despite being the character you wrote a lot of AI fluff for, me and most of mechbay didn't really interact with her since she was doing Mo'Taki stuff all the time. Ironically most of my interaction with you came from Lori Alvarez, who had a phobia of AI.


Xander's stuff.


The Godswood storyline really disappointed me. Initially, I was very interested in it. It's a bold move to kill one of your characters in a single swipe. I looked forward to interacting with one of Emma's sisters regarding the murders if they ever came on station. Then, you killed all of Emma's sisters besides Skrellwood (Played by wer) and sort of cut off any communication between the station and Godswood, drastically lowering interactions between characters and the tragedy. I actually raised the point of Godswood getting iced several times ICly on different characters and managed to rouse quite a bit of IC interest from people, under the expectation that something exciting was to happen. But, Nikklaus came on station and generally acted all casual, not hinting to his misdeeds or anything, you have a habit of going semi-Afk as captain consistently so I wasn't really able to interact with Nox about it. Interest slowly died over time when it became apparent this was a sort of scripted event which would only take place on the forums without involving anyone on station. There was a lot of OOC build up but no IC effort on your side to meet up the the expectations you set with the story (Which were high.) Then, at some point you outright said Nox was the murderer in OOC, thus spoiling your own large storyline and squeezing the last bit of potential it had, in my eyes. Ultimately, I found the beginning very nice, but everything since the original message was a sort of downward spiral which discouraged IC interaction.

A consistent problem I see with you as a roleplayer, on all characters is that you spend a lot of time working on forum posts, organizations and so forth out of game but spend little time interacting with characters ingame. The godswood investigation taskforce's lack of success is sort of proof of that. I sincerely suggest that you roleplay with people ingame more, Xander. Consider making an excuse to demote one of your characters from a head position so you can get more interaction out of people. Your tendency to make unapproachable royals/millionaires in head positions generally makes your characters look identical, and cuts off people's interest in interacting with them. Harsh as this criticism is, I mean it in good will.



In my 'treatise' I explained in some detail a phenomenon I have come to describe as 'hermit characters'. Senri Ishikawa is my definition, of a hermit. When I first became aware of his presence he was a virologist. He'd spend entire rounds locked somewhere in virology, not talking, not responding - sitting inside in absolute silence untill the shuttle is called for one reason or another. I used to consider Senri not being in virology a sort of round chaos measuring unit. If Senri left virology, then the round must really be an incredible clusterfuck. I never had any bad experiences with Senri, but I don't think I have had any good experiences with Senri too. Or uh. Any experiences at all. You really need to interact with people more.

Edited by Guest
Posted (edited)

Feel free to take a pop at any of mine, Inis, Amy, Varan, go mad.


I can only really comment on Katana, I haven't had much interaction with the rest.

Katana strikes me as a stable, relatable, resourceful AI system, one which I am very happy to see about.



I like all of Nebula's characters, my characters in their departments always seem to get along with them perfectly, especially Rose and Inis; I remember when it was the highlight of my round, Rose, Inis and Lysanuh dealing with Sec things as a team; they interchanged as HoS on Apollo, and it worked well. The one criticism is that Rose' backstory, and now Karima's, tends to balloon out of control; starting at a nice low level, then escalating into complete syndicate affilation and stuff. Admittedly, Inis has done similar, but in reverse.



I've not really got much to say about Baranova, like you said about Enkas' Cylia, she doesn't really stand out, she sticks in my mind as a good medical doctor and psychiatrist (She should probably talk to Amy), but that is really all I got from her.



Both your characters are good in my books, realistic in how they approach things in relation to their personalities, but, outside of emergencies, they both act very similarily, I know you have raised a thread about it in off-topic, but they still act in a very similar fashion, and I can't remember any of your characters that didn't (That may be because I can't think of any other of your characters, and am instead connecting other characters to you by mistake.)



Senri Ishikawa - The Anti Lesbay, he's a good friend of Inis, and I haven't seen anything really bad about him... At all, actually, I can't think of anything bad.

