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Species: Tips and tricks

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Recently I've been witnessing people just not knowing about their mechanics when they play a certain species and I myself think the wiki is a bit lax on these things, thus I'd like to make this as a open suggestion thread where you submit your tips, tricks and other tweaks you figured out for a certain species you play and love to help other plays accustom to the playstyle.

Please don't be shy to comment, I'll be editing this guide to fit your requests.



- You cannot be a Captain, HoS, HoP or the IAA.

- You get your own robotics language, remember Borgs and the AI can speak that language too.

- You can wear normal human softsuits and voidsuits.

-You can easily disregard all pain as you don't feel it, but remember that every IPC seeks to preserve and protect its shell.

-You cannot be flashed, batoned, tasered and flashbanged, but remember that this makes you a target for lethal take-downs as security is not going to endanger themselves to arrest a robot.

- Classic batons work on IPC's.

- You get flat 20% brute resist.

- You can inject/draw liquids into/from your body,non damaging chemicals won't do anything, you are simply a big beaker, you can hold up to 1000 units, use this to brew cheese.

- You cannot eat, if you feel hunger click on an APC with grab intent instead, this has a low chance of damaging you, thus you can use the cyborg recharger instead.

- IPC's are damaged by high heat and vacuum, so don't put on armor and suits without grabbing a suit cooling module first.

- Suit cooling modules can be printed in prolathes or found in the EVA storage, remember the basic battery barely lasts 5 minutes, put a better one in there.

- In turn you don't need an oxygen tank, can easily ignore plasma and cannot be poisoned.

- Radiation, Toxin, Oxygen damage does not exist for you.

- You cannot repair yourself instead you rely on help of others, Welding tools fix brute and cables fix burn.

- EMP blasts will no longer instakill you but they still do a lot of damage, avoid them.

- Sprinting raises your temperature very quickly and drains your battery, don't do it too often.

- IPCs cannot be ERT troopers.

- IPCs cannot be cloned, but can often be brought back from death by repairing.

- An IPC will burn for up to 3:00 minutes until death.


-Same as above, except you are bigger and tougher trading speed for strength.


- You are squishier than Baseline but still tougher than a human.

- You can look exactly like a human, use this to your advantage.


-You don't slip, laugh at inferior species that slip.

- Your age limit is much higher and so is your int limit, Skrell are one of the species that can easily be skilled at multiple departments and have more than one or two PhD's, laugh at the inferior species that have the age of a dog.

- You can breathe underwater (Useless), laugh at the inferior species that cannot.

- You cannot consume animal protein, avoid all meaty foods, laugh at the inferior species for their primitive eating habits.

- Skrell only need to modify helmets as their tentacles don't fit but can wear normal human suits, laugh at inferior species for not being able to wear your helmets.

- You get custom language, laugh at the inferior species that don't get it.

- You can be any role, even captain, laugh at inferior species that can't.

A Skrell will burn for up to 3:00 minutes until death.


NORMAL(Hharar, Njarir)

- You walk faster than anyone else.

- You catch on fire easier and if you're wearing too much clothing you will get messages about being uncomfortable, right click on your jumpsuit and roll it down to stop that, remember wear a shirt or a tank-top.

- You are somewhat resistant to cold.

- You take 15% more damage from brute.

- Your clawed hands do bonus damage and can cause bleed, do not box with humans.

- Tajara get two additional languages, Siik'Maas and Siik'tajr, Siik'tajr is part sign language thus you can't use it over radio

- You cannot wear human gloves or shoes.

- You don't actually see better in the dark.

- You cannot be a captain but you can be a HoS, CMO, CE, IAA or HoP.

- All tajara talk in third person and roll their R's in Basic but are free to not roll R's in Siik'Maas.

- You cannot wear human softsuits and softsuits, they have to be modified to fit your tail.

-A Tajara will burn for up to 3:00 minutes until death.


- You are somewhat faster than a normal Tajara

- You are somewhat squishier than a normal Tajara

- You get to speak Nal'Rasan a special silent hunter language

- Same as above.

- Can't hold their alcohol as well as a normal Tajara.

- Able to deal with warmer temperatures slightly better than a normal Tajara.

- Deals with colder temperatures slightly worse than a normal Tajara.

- Less Stamina.


- You are taller and bulkier.

- In turn somewhat slower, both mentally and in terms of agility.

- Same as normal Tajara.

- Can hold their alcohol as well as humans

- Able to deal with colder temperatures slightly better than normal Tajara

- Deals with warmer temperatures slightly worse than nomral Tajara

- More Stamina


- You get 20% brute reduction but are a bit slower

- Your sprint is an extreme burst of speed over a short distance, you have the fastest sprint

- Male Unathi can break cuffs

- You can devour simple mobs, you have to be next to the mob and neither of you can move.

- You deal bonus damage with claws, can cause bleed and have a bonus chance of knocking people down.

- You get your own language titled Sintha'Unathi, got an older language called Sinta'azaziba, basically the same as sign/word language.

- You are resistive to fire, Unathi can burn up to 6 minutes without any protection but are vulnerable to cold, don't worry space is not cold but vacuum will still cause damage, avoid the freezer and AI upload.

- You are immune to carpotoxin thus can eat carp, even spiders and bears.

- Normal human alcohol is poisonous to you, instead you get your own special brands.

- Unathi hiss when pronnouncing thingssss in basssic.

