Pratepresidenten Posted March 20, 2017 Posted March 20, 2017 BYOND Key: Pratepresidenten Character Names: Mix, M1-X, Bit, VALID.exe, Anabelle Sovno. Species you are applying to play: Tajara What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Dark/ashy gray (99, 95, 89). Subject to change, depending on how it looks ingame. Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Read? Yes. Fully grasp? Not yet. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question Why do you wish to play this specific race: Because these fuckers are cute as shit, don’t hate bro. But seriously though, I want to play this race because I find them pretty interesting. The comradery the Taraja share is pretty unique, and the way they interact is very different from humans. I want to put a character to life that’s limited in many ways, someone that comes from a little place where you make do with what little you know and have. Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Well, firstly they’re very prone to overheating, so wearing fancy conventional clothes is a no-go. They cant wear regular shoes either due to their clawed feetpaws, so they need either sandals or something tailored to fit them. Having to take their constant comfort into consideration, you wont be able to have them in heavy gear or EVA suits for extended periods of time, as they would perish from a heat stroke. Their physiology suggests that they’re more prone to brute force trauma, so playing them more defensively would seem logical. But if you should find yourself in a bad spot, kitty still has claws! And of course, their manner of speech, referring to themselves in the third person, rrrrolling their rrrr’s. Character Name: Hrraf So’ki Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs Hrraf grew up on a secluded farm, not too far from one of the industrialized mines. Military activity wasn’t uncommon in the area, and certainly not on the farm. Hrraf usually spent most of his days in the hydroponics greenhouse, tending to his medicinal plants and occationally tending to some cuts and bruises on the soldiers that passed by to rest. One day as he was minding his own business in the greenhouse, he could hear a lot of shouting and running from outside. He went outside to see what was going on, only to be grabbed by one of the passing soldiers. Moments later he could hear a deafening howl from the skies before he found himself face down in the snow, the weight of the soldier shielding him was unbearably heavy as he was pinned on the ground. The soldier clutched him tightly as a loud explosion was heard close by, followed by another, and another. He screamed in terror as he had no idea what was going on, passing out not long after as the soldier’s body didn’t allow much space to breathe. He came to a while later, an unpleasant awakening by an unfamiliar face, shaking him, he tried pushing the other away, but they stepped back and ran off with the rest of the troops before he could. He staggered to his feet, taking in a fresh breath of cold air as he tried clearing his head, but what he found when he came to was absolutely horrible. His greenhouse, it was.. Gone. The place he had spent all his free time, his little home away from home, reduced to a blackened, debris filled crater in the bright white snow. He was absolutely devastated, there was no way they could afford replacing it and rebuilding it without any help would take months, time they didn’t have to spare. His tiny source of income had been destroyed, and he knew he had to find something else to support his family with, and quick, so he went searching for employment to anywhere that would take him in, but to no avail. He sat down with his family, venting his frustration at the lack of available jobs, his parents being understanding of the situation. They told him about a possible job offer at one of the megacorporations in a nearby system, and that the working conditions would be far from ideal. He didn’t really care at this point, he was getting desperate. So he contacted the number they gave him and he took the first shuttle out. Once he arrived, he was assigned a little space where he could sleep, and some rations to last him a few days. He could hardly sleep as he lay there that night, awaiting the next day, the first day of employment. The alarm rung, he was wide awake and ready to take on the day. He chowed down one of his ration packs before getting dressed and heading off to his assigned post. He had been assigned to a recovery ward on a hospital ship, tasked to scrub the floors, toilets and other unpleasant places, but he didn’t care, he was happy to work, happy to earn money, even if it was barely anything. He had severe troubles keeping down his ration packs with some of the foul smells and sights he had to stomach while working, but it got better as time went by, and he found himself peeking into the various recovery rooms, observing the doctors apply various treatments and talking about diseases and cures. This really spiked his interest and he asked around in how to learn more about this. He was pointed in the direction of medical school and classes where he could learn about it all. He eagerly found forms and applications and he filled them out the best he could, delivering them to their respective places. He waited for what felt like months, until a reply was finally had, he had been accepted into a program, where they taught about medicine application and lesser treatment. He was so blissfully happy that he had a chance to learn more about what he wanted to know, and possibly get more income for his family once he had completed his training. Time went by as he completed class after class, paying his debts with the cleaning job he had been working at since day one, finally getting a degree in medical science before he enrolled into a nursing internship. A couple of years pass as he continues to give his training everything he’s got, until he finally earned his certification as a paramedic. What do you like about this character? They’ve got a happy-go-lucky attitude, which sometimes tends to spread to those around him. He takes a lot of pride in his work, striving to do the best he can and to keep the people around him happy. How would you rate your role-playing ability? Eh… 6/10. Notes: I am so sorry for the ridiculously long backstory, I got a little carried away OTL
TrickingTrapster Posted March 20, 2017 Posted March 20, 2017 Two paragraphs, right? One, two, three... You made ten. Pffff. Nah but really, you're a good roleplayer and I trust you won't abuse the lore but... This backstory seems a little generic to me. Nothing wrong with it, honestly, but it sounds like something that could happen to any other human as well. It doesn't have a huge tajara ring to it, at least for me, but I won't ask you to rewrite it. It's a good backstory nonetheless. +1 from me.