Damian Del Prado - No idea.

Leo Del Prado - He was a detective/ Officer, wasn't he? I remember him being one of the saner ones, but that is about it.

Zhang Jie - I remember the name. That is all I can say.



Imraj Brar - A good officer, though I might remember episodes of prisoner vs baton, though I may be misremembering, or linking in a different character; but overall, nice character, nice concept, can't pick up any major faults.

Azeazekal Karnaikai - No idea.



Tina Kaekal - Tina strikes me as the original Lesbay, though I doubt that is true. She's a good MD, tends to get a bit bitchy at points, but generally good.

TruLemAI - I am going to make an off the wall guess and say this is an AI system.



Michael Thorne - Fatherly captain/HoP, occasionally a creepy blighter, especially if Jaylee is around with her beard rubs, I don't remember anything else significant.



Ryu'daken Mo'taki - Filthy Catbeast, might be a miner.......? No idea.

SAM - SAM is a security android, right? I think that's right, in any case, nothing good, nothing bad, nothing springs to mind.



James Crimson - An exemplary IAA, always seems to be doing his job well, no issues with this character.

A Hard Measure Of Law - No recollections.

Hosea Reeliah - No recollections.

Morgana Static - Average detective, though I was a bit irked a while ago, during the Stamos episode, where she ignored DO mandates and tried to wordplay her way out when Felix had a word. ¬_¬

Dorothy Sublett - No recollections.



Jillian Fleming - No idea, might be a chemist?

Ja'rasha Toviktanni - No idea.

Tsavnara Zahjdahri. - No idea.



I don't know any of your characters to comment on.



I've had a few interactions with Conservan, but nothing major, he always seemed like a bog-standard, stereotypical engineer.



Vittorio - A bit flaky, prefers to try and spread his ideals rather than do his HoP things when he is in as a HoP.

Lodewikus - No idea.



Fortune Bloise - Previously, Fortune was not a character I enjoyed, I found her to be powergamey, metagamey, aggressive, rude and intensely irritating, however, that was probably around a year ago, and recently I have had only a few interactions with her, and those have been good, so I have a feeling things have changed :)



Hakra Drat - I think this is a catbeast miner/engineer? I tend to slot him in with CE Nasir's band of aggressive, sassy, and downright annoying Tajara, but I don't know why. I haven't seen him do anything, really. It might just be the name is making me think of a different character.

Edited by Guest

Initially deleted my post wanting feedback, because instead I'm going to post honest feedback myself.

Starting with Haruspex. At a first glance, anyone might immediately discern they're some sort of borderline psychotic-sociopathic droid with a penchant for arachnids and weirding everyone out with mostly nonsensical paragraphs quoting the writings of Lovecraft. Even though they attempt to interact with me from time to time, despite my department being completely different in terms of interaction with theirs, I never know what to say to them. I myself don't share interest nor sufficient knowledge ICly or OOCly to be able to interact with them in an equally interesting way for them. And then when I try to approach them, they just stare. And my character feels unsettled and I myself feel like my desire to try to interact with them has dissipated. I feel like I can't help that with any of my characters and it's an unfortunate circumstance, given their own player's desire is to merely have fun here, but hasn't been able to have any of that lately. It's a good character, granted, but I myself cannot be expected to have any amount of intelligence or wit enough to put on a major effort. The character's behaviors and motives differ that from the player's, which is a good thing, in some aspects, but it also becomes very difficult to be able to remedy or deal with. As much as I would love to interact with you, Invy, I feel like I'm not the person you're looking for to interact with, and that by itself shows.

I don't know enough about Gollee's characters (if, at all) to make any real 'judgement'. I remember chuckling a bit when I found out Inis was an Elyran national working as an assistant for some reason on the NSS Aurora, via their character records, but I don't know what to say otherwise.

Regarding Enkas' characters. I've never had any qualms or issues regarding those characters. I've never not enjoyed them, which is my point there.

