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[Resolved] Staff Complaint-Alberyk

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BYOND Key:BygoneHero

Staff BYOND Key:Alberyk

Game ID:Not sure but the round occurred at the time of this post

Reason for complaint:

It was a merc round, and I and the other mercs were busy selecting a gimmick. We got one and I was ready almost immediately. They take about an hour to be fully prepared and by then I, a Vaurca merc was nearly out of phoron gas. I asked several times if it could be possible to refill it or to give me kois but was denied every time. I explained that this forces me to play aggressively to get kois but it was passed off. I successfully break into xenobotany with no casualties with only about 4 pressure left of phoron when a rad storm hits. By now the other mercs were just introducing themselves and their gimmick to everyone else and the kois ends up not growing fast enough. I die from oxy damage only having interacted with two people.

As admin Alberyk is amazing, but as a game master he is not. In this instance he not only dicked me over for seemingly no reason but I feel punished for trying to develop a antag RP instead of just mindlessly murdering my way through the station. I asked to complain to an admin not involved with my issue when he answered claiming to also not be involved in the issue. I had a ban applied to me which I feel is just, I was very much raging at this point but I can't help but feel Alberyk tried to bait for this by being passive aggressive liar and this isn't really becoming of an admin. Especially with how this server wants antags to operate.


Additional remarks:


I was not around for most of the beginning of the round due to my computer shutting down, then, I just returned to the server when a mod asked for help due to the mercs wanting to try a gimmick. I did give them some things. However, I did not give you k'ois mostly because it is the risk, that you were fully aware, when you choose to play a vaurca antag in said situation, that you need k'ois to survive. It is not my fault if the things didn't go well, your team was not fast enough. Besides, not having k'ois could create far more interaction than having it, anyway.

Also, I was not involved, I was not playing, just ghosting and observing. There was no one else less involved in said round than me there, the other admin was afk, and the other mods were either antags or dealing with said individuals. I don't see how I can be lying here, and surely raging and insulting people did not help your case. Besides, there is nothing saying that admins should help people out with their gimmicks or whatever, we do anything of the short because we believe it might be a good idea and it will improve things. A pratical case being ipcs heisters having no access to cooling units, or heisters also requested backpacks, and they were just told to go steal/trade one.


I made it specifically as to not reveal information about the round. It was a voted merc round so anything said doesn't actually reveal anything about the actual plans of our antag group.

As for Albreyk you were giving things to the antags as well as handling AOOC. I ahelped to get maybe some help from another admin on your decision to not provide any means for me to survive before we ever arrived on the station. I was already dead by then so how exactly aren't you involved? If practicality is an issue then why would a antag Liidra attack a station with no phoron or kois? A hour spent prepping for merc and 5 minutes actually doing anything isn't fun or engaging in any way for anyone.


When you read the logs you can also see that I just went along with the group's decision to do a gimmick. I was fine not having your help but because you decided to give things that's when we were stalled even longer. I can't leave without the rest of the team as a merc so there's LITERALLY nothing I could have done other than sit in one spot to minimize the phoron I was using, which I did. What could I have done differently then? Just leave without the rest of the merc party? We only left when we did because I was telling them in AOOC how close to dying I was. This is extremely unfair and the flat denial with no thought given to the context as well as outright lying to me is why I raged. The first thing I asked you for was Kois. I would have been totally fine not getting any special powers or anything if I could have just that but it's ok to give me a chain sword? I don't understand why one would be ok and one wouldn't be.


Gonna do a little bit of digging on this. Initial opinion is that alberyk really should have just spawned you some phoron. It has always been my belief that we have a vested interest in offering a little help to antags. the key word here is "little" of course. Help that can manifest in ways such as offering wizards a do over on their spellbook choice, teleporting mercs who get lost in space and yes spawning a cooler for IPC operatives. alberyk is technically correct when he says that you knew the risks when you chose to play as a vaurca operative. however i think a helping hand is a much healthier option to further the narrative of the round.


I do not see how I am lying to you here, please, explain, because there was literaly no one else that could have handle your situation at given time. And I only gave them things they could not really get via regular means, such as the suit for the super hero gimmick and the chainsword, everything else they got out of their own or with the telecrystals, such as the syndicate cyborg. And several times, antags and etc fuck up, such as being spaced, breaking lungs and etc, and most of said times, we don't help them.

Funnily enough, you went after k'ois, and when it was ready to harvest, you just ran away into space while raging into aooc.


That is pretty funny...I didn't see it as I left to check if xenobio still had its phoron crystals.

I've got nothing against your adminning , indeed you are probably one of the best admins. I just don't feel as if this skill translates very well into game mastering. I was being a shit and I apologize for raging and I do not deny that I deserved my ban but I really don't understand how you say you can't be involved with this. I might be missing something but being screwed over for trying to develop rp is my perception of the round. As I said before short of abandoning the entire merc team and taking the ship, actions which were likely to be reported anyway there was nothing else I could do.


I remembered some of the wonderful things Alberyk has helped me with in the past as an antag, Like the time SPESS WORMS attacked the station. I'll retract this complaint as looking back it was a very silly thing to get mad at you about. And while I don't fully understand why I wasn't given koi's I guess you know more about what is good for a round than I do. If there was anything from this I would have just liked an explanation rather than a flat refusal.

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