sebkillerDK Posted March 20, 2017 Posted March 20, 2017 Alright, first off. I know Prat, he's a nice guy, overall chill, helpfull and funny. I've had some great RP with his characters, most noticeably Anabelle Sovno, and M1-X. He is allways helpfull, and dosen't mind giving out tips n tricks. Overall, you you're a chill guy, who knows his stuff, and you are funny and entertaining to play with, allways showing of solid RP. I give you my full support on this app, and i think you will become a pretty good catbeast Tajaran player. +1 from me.
The Stryker Posted March 20, 2017 Posted March 20, 2017 The app is sweet, but short. It definitely could've touched more into tajarans as a whole but at the very least the backstory is realistic and shows the war from a perspective of a civilian. Overall though, they're a good RPer as well. This gets my +1.
Coalf Posted March 20, 2017 Posted March 20, 2017 Prate, prate you worthy bait so you finally did it huh? You madman. I read over the app and let me say the bad first and the pleasant later. You're not that great at prose, although your backstory has what it needs, it lacks an artists touch. Sentences are kinda plastered over each other and it's generally hard to read and not because of broken english but because of the weird phrasing, you switch perspectives often and that can be somewhat confusing. Now the good thing is I know you're an amazing Roleplayer and I've had plenty of fun with you, Sovno is a great person to have around and even though I hate borgs I hate you slightly less. Second I love your "Why do you wish to play a specific race", a lot of people think that if they put in "yeah lore wahtever" that they're going to get a free pass but you actually didn't put much about the lore and isntead explained how Tajara differ on-station, it's pretty widely know that Tajara stick together the most and I like how you described it here, to me it reminds me of actual war refugees who tend to integrate very slowly into society mostly sticking to their own kind. But your cat is not busty enough 0/10 would not bang +1 from me.
Mofo1995 Posted March 21, 2017 Posted March 21, 2017 I will be posting full feedback tomorrow, an immanency warning to those who may want to slip in feedback before I do so.
Faris Posted March 22, 2017 Posted March 22, 2017 So, my only real gripe with this application is the structure of the background story, it feels like it's plastered and thrown around. Now on the good bits, the tragedy of the lower classes is always a theme I find interesting and I feel like it's shown here, and you've done so without exposing too much, allowing the reading and hopefully soon the players to speculate a lot without handing them their autobiography. Who were these soldiers? On which side were you living? Perhaps these were foreign soldiers conducting sabotage or your local troops keeping everyone in line, a lot of speculation which is always healthy for a reader. Now onto the player in question, whom I believe is a capable player, I don't overly know too much about them but that doesn't subtract from their value in any round. So my verdict is a +1.
Mofo1995 Posted March 22, 2017 Posted March 22, 2017 The alotted day has arrived! I really can't say anything other than you hit this application out of the park. Long-winded feedback giving intricate detail into your abilities, a strong backstory that shows your character's history and personality rather than merely telling, an interesting new take on being a rural non-combatant and bystander in the war, and clear ties and motivation to return to Adhomai. This is easily the hardest hitting and strongest written application I've processed in 2017 so far, and it takes a surprisingly pleasant take on the war where Hrraf isn't an orphan or a PTSD veteran, just a simple farmer trying to earn a stable living for his family. Application absolutely accepted.
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