Davidchan Posted November 13, 2014 Posted November 13, 2014 (edited) BYOND Key: Davidchan (Devin Adams) Player Byond Key: TheNitrosKiller2 (Maximilian Valinentie) Reason for complaint: Excessive Violence/Incompetent Security/Failing to abide Standard Operating Procedure, Corporate Regulations and Security Guidelines. Nuclear Round, Operatives had been dealt with to a point that Command stepped down SoP to blue. I joined about an hour into the shift and things were starting to wind down. Playing as a botanist, I ordered a bee crate and got busy pumping out a variety of flora to keep the chef stocked and put out top grade foods. Toward the very end of the shift (escape shuttle called and inbound) I accidently tried to water my bee apiary and riled the swarm. Running out he nearest door and into the library, a small swarm followed me while the rest of the bees were content to stare down the chef through the windows. To my knowledge not a single person other than myself was stung or injured because of this. Enter NitrosKiller, self appointed sheriff in the aftermath carrying a C-20r SMG. Seeing a cluster of bees in the library and stuck on a bookcase, he questioned me where the bee's had come from. Obviously, I told him they came from botany and went back to my window to check if the bees had calmed down enough for me to grab a few food items to take to departures/escape shuttle for players to munch on. Without declaring me to be under arrest or any formal charges, let alone not even resisting him, he lights up his baton and chucks it at me, stunning me and immediately arresting me, refusing to answer myself or anyone else in the crowd of people going to departures about why he was arresting me. The only words he did utter from the time I left the library to the time he threw his baton at me was 'HALT', since I was not moving in the first place was confusing. He slapped me with his baton once after I had been down before dragging me to brig (during an evacuation), a nearby roboticist gave chase demanding to know why I had been arrested at all, NitroKiller turn and tried to shoot the roboticist, hitting me square in the chest as I was directly behind him, at this the roboticist tries to disarm and pull me away, during the struggle I get hit with another stun baton before the roboticist is stunned and arrested as well, NitrosKiller then deputized and enlisted Samantha Mason, a pharmacist, to help drag the roboticist and myself to the brig before even declaring I was a danger to the crew because I had bees. Taking us to the brig (about a minute till shuttle arrival) he has us thrown into cells and apparently was about to start the timers when the shuttle arrival notification popped up and he dragged us to the nearest pod, harmbatoning me to drop me down to the ground so he could aggressive grab me into the back seat of the pod. He still won't say why my bees are a danger, nobody was stung and nobody but him had any problem with my bees, upon getting to centcom he buckles us into chairs and pepper sprays me for using my radio to try and get the HoS to control his officer and release me, after which point he takes mine and the roboticists radios away and tells the HoS we are both terrorists despite having no proof. I don't know why he thought any of this was justifiable or allowed, he clearly has no understanding of space law or how security is supposed to be played, especially on a high RP server. I don't even want to begin to count the number of infractions he ringed up during this ordeal, but illegal detainment, excessive force, misuse of evidence (walking around with a syndicate weapon for personal use?!), mistreatment of prisoners and exceeding official powers all come to mind, given the circumstances even if I had been using the bees in a malicious manner, he never announced the charges, reported the supposed crime or arrest, and literally dragged me the wrong the way during an evacuation. If this doesn't call for at least a week long jobban from security roles until he better understands how he is to behave and act, as well as being able to operate properly under SoP and space law, then I really don't know to think of all this. Edited November 14, 2014 by Guest
LetzShake Posted November 13, 2014 Posted November 13, 2014 If things happened as you've written this might be one of the most thorough and textbook examples of shitcurity I've ever seen. I'm amazed.
Skull132 Posted November 13, 2014 Posted November 13, 2014 I'll fetch the logs for this when I get a chance, and see if they confirm your story. I'd also like to see if Nitros has anything to say about this situation. EDIT: a few questions for both parties to answer: Were the nuke ops quelled, and was there any active threat to the station still present? Was there a HoS? Who?
Skull132 Posted November 13, 2014 Posted November 13, 2014 I looked at them there logs. A few things I'd like to point out: At no point prior to arrest was the botanist, the detainee, informed of his charges The member of security who conducted the arrest did not run it through the proper channels The member of security who conducted the arrest made no effort to resolve the matter peacefully, or even give the detainee a chance to surrender of their own accord The lethal firearm was discharged due to a struggle between Nitroskiller and the roboticist (Valkrea), however, as the one lethally armed and as the individual who has control over the situation, the security officer should have handled his lethal firearm in a manner which would have made an accidental discharge like this impossible (read as: the weapon should not have been drawn, it should have remained stowed) The actions I am able to observe from the logs, in my opinion, confirm the points raised by the submitter of the complaint.
