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~Social Screeching~ (IC Shoutbox/Twitter)

Guest XanderDox

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~@GodsWoodSoGood~ Just dyed my hair and am ready to work! #ReadyToBeOnThisGodDamnedStation

@BaldPolish Now 50% more #robust!



@ChuckLeFuck rescreeched this

@ChuckLeFuck~ @BaldPolish Now 50% more #robust! - This is my shit. I blinded a space carp by reflecting light off my head and killed it with a pickaxe! True story!


~@RnRCarver~ Someone talked with me last shift and it wasn't for work reasons. I think my coffee is making me hallucinate. Must be because of the Chemist I saw near the food and beverage fountain earlier. #DontTrustDoctors

Robert Carver




Some holiday from a couple hundred years ago. Based on Terra Firma. People working today need something to keep spirits up, you know? Sucks to be them. Looking forward to some downtime after this whole Alliance blockade business.

#paidvacation #PhoenixERT #romanovichcloud #MissingContact

Syrus Seto



Well, a trooper carelessly discharged a stray laser from their energy rifle today during a recon stint, causing serious burn damage. The wound was infected. Worse yet, the lot of us (8 in the unit) caught some strain of the flu. We'll be fine, but Gearhead isn't going to make it. #Lifeisprecious

Vira De Santos


~@RnRCarver~ Whilst enjoying my Holiday off, I started digging through my family's old (And by old, I mean these date back to when they were on Earth!) data-drives and found one full of text adventures. They seem pretty dated (Unsurprisingly), considering the number of science fiction ones that consider Intergalactic Travel and Laser Weaponry to be 'futuristic', and the 'modern' ones talking about Europe and Asia (The Earth continents, not the bands that made those old songs I found on some of the other drives). Atleast I have something to do when the missus is cleaning up around the place! #MerryChristmas

Robert Carver



Got told I was incompetent by a E-borg today, for removing someone with internal bleeding from cryo. Why do I even try sometimes? #Medbay #ChemProblems

Wesley Jesse



To everyone who calls "shitcurity" when we arrest them for breaking corporate regulations. I made this account to tell you to review your contracts and to go fuck yourselves on behalf of the security department.

Sam Macnaughton


Got told I was incompetent by a E-borg today, for removing someone with internal bleeding from cryo. Why do I even try sometimes? #Medbay #ChemProblems

Wesley Jesse


@DoubleDoctor rescreeched this

@DoubleDoctor: I wish it was a human so I could punch them so hard they find out first hand what cryo does for internal bleeding. #ClobberingTime #FistingInTheMedbay #EsselsRubbingOffOnMeAndNotInTheWayIdLike

Crystal Brookes



Walked in on yet another CMO handing out acid like it's rock candy. Third time this week. About to just start throwing them out and reporting for trespass. #Medbay #Chemproblems #PaperworkWhere

Wesley Jesse

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