And then there's Carton. Invy already outlined the whole 'my wife is dead' escapade, which really just outlines my own view on the matter, that the entire instance was completely ridiculous and was merely drama-seeking. I find that the fact he has a bounty on him when he's not even a particularly infamous or even robust operative absolutely ludicrous and snowflakey. Read as: Wouldn't be applicable in any other setting EXCEPT this one, just because, for RP. I've found myself with a bad taste in my mouth with the majority of Carton's criminal-as-a-security-officer-and-also-domestic-terrorist antics. The character has become well-known enough that people just don't care about 'Stein' anymore. I honestly groaned every time Stein presented themselves as a rip-off Jigsaw with nothing else interesting going for them besides the fact they were SECRETLY WINSTON CARTON, MALL COP.

Anyway, I've done enough. Rip Vira apart, would you?


Inis was a national of Stormswrath (Now Akhet, part of the SA now, rather than independant), not Elyra.

Haruspex... I have only really interacted with him as Inis, he's odd, and his zany behavior, while fun in small doses, or as an antagonist, can begin to detract from the feel of it, like 1138 said, I've seen newer people who just avoid him, rather than deal with him.

I like Hartam, though that may be because he, and Inis, Gollee, Varan and various all have the same origin, and the same alignment, which allows them to mesh rather well. One small criticism is along the lines of that character complaint that cropped up about him, to do with somewhat illogical pursuit of revenge, though having a few hero characters around is interesting.

Cylia, from what I remember, is an almost ideal security officer, but that is all I remember of her.

Garry Milders is... In medical...? I think?

I don't recognise Walter Durham.

As for Milk Carton, I like him as an operative, Scythe works well with him, and he is authoritative enough to appease Ghost. As an officer, he always struck me as one of the slightly lower level good officers, not a straight arrow Kimberly Dawkins, or [insert officer name I have forgotten]; but not a bad officer, and not a good officer.

Vira De Santos, I've seen her as Security, I've seen her as Science, I'm never really sure what she is. My most prominent memory of her is the accidental arrivals bomb. I think the main issue I remember about her was 1138's former powergame issue, lawgiver in the back pocket style of thing.


Phoebe is psychotic, both in a good way, and in a bad way; in one hand, she's a wonderful source of conflict and human racism. However, sometimes it seems forced, and she has to draw attention to herself with her trademark "I hate humans", and I have also seen her be quite alienating to new players, just because they are human.

She also tends to gravitate towards medical, whatever her job.

Posted (edited)


I havent had many direct interactions with this character, but I remember that most if not all interactions have ended with him noping out of whatever situation I was in that got me in medbay in the first place. I enjoy those short times I've had with this character, and wish I'd had more interactions with him. (Why do you never visit the chemist, eh? :P)



Cylia Tuvies - All this time, I never knew my favorite security cadet was you. It's been awhile since I've seen her, so I can't remember much about her, but I do know she was one of the few security regulars I actually liked and could trust not to be a shitcurity officer.

Garry Milders - Same as Haruspex, I've very rarely had direct interactions with this character. But when I have, they've been great - One of the few medbay characters that will actually take part in RP instead of going through the game mechanics and walking off when you're healthy, completely ignoring whatever RP injuries/issues you might be trying to play out.



Winston Carton - I honestly don't remember much of seeing this character on station not as a syndicate operative (Stein), so I'm going to focus on the syndicate alter ego that, iirc, is canonical. I find that Stein is a bit stagnate as a nukeop. The first time I played with him as an op, I greatly enjoyed it - Mostly because it was a new experience for me. The sit back and chatter on the radio thing, however, quickly became old when it was the same thing Stein did every time.


Here's my list of scrubs for you to tear apart:

Sarah Wolfe

Sairis Helosi

Kylan Hadyara

Miraj Zi'Ad

Katana Alpha/Katana Delta


Ziva Mo'Taki

Rasine Ha'kim

Ariana Eshlian

Edited by Guest

Personally, I liked Phoebe. I still like her, but sometimes I think her original kinda bitchy attitude has sort of spiraled out of proportion over time, and more often than not, she ends up as the centre of a lot of drama more due to the fact that she's one of the more easily recognized faces on the Aurora. Of course, I don't have a lot of experience interacting with her, so I might have it completely wrong.

