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[2 Binned] Idea: Fighting Styles

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So I got this idea when making a character and talking with catnip about character origins and security things when I got a great idea. The ability to set fighting styles! It will be mostly for aesthetics and nothing too mechanically, although if people want it could mean mechanical changes.

Now, why fighting styles? Well, I'm sure quite a few characters on the server went to some sort of martial art or the other. Karate, taekwondo, judo, or just plain street fighting. It would be awesome if this could be represented in the game, by selecting one or two fighting styles in the character setup screen, and possibly able to toggle between said styles with an IC tab button. What it will do, is change things like, "Urist McOfficer punches Grey Taide in the chest!" to "Urist McOfficer lands a palm strike on Grey Taide's chest!", or "Urist McOfficer performs a roundhouse kick against Grey Taide's head!". It's not meant to be integrated into weapon strikes, but it could be if people would like that, though it would be unneeded.

Mechanically this doesn't have to change anything, though maybe, if people really want it to, it could grant a few bonuses like increased knockdown chance or a few extra damage points. But for the base, it won't change things mechanically.

Let me know what you think.


Flavour would be nice. I'm for either a text-only change, or a rock-paper-scissors implementation where say..

3 styles: A is weak to B, strong to C. B is weak to C, and strong to A, and C is weak to A, strong to B. Et cetera.

But I'd prefer just flavour changes. Grappling knockdown has to be a suplex or the entire idea is bust, though.


i had an idea like this too, with a bit of mechanical advantages, like boxers being able to punch faster, but i think that would just turn everyone on station to black belt martial artists, so im more in favor of just flavor text, though i wouldn't mind mechanical differences too.


Yeah, the basic idea I had was to put purely aesthetic changes, and give people a reason to actually get some martial arts in their records. I just left the mechanical option open because people like options.


I like this idea, with mechanical parts or not. It would be another interesting thing to add to character sheets that would distinguish characters from one another, and also serve, at the very least, as a stub from which to hang eventual mechanical changes.

Maybe a full system for this would do things like:

Martial Art X decreases the time it takes to grab someone and makes it more difficult to break free.

Martial Art Y increases fist strike damage and increases the percentage chance of a critical.

Martial Art Z gives bonuses to using weapons and decreases chances of being disarmed.

Martial Art A gives bonuses to absorbing brute damage.

All of these should probably be very tiny bonuses, but something nonetheless...

Or, the purely aesthetic option is still nice, too... I dunno, I was just thinking.

  • 1 month later...

My input:

A mechanical distinction just isn't going to happen. Melee combat is meant to be simpler than that, and based more on skill, not rock paper scissors.

A fluff distinction also won't happen. It'll just muddy our crystal clear combat system, and confuse onlookers.

It is no longer 1974 - everybody can stop with the kung-fu fighting. Voting for dismissal.

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