K0NFL1QT Posted November 13, 2014 Posted November 13, 2014 Davidchan said: he lights up his baton and chucks it at me, stunning me
Davidchan Posted November 13, 2014 Author Posted November 13, 2014 LetzShake said: If things happened as you've written this might be one of the most thorough and textbook examples of shitcurity I've ever seen. I'm amazed. These are the events as I had observed them. If he has a counterpoint or justification for any of his actions, I am happy to hear them. But as it stands, he made no IC attempt to charge or explain his actions aside from "being a threat to the crew", which isn't actually a crime and falls somewhere between suspicious activity and sabotage and neglect of duty. as far as Corp Regs go. From where I stand, none of these would stand up to even the lightest scrutiny. K0NFL1QT said: Davidchan said: he lights up his baton and chucks it at me, stunning me Literally, he threw it at me when I was standing still and trying to get a grasp of scene in botany, the bees were returning to normal and NOBODY had reported them as a nuisance, just a Security Guard on a power trip deciding to interpret space law in his own way. Skull132 said: I'll fetch the logs for this when I get a chance, and see if they confirm your story. I'd also like to see if Nitros has anything to say about this situation. EDIT: a few questions for both parties to answer: Were the nuke ops quelled, and was there any active threat to the station still present? Was there a HoS? Who? As far the crew was concerned, the Nuke Ops threat was over. I do not have the full details, but the active heads of staff decided it was clear enough to lower from Code Red to Code Blue. Only active 'threat' to the station was structural damage and breaches by bombs used by the operatives. I am not 100% sure a Head of Security was active or if it was a Warden, I do not have a screenshot of the maniftest. NitroKiller WAS reporting the arrest to someone, but only after the escape pods/shuttle had departed the station, some 6-8 minutes after I was detained. I believe it was Seyo but I'd need confirmation from logs to confirm.
ForgottenTraveller Posted November 13, 2014 Posted November 13, 2014 I ghost witnessed everything from the arrest of Marcus the robotocist and it played out as Davidchan said, whilst when asked Nitro had apparently said the original bullet wound to Devin was from Marcus using disarm and it going of into Devin's gut. And the pod harm baton if I remember right was actually another point blank batonarang needlessly which he had done prior as well. Seto was the HoS, I believe the warden was also active. And apart from the structural damage the only things that looked like threats was Nitro and his SMG in hand at all times, and the detective wearing a nuke ops hardsuit. And the arrest was only reported once they had been buckle cuffed to the pod docking shuttle with a bullet or two still in Devin's gut as he begged the HoS to not leave him with a mad man. Who then subsequently took their radios.
Valkrae Posted November 14, 2014 Posted November 14, 2014 I'm going to come in and say that David is 100% right about the whole ordeal. There was a Head of Security, Syrus Seto, who told Max to /stand down/ from the arrest. He then proceeded, as David pointed out, to pepperspray us and take our radios. We were buckledcuffed to the chairs, and stunned whenever we would try and resist and unbuckle ourselves. As a person who plays Security regularly, This is a blatant violation of the SOP, and just bad RP in general. At no point did he ever even begin to stop, wanting only to just baton us and go on with his arrest. Marcus, my roboticist, has a general distrust of Security, and seeing someone arrested for the bees that were contained in Botany, and were about to be dealt with by myself and the Botanist, as we both had fire extinguishers. I feel as if /some/ sort of punishment should be enacted.
Skull132 Posted November 14, 2014 Posted November 14, 2014 I'm in favour of a security job ban. Fully in favour.
Davidchan Posted November 14, 2014 Author Posted November 14, 2014 I would like to see some form of restriction from security until he can at least prove he knows how to properly behave in capacity of role and act as the situation calls for, not just how ever he feels like. If anything, he was power tripping hard and was acting like a greytide with a stun baton,not a proper sec officer.
Frances Posted November 14, 2014 Posted November 14, 2014 Go ahead with the jobban, Skull. It seems more than justified - I haven't looked at the logs, but from reading the comments in this thread (and trusting your account), you have my blessing.
Skull132 Posted November 14, 2014 Posted November 14, 2014 Jobban applied. NitrosKiller is free to appeal this at the appropriate subforums.
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