And I'm not familiar with any other characters here except for Haruspex, who is easily the most robust and trolliest IPC I've ever seen. Haruspex remains the only one I've seen to be able to take down nearly the entire security team using just a bar of soap. I found him hilarious as a spectator, but I can see how these antics can get very, very irritating to other players after a while.

Also, as for mine, let's see how much people hate Emilie Alberg.


Time to shoot myself in the foot here.

Here's my list of characters for evaluation.

Lori Alvarez

Karima Mo'Taki


Demitri Rota (My priestess of Dodekatheon)

Rose Watson (I don't play her much anymore, since she's been downgraded to a journalist fighting against several mental conditions, so you can skip her if you wish)

Posted (edited)

Phoebe - I really don't know what to say. So much has been said already.

She leaves me continually perplexed; I absolutely fail to make sense of that character, but in a way that feels right.

As in, some characters don't make sense and that's just it, and their inconsistency is like nails on a chalkboard - not Essel. Essel is just a snowflake gone full circle; through the phase of abusing the power that comes with "Well we don't permit this behavior, but you see, this is Phoebe - she is special" back to the point of a character that doesn't usurp the spotlight from anybody and even can make amusing remarks at its own...snowflake-iness.

We're supposed to be mean, I guess, but this really is snowflake character done right in my opinion.

Add: Specifically, her uniqueness does not come from Phoebe having overly-complicated dramatic backstory (as is the custom), as rather from other players instinctively recognizing her as a strong character. All I can say is 'hats off' - and maybe a quiet wish that some players would give up attempts at inspiring such confused love-hate relationship in us with their characters.

Add 2: It's a relief she doesn't spend her rounds in a locker with half the medical bay begging her to come out anymore.

Winston Carton

Ah, the poor thing.

Winston started out as a quite straightforward character with what I suspect was OOC temptation to beat things. And frankly, his early Stein period felt awfully forced - as in, Stein was trying so damn hard to appear as fearsome operative who always has the upper hand, even in situations that clearly went everywhere but in his favor.

At that time, the attempts at sounding deep and meaningful while escaping in a shuttle full of syndicate corpses fell really short.

However, since then, Carton had come a long way; he actually did become a symbol of sorts. What more, his Winston/Stein duality -which I would look down upon in any other situation, did look down upon at one time- benefited him greatly. Somehow, the thing that I would consider the very definition of trying too hard played out really well, and he became a thoroughly developed -and relatable to- character whose story I am now genuinely interested to follow, and don't take that lightly. I suppose he became less stiff, less of a parody of a villain, and rather an actual, reactionary character - reactionary, that's it. Winston now appears to be in touch and working off the happening on the station, rather than pre-written off-screen drama to serve as an excuse of sorts for his behavior duality very existence.

Then again - while I do indeed enjoy playing with him, I do have certain doubts whether the other players can perceive him in such a manner, too, seeing as much of my actual interaction with the character takes place within the four walls of the psychiatrist's office.

Vira De Santos

I used to genuinely dislike the gunslinger captain... or rather, fear.

Of course, my perspective is notably limited to that of a third-rate medical character, but seeing Vira (and Issek, or both, for that matter) aboard always left me with a foul taste. These characters - much like Lockie in her screaming period - had a way of forcing the story and other players, who would not go to such extremes, to revolve around them.

Captain for the sake of being a captain.

And then there was that part about Vira hunting down her mafia-boss dad all the while protecting her little sister, turning her backstory the same over-the-top shade as her manners; I feel there's a lot to tell from the backstory about Delta's perception of Vira within the game.

