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Security Belt in the detective's office

Guest Marlon Phoenix

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Guest Marlon Phoenix

Pretty simple request. It would be nice if detectives got a security belt to hold all their crap. I don't use suitcases very often because I like to keep both hands free, and if I'm doing something where I need both hands I don't want to drop the briefcase to do it for anyone to steal. I also don't really like the trenchcoats because the inventory for it has a tendency to bug out and leave the inventory slots stuck on the screen, which irritates the balls out of me.

I usually end up with a full inventory with all my things; a belt could hold: the zippo lighter, flash, a single pair of handcuffs, (which detective's have access to, so please don't complain about that; they can carry as many as they want with or without a belt) and one or both of speed reloaders. At the very least, that frees up 4 inventory slots. In my satchel I put a folder, internal box, camera, recorder, and possibly a crowbar if power or firelocks are being weird, andmy pockets are full with the recorder and a flashlight.

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I usually keep the lighter within the cigarette packet on my ear, the badge on my belt, the PDA on the ID slot, the speed loaders within the big overcoat, the gun holstered, flash in my pocket with something like a camera or recorder and the rest in my bag. I've not had too much trouble with space.

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That's actually a smart idea, also maybe add in bluespace belts that are like bluespace bags, but belts?


Noooooo. You took the idea way too far there now. Civilian belts I think would be a good idea, but only for jobs that would expect to use lots of tools. For example, Detective and Nursing Intern/Engineering Apprentice.

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I don't use suitcases... I don't really like the trenchcoats because the inventory for it has a tendency to bug out and leave the inventory slots stuck on the screen, which irritates the balls out of me. I usually end up with a full inventory with all my things.


Ditches the inventory expansion items already provided. Complains about lack of storage. What?

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I think this is needed. Detectives lacking security equipment pushes them toward lethal force more because they don't usually have other solutions.

Not enough people realize hand to hand combat is an extremely effective method of self-defence in this game. Detectives (And Security in general) don't seem to utilize it to the full extent the game provides (Grappling maneuvres, how to use the new disarm system, etc) and just go straight for the gun.

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The detective would be able to carry unauthorized items with them. Pepperspray, stun batons, etc.

They have no business carrying these items in the first place - a fact which is clear, and I doubt giving them a belt would exactly encourage such behavior.

Anyone can also carry most unauthorized items in their bag.

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Guest Marlon Phoenix
The detective would be able to carry unauthorized items with them. Pepperspray, stun batons, etc.

They have no business carrying these items in the first place - a fact which is clear, and I doubt giving them a belt would exactly encourage such behavior.

Anyone can also carry most unauthorized items in their bag.


Ughhh. Once again people keep expanding upon my wanting a belt. I don't want to hold unauthorized crap. I do prefer pepperspray over a flash because of its range, but that's not what this suggestion is about. If you want anything a detective is not supposed to start with, ask the HoS or Warden.

I even said in the OP that I don't like the coats because they glitch out and the inventory slots end up stuck on the screen. Jackets in general seem to do this.

All this suggestion is about, is a security belt, so I can skip asking the HoS. I don't see how "It'll make detectives run around with unauthorized equipment" when:

A) They have access to the security vending machines, so they can carry cuffs and flashbangs anyway (of which I only carry a single pair of cuffs)

B) Having a security belt won't change their access to open lockers to get the unauthorized equipment.

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Guest Marlon Phoenix
The coats USED to glitch, and like you I avoided them completely. Since the latest code merge though, they don't seem to have that problem.


Last round I played - yesterday - I put my recorder and folder in my coat and it ate both of them, then got the slots stuck on the screen. :(

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The coats USED to glitch, and like you I avoided them completely. Since the latest code merge though, they don't seem to have that problem.


Last round I played - yesterday - I put my recorder and folder in my coat and it ate both of them, then got the slots stuck on the screen. :(

If you click the coat again, it should show you the contents. It only appears glitched.

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Would adding in a security belt to the map and modifying the list of items it can hold be a decent alternative? Still a security belt, no need to code a new special item just for one job, and no new sprites - Just maybe change the name var to distinguish it from the other sec belts.

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