- On station you get a special suit, a breacher suit, only you can prevent fore- I mean wear the suit, it has one of the highest armor caps in the game but slows you down to a crawl and limits your vision to 8 tiles, use this when engaging in melee.

- You have to modify softsuits and softsuits to wear them.

- You are restricted from the position of Captain.

- A unathi can burn up to 6:30 minutes with no protection until death,


- You are very slow, even when sprinting.

- You feed on light and die in the dark, do not enter darkness.

- One splash from plant-b-gone can kill you, avoid at all costs.

- You don't take radiation damage, Toxins or oxygen damage.

- You regenerate health very quickly and can even when at the bring of death to escape as a nymph.

- As a nymph you need to eat plenty of food or suck the blood of your co-workers to grow back into a full grown Dionea, by doing that you can even learn their special language.

- By splitting and re-building you can grow back lost limbs.

- You can survive in space without a softsuit or an oxy tank.

- You do not process chemicals, thus you can't be poisoned but don't receive positive effects either.

- Cold damages you, even cryotreatment.

- You cannot be cloned.

- Your special language is called Rootsong.

- Dionea are very slow, even in their speech, it's up to you how to RP slow speech.

- Dionea can be heads of staff but only the CE, RD or CMO.

-Dionea don't give a fuck about fire.


This is the species I have the least knowledge on, thus take everything with a grain of salt.

-You are weak to EMPs.

-Flashes can blind you permanently.

- You have 50% brute resists thanks to your exoskeleton, but this makes bleeding much deadlier.

- You have a special language called Hivenet, you can communicate at any range with other Vaurcae!

- You can use a special bite verb when you grab a mob to cause massive amounts of damage.

- Contrary to popular belief you can get cloned.

- You breathe phoron.

- You only eat Kois which also slightly refills your Phoron storage.

- You can go outside without a suit.

- You are resistant to radiation.

- You are immune to phoron.

- You take bonus damage from fire, burning up in only 1:30 minutes.

- There are two subspecies but the only difference is slight adjustments of stats and slight visual difference.

- Vaurcae cannot be heads.

- When a Vaurcae is cloned, they don't have their mechanical organs and must rely on plasma internals.

-Vaurcae can burn for up to 1:30 minutes until death.


-You're a human, you don't need mechanics.

Edit number 1: Thanks Mofo and Fire and Glory

Edit number 2: Thanks Lohikar and Canon

Edit number 3:Thanks Jen and Lohikar, again.

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A few extra things with M'sai and Zhan-Khazan!


- Can't hold their alcohol as well as a normal Tajara

- Able to deal with warmer temperatures slightly better than a normal Tajara

- Deals with colder temperatures slightly worse than a normal Tajara

- Less Stamina


- Can hold their alcohol as well as humans

- Able to deal with colder temperatures slightly better than normal Tajara

- Deals with warmer temperatures slightly worse than nomral Tajara

- More Stamina

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>- You have to modify hardsuits and softsuits to wear them.

It's voidsuits and softsuits mate.

Cool tip for IPC's, while you do take damage in unpressurized areas, not having any pain and the fact that there's actually a good amount of delay before you start taking damage means you can walk across breaches naked with a crowbar so long as you know where you're going and what you're doing.

For extra style and brownie points among them Unathi, keep in mind that not all letters need to be s's for there to be hissing, for example, the letter c can be pronouncssed with hissing sssincsse in some words it sounds similar to s.

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Sadly with the new bay-merge, IPC's can't inject themselves with milk and enzyme to make cheese with their body- BUT, if you manage to somehow convince medical to lend you an IV drip to put milk and enzyme in, you can make cheese with your body :^)




Edit: Added Complimentary picture :^)

Edited by Guest
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  • 4 months later...

- IPCs cannot be ERT troopers.

IPC is the only one where this was specified, but I feel like it's a given Dionae wouldn't be taken for ERT either. I've seen Taj ERT, is Unathi ERT a thing as well? I saw the option for it during an ERT round last night but received no response about whether it'd actually be acceptable or not when I asked about it.

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- IPCs cannot be ERT troopers.

IPC is the only one where this was specified, but I feel like it's a given Dionae wouldn't be taken for ERT either. I've seen Taj ERT, is Unathi ERT a thing as well? I saw the option for it during an ERT round last night but received no response about whether it'd actually be acceptable or not when I asked about it.


I believe Human, Skrell, Tajara and Unathi are permitted ERT roles, but only Human and Skrell are permitted the role of Lead.

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As a Vaurca, you run on your internal phoron tank in order to live. You can recharge it by eating kois, but you'll run out of air faster than you'll get hungry. The best thing to do is to cajole the Chemist into making you a 10u or 15u phoron pill; that should last you an entire round, especially if you're eating normally. On the old map, you can get 3 kois-spores from each seed vender, and each spore (has to be grown in a tray, like a seed) will give you three bulbs. Each bulb can be planted, and moreover can be planted on any tile. Do [i[not[/i] just plant that shit everywhere, it's a low-level carcinogen. Plant it in the garden, or get permission to grow it in some out-of-the-way place.

If you have to undergo surgery, stop them from anesthetizing you with the gas; it will kill you. Just take the pain, or demand a soporific.

One vending machine kois-bar is the equivalent of a lot of fresh kois, but it's very expensive.

You /can/ be cloned, but your internal phoron tank is irreplaceable and you'll have to spend the rest of the round hooked up to an actual phoron tank. Being borgified is easier; the Hive can transfer you out of the MMI when you get home.

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