It didn't matter how many times you went over the drama - from every angle, Vira was in the center; the one being hunted, the one being blackmailed, the one going on an epic illegal gunning spree, the one escaping the authorities... and look, isn't that marvelous, she's completely blameless. It just so happened that her dad is a bad guy, and her sister cannot look after herself, and she's powerful and important enough for the bad guys who go after her bad guy dad to seek to use her as a leverage.

I mean, god damn.

But Vira had matured a lot since then.

Her story became human, and - hey, coming off the 'captain for the sake of being captain' accusation, I think the process can best be demonstrated with Vira seeking roles of lesser authority, becoming a part of whatever story is happening, rather than wishing to be its centerpiece.

I've noticed similar change of heart in her on-the-side issues as well; Vira is now dealing with human problems, like the rest of us mere mortals, and that makes her feel real - and truly enjoyable.

Kids, the moral of today's story is 'less is more'.


I once met an amazing, well-read philosopher chaplain, a true master of the art of rhetorics. I loved that chaplain very much, though I only saw him once, and for a very brief time.

As it turned out, Belorin was not that chaplain.

As for Enkas' other characters, I've only had the pleasure of interacting with Cylia, and I feel others have already summed that up pretty well;

there's not a whole lot to say. There's really nothing bad to say about Cyl. And the best to say about her is how very little she stands out - I'd go as far as to say that she stands out precisely by how little she stands out.

I imagine that is a mark of a great character, when they leave you with a memory of truly enjoyable and pleasant game experience without a single bit of purpousedly constructed backstory to spice them up and make them differ from all the other characters aboard.

Makes me wish I was capable of creating such a character, myself.

- Now, you all knew I was going to ask for opinions of Baranova despite the fact she barely appears aboard anymore

Edited by Guest

No replying to other posts. Give your feedback and leave it at that, best way to keep things civil, thank you.

Edit, hopefully I don't seem pedantic. I rather keep discussions or responses out of the environment. Hopefully everyone understands this.



Okay. *cracks knuckles*

Bring it.

Senri Ishikawa, tear him apart.

Damian Del Prado, rip him a new one.

Leo Del Prado, if you nerds even remember him.

Zhang Jie, the Holodeck-dueling Captain.


I wish I had more to say on peoples characters. While there's much more depth to peoples' characters than meets the eye, I don't think about them or try to reflect too hard on them because that's dumb. I'll try anyway.


Admittedly when I first saw Haruspex as a cyborg, I enjoyed the unique dialect and diction but I did NOT enjoy the attention-grabbing radio spam when taunting people as you hunted/fought them. It seemed like an attempt at putting yourself in the spotlight and really just felt attention-seeking to me, and I had that stuck in my head for a while. As time marched on and Haruspex got his own IPC chassis, I slowly discovered he had his own backstory and a personal quest he set out to do with much more depth than I originally thought. He involves other people in his story but doesn't force it on others and damn I have to say, he's just hilarious. Based on what I've seen OOC from Invy and what I've seen IC from Haruspex, it's dispelled my initial notions completely.

tl;dr I didn't like him, but then I liked him.


Winston Carton

As everyone else thinks, I think Winston and Stein are - for the most part - forced completely. At least it was in the beginning. The pseudo-philosophy, the radio taunting. Just terrible, and often times I was embarrassed FOR Josh during those nuke rounds. I would have to turn off the radio, or find ways to ignore it to prevent myself from feeling some embarrassment I wasn't even a part of. It was a terrible time to be alive for me, seeing Stein's taunts. Everything was too forced and very inorganic. Over time I've learned a little about Stein and I think it's shared between some people here, however I don't see Winston as some sort of protagonist. I see him as a bad guy completely, willing to do bad things (or good things) if it meant it would make him feel better. That is to say, he has no deeper philosophical or moral reasoning for what he does beyond it making him feel better at the moment. Like a child, he's very basic in his decisions and his reasoning. He might regret it later, but he damn sure enjoyed it in the moment. And what I see him as now, given how my little bounty on him has evolved, I see him as a scared little boy without the intestinal fortitude to step up without the already-assured backing of his comrades.

Kind of like what I saw from I think George Lopez or someone of the sort, where the gangster guy would saw "I'll beat your ass homes! One on one! Right, cousin?" And he looks over his shoulder and his cousin isn't there, and he starts to shrink and looks around for his cousin. "Cousin?" he asks, in hopes of finding him to soon get the assurance from his comrade that he is indeed going to be okay, even if he loses the fight because his cousin will be there to defend him.

tl;dr I think he's a little boy who huffs and puffs to make himself seem like the tough kid on the playground but at the end of the day he's just that; a little boy. Both mentally and emotionally.


Vira De Santos

I've seen Vira De Santos around over the time I've played, and when I saw her, and I've seen her MS paint things, I couldn't help but think she was just some try-hard "I've been to Space 'Nam" commando badass. And for all I know, that IS what she was.

But recently, ever since the tarot reading Tina's done with her, it's put her in a much softer light for me. She seems to show more care and sensitivity, and basically did what Danny and Tina BOTH told her to do; embrace her feminine side. I don't think Invy's wrong in his statement either. However I don't think it's good or bad. While Invy is on one side of the coin where he doesn't enjoy it, I happen to be on the other side where I do enjoy it as Tina.

I really wish I had more to say on Vira back when she was just a tryhard commando to me, because that's when I had a blatant distaste for her, yet I can't think of much else to say about it.


All in all, as I interact with peoples characters more I'm discovering more depth to them. Some of it good, some of it bad, some of it neither good nor bad and is more for the interpretation of the player to decide if it's good or bad for them.

With that;

Tina Kaekel.

And TruLemAI, for those that know it.

I know there are a few people who like her, I know there are a few people who hate her. I'm really interested in what downright awful and insulting things people want to say about Tina, if they do.

Posted (edited)

ok, let's do this!


Skipping Haruspex mostly because everything's been said and also i can just tell stuff privately. I'll add my experiances with Dorothy to it. For the longest time i couldn't meet Haruspex at all, the characters i had would have no reason to be around him, and i think that was the intention. As when Haruspex starts talking about the Spider Caliphate, you're not really supposed to question it, just kinda recoil in terror and cry. The one character that got "close" to him, or for what could pass as close, was equally insane old lady with interest in psychological torture. And even then it was mostly a friendship of mutual benefit rather then any feelings, none would cry should the other die. Now, i don't really know how many other demented people there are on board, but the standards with which you can meet Haruspex head on do seem intensly high, or low...depends on the perspective. He's entertaining, and interesting and probably one of the most recognizable IPC's onboard ever. But the design itself makes it so it's near impossible to make friends...i guess this isn't really skipping


The best way to summerize my interactions with Inis is "emotional punching bag". The only significant parts of interacting with her i was mean and kinda felt OOC'ly bad afterwards. Once i guilt tripped her into giving me 20 credits by placing a mouse trap in a briefcase and occusing her of going over my stuff, and the other time i hypnotized her into thinking things. I wasn't even antag either of those times. Still, I found Inis being one of the more human people onboard. She is entirely willing to play along to schemes and stuff that are insanly obviously gonna turn out bad, but that's commendable to me, not a lot of people do that, and even when playing a character that specifically set out to just be a scam artist, i remember only ever seeing Inis and one other medbay person play along with it. I also don't think i've ever seen her as more then an assistant, which is interesting, since no one else i know of does that. Now onto Felix, who you totally left out and i want to mention, best DO, would make crimes to get visited by, 10/10


Hartam Belorin (SMITESMITESMITESMITESMITE). Once i figured out what Hartam's inspiration is, i reakky started ti dig it immediately. It's also commendable that you managed to make a Chaplain work for so long, since it's a role that's really really boring. Maybe would have preffered to see the mellee fighter side more, as every single interaction i had with him portrayed him as this old hippy guy. His religion has also given me a particualrly good round once, i remember, being pretty well made, even though, as i heard, it's mostly copied from WoW. Didn't interact much so moving onto Cylia, Cylia i remember back in the day was top of security. i remember her quickly going from unknown to being dragged around by all the regulars around. Never really did talk to her that much privately, but damn, how did you even pull that off? Came across as being just a useful friendly gal, and seeing her become an officer was actually a really touching thing. I know a lot of people couldn't wait to see her as one. Also she's a cook, yea...that was a surprise. I mean, /no one/ saw Cylia as a "oh, yea, the chef" at the time. Cylia was the one that i always saw with even maybe a bit of envy, seeing how quickly she made friends, but i suppose that's practice gotten with Garry. Now, Garry is dope. He grew on me from the moment he RP'd post surgery stuff with my character. No one does that, and i like being a sick frail person sometimes...Sorry if you wanted any hard brutal Critique, i'm afraid i don't know your characters /that/ well to have had a chance to notice anything really bad about them

Winston Carton

To reduce some of the onslaught on Carton, at the time the whole car crash wife thingy was happening, i remember being one of the people during dead hour to witness it, and you know what, i had fun at the time. Partially because that was new to me, i was yet to see someone be all mopey and treaten suicide. Maybe because i wasn't working medbay. But i digress, if that happened nowadays, it wouldn't be the same reaction from me, i would probably have a chuckle. Suicidal drama characters have gotten to be like that to me. I still enjoyed Winston as a character multiple times, during his time as bartender, or when he was asking weird questions to Miko that made me wonder what's going on in his life. Everyone seems to dislike Stein, and i have to agree. It took me a while to realize that Stein was Winston just because i assumed Nuke ops were non-canon generally. And when i did, i repressed it and never acknowledged Winston is Stein. i didn't have the (dis)pleasure of being in any terrible Stein taunt fest rounds, but really, can /ANYONE/ pull off a "i work for NT and i'm also a nuke op" thing? i mean...shit...i know i couldn't. Maybe that was just a poor character decision, and i don't know a way to make it work. And in case he is supposed to be seen as a protagonist, i'd detest that idea as well, he was always kind of a bad cop in my mind. Even during the whole wife/ste brother drama, as a player that had fun with it, I STILL SAW HIM AS JUST A BAD COP TYPE

Vira De Santos

It's insanely hard to make a critique on Vira and not subtly make a critique on Delta, it's like shitting on one is a parallel on shitting on Delta aswell. Vira is a character i'm utterly confused about, I''m not sure what her personality is like at all. And seeing her as RD and HoS and make an incident report about Travis where she accuses him of being potentially bad at his job for being well versed in both xenobilogy and telescience...i mean...that was just mind numbingly retarded. It was only later as Dorothy did i get a better picture of her character during a Psychological eval. "Oh, so he probably re-wrote the character"I realized, wondering just what the fuck Vira was before being HoS, because her backstory was now very combat oriented, How much did her personality change and why not make another character if she's this different? Was she a deeply impacted PTSD suffering Research Director? Does PTSD even mean anything? Questions which ultimately i didn't really care too much to find out. Vira remains in that one group of characters like Avery, where they impact people and my characters have opinions of them but i never figure out their personality. The whole thing with Syrus was kinda more silly then anything it was intended to be too. Every other gripe is more towards what Delta is like. i guess re-reading this comes off more negatively then expected, she's not that bad, She handles herself well in conversations, even one to one.

((edit: Delta informed me she was never an RD. Mostly Captain/Hos, however various other people tell me she's been a scientist before the retcon, and Gollee's comment on arrivals bombing supports that aswell, so just replace the word RD with scientist, as the criticism still applies in my head))


Pheobe is the kind of character that i kind of want to avoid IC'ly because of the OOC cult following. I'm kind of afraid to talk to her at all, and seeing as i play humans mostly anyway, i'm not in any risk of her talking to me either from what i've heard. Pheobe is like a horror story, other people keep pushing her into these snowflakey positions like CMO(the confirmed sadist that lost her medical license once and has a history of violence) and Noble pease prize winner that discovered the Vaurca and that also got her medical license back SOMEHOW (?!). I've also heard stories about DO involvments and shady stuff like that, that i BARELY even remember, only thing sticking in the back of my mind is "oh no, don't fuck with Pheobe, she has a defense force and can also probably get away with gutting you". She also holds this aura of horrifying obnoxious authority sometimes, like the incident report on her firing someone from medical as lab assistant. Like, hell, i don't even know what i'd do as a CMO in that case...just...maybe cry about it? I got it in my head that all the right people like Essel. As far as Essel goes as a character, i wouldn't be able to tell, I hear from people she's pretty good

Daniela Baranova

as a Psychologist, most of the round i've heard of Daniela from people, Winston tells me he's been visiting Baranova, Android tells me he wants to be like Baranova, Pretty sure Vira mentioned her, maybe around five other people, Daniela this, Daniela that. She's almost a psycholgist legend. Then when i had a talk with Daniela i was like "oh, she's kinda normal, i guess". Then later i found out about the lesbian adventures and was kinda dissapoint. For a character with such a profound impact, she's pretty plain, kinda set high standards for her in my mind, "she actually solves your problems" they tell me, but eeeenh, maybe it was my fault...i don't know, perhaps actually getting her 1 on 1 as a patient would have improved my opinions, but as is, if i was new, i would find her to be immensly boring, the most interesting part of what i've heard and seen of her so far being her reputation.


i want to talk of Dragonsnap, but let me briefly touch on Karima as it's funny to look back on it. I remember coming for the first time on the server, i learned the mechanics of the game in cargo, then after exploring the wiki for job guides, i settled on Xenobilogist. I remember Karima being in many shifts i was at as a roboticist. I was a 21 year old xenobio i think. I didn't really know how to make characters or really play the game even, but i was always afraid of Karima. Not because of anything you might think. It's just that i was /terrible/ in xenobilogy. Pretty much every single round i would end up in medbay 3-4 times. Sometimes i would just die. Karima was always there though. I think i annoyed her a lot, and i never really apologised for that. Every time i would shamefully walk past robotics and whisper apologies IRL. I think the very last time i tried xenobiology as William Rydell, i spaced myself in the first 10 minutes and ghost heard Karima complain to the captain, mentioning my age in the process (i still didn't know about the qualifications until much later). Now onto Dragonsnap who i DID interact with. DragoonSnap was one of the more organically cute robots around. You might argue that IPC's aint no supposed ta be cute an' all. But at the time i don't think i've seen any "cute" IPC's at the time, it was a new concept to me. The friendship it cultivated with Centurion and it's struggles with dealing with abandonment issues being particularly engaging for my psychiatrist (hell, that round in particular went really well RP-wise). DragonSnap feels like a human robot but in a way where i wouldn't want to change that. Rather i'd like for more of my characters to meet DragonSnap. The way i perceived DragonSnap was like a feminine designed IPC struggling with very human emotions. Struggling being human might not be novel, but if that's what you were going for, you really pulled it off. Otherwise you pulled off being interesting at the least


i only want to mention TruLemIAA, i think probably no one ever said a thing good or bad about TruLemIAA, but for the longest time he was the most recognized IAA that stuck in my mind while playing James Crimson. Mostly because wow holy shit, someone else who plays more then 2 rounds as IAA. Very good partner too, capable on his own and in bringing James from the many times he lost interest to live or stared at walls or was venting. Also the nickname Leming stuck with me. Don't know any other characters



also, my characters; James Crimson, A Hard Measure Of Law, Hosea Reeliah, (Morgana Static, Dorothy Sublett being less important, but still would like to hear about)

((also if anyone wants to respond PM me and i'll edit in your response or something, i don't know, you can just respond to me like a normal person))

Edited by Guest

tear apart Conservan Xullie, i've made an effort recently to make him not one dimensional 'engineering is always right!' in the past couple of months but i know there are things I can do to make him better

I don't have any other characters so thats it

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